tv [untitled] November 17, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PST
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this? >> i think right now, the situation at city college is hopefully stabilizing and we are working closely with the city college to insure that we are keeping all of the good policy work that we have done over the past three years particularly through our bridge to success initiative and which is the initiatives that we the city, received moneys from the gates foundation, to build, linkages between our school district and our higher ed institutions and so they can double the rate of graduation for our african americans and the latin o students and through that process, we are able to bring the counselors from the public schools, and from the city college together and so that they can actually have a conversation about what are the needs of these kids? how do we build the continuum of services from public high school, to city college? and from that, there is a lot of really great things, that
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came out of those conversations. like changes in the calendar, and the changes in how the city college counselors come on site to the public schools, and to then talk to kids. and but i dare say that is not enough, when you are talking about young people who have the special needs and disabilities, you would need more targeted and strategic strategies, and to reach out to them, for both whether there are physical needs or mental health needs, and or other needs, or combination of needs, and you need to have partnerships with the non-profit agencis that really understand how to provide those services in a very sensitive way. and i also acknowledge that working with the youth people, you also have to work with the parents. and so it is about, reaching the young people and it is about working to understand that everyone in that young person's support system understands the strategy and the plan so that young person will be successful as they move
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forward. and i don't know anything, and i don't know what else to say, except we are working closely with the city college and we want to be sure that the city college is successful, because it is a very, you know, it is a very important institution for our city. and we are looking to see, and to the city college and to the other institutions in the city to provide expertise in and support for us as we design a technical assistance, and professional development curriculum, for our non-profit agencies. >> thank you. >> chair? >> >> hi, director su, thank you so much and i understand that you have been running around all day. >> i know. >> and you unfortunately did not have the opportunity to hear from some of our community partners who spoke earlier just before your presentation, and the people like from tool works, and the arc and they all
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spoke about a project search, and which is an internship program, that places young people with developmental and all types of disabilities really, into an internship, at companies by a trial period, where the employer themselves can get the education, around the reasonable accommodation and they person, and that they support, and comes ready with an understanding of what is needed to be successful in their position and i am wondering if instead of spending money on consultants, to train your particularly your youth organizations, and on those issues. why not have the expertise and the experience of those organizations, who do just that, and try to get project search, extended throughout our youth with disabilities program. and i think that it would be and i am sure that there will be something that they will
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welcome and an opportunity to work with them and to gain an entry in the internship structure in the city at least. >> thank you. >> that is a great, that is a great suggestion. we do work (inaudible) with the arc and with the iosp and other programs but that is a great example. and i think that after dcyf, reauthorization and the children and the families first initiative, is reauthorized. and we would then have the opportunity to really think about the continuum of services that we will fund and provide. that will go up to age 24, which of course, the arc goes up to and i will definitely. >> and one of the presentations that we heard from the public comment is from the council of sciences who is having an internship program now and with the youth of disabilities and who will be playing more experience and work and
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incredible job skills that many people with disabilities would do wonderfully in, including it, for the youth with the autistic spectrum and there are wonderful endless opportunities here and yet we as the potential internship sites and we ask specifically, for youth with the disabilities to replace in our office and so that we can help with the talking about the reasonable accommodations and the (inaudible) workforce and it is great to have a stream line of what is screened to the employees and the young interns with disabilities >> yes and we love to work with the (inaudible) academy and, they have been phenomenal partners with us and we have a direct grant for them for the explainer program and their workforce program, and we will be expanding and i will call ike right away and see if we
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can jump on that. >> and great suggestion, thank you. >> and thank you, for coming today. >> thank you so much for having me. >> moving on next, we are moving on to item 11, information item report from the co-chair supanicr ch. >> yes, i believe that you know that i have a hobby about following the housing issues in the city. and with the folks with disabilities how they relate and the other people. and this tuesday evening i was in i went to hear the first of two public presentations on the mayor's office on housing and community developments five year plan. >> what was of some concern to me was that the format of the way that the information was delivered has changed and they no longer, and they were not giving the information about
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the specific groups of citizens, and what funding was going into which programs to benefit them and rather they presented over arching ideals and goals for the city as a whole. and so i asked and i spoke to the possibility that that might result in some issues, and some populations being brushed to the sides. and it is always been specific call out to these groups. and now i have not read the 620-page report. and i don't know if this happens in the report, but the public presentation contained none of that information. and so i spoke to to the high rate of unemployment, under employment, under housed, and poverty populations of people with disabilities. and i got a very and a some
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what unsatisfactory response and although the people spoke up in defense of seniors and other groups, the different sections of the city, there was a good cross section in the audience and there were a lot of people very keen on this report. and the second presentation will be this coming tuesday. at 1, south van ness avenue in the (inaudible) building and on the second floor and go up the escalator and there are signs that will point you to the right room from 6:00 to 8:00 in the evening. and i suggest that more of us show up next week to ask questions, and see that the needs of the disability communities are met in this report. >> in this plan. thank you. >> thank you, co-, chair. >> moving on to the next agenda item, 12, information item, report from the director of the mayor's office on disability. >> thank you, co-chairs and
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council members, i johnson and the director, and i am going to keep my report brief and we have a long and productive meeting. i wanted to really focus first off on giving some updates about the election. you might recall that we normally have the department of elections come this time of year to provide an overview of opportunities, and i am doing that report for them. and so i want to remind everybody that election day is tuesday, november 4th, and which is very soon. and that if you are not already, registered you can still register to vote, right up until october 20th. and so we have three more days. there are a lot of really important initiatives that are on the ballot, of course, i can't possibly advocate for any of them, from this seat. but i do encourage you to talk to your friends, and read your voter pamphlets. because as you heard, our
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directors from dcys, speak just a few moments ago on the funding for her department is also up for election. and there is early voting, that is available here in the city hall and down in the basement if you have never been there and it is fully accessible early voting and it is available monday through friday and except for october 13th, which is passed from 8:00 to 5:00 p.m. and it is also opened to october 25, 26, november 1, november 2, and from ten to 4:00, and all day on election day, november 4th, from 7:00 a.m., up until 8:00 p.m. >> and regarding our polling places, we have made a lot of progress over the years, and there are 576 polling places in san francisco. and of those 547 are fully accessible which is now a 95 percent approval rating. and if you don't know where
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your polling place is, it is identified on the back of your voter information pamphlet but you can also call an important number, which is 415-554-4375. . that number is really important before the election, but it is also important on the day of the election. in case you run into any problems finding your polling place, or also, if you happen to run into any problems with your polling place, having the required accessibility feature and you want to be sure that you get that question answered and that service received as quickly as possible and i want to put our office out there as a resource too. but if you find that you are not able to vote on election day, because there is some problem with your polling place or the equipment, you can
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either call in 554-4375 number, or you can call the mayor's office on disability, at 554-6789. because they actually give us the cell phone numbers of the people who monitor these places. and about accessible voting there is both touch screen and audio voting at our polling place and we have been there since 2008 and the touch screen voting is available in multiple languages, english, chinese and spanish, and in the audio ballots are also available, and they are trained and looking for the poll workers if you are interested in participating if you do get paid to be a poll worker and it is a very long day, but it is a great worth while day. in addition to the accessible voting machines there should be
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accessible materials, at all of those polling places which includes large print and instructions, and mag fiyers and pen grips and accessible booths and if you happen to be in that five percent range of polling places that are not accessible, and you can always ask at any polling place, for curb side assistance to have them come out and take it and provide you with assistance and it is two that are permitted to help and i am going to close, again with that number. if you need help, going, it is 554-4375. and i want to just draw attention to today october 17, as being the 25th anniversary of the (inaudible) earthquake, and remind everybody that our beautiful city hall here, was one of those buildings that was
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incredibly heavily damaged during that earthquake. and that there have been numerous city initiative to do seismic retrofits throughout and this building was one example of that. we invested hundreds of millions of dollars in this building to make it safe. but what we got out of that, was also, an accessible city hall, and so, there is a connection there, that as we invest in our future, for safety, and disaster preparedness that we are also investing in the accessibility of our critical infrastructure. every year, on this date, it is always a good reminder to update your plans, and make sure that your friends have your phone numbers and make sure that you have your prescriptions written down. and make sure that you have the few extra of those pills. and this is your time to revisit your kits and your plans and your friends and your
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relationships. and our new mod web page has a disaster preparedness button down on the first home page. and i encourage you to go there to look at some of your resources and also, as the department of emergency website for sf 72, and also has the additional resources including resources for people with disabilities. so go home and be safe and celebrate. >> thank you. next up we have item number 1 3, information item correspondence. >> there is no correspondence. >> okay. >> next up we have number 1 4, discussion item, council member's comments and announcements. >> we have one announcement from chair supanich. >> yes. on october 30th, from noon until 4:00, at the lgbt center on market street, there is a
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community out reach there for people who are over 50 and living with hiv or aids. and there are two topics, one is employment. and the other is creating a life we never thought that we would have and it is about finding purpose and meaning in your life. i strongly encourage the folks to attend and again, that is october 30th, from noon to four, at the lgbt center on market. >> okay, is that an item that you would like us to post on our google calendar on our modweb page? >> i would love that. >> let me add that there will be booths with community based organization and agencies, giving information to folks. so if the project homeless connect, on it and for the hiv community. >> great. thank you. >> are there any other announcements or comments from
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council members? >> i have one, i would like to go ahead and point out that there is currently a letter writing campaign that is being undertaken by the independent living resource center of san francisco and this is for bart and in regards to, it is accessibility or let's see the lack thereof. and for its upcoming new updated bart cars if you are interested in being a part of this initiative, and you may contact the community organizer for the independent living resource center of san francisco. and which would be feona hensy, you can contact her by the offices at 415-543-6222. or you may also contact her by
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e-mail at and i do believe that she is in aat the pointed ans there as well if you would like to speak to her more about this issue. >> i see that there is one more announcement from the staff? >> one more announcement and thank you for your patience. >> we have sent it out on the e-mail, but on tuesday, october 21, at 2:00 p.m., at the san francisco main library, in the odd auditor um on the lower level there is a free screening of the emp erus, the lives of a single hotel, and this sponsored by people in sros, including the collaborativive, and china town, and cdc and
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aids legal referral panel and the independent resource center and senior and disability and action and others, and the main library, is fully wheelchair accessible and you can call for accommodations by the days past. but i am just going to repeat again, tuesday, october 21, 2:00 p.m., san francisco main library, the (inaudible) auditor um. >> thank you, to the individual brought that to our attention and that is a big event that will get a lot of attention and reception. >> moving on to the last item, adjourn. i would like to thank everyone for coming to attend today as well as all of the speakers i know that this is the first of a long discussion on employment here in san francisco for people with disabilities. thank you.
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>> being a pedestrian in san francisco is not easy for anybody. >> [inaudible] people push tables and chairs outside the sidewalk. >> i have to be careful not to walk the sidewalk. it is very hard. >> sometimes people get half way across the intersection. >> you have to be alert because there is always something coming up that you need to know
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about. >> i learned to listen to the traffic patterns. sometimes i notice the other pedestrians, they are crossing, on occasion, i have decided i'm going to cross, too. i get to the middle of the intersection, and i find out that the light has changed. >> we need to be able to work and go from one place to the other and have public transportation. the world needs to be open. >> people on disability has the task of addressing all the disability. when we are talk about the sidewalks, ramps, we have very specific issues. for people blind and low vision, we have the issue of
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knowing where they are and when the cross. it can be hit or miss. >> at hulk and grove, that sound the the automatic -- it helps people cross the street safely. >> now we have a successful pedestrian signal. >> i push the button, i get an audible message letting me know that i need to wait. when it is safe to cross, not only am i going to get an audible indicator, this button is going to vibrate. so it tells me it is safe. there is the driller sound and this trigger is vibrating.
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i am not relying on anything but the actual light change, the light cycle built into it. >> it brings san francisco from one of the major cities in the u.s. to what is going to be the lead city in the country. >> city working on all sorts of things. we are trying to be new and innovative and go beyond the
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ada says and make life more successful for people. >> disability rights movement, the city has the overall legal obligation to manage and maintain the accessibility and right of way. with regards to the curb ramps, bounded by a groove border, 12-inch wide border. for people with low vision to get the same information. the shape of the domes, flush transition between the bolt bottom of the ramp and gutter. >> we have a beveled transition on the change in level, tape on
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the surfaces, temporary asphalt to fill in level changes, flush transition to temporary wood platform and ramp down into the street under the scaffoldinging. detectable ramps. they are all detectable. nothing down below or protruding that people are going to get snagged up on. smooth clean that nobody is going get caught up on. >> our no. 1 issue is what we see here, the uplifting and shreufting to concrete due too street tree roots. here is another problem we have
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with street trees. if i have i was a person blind, this would be an uncomfortable way to find out. >> we don't want to create hazards. >> sometimes vendors put sidewalk cafes where people push the chairs too far out. >> sometimes it can be impassable. so much foot traffic that there is no room for a wheelchair or walker to go by. >> san francisco is a lively street life, it can be an issue with people with visual disabilities as well. they have these diverting
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barriers on other side of this tables and chairs area. if people can find thraeur way around it without getting tangled up, it is still fully accessible. >> we don't want anything special. we want people to basically adhere to the regulations and laws as they are on the books now. people can also, just be cognizant if they have stuff on the street, they thaoed to have 48 inches so we can pass, think outside your own spectrum of yourself that there are other people you need to share the sidewalk with. we will all get along better. >> although san francisco is a hilly place for a whraoel chair
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user, we seem to be better at most. that doesn't mean we can't continue to improve upon ourselves. >> the public has a clear are -- of travel. we can't be every to make sure that is the place. we have to rely on the place. call 311. give them your name. that goes into a data base. >> it is difficult, still, um to make the case that the disabled community isn't being represented. in some ways we are not. we have a long way to go. >> the city of san francisco is using the most innovative technology available. these devices allow people to remain out in their
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