tv [untitled] November 25, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PST
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hours to pay and support their family. >> i totally appreciate that again, i question around a full-time person does that go to permeate people that's not the staffing model what with it looks like this is my question. >> and then we're not talking about small businesses but large clangz like the one in candle stick point and in the mall or the gap or different types of employers that can give more hours to part time workers. >> so. >> few other things contractors of formula retail folks so the macy's hires a janitorial staff that's not a formula retail organization is that the question for the da or
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whether it applies to the smaller entity because it applies to the major retailer. >> it is going to apply to custodial theirs part of the janitorial entity and like those folks the custodial workers need rights and this provides that level of security four many of the hard working custodians. >> so the custodian team they're there. >> i did want to clarify that the requirements for let's see for property service contractors perform security are in the chiu and the mar so it's consistent
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as well. >> okay and just out of curiosity i understand that maybe this was a committee last weekend that kind of the waving for alcoholic bargaining was taken out i understand that exists in other ordinances just terms of policy prospective on having that out to understand - and so we wanted to legislation to be as board and covered as possible taking that waiver out for collective bargaining agreement was important and covering hass as many as possible and local 2 brought up the small number of employees in the hotel who are employees of the hotel not for example, soft story building that is in the hilton that's one of the important ones that as people testify i'll be working
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closely with the coalitions and the city attorney to craft something that is clear legislation. >> i think that makes sense what you were talking about i had a few other questions and appreciate our indulge of my ramming up literally open the topic here in the legislation and i know supervisor avalos has other questions. >> i will make two motions first is to remove the addressing the 2 hundred employee or they recalled for worker retention provisions in the mar, carmen chu or supervisor campos legislation that's one motion. >> sorry clarify added in. >> that was added in on
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wednesday and my motion is to remove that second is supervisor avalos at wednesday meeting moved to change the 20 employee or more threshold the definition of employer in into owners to one so it went from 20 to one from my understanding and my motion is to add that 20 employee or more threshold back in and the rational for me it will help some of the smaller franchises and there's data that i know marsha restraining order hospital from supervisor chiu's office or working to show there's a relatively small number of employees that is impacted and along with president chiu harding this back in to 20 is a critical part
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especially for those types of small franchises that are being sensitive to our legislation. >> actually, i, second the first amendment i really don't understand the rational for going back up to the threshold of 20 anyhow mecca that work we want to be able to establish retention policies and predictable scheduling in small businesses through this legislation. >> formula retail i don't see the size of the business it should matter when overriding policy is to build retention policies for scheduling why shouldn't he apply to those businesses because their smaller
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seems like the workers will have the same need of predictability if we're creating a position where the scheduling is enhancing the employment capacity of the store or the franchise it is a policy we want to create we want to create better jobs we're doing that it is two-fold i'm not clear why we want to weaken the legislation. >> if i could through the chair respond. >> i'll just say i won't speak for president chiu but a difference of employees with h and m or jay crew that can transfer employees across different stores from downtown to the san francisco westerfield center but when it's a franchise like a mcdonald or k f c that hazard employees for that
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franchise it's a different story they can't have the employees coming from the other franchise it's a small number and makes sense given the smaller picture of moving forward with the legislation that flexibility for those types of franchises. >> okay supervisor you have two motions and the third around the six months effective date i'm in agreement from a number of speakers from the public six months effective date but not on the six months ramp up that's a discussion based on decide from the office of economic workforce development and on that was the original lead in the legislation to me it makes sense to extend that to six months but not nor the ramp up to eliminate the six
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months ramp up period. >> so to be clear six months ramp up now a 9 - >> mr. iga in her. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney so going into the last wednesday the ordinance had a months paragraph active day not going into effect until months later an amendment made on wednesday extend it back to 6 months the entire amendment not practitioner all until the six months period supervisor mar wants to keep that an additional contemplate once the ordinance becomes app operative the vice president can't issue penalties
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and supervisor mar is proposing today to eliminate the second six months. >> okay. i appreciate that. >> so supervisor mar a total of 3 amendments. >> okay supervisor avalos what would be your presence to do roll diddling. >> yeah. >> i don't want to support the 20 they recalled. >> okay. so colleagues from my prospective just as we've talked about this ordinance i'm getting up to speed in committee i know it's a committee report to be heard tomorrow i would say i'll be confront into this discussions as i've talked with people i; right have no doubt there's been a lot of feedback and the final strokes you have merit to continue to work on that from a labor side and
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american people employer side but i understand the desire to move that forward and this makes sense as well so i'm happy from my perspective i'll be supporting outline your amendments but i don't know about the items for tomorrow i'm happy to support a no recommendation coming out of committee and do it with recommendation i'll reserve my ability to vote yes or no madam clerk can we do a roll call vote on supervisor mar's legislation individually. >> motion one by supervisor mar supervisor mar so this is a motion to remove adding the 2 had had they recalled for worker retention provisions in the supervisor mar supervisor campos ordinance and on that motion. >> supervisor mar
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supervisor avalos supervisor farrell there 3 i's. >> okay motion passes. >> and motion number 2 is to change the 20 employee or the one employee or more up to or more as a threshold in 9 definition the employer in both ordinances my motion to change that back to 20 the original. >> on that motion. >> supervisor mar supervisor avalos no supervisor farrell 2 i's one no. >> that motion passes and my last motion the third one to change the operative date from months to have months which is what we did but to remove the 6 month ramp up period that goes after the operative dated for
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both ordinances. >> on that motion supervisor mar supervisor avalos supervisor farrell there are 3 i's and that motion passes par so supervisor mar those items again your call or supervisor avalos with recommendation or without. >> i support the underlying ordinances and will follow supervisor mar's lead on that so i'd like prefer to send it out with recommendation with a vote and thank my colleagues and the city attorney's office for all the work and i know there will be further decision to with a positive recommendation as a committee reporter for the board meeting tomorrow november 18, 2014, okay. we have a motion that i
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a lot of times parents say that valley schools have a lot of problems but we want them to follow directions but we want them to have a wonderful time and be an affordable time so the kids will go to school here. we hold the classes to no longer 12 and there's 23 teachers. i go around and i watch each class and there's certain children i watched from babies and it's exciting to see them after today. the children learn how to follow directions and it ends up helping them in their regular
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>> it's a program the mayor signed into law about a year and a half ago and the whole idea behind it was to help homeowners strengthen buildings so that they would not collapse. >> did you the soft story program apply to all buildings or building that were built in a certain time frame? >> it only applies to buildings built in the time frame of 1978 and earlier. it's aimed at wood framed buildings that are three or more stories and five or more units. but the openings at the garage level and the street level aren't supported in many buildings. and without the support during a major earthquake, they are expected to pancake and flatten ~. many of the buildings in this program are under rent control so it's to everybody's advantage to do the work and make sure they protect their
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investment and their tenant. >> notices have gone out to more than 6,000 owners of potentially at-risk properties but fewer than one-third have responded and thousands might miss an important deadline in september to tell the city what they plan to do. let's talk worst case scenario. what happens in a collapse? >> buildings have the tendency of rolling over. the first soft story walls lean over and the building collapse. in an earthquake the building is a total loss. >> can you describe what kind of strengthening is involved in the retrofit? >> one of the basic concepts, you want to think of this building kind of like rubber band and the upper three floor are very rigid box and the garage is a very flexible element. in an earthquake the garage will have a tendency to rollover. you have to rubber band analogy that the first floor is a very tough but flexible rubber band such that you never drive force he to the upper floors.
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where all your damage goes into controlled element like plywood or steel frame. >> so, here we are actually inside of a soft story building. can we talk a little about what kinds of repairs property owners might expect? >> it's a very simple process. we deliberately tried to keep it that way. so, what's involved is plywood, which when you install it and make a wall as we have done here already, then you cover it with this gypsum material. this adds some flexibility so that during the earthquake you'll get movement but not collapse. and that gets strengthened even more when we go over to the steel frame to support the upper floor. >> so, potentially the wood and the steel -- it sounds like a
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fairly straightforward process takes your odds of collapse from one in 4 to one in 30? >> that's exactly right. that's why we're hoping that people will move quickly and make this happen. >> great. let's take a look. so, let's talk steel frames. tell me what we have going on here. >> well, we have a steel frame here. there are two of these and they go up to the lower floor and there is a beam that go across, basically a box that is much stiffer and stronger. ~ goes so that during the earthquake the upper floor will not collapse down on this story. it can be done in about two weeks' time. voila, you're done. easy. >> for more information on how to get your building earthquake ready,
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thanks. >> i example the first thing to point out is the first word is camp tlargz to be bugs and dirt and so long as you can get past that part in place is pretty awesome. you're going to get to our cabin and why is it so small well most of your time is spent outside. programming was our first step we wanted to offer a program that is, you know, makes people happy and leaves them with memories. >> here and there. >> so more points. >> ready 1, 2, 3. i think a big part is it's
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coming from san francisco it is real estate a kind of vibe people relate to each other and everyone's living in the city and you can feel the breath of fetish air and the experience you get out here. i think it give us an opportunity to get away from technology you come out here and look at it here and not look at our iphones and you kind of lose users in the city and have a cup of coffee >> i'm corey a typical day increase no typical day. and just the first time being on the talent show and getting a
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huge applause and i never expected it is is r is a great experience i'm an executive chief here at kathy serve over one hundred meals a day for the camp mather folks. people love our meals and the idea they can pick up a meal and don't worry about shopping or doing dishes and enjoy and have a great time at camp mather >> grasping grab on. >> i like camp mather it is a lot of freedom and kids run around it's great. >> they have all the things i don't have to do the kids get to do what they want to do and we basically focus on them that's our only job. >> i like camp mather because i
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