tv [untitled] November 15, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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>> good morning, would you call the roll? >> chair kim has a scheduling conflict with will not be prept, and therefore, harper will precede. >> director lee. >> here. >> nuru. >> present. >> reiskin. >> present. >> sartipi, present. >> and harper. >> you have a quorum, thank you very much. >> communications?
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>> we had technical things, and stgtv and it is marvelous that they keep us rolling like they do and keep this rare as they do, any little, anyone who does not think that this terminal is necessary, should have been with me on bart, the trains were all off schedule and everything was totally rush loads and, cheek to cheek. it is really necessary >> any others? >> not that i am aware of. >> okay, old and new business? >> board of directors? >> anything? >> no? >> and then we will go right into the executive director's report. >> good morning, everyone. we will begin today by reporting on our most recent successful milestone that took place last friday on the site
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of our transit center construction area and we celebrated the aoe mer begans of the fissioner steel column above ground for the transit center and i was joined by over 100 people, including the chair of the california high authority and richard assembly woman nancy skinner and i was also joined by the board of directors greg harper and vice chair harper and director sartipi and many others. and i think that there is a slide or a picture that i want to show of the super hero who is holding up the steel column and i am not sure if it is going to show up. but that is the super hero holding up the column getting ready to put it on the sight and it was really a wopdful event and we are joined by james gordon and the san francisco ta and executive director change and of course, we had our chair, vice chair tedol enwith us as well. and as a reminder shs we will have over 22,000 tons of steel
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when we are done constructing the transit center, everything will be supplied and fabric ated dow nestically we have everyone across 19 different states and i want to point out something that is very important and that is the column that was put in place, the column that you see there and all of the columns installed at the transit side have a unique and innovative seismic safety design and i thought that it was important that i asked sean mcneill to give a brief overview of what the design is and why it is so important. and so we could have sean, come up. >> good morning, board. >> this one right here. >> what? okay, great. >> where does it light up here? >> there it is. >> okay, fantastic, and so, the element that i am talking about
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is shown in the upper left-hand and it is a plate that can be found at the topps of the columns and the bottoms of the columns at the ground floor level, all right? and so, the right photograph shows that the column that is above this transfer girter is offset from the column that is below the transfer girter and this is due to the functioning requirements as we move from the park level at the top down to a train platform down at the bottom. so, because of this offset, we need to make sure that the forces that originate in the upper make the way to the bottom part of the building in a completely reliable fashion, all right? and the kinds of things that we need to do is we need to protect that connection from little failure. and to that end, we decided to use a bolted connection, and so
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that it is a, you know any problems with we woulds do not propagate into the transfer girter and the second thing that we wanted to do was to limit the amount of force that can go into this transfer girder and so we wanted to be sure that the column above and below connect and the forces are transferred and in a reliable fashion, all right? and so i am going to explain a little bit how it works. if you look at the plate in the upper left, you will see that there are two fraofs on either side of the column, and what they do, is that when the structure moves under a seismic event, that plate will yield or flex at those two groves. and this allows the column to remain elastic and allows the transfer girder to remain elastic and also puts a limit on the amount of force that can go into this transfer girder and the main goal is protecting the load path. and i think that the closest
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analogy would be the proverb that says that the green reed sways in the wind, while the strong oak may break in the storm. so that is what we are trying to do with this connection. and this connection is unique, and innovative and it was conceived of and designed by thomas eddie and requires hundreds of hours of analysis and we are pleased to have this on our job, and does the board have any questions? >> excellent. thank you. >> so directors after over four years of working underground and building the rail foundations putting in the geo thermal piping and everything else that we are doing as well as the foundation and now the public will be able to see the station coming up above ground and so we are excited about that and this last slide sxit em that i wanted to mention was that last month we mentioned that we will be bringing to the boarded to ab update on the progress of common boarding
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heights. and at the request of the rail operators, we are going to be putting this item off in terms of the update to december, because they are doing a lot of technical work and analysis and we thought that it would be best to give them the time to conclude or at least get that work under way before we brought them back, but nonetheless they are coming in december to give an update. and i would like steve to give the update on the construction work. >> good morning, directors, steve rul with turner construction, providing construction oversight services. as the executive director pointed out we had great milestones this month, not only the steel starting in october, and the ceremony last week, but also the final lab pour and just a reminder of how we break the project up and the over all schedule and we are still on track for that fall, 2017 date. and now with the steel starting
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we can start analyzing the erection sequence and they are following what the plan was and they are always looking for ways to improve that and as that is a critical path item. and here is a tracker that we have discussed before. and the just a couple of minor spins on that it reflects the bid packages that were approved at the last board meeting and one small change order that was done in the last period to the bse contractor. and safety has been very good this past period over 50,000 crew hours, and no recordables or lost time incidents in the month of october. and we are hoping that trend holds. and so, 1.2 million craft hours to date, 50,000 more from the last period, and the steel trial assemblies are proceeding and we started the structural steel in the field and a lot of great and things like that going on. and down in the east end, we completed the final lab pour
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and we have additional pictures of that coming up. and so the eastern zone is focused on what we used to call zone four, is focused on the first and second lift walls in the foundations and the rest of the projects are working on the lower concourse and we should actually get the final and i believe that the final central section, lower concourse pour was this week and we are almost to free mont street with that and the next pour. just, a progress chart and you can see 100 percent done in the lower concourse work in the west and 80 percent now, i believe that it is 100 percent as of this week and they will start, filling in to get some of that going in the east end and columns and walls are all up to date, and the progress is going quite well. so just some shots, that is the final pour down in the west end of the project. and basically, eight or nine hour pour to complete all of the lower concourse areas, down
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in the western zone. also in the western zone, that third lift wall work and the rebracing that proceeding the structural erection and moving into the central zone it was all about the central steel erection and before we could have that ceremony was actually physically cutting a chunk out of the construction trussle that has been there for a couple of years now and at 9.5, they removed that and started putting in the columns that actually support the transfer girder that sean was just talking about. there is the lower concourse and the anchor bolts for the come ums and on the 29th of october, the first arrived in the morning and was erected that day and below grade and those columns were the first to come out and that supports the column that sean was talking about. there is that first column in place, being hoisted and set in place, on the base plates down the lower concourse.
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and the transfer girder going in place. which led to that column ceremony that we had last week. and in the eastern zone it was all about getting that final slab in and that represents about 14 months worth of concrete work and foundation slab and 55,000 cubic yards and to date we have poured close to 90,000 cubic yards of concrete and the finished work and including the walls and columns and the lower concourse slabs. and also, in the eastern zone as i mentioned before they are working on columns in the first and second levels of the wall lift and starting to put in the deck for the lower concourse. structural steel fabrication continues, that is one of the ground level cast nodes being attached to the transfer girder and we have one on site now and the work is pro-guessing with these sections.
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and we will start to see more of these come to the site. and as far as cast note, 181 out the door of the 304 and we still anticipate the completing of the casting or early and second quarter of next year. and the bus ramp work continues and we have actually poured a couple of the cidh piles up on the via duct section and the first of two deeper piles for the pile on nine which will support the main pile for the cable state bridge. and a couple. pictures of that. and in the lower left, there is the rebar cage being lowered into the cidh piles and the right picture is the equipment being used to excavate the pile and which is a rectangular pile that sets in to a rock socket and all the way to bed rock. and finally, just the next 30 or 90 days, and continue the lower concourse and moving that east as quickly as possible and
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the third lift walls and of course the second and third lift walls in the east end and the bus ramp work will continue and 19 total cidh piles and one more pile to do. and we obviously we will continue structural steel, and starting this month, actually the mechanical and plumbing contractors had the first coordination meeting and now we will add it is on your agenda today to approve the electrical contract and we will add them to the coordination mix this month. and going on it is really going to all be about structural steel and trying to keep the concrete out ahead of the steel. and the labor break downs and the percentages are holding for our locals. and the still seeing 18 percent over all from san francisco. apprentices about the same number coming from san francisco, of all of the apprentices 32 percent from the city. and as far as total labor there is over 2,000 employees, and individual employees that have hit the work, here in at the
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transit center project. happy to answer any questions. >> questions? >> i have one that is, when you stopped to talk about the steel arriving on the 29th and being erected that afternoon or something. it made me realize how important the just in time delivery is on this job and how critical that is and of course the streets and everything around it that has got to cooperate very well to do that and it is amazing that you know, the coordination. and is the plan to, when you, to do a full at grade slab at some point that might alleviate the tightness of that problem? >> well not during the steel erections. >> during any of the steel erections? >> not during any of the steel, will have that platform and they have to erect, the entire elevation of the project all the way to the roof deck in the sections we call that billboarding because it literally looks like a billboard instead of doing one floor of the whole length of the project and another floor,
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they will actually go to the full height and they will never have the opportunity with a lot of the lay down space with the steel as i understand they do have the local property and they do have the steel arriving slightly ahead of schedule and keep it on the trailer and park the trailer in the storage lot and bring it out to the project as they need it. and obviously it is close timing between feeding the project with the steel arriving and because we don't have especially for the size of the elements we don't have the storage on site, later when the train gets poured and the floor slab for the finished trades there will be more room to stage the material on there and the bus deck and the roof deck for the specific activity and not for the structural steel. >> that is what makes it more complex, and a lot harder. >> any other questions? >> okay. >> directors that concludes my report. >> thank you very much. >> okay. >> next up on your agenda is your citizen's advisory
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committee update. >> board members and executive director, thank you once again for allowing us the opportunity to address you. i wanted to alert you to the fact that our last board meeting as in previous ones, we have been helping set the agenda, and the staff especially scott bula has been extremely responsive in bringing to our agenda each of these items as we request them. and among, our concerns that we will be watching in the future was with the federal elections kevin mccarthy, of course, becoming house majority leader, is an opponent to cal and to the high speed rail and as nancy pelosi was our great advocate and that is something that we will keep watching all of the time and in contrast to
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that the giant's ceo and the mayor have addressed an interest in possibly having a san francisco olympics and so that may further add to the help behind the project and both the vice chair and myself sit on the vision zero team, and so we are very interested in making sure that there is no accidents or incidents as we call them now, around the project once it is developed, but we are very interested in monitoring that and all of us are happy with the supervisor's support in that kind of thing and so all of that allow with the idea that we were able, and thanks to scott, having the interim report on from susan g, on the san francisco steady of all of the possible conflicting
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issues. and around the i280 and that was wonderful and it is an interim report and obviously nothings that hasz been done yet and we take great pride in the work of staff, and crew. in our celebration of the steel erection and we believe of course, that as the public gets to see above ground and we are coming in and the subpoena power will only continue and so those are the topics that i wanted to address to show you where we were going and to thank once again, scott and the entire staff for helping us and at the end of each meeting, i asked, are there any future topics that you want addressed and scott has been helpful in that and i want going to turn the report over to vice chairman bruce, and he will discuss just a couple of topics, the interim uniform platform, which you will hear in december, and phase one
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budget and contingency funding and these goes to show you how we are doing the due diligence, so bruce? >> good morning, directors and executive director, i am the vice chair of the tcagcac, and the first one is the uniform platforms and we received a update at the most recent meeting on that cal train and high speed rail have been involved in productive meetings on this issue with the executive directors of both agencies present at the meeting on november 6th. we are pleased to hear the agents are working through the issues, options and alternatives, and are preparing to meet with or report to the fta and fra on november 25th. and also, we are pleased to know that this issue will be heard, at an upcoming land use committee meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors.
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and we know an opt mal resolution of this issue is key to maximize the operational flexibility, and capacity, and passenger accessibility of these systems and associated infrastructure to effectively meet our transportation needs for generations to come. these issues are truly front and center and we look forward to an update at our next cac meeting on december 9th and the second item is a follow up on an update on the phase one budget. and this was an update, that we believe ended in september and we again, we applaud the efforts of the executive director, and the project team, for their focus on cost associated with phase one of this project and however, based on the update provided at the cac we continue to be concerned with phase one coming in the authorized budget of 1.899 billion dollars and let me explain this follows and i am sure that you will have more detail from the project team today. and at the end of october, as steve mentioned on one of the
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slides, there is currently 166 million dollars, in program contingency reserve and three bid packages will be given today and if approved, it will leave, 133 or, 134 million in contingency, remaining bid packages is 214 million and assuming these trends continue, the use of additional will be needed and somewhere between, 50 and 80 million dollars, of contingency over the remaining three years of construction and as we all know that is a tight contingency and we understand that there is no, and there are no easy answers, or silver bullet, this is a complete challenge based on a project of this magnitude and the team is working hard, and these bids are truly impacted by current conditions with that said, we encourage the team with the support of the board, to continue to identify as many qualified bidders and push the
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envelope on the bid packages to put us in the best position to receive favorable qualified bids for consideration, the third item is that we want to commend the project team for its pro-active engagement, and obvious, best practices working with the community. and night, noise is currently a pretty considerable issue, in the rented hill area with the multiple development projects that are currently under way and we understand that the department of building inspections has met with the tgpa project team and to learn about the successful, protocol and community out reach strategies, which has allowed the transbay project to move forward and including the necessary use of nighttime work, with the minimal number of complaints in community satisfaction and that ends what i have to report, and any questions? >> helpful to hear from the
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cac, first they referenced that they had gotten an update of the planning department of the study of the rail yards and alignment and all of that, do we know when we are planning to come back to this body? >> well they presented the work that they are doing and they did not give an update in terms of any conclusions and we are waiting to hear from them and i believe that it is january, or is it march now, brian? that they are supposed to be... >> so in december they will be meeting with us, but as soon as we know what they have... when we are ready to present something determinive we will bring it to the board. >> the second thing and i don't know if we want to talk about it now, is the contingency draw
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down and i guess that my question is through the various risk assessments that were done and i think that you had previously told us that the fta came in and gave us one and do they have recommended levels of and can we see how we are tracking relative to what those levels? er >> yeah, and we can address them when we hit the package items. >> okay, thank you. >> okay. >> okay. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> very good work. >> moving into your next item is public comment, which is an opportunity for the members of the public to address you on matters that are not on today's calendar and directors i have not received any indication that a member of the public wants to address you under this item. >> mr. patrick would like to address you. >> okay. >> i am jim patrick with patrick and company in san francisco and i sat through the board meetings for a long period of time and i am... and i went back to the website and
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i looked at our goals and objective and our plan is to build the grand central station, that is a good objective, i believe that we are building the lapetite grand central station, in that we are not talking about what is going to go out of the east end on across the bay. i don't see any tjpa involvement, maybe there is i don't know about it. in thinking about new transbay crossings, if there should be one, if there should be one, what role should the tjpa be playing in that effort. and the best that i can see that there is none and i am looking now at ten years down the line and not on what we are going to award the contract this afternoon and how will it move out and where is the improvement and where is the leadership? >> i believe, we need to make that west end or i am sorry, the east end work and connect across. should the bart go through our transbay depot?
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>> nobody is talking about that. and should they build another tunnel or should we build another tunnel over to alameda, i will be glad to serve in the committee, no cost and i have my ideas and i think that we need to think forward and the board is missing an opportunity or failing in thinking beyond where we are today. thank you. >> i think that mtc is hiring (inaudible) to do the long range stuff looking at that and i believe that is what i heard, i don't know. >> i believe. >> and they have just started. >> i believe but a study was conducted almost, probably in the late 90s, on a second to, parallel to the tube and just for an fyi for the board, our station is designed to accommodate a rail crossing with a parallel tube to the east bay, i mean that we could accommodate the capitol corridor and assuming that the high speed rail is not in our station yet, but we are designed to accommodate it coming in through a second tube parallel to bater if the region
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were to so choose. and so we are designed for that. >> just relevant, because i was at a meeting at mtc yesterday, and they are kicking off what is called a core capacity study, and they had received most of the funding from the tiger grant that was just released and they have pulled in the key operators and there was discussion to also pull in tjpa so that they could visit the issues about the larger vision and really looking at the core capacity network to see what a very long future can hold. what is good about this study is that they are acknowledging that there are different agencies working on different efforts but it is really their purpose to pull that in and to take look at the east bay as well as the peninsula and i believe that the tjpa will get
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an invite to participate. >> for my own observation, i thought that it was remarkable for how indifferent it seems to be for the idea of crossing, and i mean that if you just look at them, and i have not heard much talk about it or thinking or pushing and it is all coming in here, and saying, look, we need this. but the east bay, is pretty quiet. >> okay. >> okay. >> thank you. >> that concludes members of the public that wanted to address you under that item. so we can move into your consent calendar. >> okay. are there any additions or does anyone want to pull anything in particular, is there a motion for approval, if not? >> approval. >> yeah, we have a motion for approval, and do we have a second >> second. >> with the first and the second, and no members of the public wishing to address you, 8.1, approving the meetings of the october 9, and 9.2, approval amendment to the nresible benefits and 8.3, ex-did i have director to
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agreement with aecom. >> lee. >> yes. >> nuru. >> aye. >> reiskin. >> aye. >> harper. >> aye. >> and your consent calendar is approved. >> moving into your regular calendar item 9 is approving a $171 million direct loan with goldman sachs and other to provide interim financing to allow the tjpa to meet its contract certification and the cash flow requirements with the current schedule for the phase one of the transbay transit center program. >> and sarah will report on this item. >> good morning, directors, sarah gilati and i realize that you have a large stack of documents in front of you for this item and i will walk you through the transaction and be happy to answer any questions, our financial advisor and our counsel and the outside counsel are here.
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and as well as representatives from goldman sachs, and wells fargo, which is one of the lenders very interested in participating in the loan with goldman sachs. so as you know, we have a tifia loan, that closed in 2010, and this is and the state owned parcel and over time, over the next 36 years, until 2050, it is expected that this will generate over 950 million in revenue, and it is a great long term repayment source, for a long term loan like tifia with a 35 year plan and, we have a rating for a 35 year loan with tifia and it is not a mature, credit, yet. though. and we received our first tax increment this year, about a million and a half dollars over the next four years, until 2018 and it has paid it that
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