tv [untitled] November 25, 2014 2:00am-2:31am PST
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you. >> seeing no further comment or discussion, i am just going to make a motion to continue this item to next month. and can we do that without opposition? >> next item please? >>approving an amendment to contract no. 08-04-cmgc-000, authorizing webcor/obayashi joint venture to award a trade work subcontract to clayton coatings, inc. as the responsible bidder submitting the lowest responsive bid in the amount of $8,594,839 for tg16.8: fireproofing, thereby increasing authorized direct costs by $8,594,839, and the authorized construction services fixed fee by $653,208. >> mark savana will report on this item. >> good morning directors and i have a short presentation that i present to you and i can answer any questions, which do you prefer? >> actually just a very short couple of sentences of a description for the members of the public that are watching and then i do not have any questions or comments and i
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don't see any from the board. >> okay. (inaudible) fire proofing includes the applying of the spray (inaudible) and the material. and the structure, and the structural elements and (inaudible) the fire resistant material on the structure (inaudible) and that we will see in the (inaudible) and being in the finished coats, and includes two years of warranty for the work. and we (inaudible) shipped the package on july tenth and we received this on december 18th and the budget for the scope of 6 million, and the so was 6 million, and the s(inaudible) was ten percent and we had 6 prequalified bidders and we received three bids, and ranging between 5.7 and 6.9, and 7.3 and 8.9 and (inaudible) for the patch work.
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we received the bidders (inaudible) national (inaudible) and (inaudible) our recommendation is it award the project to (inaudible) as the lowest possible bidder. >> thank you. >> all right, so no comments, and we will open it up for public comment on this item. >> seeing no public comment, public comment is closed, could we take a motion on this item? >> i will move approval. >> there is a motion and a second. >> take the roll call on this item. >> director lee. >> aye. >> neru. >> aye. >> harper. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> and that is four eyes and item 9 is approved. and next item.
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>> and item 10 isdirecting the transbay joint powers authority to vote in favor of city and county of san francisco community facilities district no. 2014-1 (transbay transit center) (cfd), and take such other actions as may be necessary or expedient to the formation of the cfd. >> any questions. >> and i appreciate this resolution in favor of rcfd form nation and the action that was taken by board of supervisors two weeks ago and to support that approval and i also want to recognize the mayor's office because i know that the mayor particularly a very strong position and we were able to stick to the original formation and the city will be made whole by the district and so it remains to
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be seen what will occur in the next couple of months and i want to recognize the leadership for standing strong on making sure that we will be able to receive the funds from our private developers to fund this important work. and are there any other comments or questions? >> seeing none, we will open it up for public comment on this item? >> seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. do we have a motion on this item? >> do we have a motion? >> second. >> and a second. >> so can we take the roll call on this. >> lee. >> aoe. >> nuru. >> aye. >> harper. >> aye. >> kim. >> aye. >> item ten is approved. >> and next is approving the minutes of the september 11, meeting, and no members of the public want to address you. >> are there any amendments or comments on the board members? >> seeing none, is there any public comment on this item? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. and on do we have a motion to approve the board minutes? >> yes.
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>> so moved. >> second. >> and roll call on the item. >> director lee. >> yes. >> nuru,. >> aoe. >> harper. >> yes. >> kim. >> aye. >> and the minutes are approved. >>ty, and i believe that we do need to take a motion to rerecess, and so we will recess the meeting to convene in closed session and i do need to take the public comment on item 14, is there is any? >> seeing no public comment, public comment on this item is closed and can we take a motion to convene into closed session? >> yes. >> and we have a motion and a second and we can do that, without opposition, and we just do ask that the members of the public and the staff to exit the room and so that we can go into the closed session unless you are hear to speak or present on this item. thank you
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>> we have adjourned closed session and we are convening. >> could we have an announcement of closed session. >> the property negotiaters regarding the temporary terminal lease with the national rail road corporation or amtrak, the board authorizes the executive director to excuse a lease, with the interior and exterior space, for a base rent of $8310, per month. >> thank you. >> and so seeing no other items on the calendar, madam clerk are there any other announcements? >> that concludes your business for the day. >> already, meeting is adjourned. >> good afternoon.
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>> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> we're right at the true whole church of christ this calls for a response (laughter) so welcome, welcome thank you all for being here i'm la shawn walker the director of community affairs for the ervin thereby a wonderful, wonderful occasion i thank you so much for coming particularly at the such short notice we womb you and thank you and i'm going to spend a few
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minutes before i i'm going to turn it over to over to our lustrous mayor to my left i wanted to take a minute to make some acknowledgments and say a couple of other words we have all of you a lot to beautiful we have special guests in the house sitting right in front of me i have commissioner cam brandon and commissioner linda and cac chair doctor veronica honeycutt and director bohe and dr. awe requires walker and co-chair coming in ms. ali nixon and where is ms. ashley ward there showing she i see one of my
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speakers couple of over there say is null elected school board pointing hallway man before i turn the microphone over to mayor ed lee i want to say for most of you i know who are in the audience in addition to the work i live here in this communicated this is a great moment for me, i come from a mother who never left the house without a hat and glove and i come from a father that had a perfect double black and white inch and a half cuff with a medium break you know what i take the opportunity i'm talking to you i've been known to do a bit of shopping in my day this news is exciting news with that i i'm going to turn it over to you're also also snaply dressed
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mayor ed lee chp thank you la shawn welcome to candle stick our wonderful hunters point and our beautiful southeast sector of the city of san francisco you know as soon as i saw la shawn he's in the business of carrying anti elected official whiz with our youth we're going to work closely together every time i'm here in this community pits burglary something we'll work together on fulfilling promises whether our youth or our former redevelopment commissioners in ocii members that are all here today whether citizen's advisory committee or members for the port commissioners who have been in this community for many, many
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years when people that are elected in city hall came back we're we've got to be fulfilling promises snit that right dr. yes, it is and amelia that is also right so we're here today, i want to make sure that as you leave i'm making sure you not carry any of those seats trying to take those seats out on your own before - this is a wonderful full time a fulfilling of a promise to this community and the entire san francisco as painstakingly as it was to have the warriors leave us and mr. mccartney play the final concert we're ready to fulfill the
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promise with 12 thousand new homes we're about to see in all part the place housing a great promise to people that need that to make sure that at least a third of them with permanently affordable dr. our part of that and so is ocii with tiffany's leadership we're fulfilling those promises but another promises about to be made mr. bryant and urban lamar will do to have ma redevelopment of this entire air where myself and dpw used to pump this water out of the parking lot for playoff games to get everybody in here now it turns into the development that invites everyone and the real promises i get to oversee 50 percent of
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local hiring beginning if the candle stick area and in the adjacent communities its within jobs also been about jobs whether alice griffith or the other projects that we're rebuilding or the new housing we're putting up local hiring is a major part of that principle how we do it as well as another promise that 50 percent at least of small business interaction with this development this will be a development they're all going to be very, very proud of i've already seen some of the wonderful shopping retail sites that has been involved whether the closet to creek the skoom or in queens new york they tell me where their shopping this being a wonderful, wonderful
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opportunity it also reflects investor confidence in this part of the city that doesn't get to talk about investor confidence now with all the people with the citizens advisory committee and the residents along with people that work on this plan for years and years getting the input now is when we get the promises fulfilled i'm overjoyed as you can tell we get to work in a community that approved the homes and the retail and the jobs that are conducted and see this transformation as we're already seeing in the shipyard a real transformation with people that are really here that are lifting up their lives and being part of the astronomies not a victim but a part of that that they see their own future and the future generations that is a mann anyone is going to be a
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part of first things first, we promised and deliver that's part of our education to the very people we have gotten together to make the promise i'm so proud to be a city a 3 times world series championship city to also bring those promises to full time in this community so with that, shawn thank you for your work on behalf of lamar and keep coming with all those investor and we're proud to work with you on the gown let's get this job done and the crews here don't take any seats with i thank you (clapping) you see so many people as you
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look out i want to i'm a little bit taller there (laughter) i just want to take one more minute to acknowledge there's so many community people that have come to share with us i want to acknowledge i see tracey ward from the foundation and the ymca and dj from y c, d, and the social director from the ymca and lo la and i see yvonne there's 80 so many of you i want to acknowledge more contingent people i see vincent part of the i c and others have joined us so with that, i'm sorry to bring up sherman the null elected to
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our san francisco school board we know him as a executive director of the y c and that work has grown to include the youth training we're happy to have him a new partner man walker (clapping.) thank you la shawn. >> mr. mayor good afternoon. this is an exciting. 80 time to be here this place has meant so much to all of us i was a young man living in potrero hill and routing for our 49ers we have to do something aspect last year we're proposing something that will benefit the southeast sector we know about the shipyard and the great work that's going to happen with the
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rebuilt of alice griffith and now more and more opportunity in the southeast sector come here it is very, very, very important we understand that the survival of the community is in what? good schools, affordable housing opportunity and jobs, jobs, jobs so we're going to look forward optimistic to the wonderful homes on this site but the retail opportunity to the southeast and the bay area community an opportunity for families that work in their own community and so many of our families continue to live in our community we're talking about interning and jobs 60 jobs we want to public utilities here to thrive in san francisco and in the southeast in developments
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like in an opportunity for the future generations that is something it's unimagineable we are talking a site we lost our team but gained the future i want us all to be supportive because at the end of the day our families are going to be better thank you (clapping.) >> well, i know you're saying to yours what is it we're talking about i'll bring up the fearless leaders and the executive vice president randy. >> good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, i'm co-cy business owner and my partnering randy bryant ravnd is it okay if i say a few things we really want to hear if you but i'll provide some
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context i see shopping in everybody's future good quality shopping right here it's really beautiful but i want to take a minute to just reflect on how we got here many of you were with us side by side in 2008, when we went to the city the whole city and proposed to build a master plan community shipyard and here on candle stick and at that time, we promised jobs and housing i am so delighted to say that we are now found a partnering to work with you on the candle stick site to deliver such an important component of the master plan community over on this candle stick site as you well know on the shipyard when we began construction on 3
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hundred home we've sold-out 88 homes (clapping) and mr. mayor you'll be very happy to hear that many are san franciscans and first time home buyers and really it's exciting for us to see next year we'll begin another 4 hundred homes on the shipyard right now there was clinging with us working in conjunction with the city developing an infrastructure that paves the way to rebuilt alice griffith so along this election process and who the government entitlement are we have so many community meetings and listen to the community and many many of you are here today, i want to tell you we listen everyday to the comments and try to include
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those 0 alice griffith is underway but what's aspect last year we'll be able to provide 5 hundred thousand secret center integrate it into the delivery of 6 thousand residential homes right here and it will be nefld with parks and open space right adjacent to this beautiful waterfront and i'll tell you it gives him e gives me embryogreat delight to announce the participating between two significant giants (laughter) despite my satire lamar and i'm going to turn it over to my new partner to describe how this retail center will unfold thank you. >> (clapping.) chris over here asked us a question earlier he said are you
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gamble letters i said no. we're scientists but i've had more time to think about it we're chefs all the ingredients are here a great tourism and trade where the chefs deliver a meal you're going to love we're excited about participating with a great partners i'm excited to be here i was not part of this community but one thing about our mantra it is we have over 50 centers across the country we're an important part of the xhintd community we embrace the community not because it is mandated but the because it's in our dna we'll be a part of the community we're excited to build
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and develop this project you'll see one hundred and thirty high ends up stores like the banana republics and great mix we did this 2, 3, 4 this chicago on rose mount and about a i can't remember and a half it was a tremendous success i know you're going to love it. >> i know you're not shy you talked about the low-end but in chicago we have give upally and armani they'll all be here i hope. >> thank you very much la shawn. >> yes. there are definitely more people in the house that are interested in shopping i won't name them i want to make a
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couple more acknowledgments before i introduce our next sprashg al norman is here (clapping) and my biological father is here thank you for teaching me real estate i get to work with the wonderful people oh, thank you i wanted to then bring up dr. walker as we sit at the foot of amelia's walker drive we're sitting at the foot of true hope in quickbites coffee the part of the has been there for 40 seven years he started to work with men in transition he has a unique prospective on what this retail center means for our community so dr. amelia's walker i love to say that
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(clapping) thank you la shawn to our distinguished and historical mayor, mayor ed lee and to one of the most important persons in this whole city mr. coffey business owner and today is your day you've gone through many trails and difficulties i had the privilege of going with you and noah i'm so excited until i know what to do many people are so excited they don't know what to do for 50 years i've lived at hunters point and parroted for 4 seven years i've worked in some relationship with the shipyard and point plans over the thirty
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some odd years and to be here at 83 years old soon to be 84 next year to see the coming to pass of the 32 percent housing we've talked about in this project all of the unemployment i've read in the paper a few days to go one time in our community it was around thirty percent another said 20 it's down to 11 percent. (clapping.) and took to hear the mayor say this program the 50 percent of this community will be going to the people of bay area hunters point shipyard and my bros we can't have a
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world war leadership in a community except you have a world-class district like loicht e bayview hunters point this is do go to go o blartd you've heard people talk about the crime ridden neighborhood this particular project has totally destroyed that we see so many i want to thank god, sir for when all the people abandoned united states us you remained here you stayed here with the mayor ed lee and had the principle of working with 3 mayors the honorable willie brown when she was in office as mayor and gavin newsom and now my green good
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friend mayor ed lee i appreciate you being on my terrify today. >> thank you, dr. walker. >> i see commissioner la ambulance has come thank you (clapping.) our last speaker i'm looking right at you our last speaker dr. honeycutt and i have known each other over a decade when us was still a school person to work with her as closely as i had a fantastic wherever i think about how tired i am i remember she goes more than i do i shut up i won't want to do this work without here he's a critic so without further ado dr. veronica honeycutt.
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>> did someone say shopping who will will be the first one to this store. >> good afternoon to everyone thank you for being here on behalf of the citizens advisory committee for the chpd shipyard i want to thank the illustrious mayor ed lee and the equally illustrious could have i didn't business owner for their steadfast determination to make sure that the shipyard came to flutetion it's providing jobs and opportunity to the residents and other individual in our great city as well where interest is a stagnate field now a high-end retail space as you've heard housing
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