tv [untitled] November 12, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PST
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like myself, go out and find, the set ran and interview them, and record those interviews and then submit them along with the required paperwork to the library of congress, where they are archived. and now the library has encouraged us to focus our efforts on senior veterans, particularly world war ii, because the population is rapidly dwin delling and way nt to capture those while they are still here and available for interviews and now. the most difficult part of this process and locating these veterans and extending to participate in the program, and that is why i am here today. and i have reached out to the office on aging and adult services and we had a meeting last week, we sat down at a table and she proposed a fantastic idea that we sit down and have a meeting with the activities directors for several of the senior centers
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in the san francisco area. and we are planning on doing that. i am here today to let you know about this project and the effort to locate the veteran and to ask you about any help that the commission can give in extending our invitations to the veterans in the san francisco area, who are participating in the program and i am happy to take any questions. >> i have an invitation for you. >> okay. >> come october 11th, that is saturday, the american legoion, we meet once a month, 1524, power street. >> okay. >> across the street is (inaudible). >> great. >> you probably know some of those members. >> i probably do. october 11th, and i will be there. >> thank you very much. >> and 11:30. >> and good lunch at 12. >> outstanding. i mean, that these meetings tend to be the best way to find
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veterans particularly senior veterans and i have attended numerous meetings in the east bay, over in concord, they have a meeting every third thursday of the month in the back of a dennies and brings over 100 veteran and on the d-day commemoration, they had five stand up and tell their stories of par participating in the d-day, invasion. and so, thank you for the invitation, i will be there. >> i would just suggest that most of these veterans are probably getting health services, and so i hope that you have been out to the va hospital, a lot of them are in the cafeteria, and just, they have different venues outside and around and so most of them are already getting care. and so you just step out to the va hospital. and there are a lot in the lobby and i know that ucsf has free, not ucsf, but uc berkeley, their law school had a program that they were giving advice free legal advice to
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veterans so, you might want to have a little table out there and i am sure that you will get a lot of stories out there. >> out standing, i appreciate that recommendation as well. >> one other, and have you been in touch with sldn. >> no. >> and i think that i have that right and i will pull it up and i know that i don't have the service to pull it up. >> it is lgbt advocacy organization and they were formed to work for the don't ask don't tell and i think that it exists in the city and headquarters here and there are two people that i know, zoe doning is one that you may remember as a navy officer that was drumed out of the military and has had a very successful career in the community, and sthe will be a resource for you and, bob dokendorf who has been active in that organization and he is a retired navy officer. >> fantastic, i will reach out to them. thank you. >> one of the things, too, and
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because i work with the library, and they have story corp, which is it regarding older and i am working with them, and they are recording older people history and they have got to do that with older african americans in their history in san francisco. and so, they may be something that you might want to use their services. >> absolutely. >> and so i have a meeting at 11:30, so... >> okay, i will talk to them. thank you so much. >> and commissioners i advise you and i would love to sit down and do your interviews if you would like to participate in the program. >> i have some stories. >> okay. >> thank you so much. and unless there are any further questions? >> i appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. public comment? >> hi, again, i will make this quick i wanted to give an update on the work that we have all talked about as far as
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improving the conditions in sors and people with disabilities and we have a film training about the lifes of the residence of the in the hotel and that will be on the 21st, from 2:00 to 4:00 at the san francisco main library and that is free and open to all. thank you. >> and okay. and thank you, >> what time was it? >> 2:00 >> yeah. >> 2:00 >> okay. >> review and approval of the fiscal year 2014/15 california department of aging, supplementary nutrition assistance program, education snap, ed, contract sp 1415-06, and all subsequent ad mendments staff, linda lau. could i have a motion to
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discuss? >> so moved. >> second. >> it is moved and seconded. >> okay. >> good morning commissioner and director, our department of aging adult services is requesting approval to enter in a new contract with the california department of aging, and to participate in one-time program called the supplementary nutrition assistance program, education, and it is called snap ed for short and the state, actually, received 2.5 million dollars, of federal funding, and to fund that 20 par participating area agencis on aging and we are one of them. and so san francisco, we are based on the interstate funding for that and we will be receiving 119,000, and 84 dollars for the fiscal year of 14, 15 and we have an agreement with the state, to select three low income senior news sites or
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housing sites, and that meets the requirements which is 185 percent of federal poverty level for the dem graphics and we propose to it and the project is several found and one of the ideas is to by growing and harvesting and having these gardens, and the urban gardens that they will be able to increase the access to the healthy food as well as also the activity and the physical activitis that they might enjoy. and we will be working with the recreation and parks department to help with this project and they have a lot of expertise in this area, and we already reached out to them, and they have some contracts that they already work with that have the
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expertise to help us build the gardens in the sellive sites as part of this project and this is to provide the education and so there will be usda approved, curriculum to include and for these participants for these sites and one of the approved curriculums is esmart and live strong and we will be using that along with the other tools that they will provide to us and part of the project is to be able to evaluate the preand post test to see what the impacts will be. and we will provide the programs and offer these to the selective sites and one of them is ti chi and moving for better balance and this is, there are
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contractors, and that are able to have been certificated to be able to provide this and so we will be subcontracting, and to offer this train to trainer type of program, and so that, sites that will, that are interested in offering this, will be able to send, either a staff, or a volunteers to attend this training, and then, bring it back to the program, and then there will be staff to basically, help over see the program, and then making sure that it is implemented in appropriately, and along with that, there will be other curriculum called eating smart and living strong and i mentioned about that, but the important component of that is to include, food demonstrations, and ways for people to help pace and give back and that is important, and it is not enough to share the information, to be able to offer them practical skills to be able to do that. >> and so, we asked for your
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approval to accept this grant from the california department of aging and adult services. and if you have any questions, i will be happy to entertain. >> have you selected a site? we are in the process. and we have proposed to the cba that we will start the federal fiscal year starts in october. and so, this month, and we have, we, once this is approved, we actually will go through the process of selecting appropriate sites that will be able to meet the requirements of the state has. >> and have you selected the site yet? >> we have not. and there are, and there are potential sites that actually meet and a lot of the requirements and so, we have candidates and we have yet to
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meet with them. and to you know, work out the details, and of course, part of the process, that we have and we any needed to follow the contracting process and making sur that it is appropriate. >> and should this (inaudible) be able to start off in october? like maybe, in december first? okay? and can the money be carried over to the following year? >> we believe that we will be able to spend the money by june 2015. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> june 2015. or next september? >> yeah. >> no, it is june, 2015. we need to spend the money. >> yeah. >> permission... >> yeah. and commissioner, lau was kind of asking the similar questions because i was confused about the dates, because the document was issued on august the 12 and this it dates the availability of funds, july first, yes. >> we are talking about it in october. >> so let me clarify that.
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>> and the funding, actually was available, in july, but, because the late notice and everything else, we some decided to actually start and were able to start sooner, but for us, with our other things going on, we said and we will not be able to, and so for us, we, told the state, that we will implement our program, it will be from october through june. and the money is actually available. and you know, we were finally got the contract from the state and the paperwork has been signed, but, we can't complete the grant process, until we have this approved by the commission, as well. >> and my follow up question is, it seems like a lot to accomplish with a little less than $120,000. and there is no actual program budget in support of this.
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that i saw. but i see how you are going to spend that money to accomplish the three major goals. >> we have the budget that was the best estimate that we submitted to the state and that is the best estimate and we can update that once we have our contracts awarded. and i know that this, and i know that budget was not included in your packet, but yes, for the administration for the particular program, and it will be in-kind, in terms of staffing for myself, kind of over seing that, but we will be awarding for the gardening project, if i recall is approximately, $60,000 and about half of the budget will be for the gardening project and the other half is for the education pieces which will include, of course, some contracting for the staffing
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and the nutritionist, or the other trained educators to be able to deliver the curriculum and capture all of the data required for the reporting in evaluations, and as well as supply from the materials for the food demonstrations etc.. >> and yeah, so the tichi trainer for example. >> it is included. correct. >> that is a one time, consulting, position in terms of contracting out, with the trainer, and that is estimated to be about just one day training, and it is about 1500, and so it is a two day training, yeah. >> and i will just say that if this was and if we had to establish these programs really from the ground up and the truth is that because we have the nutrition providers and we are partnering with the park and rec and we do have the people in the community that do the evidence based programs and that gives us the leg up and if we did not have that, i think that you are correct, we will be starting to spend, even
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though this is not in any way a lot of money and it is a lot of money to spend in that period of time. >> they want to require that we collaborate with the other departments like the department of public health, and the other and the uc extension and the other entities that are already are receiving the snap ed money and they are receiving for a number of years. and this is our first year. but they have, experience, and we will be collaborating with them, to do three health fares and to be able to get the messages out, and they are and, so that is really does, and that really helps us to get things moving quickly. >> are the health fares already existing and ongoing and plug
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into an existing health fair? >> yeah. >> and where are the under served parts of the county that you described in the second paragraph? >> the bay view. >> and the western has the pockets where you know, seniors are, and there is not a lot of resources there, and there is quite a bit of need. they are working with the rec and park for the gardening project and so there are actually, and one of the prime candidates, and that we will be
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approaching, them, and they have expressed interest and so we actually did a survey to find out, you know, have a meeting with some of the providers to say who is interested, and this is kind of coming up, and so we got some preliminary data already. >> okay. commissioner loo? >> this is the first that you have the project, will it be continuing the funding coming in or just one time only? >> it is a one time only, funding, and this state, is hopeful that if the things work out well, they will reapply and that they will get another year. >> yes, because otherwise, you spend the money to do the project and it is wasted and it should be continuing. >> we hope so, >> i think that is the reason that we picked these three topics and because the ti chi is training the trainer and so we are hopeful that we use the money to train the folks and maybe we can get the folks coming in and depending on the
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key partners and the gardens we are hoping will be sustain able, and that volunteers and the folks will work on those and i think that the educational piece of this, and the materials and others, and we would work really hard to see that that is maintained in the community. and but you are correct, it is always hard to get the money and not have it again and i think that the staff has been very diligent at really looking that why are those programs that if we never got a dime again in this program, would have some success in sustaining themselves in and so, good comment, though. >> thank you. >> any other questions? >> okay. >> any other questions? >> okay. if not, i will call for the vote. all in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? >> ayes have it, so the motion is carried.
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thank you. >> public comment at this time? >> public comment? >> hearing none, announcements? >> announcements? hearing none, public comment, hearing none. i call for a motion to adjourn. >> so moved. >> second. >> it has been moved and seconded that we adjourn the meeting. >> and thank you. >> meeting is adjourned.
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>> we've never been in so much focus worldwide and will not be this this is a the moment in time when a story going and make a wish is a program that fulfills wishes for children we operate in every cities there are 62 chapters. our chapter was formed in 8984 we fulfilled 24 wishes. our chapter covers from movntd ray 17 communities and we expect to fully 3 hundred and 50 wishes this year. we send verizon's it out to the wish families and interviews the wish child and if you do their
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heartfelt wish then go to work to make it happen. dismissals is a 5-year-old boy who was diagnosing diagnosed with life without parole when he was 20 months old he's 5 hose now in remission he had his port removed hose monopoly on the chemotherapy. this particular wish the parents wanted to wait until he had energy. i began assigning this wish with the family in march and started to understand the two miles how are we going to achieve that i
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made a bold statement into turning this into goth am city. it codify catapulted. so, now it's a much for ininaccurate indicate from the divorce. people starting twoet and reposting and it went viral. it was incredible about make a wish he wanted to be thinking about being batman. there's been a lot of super issues that have happened cross the country but i think that can only happen in san francisco the mayors on board and the city hall it's an incredible outpouring and i love how san
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francisco is in the spotlight here and people around the world sending their love to san francisco. you kids we thank you for your encourage and we wish we can erase the pain we hope this is the day of magic and that you'll remember this forever. bat kid forever in san francisco >> san francisco is unique in this way and it's part of our compassion and we have a civic duty to be involved and people are stepping forward if in huge way. it's about san francisco and it's inspired by miles and about every child who has a severe
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>> san francisco recreation and parks department offers classes for the whole family. rec and parks has a class for everyone. discover what is available now and get ready to get out and play. henri matisse. frida kahlo. andy warhol. discover the next great artist. get out and play and get inspired with toddler classes. experience art where making a mess is part of the process.
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classes and the size the artistic process rather than the product. children have the freedom to explore materials at their own pace and in their own way. talks love art, especially when they died into the creative process -- dive into the creative process. at the end of the classes, they have cleaned and washup. great way to get out and play. for more information, visit that out and play and get into the groove. rec and parks offers dance classes for seniors.
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first-time beginners or lifetime enthusiasts -- all are welcome. enjoy all types of music. latins also, country and western. it is a great way to exercise while having lots of fun. seniors learn basic moves and practice a variety of routines. improve your posture, balance, and flexibility. it is easy. get up on your feet and step to the beat. senior dance class is from sf rec and park. a great way to get out and play. >> for more information,
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