tv [untitled] November 27, 2014 1:00pm-1:31pm PST
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bite with organic goodies. find out more about 18 reasons by going to 18 and learn about buy right market and creamery by going to buy right and don't forget to check out our blog for more info on many of our episodes at sf quick until next time, may the fork be with you. ♪ ♪ >> so chocolaty. mm. ♪ >> oh, this is awesome. oh, sorry. i thought we were done rolling. ♪ >> this is the meeting of the commission on the environment
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and today is tuesday november 25th, and it is 5:05, roll call, commissioner arce is excused. commissioner king is excused. commissioner gravanis? >> here. >> stephenson? >> here. >> commissioner wa*ld? >> here. >> commissioner wan. >> here. >> and as a point of order, arce has appointed gravanis for this meeting due to his absence. and the next item on the ago ahead agenda is jennifer kas, and the director this is a discussion item. >> this is on, great. wonderful. >> well, good evening, everyone and good evening, all of you. and this is a wonderful opportunity for me to introduce to you somebody you have known perhaps, for years. but she is taking on a whole new level responsibility in the
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department, jennifer cast has been with the city for 13 years and before that, she has worked for elected officials in a number of public service capacities throughout the country. and we are incredibly lucky to have somebody of her caliper at the department of the environment and we have always been lucky. when i thought about who would make the best fit for a deputy director, in light of the fact that nobody can replace david osmond and that is a given that we know. i thought a lot about the fact that this person needs to compliment me. that really what i am looking for is an executive team. someone where the number one and two together, will have the traits that will be most beneficial to the department. and so as i interviewed candidates and brought in other people outside to help me in that interview process i was doing it with the filter are
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what are the attributes that i am lacking or that i could use help in, or that somebody else can strengthen along with me? and so i was not looking for a subject matter expert, somebody who would be expert in all of the mutia of policy, i can do that and we have a lot of great program managers on that i wanted someone who had the strategic ability to look at systems, and improve them, and help us strategically place our department in the larger context of the city, city family and the city agencies, and non-profits and partners. and jennifer rose to the top very quickly. and frankly i was not sure she wanted the job when i started and when she told me she might be interested, i was thrilled, we did an extensive interview process and jennifer was the number one pick for all of the people on the interview panel and i was so pleased when she
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said yes and i hope that she feels pleased about her decision. and she has had quite a lot on her plate, the last month or so. so with that, i am going to let her say a few words to you, come on up, jennifer. >> thank you, thank you, director raphael and commissioners i am very excited to be here and this is a good challenge for me and i am looking forward to working with you all and director and the rest of the department to move us forward. one of the first things that i have been doing is getting my head around the budget process and our budget and what our programs need, and for the next fiscal year, and so joe and i have been digging in deep on that and i have also been supervising the energy efficiency team and during their transition period. and so it has been exciting to
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get to know our programs a little bit better. i am going to be looking at systems, but i don't like process, but i like it when it improves efficiency and really taking a big look at the way that we are dealing with all of our processes and how we get them down and who we need to involve to make sure that we check all of the boxes and making sure that we are doing it in a way that is efficient and effective and that is a lot of what i have been thinking about in the first month or so. thank >> thank you so much and congratulations and commissioners any questions or comments for jennifer or for debbie about the appointment? >> yes, commissioner wald? >> yes, i will just say that it is a terrific choice and i was thrilled when i heard it and i look forward as i know my
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colleagues do to working with you, jennifer, in this new role, going forward. >> thank you. >> if there is no objection, can the record show that the commission very much welcomes you to this new position. >> thank you. >> yeah. [ applause ] >> thank you. thank you very much. deputy, that was great. before we go any father i just wanted to introduce our commissioner secretary monica fish and also, our deputy city attorney, thomas owen who as you can see this evening is a rose among thorns. next item please? >> the next item is there any public on item two? next item is approval of minutes of the september 30, 2014, commission on the environment reschedule meeting commissioners in your package you have a copy of the draft minutes of the discussion and the action item. >> are there any comments on
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the minutes? any directions or any, omission? s none from the... >> none from the commissioners? any members of the public who wish to comment on the draft minutes? >> is there a motion to approve the minutes. >> moved. >> moved by commissioner wald and seconded by commissioner stephenson, and i know that in the past we have often been approving the minutes sort of by acclamation and just looking over her wonderful guidelines that she put together and i see that we are expected to do a roll call vote. so if you want to do that, . >> approval on the minutes, commissioner gravanis? >> yes. >> commissioner stephenson. >> yes. >> commissioner wa*ld. >> yes. >> commissioner wan. >> yes. >> the meeting minutes have been approved. >> next item are public meants, members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction, and are not on today's agenda.
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>> are there any members of the public who wish to speak in we have speaker cards for specific items but if you want to speak on anything that is not on the agenda, i here no one, so next item. >> review and approval of the draft resolution, 2014-16 coe, approving the department of environment funding recommendation for the grant award to support the used oil community mural project in bay view hunter's point and a copy of your resolution and funding recommendation, director and speak ner place of anne, eng is justice coordinator and this is a discussion and action item. >> would you like to introduce the item? >> i would love to. as you may know bay view huntary's point is one of the neighborhoods that suffers from the largest incident of illegal dumping. and that illegal dumping is not only garbage and trash, it is
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electronics and toxic and motor oil, and we have written a grant to cal recycle, the state agency that over sees funding of household hazardous waste, collection initiatives, to increase awareness in the area for proper disposal and the challenges of what illegal disposal dumping has on the community. and one of the items that we wanted to do was to put together a mural to highlight and utilize local talent, that would speak in a way that the community would be inspired by. so, in order to do that, we are doing an rfp and she will talk about that and also she will talk about how we will find a location for that mural. >> sharla >> thank you, good evening, commissioner, i am the environmental justice coordinator at the department.
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i am here to request your approval of our funding recommendation for our bay view hunter's point community mural project. and that is focused on used motor oil. and as debbie said the department received a grant from cal recycle, to increase awareness of abandoned motor oil and conduct out reach in the community about safer disposal options. and so, we decided to do this through a community mual. for the community organization to plan for the mural and work with the community groups to do the out reach? and we received four proposals through this process, and the applicants were the bay view hunter's point, ymca and the
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bay view opera house, and the lift and the randolf institute and we have four panelists who reviewed all of the proposal and scored them and it included, two department staff, one, staff person, and to challenge the grants with the city administrator's office and one activist who is affiliated with the african american, art and culture institute. and so, through based on the scoring process, we recommend funding for, in the amount of $45,600, and for the highest for the process, and the opera house plans to work with karin
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moburg, and he was from the opera house and will leverage the existing programs serving youth and working on art related programs in the community, and they also will leverage their relationship with the third on third project, which is a monthly event coordination in bay view, that works with merchants and neighborhood businesses. so they will be able to help us conduct the out reach we need to do related to the mural and related to safer disposal of motor oil. so, the resolution that you have before you, is basically a recommendation for the oper a house for this project. >> thank you very much. commissioners any questions? >> yes, commissioner wan? >> do you know where the mural location will be? >> i should have mentioned that. through the opera house we will be conducting an analysis of the various sites and we are going to be working closely
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with the san francisco art's commission, and they have a few sites that they have recommended that we will work with the artist and the opera house and the arts commission to look at all of those sites and determine which one will be the most appropriate and we will also look at dumping hot spots, if you may, to see which site would be the most appropriate in terms of where we have seen large amounts of dumping. >> thanks, commissioner stephenson? >> is there a target date that it would be unveiled or finished? >> yeah. it will be, the grant that we have from cal recycle is a two-year grant that started in april. we are anticipating that the mural will be unveiled by the summer, and by next summer. commissioner wald? >> is there anyone from the opera house here? >> i don't believe so. we did notify them about the meeting and we let them know
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that we would be presenting this recommendation, but i don't believe that they were able to make it today. >> so i am going to try to channel commissioner king with me, and in the past mentioned, we have mentioned our disappointment that proposed grantees were not here to speak on their own behalf about the project that we are going to undertake as a result of our access. if they are not here, i don't know what good my saying this is going to do. but i do think it is a problem. and i don't know exactly what the solution is, but i would like to see one.
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>> and i would just say that that concern is heard and noted. and we can do also our part to be a little more forceful in our encouragement. that would be great. thank you. >> thank you. >> and are there any members of the public who wish to comment on this item? >> are there, is there a motion by any of the commissioners? we have a short resolution before us. is there a motion? >> a motion to approve. >> okay. >> a second. >> thank you. >> and we have a motion and a second and please call the roll. >> commissioner gravanis?
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>> yes. >> commissioner stephenson. >> yes. >> commissioner wald. >> yes. >> commissioner wan. >> yes. >> a motion has been approved, the resolution has been approved. >> great, next item please? >>discussion and possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors (bos) on bos file no. 141094 [environment code greenhouse gas information labels for gas pumps]: ordinance amending the environment code to require service station operators to place labels on gas pumps advising the public of the amount of carbon dioxide generated by burning a gallon of fuel and making environmental findings. >> and in your packet is a copy of the ordinance and the digest sponsored by the director, and speakers pollock and legislative aid to supervisor john avalos and a discussion and a possible action item and we do, and i do have a statement that our commission president joshua arce asked to be read and he is not able to
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be with you for the discussion but he did send a statement but that is supervisor avalos ordinance to acquire greenhouse gas information labeled for the gas pumps and a strong proposal that we can adopt for the efforts to increase the awareness at the realities of calling the change and move the needle on the greenhouse gas emission from the city and i hope that we can get the questions that we may about this proposal answered tonight so that the commission in the environment can take action to support the proposal for a letter of support or supervisors. >> director? >> thank you. >> this item is before you at the specific request of supervisor avalos and his office. he is in the middle of a board of supervisor meeting and so he sent jeremy here, and this is a poe ten sal action item. so what that means is, we will be hearing presentations from
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jeremy pollock and also hear the comments from staff and it is a chance for you to have the questions answered. when we talked about this in the policy committee, there was a lot of questions that we didn't know the answers to, and so now we are grateful that jeremy is here to answer them as well as other speakers, if at the end of the discussion, it is really up to you, as to what action you would like to take, it could simply be, forwarding the minutes of the discussion which is an indication of your questions and your input and it could be something more formal than that, so it is open in the way that it is in the agenda right now. >> with that i will open it up to jeremy. >> thank you, for the record, legislative aid to john avalos. and yes, the order before you is, it is up in sort of a novel approach to the climate change that we are excited to push forward and it is the idea of putting the information labels on the gas pumps to educate the people about how burning the
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gasoline and the fuel contributes to global warming and this was brought to us by the organization for the 350 bay area and, a number of whom are here and they actually have a present that they would like to make about the idea as well and they have also been working with the birthday city council who has approved a motion to have their city attorney draft an ordinance similar as this and we have been in a discussion with them to try to work in parallel to make sure that sort of we thought that it would be easier to implement if it was across both sides of bay and the logistics and we say that we are definitely eager to hear your feedback on the ordinance and how to be sure that it is something that is meaningful or easy to administer and we put a lot of feedback that the language is too long and complicated and i think that we are looking at how we can shorten that to make it more concise and we will
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appreciate the feedback that you have on that and another concern that we have is how it will apply to the alternative fuel and whether it is electric or natural gas or bio diesel and etc., and yeah, i think that there is many different policy choices that could you go on that, and i think, that it is easy to go down a rabbit hole of looking at what the different emissions are from where you draw the emission food chain for all of these different fuel sources. and i think that our inclination is that at least for the initial ordinance it will make sense to eliminate to gasoline and diesel and the bio diesel where you have the majority of the diesel and try not to get into the over, complicated for the cng and that sort of thing and we would be interested in your feedback on that. and, so, yeah, i guess that will keep your presentation short and i don't know if you would like to address questions or if you would like to hear
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from the folks at the 360 bay area or from the staff. >> commissioners? questions for mr. pollock? >> perhaps, we could hear the rest of the presentation and then... and questions. >> okay. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> and so jamie brooks, do you want to speak next? >> hello commissioners. thank you for having us here, i am jamie brooks and i am from the 350 bay area. i am just technical approach. >> so i'm assuming that since jeremy used little of his allotted time that you can have more than three minutes. >> yes, if that is, if that is all right with you all too. it is, and from my experience it is better to lay it out so that you can get or kind of a foundation to work with.
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and so, just, from the first slide, obviously, the labels are not just you know, sort of a static individual working on the individual at the gas pump, it is actually, there is a label that is out into the public realm and so it gets into the social norms and behavior and social and cultural and component of using fossil fuels in our society. so the idea is to kind of disrupt that and challenge those that notion, and where we are using our, where we are using our science as our guide and as most of you are going to appreciate that we need to reduce emissions, by a dramatic amount in our transportation system and others, this is a transportation approach. we are not dealing with global warming in general. so this is a primary, you know, basically, focus of this campaign, and we think that we
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should create this transparency at the pump for consumers. and that the dangers should be clear and outlined, and disclosed for consumers, the consumers know exactly what they are getting and these are some proposed concepts that are obviously not... and so this is sort of out of the norm that is, in our society. and where we are arguing today, and at the moment, it is socially okay to use fossil fuels and this is a contradiction to science. and just briefly, about what or how social norms work and how behaviors are dictated by various types of, you know, what we look at, who we interact with, and what people do. and these start to have strong
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effects on how we are in our behavior. and essentially, unhindered or using fossil fuels and social is a predominant norm in our society now. so this is an idea of what or where we are proposing the labels go, and it is not quite to scale and so they will not be quite that big. but, the labels are, we call them flags, or essentially, and they will not be attached to the pump and they will not be on the side of the pump we want them to be con spik yus and so it is basically at eye level. so this is the campaign is not about awareness, per se. although, more awareness is always a good thing, there is a lot of people that probably don't understand that burning gasoline, even is a source of co2 and that it is a problem
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initially. but, the main focus of this is where the labels is located and connecting personal consumption to the problem and so in our research it is not enough to raise awareness with the people about climate change and it is about connecting personal use of energy to the problem and that is where the cities can leverage this as a tool to get the behavior change which is going to be the core of any policy. that, and in that comes down the road. for it, and mitigation strategies. and so it is about creating a more favorable social conditions around the changes that we need and so this is just a brief idea of what or where we are at and the scale of the problem of the greenhouse gases. but, there are there would be about a quarter of a ghg
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reductions and so it is significant just an idea of the transportation, and the number one source of greenhouse gases in the state of california. and this is the triangle chart on the bottom and that is a per capita and so we are targeting a typical california largest contribution of greenhouse gases and so this is an appropriate social norms tool. and this might be helpful for, in terms of, you know, where the label should be placed. or we are arguing that this is an end use or this is a down stream problem not an upstream emission source. so ev uses maybe, electricity from coal, and maybe from nuclear or from solar and the consumer is not directly responsible for the emission
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source and in this case, the combuston of the fuel and the consumption is the largest problem and so the consumer running their engine is actually the source of the problem and so the consumer is actually responsible. whereas, there were responsible in the sense that there are alternatives that exist and they could, i mean eliminate the problem. and so this is the proposed label, with san francisco language approved city attorney language. we think that it is a little wordy, and it could be truncated perhaps. and so just quickly, the labels are about dealing with a particular cognitive bias. and we are our short term
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thinkers, generally, we are, and we tend to discount future threats and we deal with only immediate needs and climate change is in virtually every poll, and taken as a concern for most and it is a low priority for most people. and the labels bring the urgency to the point of sale. and so this is one of the problems of transportation emissions and the consumer just does not feel part of the problem because they are very much of a problem. because their contribution individually is small, but collectively they are part of this large problem and so the label locates the responsibility at that point of sale directly. so another problem with greenhouse gas emissions is that it does not bite us, it does not hurt and we don't get any immediate feedback and so the labels still feedback at the point of sale. and so the consumers is getting
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that oh, this is a problem message, and it is going to be durable, and be consistently there and every time that they are there, it is a reminder and it is going to be conscious and so the discounting is what i was saying earlier, it is a term psychological term, that we tend to discount the future threats. and it is a bias, and the climate change is a perfect storm of cognitive biass for human beings, we need tools, and the cities need to utilize the tools to you know, deal with these cognitive biases. so, this is about, bringing the externalties to the use and it is similar to the feedback and it is bringing in at that point of sale for the consumer and so right now, consumers are not aware of the externalties of using the fossil fuels, and the
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label helps them appreciate that, that there are externalties. and bringing that externals in to that floor and it is we, and we argue is, in the essential part of changing people's attitude and beliefs so we can create the stronger price signals as you know, 2015, is greenhouse gas, transportation, and cap and trade and rules applied to the transportation. and so that is that. so the idea, the end result of the labels is to bring about this, and this term is cognitive, and it is making consumer dissatisfied with the current technology of what we are using now and creating greater demand for policy change for new technology for land use changes and better transit option and
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