tv [untitled] November 19, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PST
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and also costs, but the costs go up and the locomotive,, and that is the only down side, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> are there any other public commenters? in public comment is closed. colleagues, are there any questions or concerns can we have a roll call on item four? >> on item four, commissioner breed? >> aye. >> breed, aye. >> campos? >> absent. >> kim, absent. >> mar. >> aye. >> yee. >> aye. >> the item passes. >> thank you. >> please call item five? >> item number five, san francisco transportation plan and plan bay area updates this is an information item. >> and we have the deputy director for planning david ninema and i believe that our chief deputy maria is going to make the remarks later. >> okay. >> okay, good morning, david, the deputy director for
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planning for the transportation authority and this morning i want to give an update on the update strategy for the san francisco transportation plan, plan bay area, which is under going and starting its update for the 2017 cycle. so the san francisco transportation plan is san francisco's long range blueprint for the city's priorities in terms of transportation, and bringing both the multimodal and operator and network approach. and the management and agencies are charged with updating the county wide transportation plan and for the mtc updated guidelines and we are recommended to update the plans to track the regional plan in the community strategies every foreyears. the first long range county wide plan was adopted in 2004 by the transportation authority board, and emphasized among
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other things, an investment extrainggy for prop k, and as well as strategic policy initiatives that led to studies further down the line, including the parking and pricing and the pilot studies and the congestion and pricing, and the muni and among others, the comprehensive update on that county wide transportation plan was the san francisco transportation plan and that continued the update of the plan, and emphasized additional areas, including an investment plan and an investment vision, which anticipated new revenue sources that could help us guide the prioritization of the projects that will not fit in the constrained in the area that would be possible to do with the vision of eleven resources. the regional transportation plans the community strategy and actually let me back up, the plan is the region's long
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range transportation blueprint for the nine counties, in the bay area, and with the passing of sb 375 in 2008, an additional element was added and which is the assistant in the strategy and that did bring into the mix a few elements in terms of the land use and housing which when combined with transportation will help the region achieve the greenhouse gas and emissions goals as well as accommodate the increasing houses that were mrnd for the region. and the san francisco transportation plan is the formal mechanism for inputing san francisco priorities into the regional transportation plan and ses. so the 2013 update and the comprehensive update, included a broad out reach and a trade and sequence strategy, with several different city agencies to take into account, the
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different components including the climate and the air quality component and the land use component and the economic development components and the transportation, and in addition to that there was coalition building with the staff from the city of oakland and san jose and cal train and bart, a multiagency approach was taken to update the plan and emphasizing that we need to speak with one voice in san francisco to be most effective in this process. so, few of the attributes that make the sftp a strong kaor lacing and a planning mechanism, first one is long range system planning it is multty operator and model and network and it is performance based and that allows us both transparency and objectiveness in identifying the priorities for san francisco in terms are what the projects that we want to advocate for. the strategic policy
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initiatives and the sources and identify and update the revenue forecast so that we can advocate effectively for the newer or expected funding sources for the future, finally public involvement and the equity analysis, and we identified the needs, specifically focused for the communities of concern, which ended up, and those are kind of the specific example and you are saying that vision zero is a strategy to or equity strategy and so it should put the focus on equity in addition to the equity analysis that we did, and it also helped to strengthen the public ininvolvement component of the sfpt. >> i want to thank the director for leading that and our chairman, john avalos as well and i think that it makes us unique as a transportation authority that really focuses on equity and strong, strong public involvement as well. thank you. >> thank you, so much.
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>> so wrapping up, there is maybe just the last two slides, there is several different components as i mentioned before, a land use, and a climate and the air quality component as well as the transportation components. and we need to work together through all of these components in order to be effective. right now, this shows the draft rtps update schedule with some of the milestones for the update schedule as well and what we are doing is we are putting together a strategy for involving other city agencies, into this process, to be able to start together, right now, at the end of 2014, with an initial kick off phase, where we ill be the consultant and putting the projects together and identifying the committee followed by an insurance shall planning phase and involved in number two in your slide and
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that will include the updates to the land use components and the existing plan bay projects and the new projects that will be in the projects and the forecast and the paper followed by a third phase that will be advanced planning to do the project evaluation for the new project and finally the final plan, elaboration, which we will be bringing together the sftp update document. >> we see coordination is key for this, especially in the city and we see tracks where this can happen, regional level, the city level in terms of planning and the third one is in terms of the future revenue sources and project prioritization. >> thank you. >> i was just going to add from my participation in the abag association of the air governments and the mtc and joint and regional meetings that it will not be as intense as a process as the last bay area and it is focused and
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stream lined on the various points from our needs but also the other city's oakland and san jose and also the other parts of the region as well, thank you for the great presentation. >> i see no comments, let's up this up for public comment, is there anyone from the public that would like to speak. public comment is closed. if there is no other remarks from our staff, let's move on to the next item. item number 6, bart vision update. >> this is information. >> we have alan smith the acting director for planning for bart. >> good morning and thank you for inviting me to talk about the bart vision this morning, the study is a... let's see. it is a high level scan, we are trying to do a policy-based review of opportunities for investment over the long term future and so our challenge is to make the decisions among the capacity, the state of good
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repair and expansion projects and so as a policy level evaluation it is intended to inform our future choices. and this is supported by map 21's effort to do more decision making and our commitment to provide safe and reliable service and recognizes our role in the plan bay area. today i want to very quickly go through what we are doing on the study, showing you what we call the limited list, which is a snapshot of high capacity transit projects that we believe merit additional analysis and give you a few next steps. we view this as an opportunity to look long term at ahead and support the region's sustain able vision of ourselves with the robust and high capacity and the high speed transit service and the plan bay area, of course, is the first sb375 regional plan that provides a blueprint for the future and we have tried to sketch out the
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ideas that were identified in the original rail plan and the mtc sustainability project and engagement with the key stake holders and the bart board and so the staff are considering investment trade offs in those three categories and developing recommendations for the board consideration. this shows you bart key capitol priorities and our general outline is what we called the big three, and the state of good repair, the capacity, or the station's program and expansion, and so going back to the big three for a second and a year ago the board defined the new fleet, hayward maintenance complex and the system as the first priority and we have substantial priorities for the three projects. >> we have the number of investments of the number four of what we called the station's program. >> and so we have disstilled the remaining three investment choices and the state of good repair and capacity and expansion, and expansion in that context involves both new
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quarters and in-fill stations. i want to note that an expansion corridor in the bart service area may not be served by bart technology and we are looking at a time line of 30 to 50 years for some of this, and seeking to inform the board's priority decisions and given the finite resources. there is a look at those finite resources the bart financial context is we expect the increasing shortfall over the next ten years as it looks to 2014, to 2024 and operating shortfall over that period but very significantly, we have a shortfall of about 5 billion dollars or 50 percent of the need for capitol over the next ten years. >> and as we put together this vision, effort, and we defined this flowchart here, in that context, and just described that we are trying to progress this study here. and we look at the orange box,
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and as expansion ideas, and we started off with over 100 expansion ideas and we reduce this with two criteria and the free screen, land use density and available corridor and took us to about 30 projects to evaluate further, and these are reviewed with the first level or the qualitative criteria that the board directed us to use. so we now have what we call the limited list and that is about 15 expansion ideas and we are going to review the san francisco expansion ideas this morning. they same time we are preparing the expansion projects with the state of good repair and the capacity project and expect to return to the board with what we will think of as the short list and the three to five projects where we are going to ask them to advance for the study. >> these are the goals that objectives that the board directed us to use and it started with the universal big three and the economy and
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environment and equity and we weighted about one-third together and we noted in the service and system performance and these are bart center concerns and those are one-third of the value over all and so we are applying these goals and the staff objectives to each advanced expansion project as well as the capacity and the state of good repair opportunities. >> this map attempts to put the state of good repair and the capacity and the expansion project on one map altogether. i have to admit that it looks much better up close. expansion are shown as the in-fill stations and they are shown in gold and these are again, very general alignments with the undefined high capacity transit and they are merely conceptual and the infill stations are the brown boxes and i want you to describe the projects that are located in san francisco. here is the limited list, and
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this is the result of our first level of screening, and these are not prioritized and they are numbered just to keep this straight and they are both in the stations and a column for each and, keep in mind that we are talking about a long term vision here, maybe 30 to 50 years for some of these element and we reviewed about 30 projects with the first level screening to get to this list and we are advancing this list of 15 projects with quantitative data right now and so when we describe for you quickly just the san francisco-based projects and although we are looking at high capacity transit solutions throughout the service area and therefore, not limited to bart technology is and everything in san francisco is proposed to be a bart technology. >> okay, first we are looking at the transbay corridor and this shows a second tube. and we are looking at two options and the first will be
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augmented bus service but this is the transbay tube. >> bart was envisioned with the employees moving between the suburbs and the san francisco jobs twice a day there were only 3.6 people in the bay area then, and now, we think that it is time to evaluate a second tube and we could be talking decades, and the second transbay tube could address the concerns about capacity, and system resil ans and provide an opportunity and do repair of the existing tube and the second is a regional concern and so the mtc and bart and actransit and the mta and the ta have proposed a grant to study this increasing capacity in this critical part of the region, second tube is also in the regional rail plan. >> a number of alignments could be considered, the piece under the bay and the east and the west end and we have to look at the relationship between a new
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tube and the existing opened y, and it would have to be designed not to putin creasing demand on the fragile y that we have for the center of our service and so this conceptual view shows the tube south of the existing tube and the ends on the east bay are shown near the open and wide, and downtown oakland and and it serve alamena and go to the under the bay to the south of market area. >> commissioner yee? >> yeah, i just want to in regards to this study, was there any reason why you would not consider going to treasure island? >> as a possibility since we are going to increase the population there? >> we have looked at that very, very conceptually and we have concerns about the rising tides and also the length that it would, the angle at which it has been approaches san francisco, and we think south
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of markets is very important to serve, and we have not figured out yet, what their super preliminary have done and how we can go up to treasure island and serve the south of market and it is not off of the table and i have shown the conceptual line and it is something that we would like to look at further, where is it under the water and where is on it the east and west end and so there is much to be evaluated in this concern. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> if we use the alignment similar to the one in the picture there, and we could go under the bay and end up at south at market and maybe we will pop up conceptually near the third and town, and serving the south of market where it is booked out and the jobs and housing are growing and it could cross under the existing
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market street tunnel, with want to advance, because the repair and replacement needs for the first two and the long term relief for the downtown capacity and constraints and it is required for a network of service in san francisco. and it is endorsement and the regional rail plan and it will be required for us to consider 24-hour service. >> and a second tube is a massive advancement and technically and politically, and financially. and as a precurser we could look at increasing capacity,
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under the bay, with something less complex. >> could i just ask a billion dollar question, approximately what, so this is not until 2050 or beyond, but what would be the cost of that even compared to like a high speed rail project that we are now in the midst of? >> we don't know yet, we want to actually dig deeper into the question, and try to understand things like you know, commissioner yee's question about the alignment, that would have dramatic influence on the cost. and so we need to study this further. >> but as you were saying, it is huge. >> it is. >> yeah. >> okay. >> thank you. >> related to that, the other opportunity to provide the greater service across the transbay corridor is with the best improvements and what we have shown here is ac transit and it could include, the bus only lane or lanes on the bay bridge, and the brt and improvements in oakland and the service changes in the east bay and looking at transbay
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terminal in san francisco and we would do this as a interim project and it will allow the bart the time to develop the con census and seek the funding for a second tube and it is supportive of all five and it has a high level of deliverbility. this will be a future phase after the second tube would be in service, proposal bart technology and there are two routes shown, one is straight out to the richmond district and if it were across between the lake, sorry between powell street it will be a six mile alignment street to the west and secondly we looked at market street and reconnecting down at our como station and with a 9-mile stretch from downtown, and geary and the western addition and inner
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richmond and curving south at masonit and hitting the east side of the golden date park and the district, and it will follow and not preclude a project with that alignment and we would like to consider this because there is high ridership with a strong habit in san francisco, and it is ununder served portion of the district and adds the service without degrading the market street and advances the bart network and it has a strong affiliation with all five of our goals. finally the only station that we are looking at in san francisco will be near 30th street and this was actually evaluated as an infill station in 2002 and included the track facility and they are obviously good transit connections in this area and there are engineering challenges because of the grades and the construction during the operation. and it also has operating issue and could actually reduce our capacity and through put.
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and so this project supports four goals, the environment, economicky and the customer service and it is actually hard on the system. >> so, finalizing our next steps we intend to go to the board on the fourth for their consideration of the short list, and so the subset of the 15 that i showed you and i want to advance ask them to advance the certain projects for discussion. and i want to compare those projects against the goals and objectives. we also want to report on results of a poll that we took of the public interest and possible project and programs, and we defined the game similar to the budget czar game that was played in san francisco and we learned from that and so we were able to ask the public about projects that they would like to see and how they would like to pay for them ewhat is the budget czar game? it is interacting and engaging.
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>> yeah. >> executive director, that was a public out reach game that we did the san francisco plan and it was a survey where the people could spend money on various prioritis in real time it would adjust their budgets so they could see where they are at. >> we are very impressed with the game and so we modified the concept and we had the people start with what sources of money would you like to commit to improving service, and it would be sales tax or higher bbart fares. >> could i ask to see how density would be impacted by how the lines go to the different areas and that level of understanding not only the transportation connections but also other impacts would be useful and i don't know if our, i think that there was some of that gis technology, and more of the video gamish impacts but that would be an interest to me to see how that budget czar
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process works and what other technology that we can use as well. >> yeah, we thought it was innovative to put together what we did and it did report back on benefits and so we looked at air quality and congestion, and other concerns that the people would have, and equity as an example. and so it reported back immediately, so you could understand what your investments bought in terms of projects and the results in terms of benefits. >> i will just, say that on that mtc and in the meetings right there at the bart station and i know that it used to be part of china town, with a lot of affordable and low income housing and the impact on the neighbors when the bart station goes in will be of interest to me as well. >> thank you. >> so, we intend to report to the board on the recommendations for the projects to advance for the further review and that completes my presentation and i am happy to answer any questions. >> so, i don't see any from my colleagues, so the director has
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the comments. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, and thank you so much for being here that was excellent. i just wanted to recognize ellen and her team's great work she and director on down with the staff have been very gracious and coordinating with us early, and engaging us, and getting input and in addition to the work that is already under way in the core of the system, and it will be embarking on a transit core capacity study to look a lot of these issues that the staff have raised i just want to highlight a couple of things. the bart investment particularly the rather ex-seeulting ones about the new tube and the extensions we looked at those in a high level in the san francisco transportation plan and just to answer your questions, commissioner mar, on a place holder basis we set about $10 billion of vin vest sxment that
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could be off by orders of ten of 20 percent perhaps and we just wanted to put something on the table. in addition as we wait for these prail investments to come in we expect that bart can play a part. and you saw in the presentation a reference to the bar line and that is something that could extend beyond the transbay and perhaps going to the west side and providing the access to the west side but that is brand not certainly a reliability and we understand for the bart to extend to the bus side of the service, they really need that projection from the traffic congestion, so the coordination on the upcoming freeway corridor management study will be very key to insure that the bart can maintain the reliability if it gets into that bus business and then finally, some of these investments that may not have popped out so much but are important are the ones that are less visible and you you might see them on her slide of the
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map here. it is putting it here on the display and it is shown in the red circles as the turn backs and the cross overs. and it is hard to see here, but they are in key locations, and on a preliminary basis, bart is looking and that allows bart to provide more metro but it is very complicated in terms of being operationally make that happened through a turn back or a cross over, those types of investments provide the reliability and the benefits for bart to provide the higher levels of service in the urban core and while they are not cheap they are certainly something that are cost effective in the long run and something that muni is looking at and that will be the final comment is that as bart look at its investments we want to be
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sure that they are coordinated through the upcoming san francisco plan with the muni rail kaiment plan as we did before, there are opportunities with the joint investment between bart and muni as well as the transbay terminal, which is looking at not only bringing the cal train into the transbay, but potentially another sort of leg that would point across the bay. so i just wanted to insure that the board and the public that we will be looking at these together in a single system as the director mentioned. as a sing the single network. >> i just want to xhept that it is so great to get the widling down of the 100 projects down to the shorter list and to know the strategic thinking of the bart leadership and the board and i know that with nicholas, soon to join the board and the outgoing director fang that there has been attention to
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connecting up not only the west side, but it is also going through supervisor breed's district to supervisor farrell's district as well and so option number two of connecting to golden gate park i am glad that is on there for the western, north part of the city and i hope as you prioritize the different projects that that consideration of the lack of really reliable transit and that could be connected with the bus rapid transit systems on that northwestern quaund rant of the city will be considered. and i was just going it say that i think that bart to the beach as one of the potential, projects, it is a catchy title, but to me, it is more bart to connect up with unconnected spots, like the inner richmond, perhaps to the masonic, and then going connecting to golden gate park and it seems like really a feasible project.
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i am going to do my best not to use the term bart to the beach because it might raise too many unrealistic expectations of people, and i know that for my district in the richmond, it is not just about connecting up but also the other areas from district five to two, that also don't have that same kind of connection to the rest of the center of the core of the city. but i wanted to thank, miss smith and our director for bringing this presentation. >> public comment, anyone want to speak from the public? >> mr.
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