tv [untitled] November 20, 2014 1:00am-1:31am PST
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and county of san francisco should require it in their perspire orders for everything they buy they do it for social issues when there was problems with south africa and we don't buy from cities from the hardwood, etc. but when it comes to paying a nick you will e he will out from san francisco businesses they won't be buy if from us you guys should consider this legislation. >> thank you very much. >> any more speakers? seeing none, public comment is closed commissioners do we have any comments? commissioner riley >> i agree with one of the
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speakers we should recommend to combine those two protections into one. >> okay commissioner ortiz-cartagena. >> thank you, everybody for coming and speaking and the spirit and the intentions i'm obviously supportive and understand the benefits to the workforce i have questions on the first ordinance as the commissioner riley had also i too would rather wait until the formula retail is defined and maybe get more input from small businesses your commission to protect small businesses and the intent and spirit of the ordinance i know it will help our community i want to share there's no unintended bad things to happen to small businesses as a result of this.
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>> commissioner riley and yeah. i also think we should i want to see more flexibility for both the employer and employee i - if two employees want to shift change we can't do it here without pejt listing the employer. >> any more comments i personally want to see both of these combined into one ordinance i do understand the spirit and lord know i worked in small franchises when i went to college and sometimes, it was crazy so i get that, however, i would like to hold-off on this legislation until we define what
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formula retail is and let that workout first and i would like to see those two pieces of legislation come together and i do know that there was outreach on a xhooufd and i understand there was not much outreach on the supervisor mar legislation so i want to see more outreach my recommendations to this commission would be to have those two pieces of legislation combined into one and wait until after the board of supervisors meets and defines what actually is formula retail so i'm going to motion that if anybody wants to second it. >> i'd like to. >> go ahead. >> mr. president, say that the
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workers bill of rights is an important piece of legislation, however, it needs to be tweaked and in the best interest of the legislation it is a little bit premature that allows the business community the chamber of commerce a cough of weeks to work out and to bring in their suggestions so we have a better and solid legislation that would be sponsored by the small business contingent so mr. president, i urge you to make a motion. >> commissioner dwight. >> yeah. i'd like to echo that i think when we're making laws and provision is important especially important as an issue as important as this and perhaps
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a long overdue issue but dealt with with precision a number of unknowns especially being the cart before the horse and creating a legislation that depends on another piece of legislation to to be determined so again, i think all of us agree that is important that it is a good objectives and prntdz are good but we need to see die temporary restraining orders process w that we do our duty. >> commissioners, i just want to also point out that staff is provided a list of a few items where those two ordinances don't line up with the family friendly ordinance and want to know if you want to make a
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recommendation to also include that. >> 53 yes absolutely i'll make a recommendation to combine those and to wait until after what we've fined as formula retail is formula retail and make sure it goes along the guidelines with the family friendly ordinance because we were all involved. >> and to correct the unnonsense inconsistence i's. >> did he have a second. >> i second can i read that. >> commissioners you are motioning to hopefully, i have this correct to to the board of supervisors requested them to continue working with the business communities for another couple of weeks before passing this out of the budget and
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finance committee on wednesday that a recommendation is to combine the ordinance wanted to make sure that the ordinance does not pass before the formula retail legislation passes to insure that the ordinance allows for the flexibility for both the employer and the employee that the inconsistent between the two ordinances line up were noted were noted line up with the family friendly ordinance and the fair chance ordinance. >> correct. >> and if there are anything else. >> that's it. >> all right. so this is our motion and that's been monoxide by commissioner president adams and seconded by
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commissioner tour-sarkissian roll call >> commissioner president adams commissioner dooley commissioner dwight commissioner ortiz-cartagena p commissioner riley commissioner tour-sarkissian. >> that motion passes 5 to zero. >> great, thank you thank you all for coming out this evening. >> next item, please. >> item no. 7 is a presentation on small business saturday presentation on the schedule of activities and business areas participating and the work of the san francisco committee with american express to promote shopping small on november 27th
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for 2014 i can't thank the commissioner enough for all the support over the last several years 4 years sing i asked for air support of small business saturday and the staff has been unbelievable 2014 is an incredible year in san francisco starting back if the end of 2012 when the suggestion was made that instead of working independently with a bunch of groups that all the integrities come together and in 2012, we first california together you kind of like a committee bringing the san francisco travel san francisco chamber merchants together at the table with the city in overall the support of the effort this year
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it is just the original neighbors as well as the san francisco arts commission and the santa fe san francisco metro authority working together has really enabled us to provide a comprehensive plan promotion and schedule for the overall activities and 2014 represents an incredible year there's significant investment being made in as i recall both from american express and the investing neighborhoods and the arts council 0 overall their pledging $13,000 there's to the american express is 75 thousand total in engages for the city before i go in depth of the engagements there is just posted
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a new san francisco promotional video it is currently on youtube will be available via the shop small damn and running exchange if you go to youtube and making the most of business saturday there's a fantastic video focusing on the toy stores. >> you said it was running. >> the ad campaign ran about two weeks ago they're doing more of a building campaign it's sort of more environmental and emotional about 6 cities featured in the videos and the shop small website. >> do you want to go to the power point so sfgovtv can we
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have the power point. >> for in front of 29 this year will be 6 special engagements the first, the street banners that was a program we started last year that will be continued and expanded this this year we're working with the commissioners program and the entertainment will be able to expand it we're going up from 250 up to high traffic areas as well as to increase the different diversity duo into this of the areas the banners about continue to be up not
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november 2015 and continue throughout the year for the message next special project called the mean stream focused in hayes valley that will be bringing katherine ireland a designer known for her work in texas tills and she's going to be focusing on the 5 hundred block of hayes street and included in the slide they'll be wrapping in addition to the tree lighting provided by the hayes valley association they'll be wrapping the trees in colorful wrapping and stores to tie all concept together a push for the hayes valley and the hayes valley merchants association on the
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29th the next program is called small business saturday night this is focused around extending the local businesses after 5 o'clock you can show in our firefighter neighborhoods after 6 or 7 clock but when our visiting different neighborhoods and bars and restaurants this engagement b will be taking place on fillmore street with the fillmore merchant association and there's two major cultivations one will be at the assembly hall that is a allowing all party a fashion show for retails there are 0 total of 8 other stores planting with themes and activities some are photo
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boers and winetasting and other food with the focus around getting people to shop to the small businesses as the sun goes down next is the street art program that will be take place in noah valley with the professional association and the arts commission american express commission will be joining them by a loophole artist and go on a side of the building there's a radio shack in the building it's a parking lot ordinance 24th street between castro and another street this year's a visibility area and currently it is a blank space you see a photo on the bottom of the slides the first a
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woman with a fantastic bliem of blue hair as the design is finalized the blue hair will be painted in to represent different scenes from noah valley and the noah valley is excited about the project fifth activation is a partnership where it is actually a program that's been rolled out and it is take place another a store called the plains on valencia street opening up the opportunity for the crafts people who are normally accepting directly to the website to be able to have an in-person presence so they'll be
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opening the doors to crafts people that will be there that day and special promotion and other materials that will be handed out as part of the program final activations is the neighborhood project there is a total of 10 neighborhoods that have indian signed up to participate it provides the neighborhood with an opportunity to receive the shops small brands and shopping bags and balloons and buttons and things to brand the occasion on the 29 out of the official neighborhoods of i don't say over with the investment streets
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overall san francisco is neck and neck with new york on a overall saturday activation we couldn't be more existed our focus is spreading the word we're pleased to have san francisco sign up a major partner and it's all the mr. haney wraps up we really would like to thank everyone and ask for you to help spread the word. >> thank you very much jason let's have really quick 0 any members of the public who would like to make a comment on item 7 small business saturday seeing none, public comment is closed jason, i can't thank you enough you've been doing this for years
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even the castro merchants are not on here i'm going to bring this up they're involved this year. >> yeah. they didn't sign up for the program but if their interest we reached out to them to o to see i can still get them in the program. >> i'll talk to daniel on that but i want to say i've noticed since this is come about especially friday and saturday after thanksgiving in the castro everybody went dentist shopping and you were there when the castro was promoting that this brought people into the neighborhood to shop or after they were downey done shopping downtown they stopped this the neighborhood and the merchant were happy and everybody in the
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neighborhood waits until 2 weeks before christmas so some place small with american express this makes it two weeks earlier. >> we like hearing the message that is one the things we've heard over the course of the program it raises the awareness of small businesses and people are thinking more and more burglary the fact i have a choice where i spend my money and i can choose small businesses. >> those stores are not open on thanksgiving. >> thank you for highlighting san francisco i know in the commercials you guys are highlighting san francisco and to be in the same league as new york with the activation that's millions of people we're only a city of 8 hundred thousand that's incredible. >> there's a couple programs we're still trying to get but
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couldn't be more existed. >> commissioner dwight. >> thank you for all our hard work i want to ask about my merchant association dog patch association and the outreach. >> the outreach was done through a number of different sources so sf travel and sf chamber but 70 coincidental merchant i'm going if potrero hill and dog patch signed up the neighborhood champion program you can sign up as a business but they may have signed up maybe a local business that signed up. >> i have a meeting tomorrow morning i'll ask. >> if they haven't. >> my business is there so we like that. >> excellent. >> any other questions.
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>> commissioner riley. >> i'm wondering is there outreach to the chinese merchant association. >> we have done some outreach there it is an area we could definitely improve upon is an introduction by you would be helpful we've tried to get a foot hold and it's not the easy. >> 3 different association in chinatown. >> i would love introductions. >> i need to work on our chinese. >> i'll also check if with the investment team came open this this year as an active paternity so i'll see what francis was
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able to do and maybe work on that. >> okay. >> commissioner ortiz-cartagena i'm sorry. >> commissioner. >> you first. >> i'd like to thank you myself you've already got no such with my neighborhood in the hate valley the main street make over is the main street what is the main street explain that to me (laughter) is that golf course o golf street. >> it's hayes street. >> and the 5 hundred block of hayes street. >> 5 hundred is the corner. >> octavia to laguna. >> where the shops are going to be decorated. >> any other comments.
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>> director. >> i want to extend my great pretext to jason for leading the efforts it's been an honor for our office to work with jason and american express and it's exciting to see you know all the participating we have developed over the years and because of it american express is also excited about you know doing more here in the city that helps to helps our small businesses i know am pleased to keep the banners up year around to enforce that megamessage we want to make sure happens but don't have the budget so having get to budget and the evidence will then show those resources is a great benefit to us so i'm
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excited and it's you know been it's been really great working - i know that jason has had to do a lot but it's been exciting and i can't wait for 2015 and what we're going to have. >> is your entire wardrobe imply (laughter). >> so whip is women's small business advocacy group i have a lot of red, white, and blue a the playoffs in the series this year were challenging for any wardrobe interests not a whole love of black and orange. >> that's correct. >> next item please and item 8 is the director's report i'm going to provide just a couple of things so on wednesday is two things
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are happening the buzz tax advisory committee will be rexhoejd a program for the business sectors so, now we'll have move forward beyond become informed it's now wanting to do the outreach around it's now times you know to file our taxes how do you do it so greg you'll be receiving a presentation if not next meeting thereon the following meetings afterwards they've developed their online forums and how walking and businesses through you know the essential he means of how to fill it out working to get the message out and time to start
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pga our takes and you know what the 5 year transition period so that's happening on wednesday and then also that afternoon is this small business leaders meeting with the mayor two topics that are be discussed working on developing the city had a with the state so any lbe business will be recognized with the state and perhaps steven might be speaking before this in public comment but having conversations about the kinetic impact of the key big projects so those are the two key discussion points the folks will bring up with the mayor and i know i'll just leave it at
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that for today. >> thank you next item. >> is the president's error. >> well, i the first one i want to discuss this is a community activity so today across the street as we all finish the meeting we'll go and join them the 40th anniversary of the golden gate lgbtq challenging in the united states fined here in san francisco in 1944 today their celebrating i want to say prior to the meeting today, i was at the reception and acknowledged the commission alongside the golden gate business association and all their advocacy work they do they're a big part of small business week and it's basically how i got connected with castro
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merchants and a lot of other organizations i wouldn't be sitting up here today without that organization i want to congratulate the lgbt on they're in between. >> shall i wait to bring up something else that's new. >> wait. >> item 10 i should acknowledge i made an error in the agenda i left outnumber 6 we went from 5 to 7 for the public record so item 10 is the vice presidents report it is absent show a i move on to item 11. >> item 11. >> the commissioners report that allows the commissioner to report on small si
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