tv [untitled] November 24, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PST
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were officially inaugurated. in that same year, muni received its first fleet of buses equipped with wheelchair lifts. in 1982 when the cable car had a shut-down, they added an alternative attraction to the cars. the festival was a huge hit and would continue for the next four summers in a permanent f-line that would extend all the way to fisherman's wharf, by 2000 the f-line was in place. and in 2007 muni extended the third line to the southeast corner and returning to third street. for the first time in 60 years. in the course of last 100 years,
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muni's diverse workforce forged by men and women of innovation have reflected the many cultures that flock to the city. muni's ground-breaking antidiscrimination has guaranteed equal opportunity for all. the city's policy mandates the course for the future, as they work diligently to increase options and increase multialternatives, and deduce -- reduce the carbon footprint. it continues to improve the systems. during this sen -- centennial year we reflect on the transit system. driven not
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>> good afternoon. i'm call tg meeting to order, goods afternoon. it is now 1:08. this is the regular meeting of the commission on community investment and instra structure. the successor agency to the san francisco redevelopment agency for tuesday, november 18, 2014. welcome to everyone. madam secretary, please call the first item. >> thank you madam chair. the first order of business is item 1, roll call. commission members, please respond when i call your name. >> commissioner mondahar. >> here. >> madam chair rosales. >> sheer. here. >> commissioner sing is absent, all other commissioners are absent. the next regularly scheduled commission meeting will be held on december 2, the
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announcement of prohibition of electronic sound producing electronic devices at this meeting. please be advisinged that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of anyone responsible for any similar sound producing device. announcement of time allotment for public comment. a member of the public has up to three minutes for public comment on each agenda item. it is strongly recommended that members of the public who wish to address the public fill out a speaker card and submit it to the commission secretary. item 3, actions taken at a previous closed session, if any. there are no reportable actions. number 4, matsers of unfinished business, we have no items. item 5, matters of new
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business. first, the consent agenda, 5a approval of minutes of october 21, 2014. item b, authorizing the executive director to enter into a pool fund cash flow loan agreement of up to $21,172,676 with the treasurer and controller of the city of san francisco and accommodate po ten sh deficiencies in tax increment identified on recognized obligation payment schedule 14, 15b subject to oversight board and california board of finance approval. madam chair. >> do we have any speaker cards for either -- for items 5a or b? >> i have no speaker cards. >> none. okay. members of the commission, we have two matters on consent.
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we can take them separately. one is the approval of the minutes. are there any comments or edits or motions on -- >> i have none. >> commissioner busto says move the item. >> second. >> been moved and seconded. >> please call the roll on 5a. >> commission members, please announce your vote when i call your name. >> mondahar,bustos, rosales. the vote is three is and one absent. >> are there any comments on consent item 5b. been moved by commissioner bustos, seconded by commissioner mondahar. >> modahar. >> yes. >> bustos.
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>> 3 is and one absent. >> motion is adopted. please call the next item. >> the next order of business is item 5b authorizing the executive director -- 5b adopting environmental quality act and conditionally approving a combined basic concept and schematic design for 352 room hotel on block one at the intersection of chal then and third street mission bay south and redevelopment area. madam director. >> thank you madam secretary. good afternoon commissioners and members of the public. thank you so very much for joining us. commissioners, mission bay south block one, you've previously seen residential building designs, this is the hotel component of the project that's under development by soma hotel llc.
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you can see this represents mission bay block one. it's a significant gateway and this design certainly responds to that. so with that, i'd like to ask the senior development specialist for our real estate division the walk you through the proposed design and staff analysis. looks like she'll be joined by members of the architecture and development team as well. >> good afternoon, i'm senior development specialist with ocii . the item for your review is a combined basic concept for a 250 room hotel project on block one. i'll start with a brief overview of the project and the developer and architect will do a design presentation for you and then i'll come back and close out the presentation for you.
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it is located on block one which will ultimately be developed with a mix of residential and hotel uses. the hotel portion of block one is approximately half an acre in size and will be well served by transit. it's located approximately two blocks from two muni stations. in addition, the muni ten bus line will pass along third street. in 2013 the commission approved a major phase application for block one. the major phase included 350 residential units on two residential blocks, the 250 room hotel and 25,000 square feet of retail uses. subsequently in june of this year the commission approved a combined concept for the residential project again be the 350 residential units and
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approximately 15,000 square feet of retail uses. soma hotels llv has submitted a design for the hotel portion of block one. the proposed project will contain 250 guest rooms, 10,000 square feet of meeting space, rooftop community spags with a bar and 4,000 square feet of retail space and an l shaped 160 tower. with the commission's permission i'd like to invite denice hannon from soma hotels to begin the design portion of the presentation. >> thank you for the introduction and thank you for all the assistance you've provided to our team by both you, katherine, george and everyone at ocii. the ocii team has been invalue blg able to us in this process.
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soma hotel llc has put together a very experienced team to oversee all phases of this project. some of our team that we have brought with us today, i will introduce now and then some of the consultants we brought on board, i believe we'll introduce later in the later part of the presentation. our team does include mission bay legal counsel. he is our land use counsel. she has extensive knowledge of our mission bay entitlements, having worked with fossil when they acquired mission bay, as well as several other developers within the mission bay area. in addition we are very fortunate to have retained mark hornburger as the lead architect for the project. hornburger were architects on a number of san francisco hotel projects, includesing
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the site. we have the corner of block one, which is right at the intersection of third and channel, about half an acre site. you can see it in red here. it's a really wonderful exposure close to the two bridges and a very important integral part of that block one site. context, you're all familiar with the site's literally flat, no buildings currently on the site and we anticipate construction, both from the strata residential, their two towers here within the next year followed, of course, closely on the heels by the hotel project. the site itself, you can see here triangular site, you can see on the upper right, lower
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left, the two taller poshgss of strata's residential project and then at the corner intersection, our l shaped 16 story, plus one level of community open space and rooftop bar, making it 17 stories in height at the corner. this is a view on channel, looking towards the bay, looking east ward, and you can see on the left hands side strata's residential building and then the hotel seen here in perspective the base of the hotel is public uses. our entry -- main entry for automobiles is on the ground level along channel and then
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above it other public and back of the house space, including meeting space looking out on to channel and then the taller portion of the building guest rooms. as christine mentioned earlier 215 guest rooms in the project. the view you see here in the booklets is the elevation of channel street. again, with our street defining base to the building. interesting element in the project is the public space, what we call our community living room on the right hand side. are we up now? so on the right hand side you can see the -- on the lower
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right hand side you can see this corner class elements which is our main lobby and community living room for the hotel project itself. meeting spaces and then topped with guest rooms. here along the channel street side you see a view of the port. this is the main automobile. entrance. we're trying to maintain the pedestrian sidewalk, but also create a main plaza where people can come into the lobby, check in and feel like it's part of the community and part of the public domain.
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in your booklets, looking down third street towards the corner of channel you can see on the right hand side the high-rise condominium portion of strata's project, and then in the center, the hotel, 16 stories, plus the community and bar space at the top. again, street defined with podium guest rooms above it. and the elevation along third street, strong definition of the street. again, you see at the left hand side of the elevation, that community living room, that's 40 foot high space that's glass, trees inside it, very similar to the public open space that you see at the ground level of the building that's on the corner of second and mission here in downtown district of the city. they're really nice, open, inviting space for the community. we have next to it, a
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restaurant and cafe area on the ground level and that tall, thin element that you see, starting with red and terminating with red at the top, that's main pedestrian entry to the hotel on third, which will bring you into the lobby and allow you to access elevators, which will take you up to the community open space at the top of the building. here's the view from down third street looking towards the ballpark. and again, you see this glass cube at the corner, which is open. it will have sliding doors on the ground level so on nice days it will open up and be really an indoor, outdoor space and when conditions require, of course close down again so it's a nice, comfortable interior space
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that has lots of natural light and lots of visible, but you see at the top of the building, as well, signalled in red here, the community open space and bar and elevators and lighting will allow you both visually and functionally up to the ground level at the community space at the top of the building. some plans, just quickly to go through these, ground level plan you can see on the right hand side is channel. restaurant and cafe space. maybe entrance and our corner community living room you can see and then here in that paved d pattern, that plaza like pattern with the lobby directly behind. the hotel will be served by valet so there will be a contention of valet parking 24 cars.
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we'll also have secured bicycle parking for staff in the parking level, which upper ramp here is at the second level. we're trying to wrap the perimeter of the building. we have administrative spaces so the parking is set to the inside of the plan and away from view as much as possible. and then here, level three, the meeting space, our collaborative space, so we're encouraging people to come and use the meeting space and make it a very functional meeting area for the hotel itself. going further up the building here on the podium level, as christine said, we have private open space, we have fitness area, guest rooms and an outdoor landscaped deck so we can have hotel related
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events. you see water feature and landscaping at this level. then as we proceed up guest room suites on the corners with great views and then of course at the top of the building, our community open spacebar with green roof area for future photo will be focusing on lead silver registration for the building. and then indoor, outdoor space, including here you can see outdoor fire feature and great view towards the ballpark and indoor, outdoor bar and sitting space, facing towards the views to the north and east towards the bay. landscaping, we're working with cliff low who has really great experience in the mission bay area and we've
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worked with cliff a number of different times in the past on landscaping so here's some views of sections of that fourth level podium with water feature and landscaping, outdoor landscaping which will open to the center of block three. and then finally an indication of materials for the building. we would like the building to be complimentary but differentiated from the other buildings on block one and elsewhere in mission bay so we have high quality architecture we're focusing on. the windows will be framed and trimmed in white painted metal with the very tallest element of the building will be a series of ceramic like panels
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that have a variety of color tones to them so there's a mosaic pattern to it if you will, and then strong accents to the base and core of the building and the top of the building and in this case you see the red elements that are complimentary to grays and whites so our material pallet. we think we'll be a great neighbor. it's going to be a building that's very oriented towards the public, open and inviting both for it's lobby and public and food and beverage offerings, but also its community space at the top of the building, so we're looking forward to continuing to work with your fine staff on the project and happy to take any questions as we move forward. thank you. >> the mission bay cac
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discussed this design at its meeting of october 20 and had a couple concerns about the project, mainly that it didn't have as much color as they'd like to see and talked about the importance of secured bicycle parking. they increased the number of secure bicycle parking spaces from two to ten and will continue to for additional secured bicycle parking. we're back up and running. the introduction of additional color will be addressed through condition of approval which i'll talk more about. and finally the developer will return to the cac during design development to create additional design refinements. as with any project there are a number of detail design
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issues that must be resolved during the design phase of the project. accordingly, the resolution you have before you today includes conditions of approval that require the developer to continue working with ocii staff during design development. these conditions include the the addition of color and lighting, to further define the pedestrian entrance. for review of the service and loading zone to minimize its expression, public access to the rooftop community space with no commercial obligation to the project. the design is to return to the cac to address the public art program and finally, as i mentioned, additional secured biesz kl parking in the second floor garage. the developer has been working with ocii's contract compliant staff to date the developer
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has achieved 52% sbu participation. of the total fees for the project, 52% represent san francisco based sbes. in addition, women owned businesses, staff has reviewed their contract to date and determined that 29% of the total fees have been awarded to mbes and 19% to wbes. i'd like to note that these numbers are different from those that were exhibited to the commission memorandum and with the commission's permission i'd like to ask again to come up and walk you through those changes and i have a handout that will show you what those changes were. >> thank you. i think the only change that we wanted to bring to your attention today was that when the materials were submitted originally, our concept for
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the restaurant had been to have a marketplace type restaurant on the first floor of the building and since submission we have learned that there will be a very large marketplace type cafe right across the street from the hotel as part of the channel mission bay residential complex. so due to this we have changed the design direction for the restaurant at the hotel away from the marketplace concept and more towards a standard hotel restaurant and cafe. because this requires a different type of skill set we do intend to bring on a restaurant design firm named edg to do the interior design work in the restaurant. our associate architect for the project,lda, will remain as the architect for the restaurant and bar areas. and we are pleased to report
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that our sba/sbe numbers will continue to be above 50%. we're almost done here. next is work for schools. during the construction phase of this project the developer is committed to meeting the goals of payment and prevailing wages and construction work force hiring. upon completion of construction the of 50%. additionally the operator of the hotel will be required to enter into a neutrality agreement which, among other things, will set forth the procedure for determining employee preference on union representation. in conclusion, staff recommend the staff adopt the findings
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and approve the block one project. the developer anticipates construction will that concludes staff's presentation. staff, as well as the development team are available to answer any further questions that you might have. thank you. >> thank you. >> madam secretary, do we have in public comment cards? >> yes, i have one speaker card, corin woods. >> afternoon commissioners, welcome commissioner bustos, nice to have you back. my name is corin woods. we have written you a letter which you should have in front of you. we are concerned to make sure that this is a very high quality project because it's a very visible location. we want to make
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