tv [untitled] November 16, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm PST
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strong there's 5 speculate sites we're replacing aging pipelines and some rectified pipes that cross several known active faults on the peninsula and those pipelines will allow water that's delivered from the tracey's upgrades to reach the customers in a seismically reliable way if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them. >> questions? seeing none, thank you very much >> thank you and that concludes my report. >> any any public comment on that item on the general manager report? our next item, please. >> item 8 is consent calendar
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may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. 8 a approve amendment one and execute two amendments not to exceed 25 thirty-four cents thousand dollars each and execute not to exceed to 49 thousand he each and for the time extension the approve increasing the amendment by $250,000 c accepting the modification extending the contract by 3 hundred and 49 consequent calendar days and authorize the final payment to
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the contract 8 d approving the contract 48 russ johnson not to exceed $49 million and the work contract w did $4,745,200,000,000 plus f accept contract w w 5 hundred and approve the modifications increasing the contract by 4 hundred and 19 thus plus with a time extension of 49 calendar days and g accept contract and paragraph the modifications for 70 scent days and authors the payment for the contract h the construction costs for the contract in the amount of 4 hundred thousand and the duration of 27 days and
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authorize amazing maximum amount i approve the clarification and the award of the contract number in the amount of one million dollars 5 hundred plus and j authorize a government for the administration and distribution of state grant funds up to $401 million plus arrest k authorize the memorandum of understanding with is a last night for the disbursement of state grant funds up to two hundred and 34 thousand 3 hundred. >> commissioners any item you would like to see taken off did consent calendar. >> i'll move it. >> second. >> general public comment any item to be taken off the consent calendar. >> any further discussion
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all in favor, say i. ii opposed? the motion carries next item. >> i will read closed session prior to item number 9. >> thank you. >> first item 11 conference with the property at 639 grant street in san francisco and negotiation prices in terms of payment 12 existing unmitigated claims city and county of san francisco vs. the pacific was and electric company and, pacific and 14 san francisco vs. the pacific gas and electrical company and the and item 16 will not be heard. >> thank you any public comment on that item on the items to be heard in closed session seeing none, may i have it
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motion to assert. >> all in favor, say i. >> i . >> we're back great. >> co-sponsor nor that's - okay. we are reconvening from closed session i'd like to make the announcement item 11 no item on 12 was settled item 13, 14, 15 on a action and 16 off the calendar may i have a motion regarding whether or not to disclose.
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>> motion not to disclose. >> all in favor, say i. opposed? the motion carries other new business. >> i have one i'm wondering in todd at the last meeting i'm feeling separation anxiety no one more. >> we're going to have a special thing. >> oh, we are. >> yes. >> he didn't know it but he knows it now. >> now today? >> no next week. >> well. okay. >> we'll safe it there then i'd like to talk about the november 25th meeting has been scheduling cancelled the in relation r next it december 9th and any other business and any other business n this meeting is adjourned t t
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if you don't buckle up, you will get caught. cops are cracking down all across the country. click it or ticket. >> the meeting will come to order tu, for being here everyone. this is the wednesday, november 12, 2014, meeting of the budget and finance committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. my name is eric mar and i am the vice chair ask to my left, and supervisor john avalos, and substituting in david chiu. >> please silence all cell phones, and the documents should be submitted to the
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clerk and items acted upon will appear on the november 18th board of supervisor's agenda. >> thank you, i want to give props and thanks to sfgtv for tell vicing us. >> i am going to ask for any objections to take last item three and it will take a couple of motion and could we do that without objection? >> could you call item three? >>resolution supporting fy2015-2016 community development block grant, emergency solutions grant, and housing opportunities for persons with aids consolidated plan goals. (mayor's office of housing) . >> and we have brian chiu from the mayor's office of housing. >> good morning, committee members, each year, as you know, we come before this committee and the board of supervisors to go through the first step of allowing us to submit our annual proposal to
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hud to receive the development block grant, program funds and the emergency solutions program funds, housing opportunities for the bay funds and the home dollars which allow us to provide money so that we have been the construction of affordable housing. and this year, we plan to release our request proposal and the request for proposals incorporating all of those funds next week to allow us to receive applications and then submit our action plan to hud later in may so that we can receive the funding for new proposal to begin the new operations as of july first, 2015, and we anticipate now, based on last year's formula funding that we would receive approximately 16.6 million, in cbg funds and 1.3 in emergency solutions grant funds, and approximately, 8.2 million in hofa dollars, and these estimates were based on last
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year's formula amounts and we usually reduce last's year's amounts by about five percent to be a little more conservative. and these estimates were taken before the most recent elections so we are not clear how the new members of congress are going to look at our programs. it may be a larger cut than that, but we are not quite sure. also, i think in your resolution, you have the three broad goals that we are going to be including in our rfp, and they are family and individuals that are stablely housed and communities have healthy and social and business infrastructure and families are economic and self-sufficient. july, 2015, will be the first year of our new five year plan after doing significant out reach and interviews and focus groups and surveys. we have settled on these three broad goals as what we are
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going to be focusing on the next year and not surprisingly when we did our consolidated plan out reach, housing was the number one issue, no matter where we went in the city so we expect that we will do what we can to make that an even more important lynch pin of our program and we are also using this opportunity to release our general fund dollars, and in coordination with these funds so the organizations will be able to apply in a convenient way. these grants will be multi-year grants and will allow for stability for the organizations for at least a three year period when possible. we do this each year, and we ask you for your recommendation for move this to the full board. >> thank you, there chiu. >> let me ask if there are any
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questions, and we don't have a budget analyst report, let's open this up for the public comment, is there anyone from the public that would like to speak? >> nothing concerned, but these people, and seeking protection, and to on the course and that is the (inaudible). >> all right. >> thank you. is there anyone else that would like to speak? >> seeing, none, public comment is closed, colleagues could we move this forward with a positive recommendation. >> before we make that motion, just mr. chiu, if you could just send me and my office information about what we have seen the level of funding that has been for our hud programs, and how it has changed over the years, and i know, probably we are seeing the continuation of funding at a certain level but i am certain about a drop off as well and i want to look at the friends moving forward with what has happened in the past.
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>> certainly, we have a card that goes back 15 years and i swil send that to all of the committee members offices. >> thank you. >> thank you so much there chiu. >> we would like to prove the item and move forward. >> can we do that without objection? >> thank you. >> could you call items one and two together? >> item one is,ordinance amending the police code to regulate the operation of formula retail establishments, including requiring employers to offer additional hours of work, when available, to current part-time employees, and requiring successor employers to retain employees for 90 days upon a change in control of the business. item two is,ordinance amending the police code to require formula retail establishments to provide employees with two weeks' notice of work schedules, notice of changes to work schedules, and compensation for schedule changes made on less than seven days' notice and unused on-call shifts, and provide part-time employees with the same starting rate of hourly pay, access to time off, and eligibility for promotions as that provided to full-time employees. >>
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thank you, miss wo ng. the chamber are filled today with quite a few people that have been working for years on this issue and i think that we are on the verge of considering ground breaking historic legislation, and our retail worker bill of rights. colleagues, let me start by thanking david chiu and supervisor avalos and david campos for their support of this ground-breaking formula retail bill of rights. and i would also like to thank our city attorneys, for drafting our ordinances up until the last minute even, as we are moving forward and a shout out, especially to the recently retired deputy city attorney, paula ju tin who began working on this ordinance, many months ago and i will say that the advocates from workers and small businesses and community leaders have been working for years on this piece of legislation. finally, i would like to thank, donna leavitt from the office of labor centers and the
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offices for the ose office for helping us to refine both of these ordinance as. in san francisco we have been experiencing an extreme economic crisis for working families with inequality growing at one of the fastest rates anywhere. this is due in part to the influx of higher income professional workers, particularly in the tech sector, but it is also due to the steady growth of workers in low wage, service sector jobs and the poor quality of these jobs, thousands of part time workers don't just live, paycheck to pay kak, but also hour to hour because of abusive on call and lack of job equity for part time and on call workers. our communities have been grappling with these economic challenges including the spike in housing costs and the displacement of low and moderate income earners of our city and residents. and members of my family have worked for large retail chains like the gap, starbucks and
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others, and have based abusive on call schedule and lack of hours and no predictable scheduling >> we have heard from a number of workers but one story in particular is important, a mother of three who worked as a kitchen worker for two different mcdonalds restaurant in san francisco for ten years, going to work every day was difficult for here, due to the regular, verbal abuse and the treatment from her manager and the constant pressure to work faster and faster, despite having seven years of work experience, her manager began cutting her hours and hiring new part time workers. this put a strain on her family and she was helping her husband support their three children. and at the lowest point she was only working three to four days per week, and only receiving 4-hour shifts. stressed and frustrated she recently decided to quit and walk away from her job after ten years. i think that is just one of the examples of the types of working conditions that many
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tens of thousand ands of workers face in our city and around this country, within this context, i have been working with david chiu and our broad coalition of community and labor and small business groups and others to develop this retail workers bill of rights but i will say that it is the workers themselves that have brought the stories and the substance of the legislation, and which is a set of innovative policies that will support full time employment and fair and predictive schedules for the workers, at large, and corporate owned businesses. and the san francisco planning department has completed the study of our form law retail sector, recently and they identified, 1250 businesses in our city that are covered, by the definition of chain stores or formula retail. and so besides, wal-mart and target it also covers fashion retailers like the gap and h&m,
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especially, specialty retailers and trader joes as well as other types of chain restaurants from starbucks and mcdonalds to the olive garden. our broad coalition, with groups, such as sf loma has developed the retail bill of rights as well as others that supervisor chiu has brought to the table as well and we are part of a predikable schedule and a fair workweek. my portion, hours, and retentions for protensions for employees has the key provisions. one, it applies to form law retail establishments with 20 or more employees in the city, and we have set the threshold at 20 or more employers, within the city and county, so as to avoid over burdening truly
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small operators such as franchises and i wanted to thank president chiu for really working hard on that part and it also covers janitorial and security contractors, and it is important to note that these two industries already have a worker retention requirement, under police code article, 33 c. and our ordinance reference thises requirement, and provides additional protections for security and janitorial workers who are providing services to formula retail businesses. our ordinance also requires formula retail employers to first offer to the current part time employees any additional hours of work before hiring new employees or using subcontractors or temporary services or staffing agency to do work for the formula retail business, the employer must make the offer in writing, and this requirement will also apply to janitorial and security services contractors or subcontractors of the formula retail employer, property, services contractors, and as to work performed in san
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francisco at a formula retail establishment covered by the ordinance under the retail employer and the requirement applies to employers when the current workers are qualified to do the work, as reasonably determined by the employer, and the work is the same or similar to the work the employees have performed at the formula retail business. the employer is required to offer only the number of hours that the employee requires in order to work 35 hours a week. if a formula retail business changes ownership, the new employer must retain for 90 days, the employees who worked for the old formula retail employer for at least 6 months, other than supervision, and manager or confidential employees, the ordinance requires the incumbent and the success or employers to recognize hold over employees. and the office of labor centers enforcement is charged with enforcing these ordinances. and they will do the following.
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it prohibits formula retail employers or other parties to take adverse action against any person in realation for exercising their rights under the ordinance, so job security, for these workers is critical, and that has been worked into the legislation. and the retail workers bill of rights is an important compliment to our city's recent passage of our raise to 15 dollar minimum wage which is phased in over the next couple of years, and together, the retail workers bill of rights and the raise in the minimum wage and these two measure cans provide real economic security for the tens of thousands of workers and it is key pieces to closing the unacceptable economic divide in the city and narrowly targets our retail workers bill of rights, narrowly targets those businesses that are documented perpetraters and that will implement the common sense
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regulation and janitorial and security contractors are only covered when they are under contract to provide services to a formula retail business. and these are services that are considered integral to the operation of these formula retail businesses, and as such, their workers deserve the same level of protection. and at this time, i wanted to also introduce, small amendments and i know that president chiu has a couple as well. and the first is to remove the waiver under the collective bargaining agreement at section, 3300 f.14, and the second and i will be handing these out in a moment and the second is to exempt the food and beverage businesses in tourist ohotels from the provision of this ordinance, the san francisco hotel industry features a complex array of contractual agreements and arrangements made between the owners and the hotel management companies and food and beverage operators and other related subcontractors
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and the industry is unionized. and in that context, most san francisco hotel workers have been able to negotiate agreements and arrangements addressing scheduling and job security, we do not want to disrupt these contractual arrangements. in conclusion, our two ordinances raise the bar for a large number of the employees tens of thousands in our city, without negatively impacting our small business sector, and i urge your support for both. the incumbent businesses must give the success or employer a retention list identifying the employees and the date of hire and rate of way, and the average number of hours worked in the previous six months, and the employment occupation, and classification, and contract information, and the incumbent and the successor and the employers must post transfer of ownership and provide the notice of the employee's rights under the ordinance with the first paycheck after the transfer and the rest of the details are in your amendments
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that i will not kind of go through right now. but i wanted to also say, that, as we have drafted this legislation, there are a few minor tweaks that our office and president chiu's office will be working out with the city attorney that will come, hopefully if it is passed to the committee to the full board we will be meeting with the various stake holder groups to be sure that everyone is clear on the amendments and the details of the legislation, and so i wanted to turn it over to president chiu and thank him for his leadership and his leadership in bringing this forward today. >> president chiu. >> thank you, and i want to thank everyone who is in the chamber today for all of the work that has been done over the better part of this last year to move forward this this important issue and we all know that our local economy has been doing well for many, but we also know that there are still, too many workers and families who are struggling in the midst of san francisco's affordability crisis, who are struggle in low-wage jobs with unpredictable shift and in part
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time limbo, who are experiencing barriers to a solid career, ladder and we have heard from part time workers who can't tell their family whens they will work and how much they will earn, and struggle to juggle multiple jobs when work hours are unpredictable. >> six percent of the retail sector nationwide were women, and 21 percent were people of color and over the past decade the number of involuntariary part time workers have more than tripled. the ordinance that i have proposed along with supervisor mar will be the first in the nation to deal with the issue of unpredictable schedules and up fair, last minute, on call practices that impact low wage, hourly workers. almost, two years ago, i proposed san francisco's family friendly workplace ordinance, and at the end of last year, our city became the first in the country, to establish the
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right of parents and care givers to request flexible workplace. and president obama issued an executive order to provide this work to two million federal workers and i want to thank the coalition of family advocates who helped us to get this done. as part of the initial draft of our legislation last year, we had included provisions to address the predictable schedules, but the topic was so complex and challenging that i proposed convening a table of stake holders, labor and working family advocates and employers to address this topic and we convene this table, through these discussions, we learn that unpredictable schedules and last minute, on call, practices threatens economic security, and creates work family challenges under child care and under mines worker health and well-being, and we also heard about the best practices from excellent local employers, who figured
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out how to manage the predictable schedules that help a company's bottom line, and we learned that the largest chain stores and known as formula retail establishments have the ability to provide predictable schedules for employees with just in time scheduling technologis that can auto generate the schedules based on customer, flow projections. and while, san francisco has been a national leader for a living wage, a higher minimum wage as supervisor mar alerted to is definitely not enough to lift individuals and families in our city, out of poverty, these efforts must also be complimented with fair and predictable schedules, as supervisor mar acknowledged, our ordinance will apply to formula retail employers for employees in the city and there are about 1250 formula retail establishments in our city who employ, over 35,000 employees about five percent of our city's workforce, the ordinance is item
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