tv [untitled] November 16, 2014 6:00am-6:31am PST
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where they are now and make our own project where we on they'll be as far as of the ada if we don't think they'll have 80 units next year we'll say you don't have a valid prop 359 what i have not to point out you're asking by saying that your financial issues are going to be resolved by remaining at gloria russ johnson da's office you're asking the commission to - that's what the board members have to decide. >> and i'll say that already our enforcement is we can already show in our projects on the proposition 39 request we're project over 88 over 88 that's
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due to the recruiting we're doing right away for next year including being at the enrollments fair for the folks we found there and as well as the other work we're doing with our open houses and other things so we're - >> san francisco residents. >> yes. yes. because 80 percent now all contract are san francisco residence this is a big change for the school. >> any other comments commissioner wynns. >> i do want to point out one thing that's when this charter was did understand the first thing the petitioners came to us and said we're not going to have a negative impact we're going to recruit all over the community
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so we won't be effecting our financial situation i think so there are lots of you know sort tensions to consider all those things but you know and i will take one second to say that's why i don't think that charter schools some participate in the fair uses i'll be quick so, i mean i think i haven't had an opportunity to come to the school i know we were trying to find the time what commissioner maufas said and dr. murase and president fewer said about how glerpsz makes me feel excited this school exists other than the site and had secretary and progress when the site and school was moving lecturer there
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was a lot of concern from our community to see it flufrn and your excited about the future of it is hopefully as a strict i want to xhupd commend you for what was not an easy transition at that site for reasons that are already been been discussed the fact unify moving in the right direction i feel like you'll grow in the next year and from what i've seen i've been to the site to read the model it is different from any other model in the district and fulfilling an important role on the curriculum side thank you for doing it it will meet a need for students that won't be
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successful in other environment my comments and concerns are similar to president fewer and we have obviously a budget committee that looked this carefully and staff that raised serious concerns on the budget and finance reviewing that myself and the recommendation go i'm going to go with their recommendation based on finance and budget i'd like not support it but if you do anything successful in that you have the opportunity to serve the students thank you very much. >> commissioner maufas and i want to get a clarifying question so in regard to k 12 the organization and i heard this at
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budget & finance committee meeting she talked about the credits which came sort of at the end of the fiscal year process and said how much you needed and they'll give that credit based on that but you've talked about it as to it's as grants and they spoke in a similar fashion did you all go back and have a discussion about them putting it getting the money or giving that credit to you on a revenue side in the front ends of the process did you have that discussion and we raised it as a discussion but to say this is something that's going to happen won't be accurate but we definitely raised it is important the reason how confusing is t is. >> i agree so what do you and
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i'm not holding you to this since you're not going to get back here any times soon you're hoping to figure out what you're going doing with that that will still be a topic that even though if didn't pivot anymore you'll have to explain how to get absorbed or what happened to the deficit because i heard in the budget & finance committee if you which i see another organization i am curious about what you all feel going forward as. >> look at yourselves going forward is there a way to work through the questions i think are valid questions that the
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budget & finance committee about the sort of model of the funding streams it come into sf flex? >> are you asking before on the balanced budget why the trying to change that aspect. >> i am i mean, i'm asking you from what k 12 do what will you all do to address that issue of i came back to this board for a renewal petition 5 years from now i think the board will sigh in the history we said why you had this issue so i'm asking you all what do i predict since you've seen it as an issue that's at&t's an issue here not
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a mystery so i'm asking you to think about how are you going do goat through to issue it's not an issue for you all but an issue for this board of education the governing body of the district you are residing in so i'm asking can you share with us some of our thoughts what you would do about this may be you don't have anything i don't want you to make up anything and i think i can only say my thoughts extend to what i said a moment ago it raised it to k-12 it has come up in other places it's confusing so i think that i
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think my opinion is k-12 needs to get better i've mentioned it k-12 needs to be better at telling its own story about what is doing in its view to invest in public education in order to as commissioner wynns pointed out to sell textbook online curriculum to districts k 12 needs to be better but i don't know how to do that another way to we are that commissioner haney he wish p there was something i could say to change our vote i will say that if k 12 were to go away that $500,000 that we would pay that goes away so this comes back to mike's
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point we've missed our enrollment target and for staff those are what our enrollment is we're overstaffed where is the cost in the traditional charter schools we missed our enforcement so where our deficit is right now we can take k-12 essentially out of the picture that 5 or $7,000 goes away were that thirty student difference of over project of one hundred and 25 and what we were staffed out in that acceptance you take the 12 out of the picture we're a charter school and, yes we have an immediately response. >> commissioner wynns. >> i have a question this raises there are several
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comments of references in the k-12 itself talking about this budget as grants i want to point out ii think maybe it doesn't look like we're going to grant if renewal but i'd like our lawyers to look at the legality i don't think that k 12 are allowed to give grants. >> i heard like grants. >> so, in fact, one of the problems that i have with that budget they sort said you know they don't just say oh, we'll reduce the prices but count that as budget credit and if you have more money we'll take it there recent spiritual and legal problems should this renewal be granted you're right a request to do it.
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>> okay any more questions or comments from the board mr. haney our hands look like. >> one quick thing mr. davis is that because i felt like the memo we got and the information didn't focus on the enrollment issue i want to make it sort of is that your understanding the difference in that the enforcement or the failing shofrt on enforcement is the primary source of what make ups the deficit. >> no, that is not really the way i view it i upstairs what the mr. henderson is saying a number of things were discussions well moving from a private lease to a prop 39 lease
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that is cheaper saves a lot of money but in the 2015-2016 year they anticipate a savings already by they're still saying they have a $700,000 deficit so it doesn't make sense for me to say that part of this fix would be moving to the percept 39 facility iota problem if you want to look at the basics of school districts and school solvency review we need to rely on it for the future finances of the school the k-12 accept it basically didn't allow the school to have a reserve for uncertainties and having the
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deficit spending every year as far as it is presents that's a real problem we have criteria and standards that is a that school districts and charter schools should have a receiver for economic refers every year and not deficit spend more than one year in a row basically, if you're looking at 3 years and there's deficit in 3 years that's a sign of future components that's a problem looking at it it historically they've been doing this for 4 years it works but f it didn't present a financial picture that school districts sign off and the county of education sign off on it as a growing concern. >> i think we're ready for a vote
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okay. are we satisfied? yes, so i think eave owe we've heard all the process and cons >> mr. haney there on a. ms. maufas ms. mendoza-mcdonnell no dr. murase >> ms. norton. >> no ms. wynns your no president fewer no arrest the petition fails. >> k - not k through 12 i'm very confused finding one the information did not indicate the likelihood of future success but mr. heinecke so if i'm on the board in 5 years i hope to
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approve your charter and make sure our enrollment is i think i have great hopes for i. >> i appreciate our leadership i feel like this process although we're on the losing end we'll go to the state but this process was a fair one i especially thank members of the board who came and visited and took time to talk at public events and respond in nominees so thank you. >> i speak for all of us who visited it was a delight and our daughter a fabulous. >> here we go i'm going to at a check does anyone need a 5 minute break but the board members do we'll
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recess for 5 minutes and we'll. >> not an extension but abstaining on b four which item commissioner. >> you have the number of organization optimum abstaining simply to the san francisco park lions number 7 so thank you and let's going to ms. wynns arrest i expect no on page 9. >> president fewer and okay lastly ms. mendoza-mcdonnell thank you so i'm on the 10, 11, 12 and 13 because their retro. >> thank you very much
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okay. this is consent calendar recessed severed for immediate action i believe we have one ms. wynns. >> this is item on page one second on page 43 the mou with the friends of schools of arts for their administration of now park not all the artists and residents program i don't have a problem i want to say this it says in addition they research the possible fined and draft the proposals and for the final paragraph of the description i
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want there to be reference in the mou that makes clear they need to work with the district and have the sdrekt approve the district is or it show say in the mou were to the school of artists we've talked about this before with the committee we want to make sure that sin they have hired a development director and talking about going after donors we don't want two groups asking for the same school for the same donors if we make sure that's included i'm fine with that and by virtue of
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our saying in reaching a sequence we don't have to amend this only ask our staff to have it in there this isn't the language of mou. >> it's duly noted i'm sorry. >> president fewer complinz what exactly are you asking for . >> i'm asking in the mou that we have something added that says in their grants making efforts their it will be done that the planning reasonable person there will be a sign off by the district so that it didn't compete with the strategic fund-raising for the school. >> it doesn't compete with the fined raising in building the new campus. >> but i get our reasoning but
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i also done want if tare full on and want a proposal process and we're coming i want to make sure we are being fair about the process they have right and i don't want them to come to us when they've asked for someone and developed a relationship but they're doing planning for - >> major 0 donor fundraising and i think in coordination sounds better it sodium they needed our approval that that raised a flag in coordination with the district. >> remember it's an mou we have a have an agreement we'll have to say show us our list of major donors before i start that so we - >> so are you comfortable with
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the wording in coordination arrest our mous have developed by our lawyers and okay general coincidental okay. that's good all right we agree commissioner mendoza. >> so when we see that that'd be mindful i know it's a priority by so are vision 2025 and some of the other things i want to make sure that you have roll clear that is in coordination with the not because - >> should repertain the vote when we bring it back with the right language is that all right. >> okay. no 10 memos on it just one. >> mr. sandyer sound and commissioners i hear you thank
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you. >> can we ask we don't get a million people at the time podium and people freaking out and all the crap that happened last time can we help them to understand we need more clarity in the language and tests not being any - >> right. >> okay. so this is good by consensus. >> okay superintendent proposals are enough tonight and first reading next the resolution in support of repeat of local caps introduced by commissioner norton and commissioner wynns and a we have a motion and a second to have the most at first reading roll call vote for suspension the
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rules. >> mr. haney ms. maufass ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase ms. norton ms. wynns. >> president fewer 7 i's. >> may i have a motion and second reading the resolution by commissioner norton or commissioner wynns. >> i'm trying to find it our okay oh, my god whereas the - in supportive of the local cap whereas the school district has to provide a student opportunity for self-discipline and cultural and linguistic cultural and economic competent and whereas the board of education of the
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unified school district sfusd is responsible for maintaining the fiscal solvency and the sfusd bans the principle provides governing boards working with interests the stakeholders to provide quality education for all students especially those who are english learners if low income homes and whereas funds for crucial services for payrolls and classroom materials and school constructions and home transportation and deferred maintenance, etc. often required successful ongoing cash flowing and including including the financial prudence of the reserve and whereas the fined balances are determined to meet the local priorities and allow the district to r have refers
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for expertise and down turns and whereas the sfusd to maintain the economic uncertainty is two percent and cover less than 10 days of cash flow and whereas the current finland to establish and maintain the statutory minimum and whereas the sfusd the proximate four percent for the health warehouses inventory for expenditure and whereas on june 20th, 2014, the governor signed into raw the statutes of 2014 no embodied in the statutory code and whereas the intersection 58 percent education code will become operative should the voters pass
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it and will require the sfusd to assign balances down to morning 2 percent level of the statutory level for the connective fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the state of california makes a payment to the school and whereas the deposit by the state of california even if one dollars to the stabilization accounted will spend down the ending balances and whereas it could take many years for the state of california to build up a stabilization account yet one year it could be spent down to jeopardizes solvency and whereas the sfusd is not fully implement still below the 2008 level and
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therefore, be it resolved that the board of education of the stuffed calls upon the legislation and the governor to repeat language in article 27 statutes of 2014 and now an educational code is that right 4201 that's a different chapter number than i read before. >> okay public speakers oh, none promise of board superintendent. >> i just want to say at the request of the california school boards trying to collect as many from the school boards at the beginning the elective session to convinced the members who is oh, which we didn't know they
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were doing so we say that into consideration is a priority to try to get it repealed. >> what are the changes of this having an impact? >> there's a have got chance that will be repealed and actually having you know a thousand subsequence if they get 3 hundred it will be a big deal. >> dr. murase you and want to be added by the author. >> i think we should as a board then i think we should vote but. >> i need to 0 clarify one thing a tip graph error the section number is incorrect in the resolution we need to read into the record the correct coalition code section do you
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want me to read the somewhere resolve courthouse u class it is earthquake code 424 point is that 1. >> correct wow, that was good you that was very good so roll call vote please. mr. haney ms. maufas ye yes? ms. mendoza-mcdonnell >> dr. murase. >> more than minnesota president fewer 7 i's. >> okay. thank you now this is institutional listing ethnic studies misquote sfusd may you are a motion and second. >> second. >> thank you, colleagues that
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