tv [untitled] November 10, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PST
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communication, the out reach and the working together of everybody and i did have a visit to supervisor cohen's office and i did talk to her chief and she was not too happy with me, particularly on the communication aspect of things. particularly when we had said it on the last hearing. to talk about and her position was that there was not enough notice given to her and this is their legislation and they were not involved. and kind of just struck me that this was the last thing that i wanted to hear. and we live in a world, director, where our department has to communicate with everybody. and not everybody understands how we get things done and i
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get it, but we always have to take the higher ground and we always seem to have to reach out to these department and make sure that they understand our concerns. and so for example, what are we doing about to add to the staff to this and what are we doing on our end to make this happen? and i really felt that their position was that we were not really engaging with them. and in trying to solve this even though i had whatever five hearings on this here and it does not seem to be a priority with our people, to make sure that our concerns are addressed with them and so i want to be mindful that as a leader we have to be sure that when we have the concerns about these type of items that they are followed through and dealt with and that the communication is done to these departments and i
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am really if the policy is not good enough, we can make the efforts and (inaudible) i know that there are a lot of moving parts but i want to work closely with you in trying to figure this outgoing forward. i think that bill can testify to the fact that we found this out on the friday that we had to react on the monday and we are done with the plan and we are down with the land use and the supervisor was extremely accommodating everything that she could for us to address our concerns. but at the end of the day, she felt that it was our fault that on the last hour that we would kind of come forward to kind of
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correct things and so, with that, that is just a kind of a comment and that i want to put it to the record and it will table this item and we are going to have it come back and hopefully next month if all people can come and i have talked to the fire department this morning and i have talked to the plan check, and it looks like there is going to be money needed to kind of run the models to see how we can do this. and implement this policy. and so i want to talk a little bit about that, and maybe in the next coming week before the next hearing for the fire department to see how they can make this happen and where is that money going to come from to do that and things like that need to be discussed. >> i need you to take the lead on this item and we have 100 days, i think, to get this right. and the way that it is written up. and it is going to happen, and it is going to pass, and so, with that, would i like to move item and table item 9 and move to item 6 if there is no
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objection to our commissioners. >> move that we continue item nine? >> second. >> a motion and a second to continue item 9, is there any public comment on item nine? okay. seeing none, are all commissioners in favor of? >> aye. >> any opposed? >> item will be continued. >> which item are we back on the regular? >> if there is no objection we will go toit em 6. >> item 6,discussion of joint building inspection and planning commission meeting of october 2, 2014 and possible next steps in joint code enforcement efforts. >>
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>> and so, i am going to let my fellow commissioners talk and i know that there are commissioners who are happy with the meeting but with that, we start with commissioner walker that we should revisit and discuss the next steps. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and at our october second meeting, we discussed a lot of about code enforcement, between planning and building, and there are many issues that come up for the city, i believe, around change of use, and the current issues are there are a number of them, but it is a pdr to the office and it is housing to short term rental. and how our departments work together to enforce the rules. once the rules have been established. so, nobody that our, and
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especially our housing division, around the short term rental, we heard from planning and we heard from dbi both, about the process. and there was a lot of of discussion back and forth and there was a commitment to have the departments work together and to come back some time in january to get an update since the or especially the short term rental legislation goes into effect in february. the commissions both wanted to meet again to get an update to the departments about the policies and procedures around that. so, i was really gratified and appreciative of the commissioners taking their time to meet together, to support our departments in all of these very important issues because these codes issues the violations of our building, planning and administrative and housing codes, have a major
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effect on the public, and it is really important that we work together as departments to get it right. and so i just want to reaffirm the request to set up a follow up meeting. and hopefully my commissioners can weigh in in support of that and support our president in setting the date for that some time in january. >> commissioner mar? >> i think it was good that we had that meeting and i was very appreciative of both commissions and the staff of both commissions, because i know for them, it meant a lot of extra work and an extra meeting however, in that meeting, i think that both commissions felt that excuse me, we have more questions than we would, and actually answer, especially for the public that was in attendance and so i agree with commissioner walker that we should have a follow up
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joint meeting sooner than later and if we could do that in the early part of next year that will be great. and i was also gratified to hear from the planning department aside from the code enforcement issue they were also very concerned with the kind of the grid lock that some of the smaller home owners and property owners faced and how the owners wanted to come to dbi for over the counter permits because we tend to get things done fast and her i think that there should be follow through on how both departments with cork together and especially with the smaller home owner and how when they are trying to come to us and it
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was spoken to and which department they come to is a big question and that is something that we can have our agenda in the future. >> >> commissioner melgar? >> so i just wanted to reiterate, that i think that it was clear after that meeting that we needed to have a follow up meeting. and i think and i would, i would venture to say that at that meeting it would be great to have a process, and at least drafted out by taf and i think that all of the public comment, was about legislation and the r. and b legislation. >> yeah. >> and the short term rental. and it includes other companies, the biggest, you know, that i think that it is not a good piece of legislation, and otherwise, and did too. and at this meeting, i was upset that it did not come to
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us before it went to the board and i think that i raised that issue and the fact that the code advisory committee was not taken into account and so i am worried about fire, about fire and egress, and safety and how we draft those policies and procedures, and in terms of who is going to do what, when. and it is crucial. to make sure that we don't get into trouble. on this one. so, and i am hoping that by the time that we turn it that way, that we give that enough time to work out the details, so that by the time that comes to the commission, and you know, it is better public policy than what we have right now, because it is what it is. >> commissioner walker? >> i agree and i know that
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specifically it is not on the agenda specific and the area of code enforcement and we are already seeing cases come to dbi. that have complaints around short term rentals and we, we have directors hearings that are hearing these cases and so our department is already engaged and it would really be wise to hear those issues, that are up, both as we are looking at it, and is this a place that can be rented out to somebody? is it safe? is there health and safety issues? we certainly have the option of looking at those things, at the director's hearing. but, it is not clear to me that we have our ducks or any ducks lined up on this as far as how we are going to evaluate, you know, what is a when is someone living in these buildings and when is it a separate rental, i
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mean that those are very, it rests then, and on our staff, to try and make-up the rules about that. and so, that is, i concur with commissioner melgar that we would like and i would like to see some sort of a protocol and procedures, on how this happens. and that is, and that is kind of what planning has been asked too, is that we work together just like we do with our blighted property, ordinance, like the use issues that are up. and that we end up having to code enforce in kind of various ways. and so, i concur that that... and i mean that we need to do that now because those cases are going to come before us, even, before the legislation is enacted in february. so, i concur with that.
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>> yeah, absolutely i agree with everything that was said there, with regard to commissioner melgar, i do understand the concerns that we should have had a discussion, the advice that we got on that one was, because it was still a moving target and we are trying to figure out what, how it was going to form itself. it moves fast and i wish that it was... (inaudible) and to get the kind of help that it got. but, i agree and so i will bring it back and we will have the discussion and i think that it does need to be talked about and we can't, and there are a lot of open questions still. and to deal with that. and as far as policy, i see it in that same issues that we have over all, is and commissioner walker, and commissioner melgar and all of my fellow commissioners talk about how do we get this done? and it is becoming more and more reality and i think that
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these different legislations that are being passed on us, are becoming very much as a front and point for us. and i think that as a commission we are doing a good job saying that we need an understanding of how we do these types of policies and i think that it is a fair statement and the planning commission meeting i was proud of it and happy with it and i have to admit that i was nervous if it gets off track but everybody was great and i was really and my fellow commissioners and the planning commission members and i found them very receptive and i am all for getting the meeting and everything will be done to do that and we will start that request immediately and see what dates, and they guarantee that it will be january, but we will get the ball rolling on that. commissioner mar and walker, if that is okay. >> okay. >> and i think that, you know, to clarify, on the short term rental, and the process in which came to our code advisory
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committee, it does come once, and i think that what happens was that our code advisory committee raised concerns and i think that the supervisor's office that was drafting the legislation, felt that they addressed those concerns, and the problem was that it did not come back. and i appointed that out and i think that this was something again for us. communication, and i think that in general, not just this legislation but i think that most of the supervisors have been much better in vetting their legislation through the commission and when it effects, you know, codes and different property issues. however, i think that we have to communicate with them, that when it comes to the code advisory committee, once, and the code advisory committee and thes complicated they raise concerns, and it might take a couple of times, back and forth.
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before we feel that we are signing off on those concerns. and so i just, i just wanted to point that out. and because i pointed it out to the supervisor and just because you come to us once and we raise concerns, that is not the end of it. and you are supposed to come back, you know? because it takes time, it takes time to change things, that of our concerns, and we want to make sure that those things are worked out. >> commissioner walker? >> yeah, i understand that it might not be january, but i really think that it would be a mistake not to meet before this specific issue is enacted. or is implemented. because, i think that there were a lot of questions from both commissions and i think that it will not be difficult to do this. and so, it just, it makes sense and i think that we are going to be talking about it and probably they will be, but, i
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think that the whole agreed on policy and procedure that gets forwarded needs to be vetted, by both and in a public way. so the public knows. >> commissioner melgar, on this specific issue and but also in broader terms and i think that our charge is to guide and to set policy for the department. and so, i think that part of the affordability crisis, just requires that we step it up a little bit. and you know, what was, a bumber to me is that on this, short term rental legislation and our voice was kind of absent, you know? which is why i was segrined that i did not come to this and i thought that it should have gone to the code advisory more than once but it should have come to the board and that is because we look at things differently, and for, i think that the dense city issue and the planning issues are the planning issues and i think that there is a whole host of buildings, safety and health
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issues, that were not addressed in the information and there was a lot of conversation about it. and because we understand what the process is, you know, we know that for a tourist from france to wait until the director's hearing to address a life and safety issue is not an option. and so we know these things because we are immersed in this world. and so, i am hoping that you know, we will take the time to come up with policies and procedures, but also that as this legislation, and the looking at, and now supervisor's weiner's legislation and the sort of in between rezoning that are happening and all over the southeastern neighborhoods that we will get ahead of it a little bit in terms of of putting forward, the perspective of the department and the policy of looking at health and safety issues and ventilation, and fire and egress and all of these things that the planning department does not really look at. and in terms of a process the
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way that we look at it because we know how to works. we probably should have that at this meeting. and we are going to have a joint meeting and i think that it should more or less. and commissioner walker, please? and i think at our next meeting it could be an agenda item and then we ask, planning to come too.
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we live in a world where the jeanny is out of the bottle and we have to take the leadership and how to implement these issues and most of these like supervisor weiner's legislation is going to pass because it is the good legislation. and why are we being proactive in trying to figure out up front how we are going to make it happen for him. >> it seems on to me, that we are doing the last hour type of debates. as a department and a city and trying to come up with great ideas on how to work and live together. we have to deal with that.
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and when we have these type of legislations we should be over our head and we have got the problems and how we are going to resolve those problems if this passes? and rather than the in the final hour, we have to go to the board of of supervisors or supervisor cohen who accommodated greatly this on the last day to give us more time to implement it. and so i think that is the direction that this and you have to take, as director because you are going to have a lot more of these types of legislation coming your way. is there anything else? >> we should go to public comment. >> public comment on item 6? >> good morning, department
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association and thank you to your time again and thank you for your time on the second and i think that it was a long meeting and a lot of important questions were raised. i was disappointed that the legislation passed in the form that it did. and the most fundamental planning was a 90 day gap and it was ignored and our belief is from a planning perspective that it is unenforcable and so i would like to talk about your enforcement, and the legislation. it was required to put on the door, the egress and the location of the fire extinguishes and shut off valves and that sort of thing. to enforce that part of the
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legislation and there is about 6,000 or short term rentals in the city now and the legislation becomes effective in february i am disappointed with the legislation and i would like to know the plan. >> is there any further public comment? >> seeing none, which item? >> sorry, all over the board. to item 7 we are back on track.
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dbi and the department, and we did have as i talked about last time, the data migration and the data from the old platform, and my greating to the new platform and that continues to be the area that needs the most attention. we had an extension to the data conversion and i noted on the slide, the three items that have the red dash orders around them. and data conversion and dry run and the user acceptance testing those have all been out a week, but we are able to do this without disrupt the milestones after that which is the user training and the go live preparation and the launch date and so we are dedicated to staying on this schedule, and we believe that we are over the
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last hurtle and we had a very thorough scrub of all of the remaining records. >> we are going to go live on december 20th. and >> or i am sorry, october 20th. >> okay, october. >> and next sunday. >> okay. but there should be no problem when we go live that it will be this. >> correct. >> and one of the sharing the
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information. >> the work that they did, before they actually and announced that date was to make sure that they could launch before, ddi, without disrupting our time line and making sure that when it came our time to go live, dbi's time to go live, that we could do that without disrupting each other at that point. they have assured us that they are launching on the twenth and that we will be able to also launch in december and be able to keep it together. >> i want to thank you for pulling it back on track and staying on schedule and i know that there is a lot of work and it gets hairy toward the end here. but, thank you, very much for
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coming in, and guiding us through this. >> planning will not launch the public portal and that will not be launched until dbi launch and so planning is doing just an internal go live, at planning, so that they could work their details and they did training already, and so, they will go ahead and do a little test run, internally and we go live december 8th together. >> right. >> great.
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>> has there been any projected training or public for the public stake holders? schedule yet? lily and gina from planning, are meeting or have met to work out the details of that, i know that they have got the dates in november, that they are targeting. >> and we want to add some? for that? >> i met with gina from planning and we also working with another set of planning folks today and tomorrow, and we are looking at possibly the second or the third week of november. and for a city wide department introduction, to the system. and that we are planning to
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launch and in early december. and but we are also looking at possible december ten, a few days after, to do maybe, some drop-in, window times by the public to come in, and we are also looking at targeted, stake holders, and our slew of partners that come to visit our counters were planning to reach out to them possibly the week before and we launch and also, do a hands on training with them. and so we have partnered with, or we are partner withing planning to kind of see, whether they will have that and whether we will have the staff at the job in times and figure out what that looks like. >> commissioner walker? >> and may i suggest that we really do an out reach to our code enforcement partners. >> yes. >> and get them in early? and like in the november training? >> yes. >> that would be really good because they, and i am sure that they will use this ace temperature a lot. >> and yes,
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