tv [untitled] November 11, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PST
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license right now we do clean up i talked about our building residents they're just to have us clean up the streets we've installed 3 bright lights and security cameras and security cars there's through assert it's been great and i will mention i want to a lot of neighborhood meetings and 7 out of 8 meetings i mentioned accident entertainment my intention to have djs on the weekends for entertainment so, yeah it's been great so thank you. >> we're going to have questions for you. >> commissioner joseph. >> so you said you just got our liquor licenses. >> it's a 42. >> so you serve beer and wine okay. next you say you have a sound system 4 h-2 and one base
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cabinet only one. >> a medicaid waiver on the bar and f-1010 and one inch speakers but downstairs we ordered the 218 inch for the two particularly to it is coming from england right now. >> is it a traveling system or is it a highway system and the difference is one has a cabinet around and one didn't does that have a cabinet. >> yes. the ground floor is half basement that's where the dj is stations. >> i'm familiar with this system and based speakers base sound travels it sdpoorntd if this is in the basement through
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concrete and the 2, 18 is a pretty big speaker. >> we have a sound proof system for the windows and doors in the downstairs not heard any complaints. >> you don't have the speakers yet. >> we have one base but one base we - and that doesn't answer my question what are you going to do to specifically mitigate the base from the two. >> we already have sound like proofing system if there's needing more we're going to have more. >> i need to put those are base systems on private isolates on something. >> we have limiters.
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>> what. >> limiters. >> because our sound guys will set our sound like if you don't do something with our base i'm just telling you that up front i'm familiar with the system the last question is you said that you are across the street from a playground. >> there's a playground is in the corner of the token hide on the south side to be honest it's not that far but, yeah. >> so i'm assuming at night there won't be a lot of children in the playground but what are you going to do to stop patrons from using the playground. >> we have security guard but on the weekends definitely more
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security guards i've been in the restaurant were there was loud noise when they started i know how the neighborhood feels we'll make sure that we inspector that and encourage people to you know be mindful. >> so you'll have any of your security check the background. >> the playground is enclosed. >> so it has a fence around it. >> yeah. and across the street that's it i'm done. >> commissioner lee. >> what's the ceiling made out of. >> the ceiling. >> above. >> is there any installation. >> there's no installation in the ceiling up there but we i mean, the person lives right at the bar level so the bar is you
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much lower and the basement is much louder. >> the reason i say we've had problems are mecca and market street are where no matter what you do the base will travel to the fourth floor. >> right >> and without installation you know you're going to get phone calls it's disruptive when you have to turn our sound down did you care sound progressively that. >> they used to have four it is your both systems so i don't know what is the problem but we'll definitely sound prove. >> so the one question is related to the police conditions and it is to some stent in odds
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with our application you're asking for 2:00 a.m. and the conditions call for 12:00 a.m. mined have you seen that. >> i've talked with the officers he's been great we've cooperating together and so it's been great i told them we need to have 12 clock to the weekends. >> okay. so that doesn't quite answer my question has been been a change in the recommendation from sf pd because what i have in front of me as a midnight. >> i would like to say those are recommendations for us to discuss those are things we can add or change ourselves but i believe that this is what we're going to get more
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information about 3 as we move along so, in fact, i'd like to ask you about your process i received a couple of e-mails one of them from the alliance for a better 6th district and that happened at the may 8th and 21st those places heard about you're absent absent license but. >> that's not true i believe i went to the i was able to talk to twice i mentioned the licenses and the dmz on weekends at the last meetings i skipped it i think we also talk about a whole plans when captain in the office i mentioned the djs on
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the weekends and it's been my intention to get. >> i got the e-mail. >> i got that e-mail. >> you never mentioned the dj. >> i said to talk about the pg n process in the city during that process you had made some commitments would you like to talk about those. >> definitely so when we first went to the pc meeting to february of this year i didn't believe we could survive if we closed another 12 o'clock so i have the recommendations from the supervisors office and to the police office we got to hold our license then went back to the
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place at that time, we were actually agreeing with the alu to 12 o'clock and agents the commissioner decided that the after hearing in the neighborhood i decided we should do t do the 12 o'clock and gave me an ultimatum so i accept i wanted to get approved i leased this place last october this was october i've been paying all the rents we just opened so it's been a slow process for me and my staff and people also. >> could you go back and discuss this with the people the
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committee did you discuss this with the police did you discuss the need beyond 12 o'clock. >> yes. i guess i didn't go to the supervisors office i told sunny it was my - i didn't talk to them but i invited officer torres and talked about the approval he was happy we cleaned up and had the video cameras and the security so it was good. >> i want to ask you a question you're absent absent permit is to midnight. >> yes. >> of we granted you a permit to 2 o'clock in the morning you'll not been able to serve alcoholic beverages beyond maintained we have no power to change the abc.
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>> abc will allow thursday through saturday to 2:00 a.m. >> that's what i wanted to be clear on >> are there other questions we're going to call up the police. >> good evening supervisors i'm officer torres representing the captain of the tenderloin station our recommendation is what we've submitted and our experience has been that first of all, mr. livingston doesn't have experience running a night club bar this is the first business he's operating as a club and bar he has experience as a bartender and we worked in
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korea where he did something like that not in san francisco the second issue we have is that the location was closed for probably about 4 years the old black hawk night club on tucker that opened 2011 they obtained a liquor licenses and also a place of entertainment when the place was opened we had lots of problems with people outside making noise, noise comblaments from the liquid music inside the night club and fiethsdz outside and one of the issues is that particular location is very small it has a narrow bar and it has like another area right towards the end of the location and the maximum occupants is
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probably like 80 people or so so with tends to happen it is such a small place people go outside smoking cigarettes and talking and basically, what you have is a party outside on the street so our issue here is that since mr. livingston doesn't have experience and problems in the past at this location for the first 6 months so see how he operates allow him to have entertainment until midnight his liquor licenses allows i am him to stay open until 2 handsomely an thursday, friday and saturday the remaining days of the week
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he is to close at midnight that's part of the compromise that the board of supervisors, the alu and captain and everybody involved decided that is a fair thing to do i have statistics so show from 2011 to the date that this particular location close down you, see the high volume of calls for service i have copies if you want to see them. >> do we have questions for the officer. >> does he have a head of security. >> only what ease told him he plans to have two security guards and we've asked those
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conditions are savoring the consumer department and have ensured cards he says he'll have one on the inside and one on the outside. >> so you don't know if someone with experience is going to control this. >> no. >> any other questions okay. thank you we'd to call up sunny from supervisor jane kim's the talented sunny. >> well, thank you commissioners thanks for having me i was not anticipating coming but my understanding was he was going to work things out with the captain i received phone call from the captain stating that they were unable to reach an agreement over the closing time for that the of most brogs
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period he asked me to present the position that was born out of a lot of community process we've friend through the process you know, i one of the things i think is of concern to the office this is a very impacted area certainly the commissioner joseph brought up the children's playgrounds there is a lot of fenced off a parking lot next to the hide and it has been a magnet for opener drug dealing and you know recreational drugs you know all kinds of different illicit and legally activities the level of calls they field on a regular basis really trying to create a working relationship with the proprietor that will
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allow them to address and mitigate those issues going forward what we've seen as far we're not there yet and i was at the neighborhood services committee meeting that was chaired by supervisor campos and supervisor yee and supervisor mar supervisor wiener committee members and me basically passed a resolution auto out of the committee mr. livingston agreed to a 6 month probation period where we'll he'll bros close at midnight this is ultimately highway license has been granted to sell alcohol until 12 o'clock but closing for the initial of month period to give an opportunity to for the police to work with him
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and him with the community also right next door they've got residents that come out to the pc hearing from a local nonprofit that is active in the community has concerns moving forward we would like to see commitments that get photocopied after the hearing mr. livingston i was told he would be having jazz bands there there's a big difference for me from house bands and d house dmz that go to 2 o'clock in other morning but it's different so there's a lot of concerns i'm definitely in support of captains request this condition be applied to their
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entertainment permit. >> sunny is it your understanding that mr. livingston adding if we got the alcohol permit thursday and friday and saturday until 2:00 a.m. not doing entertainment past midnight is that what he agreed to. >> i have the puc resolution signed by the mayor in front of me the first clause the sales of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted between 11 and 2 o'clock for the first 67 monthso to that's itself primary discussion our discussion about entertainment was after the hearing was open we wanted to establish the next steps and get an understanding of what was next. >> what did he promise our
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office. >> after that i mean that would be in keeping with his business operation i don't know why you know a house dj is there go until 2:00 a.m. if they're not operating as a bar my understanding is they'll be closed at midnight for the first of months after that i think it was clear that would be until 2:00 a.m. so let me say we want to see this corner activated this business be a success and want it to be a part of the community and to be neighborhood leaders that corner needs a lot of activities i understand mr. livingston's concerns about not generating income but it's license allows him to sell alcoholic beverages until
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2:00 a.m. but starting at 6 in the evening this corner is a problem all day if you're intending to bring this vibrant activation and prevention it would be great if it started at 6 and went to 2:00 a.m. when there's a different crowds our police force their strapped we're working on getting the tenderloin the resources they need they're one of the most impacted police districts in the entire city. >> do we have any other questions for sunny come on up. >> yep. >> just foyer clarification mr. livingston was granted a liquor licenses and the liquor license stipulations he's loudly to
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serve alcohol 11:00 a.m. until midnight sunday through thursday and friday and saturday alcohol actually 2:00 a.m. and certainly it doesn't mean he has to close if he has entertainment and certainly can play background music and stay open until 2:00 a.m. if it's not loud. >> can you just the difference between serving alcohol until 2:00 a.m. and having something playing in the background as opposed to a dj. >> to me if you're going to be playing dj music it's associated with distancing and a lot of the people and background microscopic is just background music if you have dj people are go in there and distancing and
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stuff. >> would officer like to come up and address that issue lieutenant sorry. >> (laughter). >> sorry. >> commissioner hyde and sxhishgz lieutenant with the san francisco police department before i get to the specific issue tlrns there's been a trend happening over the last couple of years in our committee as well as the board of supervisors where everybody the supervisors office eased the police department and the community were collaborating with the businesses so the supervisor staff spoke candidly but what's been happening at the 11th hour applicants are showing up trying to renegotiate here we're referencing the board of supervisors if anything that really negative gaits the community many think
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it's resolved because they're relying on officer torres or the captain there's an agreement and historically and i think that's itself beauty of san francisco your word means a lot in the city a lot more than our signature sometimes generally speaking we come from the board and committees certainly over the years thing come up but this is a trend you guys may want to be looking at closer how you are perceived in the future what is tricky i'm familiar i did the license with officer torres he's our senior permit officer in the department i did mine for over a decade it's very, very small this is like licensing our living room it has a narrow bar
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it talks uppermost of the space that's not a comfortable place you take stairs down to the basement level i remember it like yesterday's it had lived dj not live but dj amplified music this was problematic it's amazing everybody is trying to make this work the supervisors office and the police department we're asking for a gave back can doly if i was hear it would have played anti differently the department might have been more aggressive looking at a 12 month review relating to the abc one that being said i think going actually 2 in the morning like officer torres said with dj some
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kind of microscopic is a different feeling than running background music but that's your decision to make. >> great any questions. >> thank you very much. >> thank you do we have public comment on this application? >> hello commissioners, i live at 124 turkey, how small the place is can be aggravation for the neighbors because people feel sometimes sro's or protecting buildings or senior buildings do count as reasons for not standing in front of their building and not peeing in their flowerpots i'll ask you
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don't grant the live dj because that corner is problematic and i don't see nothing but chaos it going to end up happening i'll ask that you have him do a graffiti removal class for free he can be part of that i'll do the training with him to do stuff like this to make an impact on the block because even though he isn't open until 6 again, if he gets the dj thing they'll end up building an apartment in connection next door to that building eventually and i'll ask you to let him have a jukebox that's correct.
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>> thank you. is there any more. all right. seeing none, the matter is with the commission >> commissioner joseph. >> so i'm concerned one concern he has no experience and two because the bars described is very small and he's ordered a function one sound like system we know it's big and audio disco and places like that has a cabinet around it makes it revisibility the sound and intense fizz the sound as if it didn't have a cabinet i'm concerned if the space is really that small the sound system is an issue i'm concerned he does not have experience
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but more than anything i'm concerned about the before and after we have an agreement not an agreement commissioners i'd like to continue this until the next meeting and have the applicant sit down again with the supervisors office and the police and come to a final agreement with everyone is on the same page because if you stop serving alcohol but does do music people are not going to be drinking water there's going to be doing something else my motion to continue this for a week and have him recede and negotiate and come back with a final agreement to present to us i'm uncomfortable with this
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just very uncomfortable with the trial period i'm not sure that's even what are you going to do in the trial period didn't work that's my motion. >> i second with infringe add on conditions. >> i suggest that he would have a experienced security team or h o s even if you have one and have a conversation with the police department so they feel comfortable your front door is open sound like you're a dj playing not urge not going to be outside right now they no interaction with experience so i support a second on commissioner joseph motion. >> just
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