tv [untitled] November 21, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PST
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please describe the rules of this election? >> there are no absent abstention or passes. all supervisors must vote when a question is posed. the lowest vote getter is not obligated to withdraw their name and they will be included on subsequent ballots unless the nominee chooses to withdraw their own name. at any time a nominee may withdraw their own name, the board can adopt a motion to reopen nomination with a majority vote as the president stated. in the event that no nominee receives a majority vote there shall be an additional roll call until a nominee receives a majority vote. and then the supervisors who have been nominated for the election to the office of board president is supervisor tang. so, when your name is called, please indicate your preference from among the nominees stated. in this case there is only one. again, if no supervisors received a majority of the votes we'll proceed to the next round until a nominee with draws or if there is another motion to reopen the
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nominations. >> colleague, unless there is any further discussion, madam clerk, could you please call the roll? kim for tackvthv. is that correct, kim for tang? supervisor mar? mar absent. supervisor tang? >> yes, tang for tang. [laughter] >> tang for tang. supervisor wiener? >> tang. >> wiener tang. supervisor yee? >> tang. >> yee for tang. supervisor avalos? avalos not present. supervisor breed? >> tang. >> breed for tang. supervisor chiu? >> supervisor tang. >> chiu for tang. supervisor cohen? >> katy tang. >> cohen for tang. supervisor farrell? >> supervisor tang. >> farrell for tang.
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there are eight ayes. [cheering and applauding] >> congratulations, supervisor tang. >> thank you. first of all, i just want to thank all of my colleagues who were voting in support of this. it's unfortunate given the conversation that we had, but really my priority for these next two meetings as interim president is really just to make sure that we have a smooth transition. so, knowing that we do have another vote coming up in january, i'm going to keep my comments short, but actually want to take this opportunity to acknowledge president david chiu, really thank him for his service as our board president for three terms. i think he has done a fantastic job and being a very balanced board president and leader for san francisco. so, i really want to appreciate him, offer him my best if you can hear me, in his new role of state assembly member. and of course we all look forward to working with you and
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having a really great relationship with you in sacramento. so, again, i want to thank the board members, but again, there will be another vote in january, so, we look forward to that. >> thank you, supervisor tang. i just want to make a couple of final comments. first of all, i want to clarify that supervisor tang will be taking -- assuming the position of board presidency when i vacate that position at 11:59 a.m. on monday, december the first. colleagues, i want to thank you for what i know was a difficult discussion. these decisions are never easy, but i want to thank you for the conversation and certainly want to concur with the comments of supervisor farrell. i think we all hold supervisor tang in the highest esteem. we know her to be someone who is fair, who is balanced, and someone who has worked well with all of us. and i know we all look forward to our work with her during this interim time period. so, with that, madam clerk, are
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there any in memoriams? >> yes, mr. president. today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following and beloved individuals. on behalf of supervisor wiener for the late mr. danny williams and mr. robin [speaker not understood]. on behalf of supervisor yee for the late ms. paula minkus and on behalf of supervisor breed for the late senior master sergeant william cluster bill yancy. >> and madam clerk is there any more business in front of the board of supervisors? he >> that concludes our business for today. >> ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned for today. [gavel]
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>> convene the meeting. >> [speaker not understood]? >> here. >> commissioner [speaker not understood]? a here. >> [speaker not understood]? >> here. >> item 2 [speaker not understood]. >> so moved. >> i just have one amendment, under a section on something that i said, page -- sorry. it says it also helps in [speaker not understood] not to release, but relieve, relieve some of the pressure. so, is the motion to approve the minutes as amended? >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye.
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>> minutes are approved as amended. >> item 3, [speaker not understood]. >> is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. is there a motion to move -- oh. >> second. >> there is a motion to move into executive session. >> moved. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. do i have a motion to reconvene in open session? >> moved. >> seconded. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> i move to disclose that in closed session the commission voted 4 to 0 to approve the settlement agreement with carl h. heinz jr. described in the 4-1-a and nothing else discussed in closed session. >> thank you. >> second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> pledge of allegiance.
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i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> announcement of prohibition of sound producing electronic devices during the meeting: please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phone, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic device. ~ please be advised announcement of time allotment for public comments: please be advised that a member of the public has up to three minutes to make pertinent public comments on each agenda item unless the port commission adopts a shorter period on any item. ~ item 8, public comment on items not listed on the agenda. >> any public comment?
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seeing none, public comment is closed. next item. >> item 9a, executive director's report. >> good afternoon, commissioners, members of the public, port staff. jonathan's children and [speaker not understood], thank you all for coming today. as the mayor proudly said today in world champion number 3 home city san francisco, jack, i hope you heard that today, which we're very, very proud of. but we've talked about that before. so, i have a few things to report the executive director's report today. most are glorious, some are sad. i want to start with the glorious, which is to report that we are having what appears to be a banner crab season. as you know, the crab season officially kicked off this past friday, november the 14th, and it has been a flat outrun ever since. the conditions, the moon and the stars, really came together well.
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the fishermen and the processors arrived pretty easily in comparison to previous years and in advance of the official opening day. so, there were no delays on that. we had everyone in town waiting and ready to go, which i'll talk about more in a minute. we had perfect weather, which has really been helpful. and it turns out that there appears to be a very, very good volume of crabs available for the catch. all told, we have about 75 boats, which seems to be a record in modern time for the season. we have 45 different local, non-local vessels in addition to our usual 30 local vessels, and of the 45 out of town vessel, 30 of them have never fished here before during crab season so it's a huge queue for all of us. we're very happy about that. ~ we have been trying to get the various captains to disclose how much they're catching. they are unwilling to do so and
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grinning. [speaker not understood]. as you know, there is weather brewing coming our way tonight. so maybe we expect to see the vessels staying in we hope for their own safety in the coming days, and then continuing to fish through thanksgiving and the out of town vessel to go back up coast when the seasons in oregon and washington open as well. we really want to say thanks to a number of our fish processors and to red and white fleet for helping us accommodate all of these vessels. if you've been up in fisherman's wharf, you couldn't help but see the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of crab pots that were stacked up, crab pots that were riding up the embarcadaro on flatbed trucks. you couldn't help but see the vessel tied three and four side by side. so, we've really had to work with our pier 45 tenants to help make sure that there was
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room for everyone. we have absolutely no vacancy in hyde street right now which is really fun, fun thing to have happen. so, a big thank you to everyone involved, particularly the port's maritime staff and also our best wishes to all the fishermen for a bountiful and safe season. so, very good news. and if you haven't been out to get your crab, go get it, it's looking awesome. so, that's crab season. next i just want to remind everyone that we have a special port commission meeting in december. our regularly scheduled meeting for the second tuesday of december is pushed back to the third tuesday of december, same time, same place. so, here in the port commission room at the ferry building on tuesday, december the 16th, with open session commencing at 3:15 p.m. thirdly, i wanted to note that the port commission meeting calendar for 2015 has been posted. all of the meetings are posted
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on the regularly scheduled second and fourth tuesdays of the month. just a reminder that about six months of the year we meet twice a month and six month of the year we meet once a month. so, please check the calendar going forward, but it is now posted for 2015. next, some happy news, do i see laura anywhere? there she is. can't see you back there. sorry about that. commissioners, as you probably know, the san francisco exploratorium has been having itself a banner year and has been the recipient of a gazillion award. just got one of the most prestigious awards ever. october 22nd they were selected at the 2014 urban land institute global award for excellence. they competed against 13 real estate developments from around the globe and they won. this award is one of the most
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prestigious in the real estate land use arena. it recognizes real estate projects that achieve a high excellence in design, economics, planning and management, recognized with them was san francisco based ehdd, their architect and engineer and developer wilson [speaker not understood]. so, it is a very, very prestigious award and we are very proud of the museum which is now a 45-year san francisco an. so, we're happy about that. and their outreach is incredible. i hadn't realized how far and wide the exploratorium reaches outside of san francisco, but they are certainly doing an amazing job here in san francisco. and i know laura is here who is the chief operating officer of the exploratorium. laura, did you want to say just a couple quick words? you're not required to. you can just clap and applaud if you prefer. it's up to you, laura. you have to do it in the mic because we have to record you.
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please welcome laura zander. >> thank you so much. i think you said most of it, monique. i just wanted to come up here mostly to say thanks to the port for our great working relationship. i'll make a plug for j. edwards, monica, whom i work with closely on a monthly basis, but there are so many other people that we touch. so, if that was an opportunity to say thank you, that's great. and as you mentioned, we won this awesome award. there were over 200 applicants for the award, 23 finalists and 13 global winners. we're in the company of projects around the world singapore, stockholm, norway, san diego, pennsylvania the bethlehem steel art environmental that they created. so, it's really an amazing ward. not just for design and architecture, but for contribution to the community,
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innovations, public-private partnership as we have expressed here, environmental protection and enhancement, response to societal need, creative financing and economic success. and i think we touched all those points. we hit all those criteria and as you said, this was -- it's very prestigious and we feel extremely proud and extremely proud to be on the san francisco waterfront. it's an amazing place to be. so hopefully we'll have a long future here. thank you. >> wonder. . thank you, laura. and i just want to recognize all of the greet team at the exploratorium and the fact that you helped us to celebrate a magnificent fleet week, the first one since you've joined us at the waterfront. ~ great and i know everybody enjoyed visiting there at the pier. so, i thank you for coming today. >> congratulations. thank you on behalf of all the commissioners [speaker not understood] to receive this award and for all the wonderful events he hold at the exploratorium for tourists.
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thank you. >> congratulations. can we have a round of maze for the exploratorium? (applause) >> commissioner, next i'd like to recognize general mike myatt who is sitting there against the window. we talked at our meeting in early october about the amazing success of fleet week and everybody's keen sense of delight, that it was back in town after a one-year hiatus in a quarter of a century, it's pretty remarkable. i know, general myatt, you have some word for all of us. so, welcome. >> well, i tell you, commissioners, i can't thank the port enough for the cooperation and the support that we got all through fleet week. this is probably the best fleet week that we've had and a lot of the ones most impressed with fleet week were the marines and
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sailors themselves because there is a reputation that san francisco has being anti-military, which is quite the opposite. they just rolled out the carpet for the visiting marines and sailors. but i want to thank the port specifically because your participation in our senior seminar and the support of everybody from soup to nuts, i just can't thank you enough. so, i want to make a presentation. monique -- >> oh, wow, that's awesome. that's awesome. >> our icon i can photo, and this year it's ~ the ferry building. >> it is awesome. that is outstanding. (applause)
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>> and i hope you'll put this in a visible place and enjoy it. >> yes. so, general, if i may also recognize the president of the board from the fleet week committee who is presenting the photo to president katz. and [speaker not understood] raise your hand and our partners at the port and sitting behind him. hopefully you'll know diana and everyone else. it was a group effort, general, but you outdid yourself this year. there is really no doubt the number of ships, the number of decorated high-level officials that were in town was stunning and it was really fantastic for all of us. i encourage you to keep on doing it. we're proud, proud, proud to partner with you and to bring in the exploratorium to be part of it, it was a great event.
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>> monique, i'd like to add an additional comment. in addition to doing our iconic felt owe out in front of the ferry building, the fleet week we did another event here, we had a staff cancellation in the lobby ~. and we had the great meerctioner sh ~ pleasure, it was around the marines coming in on the assault ship, the u.s. s. america. in any event, just want to say that jane connors who is in charge here in the building, ~ i was asked several times how are thing going with the ferry building, how are thing going with that. and i told them all very frankly, when we met jane connor, it was like being in your mother's arms. she couldn't do enough for us.
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proactive. she thought of things that we needed that i hadn't thought of and she said, hey, i think you need this and it was done. so, we just want to publicly say how much we appreciate her and how much we appreciate the cooperation we had here at the ferry building. >> and she brought in -- into the building for our thanksgiving, because it was so incredibly hot outside -- how do you like that? >> that's another exact polynomial. in our initial meeting, we had decided that a location outside of the building -- the post office set up a temporary post office, with post office personnel. i was down at the golden gate waiting for the ship to come in, i wasn't here when they set up. when i got down here, i looked all around. where is everything? jane had moved them from there into the lobby of the building, much more comfortable. it really worked, and it was really a nice thing to do. but thanks again. >> thank you. may i thank you, everybody can see -- it's too low.
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it's a lot of work, i learned, in this process to get all of these young men here before breakfast to get the street and all the different things. flower what incredibly patient with all of the gymnastics that we go through trying to manage all of the activity here at the waterfront and it turned out beautifully. so, kudos to all of you. >> thank you very much. >> so, on behalf of the port, on this item, we want to present general myatt with a little token of our appreciation, our little echo all of monique's words about how extraordinary your work and dedication has been to ensuring the success of fleet week. and i think as you mentioned, san franciscans love fleet week and they turnout, and they support the members that are here when they come and visit san francisco. i think it's one of those things that we are so thrilled, came back again this year. you are at the forefront of
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ensuring the most successful fleet weeks ever for many years and just really want to thank you on behalf of the port. >> i'll take the opportunity -- corrected me -- the men and women who are here. [laughter] >> i have a boy and a girl, the boys are always more hungry than the girls. (applause) >> thank you, general, and to all the fleet week team and to admiral breckenridge and the entire board. we really, again, are so lucky to have all of you and we really greatly, greatly appreciate it. i still have a few more item, believe it or not. the next one i'm not so
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thrilled about. jonathan stern sitting here in the front row surrounded biana mazing harem of lovely girls has decided that he has an opportunity to go do something bigger and better than the port, which is hard to imagine, but apparently there are such opportunities out there ~. jonathan has been the assistant deputy director for development in our planning and development division now for a little over seven years and he's actually been working with the port in some capacity off and on for like a decade and a half more or less. and as you know him well, commissioners, and the public knows him well, jonathan has had a humongous impact on the port. he has been the driving force behind a lot of projects that will be legacy making for not just his children, but his children's children some day. the exploratorium being one of them.
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but also the projects at seawall lot 307, project 351, sea lot 351, the project at pier 70 and numerous other projects. but jonathan is best known at the port and outside of the port for his incredible analytical ability and his keen perspective on calculating value and understanding how to manipulate that value so that it's beneficial to all parties. and not everyone has always loved that trait about him, which makes me extremely happy, because i always find that to be a terrific sign. so, not to steal too much of jonathan's thunder, but he has an opportunity to go work in the office of the president at the university of california which, as you know, has a portfolio of 10 campuses and five medical centers throughout the state and is currently
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under the amazing leadership of janet nipalatano. [speaker not understood]. a great opportunity to make more legacy. so, i've had a wonderful time working with jonathan. we've had some terrific debates over the past seven years. i have won them all just so you know. [laughter] >> there is such a thing as regardtionv, right, general? ~ rank, right, general? i have won none, by the way. but it's been a terrific learning experience for me and a great partnership and i know that i will miss you terribly. i know many of your colleagues will be camped out in merced trying to heckle you when you bring those projects forward. so, commissioners, i'm very sad to report that jonathan will be leaving us the end of today, more or less, and going on to a
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partner agency and which hope to see more of him. maybe the campus will expand here in san francisco when we do maritime or something. so, jonathan, thank you, and your family who i'm sure has made a lot of sacrifice for all you've done for the port and may you always come back and enjoy the wealth of your labor. so, thank you. (applause) >> so, a little out of order here. we shouldn't have done this with the presentation with general myatt. like to take public comment on the items before us during the executive director's report. so, those of you wishing to make comments, please line up and come forward. good afternoon, commissioners.
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i'm dianne [speaker not understood] with planning and development division and actually i wasn't knowing whether i would have a chance to thank and congratulate general myatt and the whole fleet week team because we really did have a lot of fun as well as a lot of success. but i also wanted to just express my thanks and appreciation for everything that jonathan has done for the port. it's been a really challenging time for the port over the last ten years while jonathan has been here and the complexity and the complications of trying to move projects forward and under how you can balance so many more interests than we started with with our earlier projects. we were only able to accomplish because of the thing that jonathan was able to provide for the commission as well as his colleagues. and i can't say enough for the whole that he is leaving in our organization and how we're going to have to scramble a bit and hopefully the public will
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bear with us. ~ hole not only on the analytical and development side, but also on the community relations side, too, because he has been managing -- he is the waterfront advisory group. we maintain ongoing discussions with them and those are clearly going to be key as we try and move forward. and somehow he's balanced that all with having three kids and a whole family life on the other side. so, i know how challenging that can be, jonathan. i wish you well and i think u.c. is proving that they are quite mature because they're hiring a stanford alum to take this position. [laughter] >> so, kudos for world peace here. hi, jonathan. i just wanted to congratulate you so much on this opportunity. it seems like an amazing fit for your talents and i hope
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that you can bring the sort of level of skill and analytical ability to u.c. that you brought to the port. i enjoyed collaborating with you on the america's cup, the good and the bad, on 337. i think that you've really brought the port along in term of how we structure real estate deals. you're our conduit how that private market is thinking. and i think we'd be years behind without your skills and so, kid, you're lucky to have a smart guy. i'm sure hegreat with your homework. i wish you the best, jonathan. >> thank you. ~ he's byron [speaker not understood], planning director. wanted to congratulate jonathan on his new po
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