tv [untitled] November 16, 2014 11:30am-12:01pm PST
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be here today, fought and saved the home of her 92-year-old you think uncle that was in four closure and even now she is not able to live here in part because she has not been able to find a full time job or a job where she can predict her hours. and so, she is moving to texas at the end of the month and so even, after all of that. so, you know, i just wanted to encourage the board to keep this legislation as strong as possible. and i mean, that at a certain point, you know, you can talk to all of the different stake holders involved and try to, but the important thing is, while we are, while haggling over the details happens, and those are more and more families. that have to leave san francisco. because they can't have a predictable schedule or a full time hours. thank you. >> and thank you, for ace's involvement in the coalition as well.
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next speaker? >> good morning, my name is lara fish and i am the community organizer here at local two and we represent over 12,000 hotel and restaurant workers in sanmateo, and san francisco counties and i am here to express our support for the retail worker bill of rights, and our solidary, with the retail workers who are forced to work, involuntariary part time hours and forced into erratic schedules and so we know that without this legislation, the workers and many retail outlet cans not participate in their communities or their family and they can't make the doctor's appointments and can't take care of other family members and they can't generally make ends meet or plan a budget, so while the local twos that been able to secure the predictable schedules, there are far too many workers in the city that don't have those same rights, so we think that this, and you know, this group for their support of the bill and urge you all to move forward with it as soon as possible.
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>> thank you. >> i am going to call a couple more names, martin and michelle lim. >> good morning, my name is tuve, and i am a family organizer of samcam and i am here to represent the philippine community, south of market whose population belongs to the retail store and the workforce of the retail store in (inaudible) and target and actually, as a family organizer i have not, i have encountered parents who complain about unpredictable schedules that impact the family appointments and in this regard, i urge the legislators to please support in the passage of this bill of rights. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> miss cabanda. >> good morning, supervisors, and i want to first thank you for putting this legislation together, it is really important that you listen to the workers who are suffering
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and in this economic situation. and aside from the housing vie sis, we definitely have a workers crisis and this legislation was overdue for a long time, members of (inaudible) have expressed that they were forced to actually find or sign a contract to go to part time hours on top of that, their hours are inconsistent and that really impacts families, and individuals. so for example, we had a father whose child was at, or is in the system and in regards to the jails told him that in order for his son to be released he has to have or be at the home between 3 to 4 p.m. after 3:00 p.m., but he can't have that because his work would not allow it. he had, he had hours that are
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not stable. and therefore, he had to make a choice of is he going to be there for his son, or is he going to live this work? and that really puts a lot of people and vulnerable situations. and that is what we really need the legislations like this to help, not just the families, working class, families and poor family to stay in their homes, but also, be able to have a work for their family, thank you. >> thank you. miss cabani. >> miss martin? >> good morning. and really excited that sisww, have been able to work on these pieces of legislation, and usww represents hundreds of security officers, that work in formula retail establishment and banks as well as janitors at safeway and when we were organizing safeway we found out what the working conditions are for the contractor positions for workers and retail and there were folks that were getting the personal checks written in
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crayon that bounce and people did not know if they are working there and organizing in the safeway we were able to eliminate those working conditions in one grocery chain. but, just think about what is still happening in the rest of the grocery stores for the contracted property service workers in san francisco, who don't have a union. and we are included in the more legislation and we are really excited about that and we hope that we can be included in the predictable scheduling as well and we provided the information that 40 percent do suffer from the unpredictable schedules. >> thank you. >> miss wynn? >> good morning rntion supervisors, my name is michelle limb, and organizers of jobs of justice and, so i first wanted to thank you for everyone's work on this. and you know, we have a large coalition that has been working on this for months, and maybe it has been a year, and the first piece of this is introduced in july and so we have had a lot of time to think
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about what these provisions actually mean. every work that we week, is another week that a mother or a father and a student has to work to not know what their schedule is, every day counts now. >> and, you know, really, when we think about these provisions, they are common sense, provisions. almost to the point where they should be human rights to know that if i apply for a job and i need to work full time, i can get the hours to actually pay for that i house for food, and for my kids, and we talked to, small, you know, even people from our community, who used to have a business, and they said, it is possible to get predictable schedules and it takes more work and today, the legislation that we have are really principal to guide businesses to spend a little bit of extra time to actually, give predictable schedules, and it is doable.
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and we don't have to cancel shifts last minute and, we don't have to, call people in, the burden should not have to be on the worker. any more and we have a chance to change that now. >> and just wanted to also say that further retention issue, we actually and it is the same, as what is in the state law for janitors. thank you. >> if there are know other speakers let me close the public comment and thank you so much for giving the stories and the testimony today. i know that we have a number of moving pieces that are before us, and i have submitted the amendment in the form of substitute legislation that it is before everyone that has a carve out of the wave of the collected bargaining agreement, portion. and my sense is that, for the
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formula retail food, and beverage, within hotels, that we have more conversations about that one, and i am not moving that one forward right now. but i would like to ask if my colleagues have any closing remarks before we move on to these amendments? >> president chiu. >> before we move to the amendments? >> actually, we could go to the amendments now, but also any comments that the colleagues have as well. >> sure, first of all i want to thank all of the members of the public that have worked on this for the better part of a year and i think that we have really moved forward with this conversation and the significant way, and really, tried to fine tune this language in recent months to have it addressed the issues and challenges that we are trying to face and as i mentioned earlier there are at least three amendments that i would like to move today. and really this is in lines of trying to make this consistent with other local laws, and that governor the workplace rights. and the first is around a record keeping requirement, and
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the suggestion it is that we use the three-year requirement from the fair chance and the box legislation, from the family friendly workplace ordinance, and in both items one and two, and i am not sure if you want to take this one at a time or if i should go through each of the amendments? i know that supervisor avalos may have another amendment but i think that doing them one by one and then getting a motion and approval if possible. >> i would prefer if, >> and if you want to list yours. >> sure. >> and we can make them one by one. >> but i wanted to hear them altogether. >> sure. >> so, the second amendment would be around creating consistencies around the ramp up period and we all know that given that we are just passing the new formula retail law and, given the challenges that olse, articulated around the implementation and the budget challenges and the staffing challenges and the amount of time that it is going to take to identify the formula retail business and my suggestion is that we amend the operative
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date to be 6 months out as donna leavitt mentioned and we add a 6-month ramp up period where the employees are given warnings and before being issued notices of violation and this is comparable to the box legislation and the family friendly workplace ordinance that had a one-year ramp up period and i suggest that we have that period and so that olse can really figure out how to implement this appropriately, and move that forward. and then, third, and this is something that i wants to have the discussion around and i do think that the hospitality ordinance which we just passed a few months ago had a staff retention requirement for 90 days, upon the sale of businesses with the over 200 employees and my suggestion is that we use that same 200 employees standard in our ordinance to be consistent with that and which i think will capture the types of corporations that are the national formula retail chains that we are talking about.
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and i will also mention and i appreciate that there are employer advocates that will prefer there to be less predictbility pay for some of the prescribed time periods that we are talking about and i want to acknowledge that the legislation and reflects a balance and i had and i know that supervisor mar has had meetings with employers and worker advocates and i think that it is fair to say that the worker advocates wanted more predictbility pay for more time periods and wanted less and i think that the idea that the predictbility pay for the one hour, for the week before and any changes and then in the final day, if there are changes that there be two to four hours worth of predictbility pay, based on the numbers of hours that the worker is supposed to be on the job and that to me, strikes the right balance and i am not sure and i would not be supportive of the changes in that area and i think that we do have really a meeting, or i think that it is fair to say that both sides would want more, but i think that what we have got with us is the right
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balance and i look forward to the other conversations and the amendments that the colleagues want to suggest. >> thank you, supervisor avalos? >> thank you. i actually have again, i really appreciate the work that has gone into this legislation. on the community side. and the experience and workers have had for perhaps, decades or forever. and of not having predictbility in their schedules. and of course, negotiations that went on in the offices and the crafting legislation, and so that shows a lot of work and i will be supportive. and i believe that i can support these amendments that are being proposed by president chiu. and there is one that i am not really comfortable with and that is the threshold for 20 employees of the formula retail establishment and to be in this legislation, and i think that if we actually are carving out
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formula retail establishments with fewer than 20, we encourage there to be the very abuses that we are trying to regulate and i don't think that that makes a lot of sense. and there are probably can't be instances where there are formula retails that establishments that will not like this legislation, and that will find it difficult to carry out this legislation. but, i think that we actually are putting pay it forward policy, that we want all of the differences to be subject to, because, regardless of what size a business is and there are employees who are subject to hours, that they don't have total control over. and that he we have not done our work to create a policy that is as strong as it can be, and so i am hoping that i actually want to propose that we take out the threshold of the employees and just have this legislation, subject to all formula retail establishments and these pieces
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of legislation and applied to all retail establishments and is that something that could be easily crafted and addressing our deputy city attorney. >> john gibner and so, yes, there are five amendments on the floor and supervisor mar it has been circulated and twot that chiu mentioned and we can draft all of those after today's meeting and provide them to the clerk. and just one procedural note, is that supervisor mar and the first four amendments and supervisor mar and the amendments can be adopted today and the board can adopt the ordinance as amended next tuesday, and the 20 employees amendment that you procedure posing supervisor avalos will require another opportunity for public comment before the board finally acts on the amendment. and so, you could do that at a special meeting, or >> it is a possibility, for the whole of the board of
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supervisors? >> you could schedule a committee of the whole at the board for this coming tuesday. >> and that is for the avalos amendment only? >> right, the avalos amendment is the only one that will trigger another public hearing, but, if you pass out a single package with all five the amendments that have been discussed today, the opportunity for public comment on tuesday, will be on the entire ordinance and the people can come in and talk about the entire ordinance. >> okay. >> and thank you so much, mr. gibner and so we have five amendments before us, and let me just ask president chiu if you want to make the closing remarks as well. >> and i have a couple of comments on this and i certainly, appreciate supervisor avalos's suggestion around some of the smaller franchises. and the reason that i think that it is important to have a carve-out, for those employees that are small, is that if you can imagine, a, if you can
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imagine a franchisees with a handful of employees and i think that it is hard with the smallest businesses to adapt to predictable schedules because you don't know if you have four or five or six employees, and a couple of folks are sick, i think that it is much harder for these provisions to be effectively implemented for such small shops, particularly with franchises as you know, that can't pull from employees from other places. so our legislation says that for example, if you are an owner of multiple franchises within san francisco and you have more than 20 this ordinance will apply to you, if you can pull from more than 20 even if your individual shop has 6, but you can pull from elsewhere, you have to apply to that. but what we are trying to protect against are those establishments that have less than 20 that can't pull employees from elsewhere who may not be able to adapt
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quickly to changes in workforce changes that may happen over the course of a day or a week and i do have concerns that we are really putting those businesses in a bind, and so, that is why we have the provision that we have here, and i am happy to, have more of a conversation on that. but, i think that it makes it difficult. and so that is sort of number one, thought. and thought number two, is i was reminded, that my legislation did not include janitorial, and security guard services and i am happy to have that conversation, and i do understand from our deputy city attorney that that will be a subnative change as well and here is what i would like to suggest as a way to resolve some of these matters is that we have a special meeting and potentially next tuesday before the full board meeting at 2:00 and as supervisor mar and i have discussed, we do think that it is important for there to be a first vote on these ordinances, next tuesday. and just given the schedule of
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things, and but, if there are any final amendments that we can agree to and that are subnative that we can resolve it in the committee, and i am fortunately unfortunately will not be available on tuesday morning, but hopefully enough conversation happens by tuesday morning that if there is agreement on this, we can move those forward and then, vote on a first or have a first read, and at our 2:00 meeting and what i would like to propose as a four amendment is that we include the security provisions in my legislation and i want to say, that i have not had time to really review these. and so, our deputy city attorney has said that if we put them in, we can take them out or amend them if need be, at that meeting, but, if, if we don't put it in, it may require another hearing and i don't want to delay this, so if that makes sense that we put in the provisions now so that we can have the discussion over the next few days and if there are
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other tweaks to address to what supervisor avalos is, and i am not supporting a broad taking out of the 20 employee exemption at this point. >> just to reiterate, you are considering continuing the item to a special budget committee that we wail make on tuesday >> it could be monday >> just any time before tuesday. >> i am not sure what day works for me best. but, i could go with that. and i just to address your concerns around the smaller formula retail. and i, you talk about the disadvantage that happens to the actual establishment and it we have it that happens to the work theirs are in those establishments if we don't bring that level of predictbility to the schedule that we are trying to deal with this legislation and i think that all formula retail businesses are going to have to make an adjustment one way or
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the other and it does not make sense that actually the size of the business is a certain level that there are excused or carved out of making these adjustments and they just make a different adjustment and perhaps we bring a level of predictbility to the schedule of workers, and there are five or six in a 7 eleven, and maybe, we will have to add a couple of other employees to make sure that they have the predictbility that they need or that the people's hours are actually extended and so that there is a level of predictbility and the hours that are going to have that employees, you know, make more of a living to support, himself, or herself, and the loved ones, and so, i would want to go forward, and moving the carve out, or formula retail establishments of less than 20 employees and i would like to propose that we make that amendment and hopefully have your support. and then i am okay with finding a day next week that works for a special budget committee and
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looking forward as a committee as a whole for the product of that committee meeting to the board of supervisor's meeting on tuesday. >> so let me just ask, mr. gibner again, from, and so there is not only the mar substitute, language, that was given to everyone. there is also president chiu's now, four amendments, and there is also the avalos request to take out the 20 employees are less threshold as well. what would you recommend coming out of this committee, today, and a special meeting that will be called probably some time on tuesday, but i know that we have the transportation authority meetings in the late morning on that day. >> so, we are talking about monday, as a potential day then for the special meetings and i am okay with that as well >> mr. gibner. >> deputy city attorney, and i would recommend that the committee adopt and if you are so inclined to adopt all of the amendments together and have a single item and continue that
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to the call of the chair. because you don't know yet when the special meeting will be schedule, and then, supervisor mar as the chair, you would work with the clerk's office to schedule a special meeting. and alert the clerk's office that at that special meeting, the committee will be sending an item as a committee report to the full board for tuesday. and so that these two ordinances can be on the special meeting agenda for monday or tuesday and on the full board for tuesday afternoon. >> okay. so there is air district meeting monday morning as well and we will work around those schedules. >> thank you so much. >> so, we can take these one by one. and i know that on the threshold item president chiu has expressed concerns about that. but let me just kind of now say that let's get the closing comments as well as before we
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go to these amendments. >> and we are on the amendments now and let's just start with the amendment that i propose that has been given to everyone. and that one is just taking out the waiver for the collective bargaining agreements >> could we take that item without objection? >> thank you. >> and now on president chiu's four different items there is the record keeping consistency and the ramp up of instead of three months to six months and plus a six month ramp up and let me just ask if there are any comments about those two items? >> so, i see none and could we take that without objection? those first two of supervisor chiu's? without objection? >> and now, on the trigger of
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the 90 day staff requirements and 200 employees. and are there any comments about that amendment? >> so, can we take that without objection? >> yes. >> and then on chiu number 4, adding janitorial and security into the language, of his portion of the retail workers bill of rights could we take that without objection? >> could i make a comment about that. and the stake holders here, and i have not had a chance to delve into all of the issues and so i am putting this in as a place holder so that we can and if it is fine with everyone, we can move forward with it on in the special meeting and move it to the full board and if there are questions we have an opportunity to deal with it and it will not delay and we can put it in here so that we were puting it in a later date that will actually push back to when we can resolve it so that we can get it in so that we can get it going. >> can we take that without objection?
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>> thank you. on the avalos amendment that removes the 20 employees or less reing that threshold, so that it is all formula retails that are included in the legislation for both pieces. i think that we are going to need a roll call on that item. and miss wong, maybe, supervisor avalos can restate the amendment. >> it will be to have our two pieces of legislation applied to all form law retail. establishments. >> and just to clarify, deputy, city attorney, again, that this is all formula retail and we will write it with at least one employee and dropping from 20 to one. >> okay, great. yes. >> so miss wong, could we have a vote roll call vote on that amendment by supervisor avalos? >> supervisor avalos? >> aye. >> supervisor chiu. >> no. >> mar. >> aye. >> two aye ss one no. >> thank you. >> that amendment passes, and so we have all of these
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amendments now that are part of our legislation, and mr. gibner none clarification, and the first amendment you made was the amendment of the whole that you circulated to mar regarding deleting the waiver language. that amendment, and the language that you circulated only applies to your legislation. is that the committee intend to make that amendment to both ordinances? >> or both ordinances currently have the waiver language in them. >> yeah, that will be the preference and so can we or do we need to within that vote, so that it also includes the full, and my intent was to make sure that it goes for both pieces of legislation. >> yeah. i just wanted to clarify that we know what we are doing. >> very good. so now, we have these amendments that have been placed into the legislation, and now can we vote on the legislation as amended? >> and can we do that without a
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roll call vote? or would you prefer a roll call supervisor chiu? >> i am assume thating we will be supporting that. >> can we do that without objection, on the legislation as amended. >> mr. gibner. >> sorry, this is a motion to continue this item to the call of the chair. so that you can hold the special meeting on monday or tuesday. >> so, okay, so, we didn't just approve the amended legislation, we are going to move it forward, to the call of the chair as amended. >> and since i am the interim, or the chair of this meeting, supervisor farrell is the existing budget committee chair but we are allowing my office to schedule this meeting to the or with all of the colleagues at some point before tuesday's board meet whering this item will go forward. and so, can we do that without objection? or continue it to the call of the chair?
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thank you. >> i think that we got that out of the way now. and we will do our best to get the copies of what has been amended to as many as the stake holders as possible and we will do our best to let the people know with as much notice on when the special meeting is going to be schedule. so with that,mysing wong, is there any other business before us. >> no, mr. chair. >> then the meeting is adjourned thank you, everyone. push
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been for for many many years. we have students here for the first time. we share our skills, our formulas. this is how we learn. how did you do that? let me show you. that's the attitude that the students and the teachers have here. it's a really wonderful nurturing place. >> good morning, would you call the roll? >> chair kim has a scheduling conflict with will not be prept, and therefore, harper will precede. >> director lee. >> here. >> nuru. >> present. >> reiskin.
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