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tv   [untitled]    November 28, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PST

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doing another thing from a service and safety standpoint we have a lot of relieve points on the streets it's more efficient to have an operator meet another operators on both the rail and bus side we want to revisit those locations every operator will makes relieve will make the relief in a location there's a supervisor or manager that can answer questions and give them combines as to what might be going on in the system those are some right of short term actions we're doing to deal with the service and capacity issues you mentioned the vehicle side of it we have improved the maintenance program and looking at the preventive maintenance skefldz making them better fit the mime
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of the fleet and created a strong qualify assurance we've doubled the number of rail parts we're focusing on doing the prevent of preventive maintenance and with our support we look at the report on the cars they need work constantly some of them maybe here as long as 10 years we need to focus on the key systems that are failing and ata any muni riders knows occasionally you, you see waters dripping down on you and the cause of that is basically, the cooling system has not been replaced in over 10 years that's one of the things we need to focus on and focus on the doors and finally on this one we need
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to leverage newest facility and muni on third and 25th it got the most room and the most potential we've started the process to build that out and make it a full service maintenance facility some of what has happened this is not a reason to stop and applaud but this is a good trend typical mean distance between failure it's a trend you're starting off low and moving in the right direction it's might have and consistent we should continue that and get even better by focusing our maintenance programs on things like doors and steps and propulsion that represents the majority of details again, we can't get the new cars here soon enough but we have
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almost two years the public is excited they realize the potential for the cars on our outreach process to ask for input on 3 factors most importantly the comparison configuration got own 9 thousand responses we met looker-on the design we'll have that done by the end of the year some of the key systems integration issues we'll work through them and we want to move forward and make sure we stay on schedule to have the first car coming in december of 2016 and really in terms of transformation was it maples not just new, new is sometimes not better in this case it's
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spectacularly better standpoint we even though up the procurement we looked at with 2 hundred and 60 cars long term contract and great communications from the signage to the announcement standpoint by most importantly from a performance level you see the current l l r v what the proposed siemens they're a whole new generations and whole new way of doing business and great maintenance practice and great savings for the maintenance and reduced the time of details and maintenance because of the location of the components and the modules vs. the old ones we're excited we feel that we'll really help us meet the needs of the future and really begin the process to make us what we
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believe will be the premier of the light rail system in the u.s. with that, i thank yourself time and happy to answer questions. >> great. thank you very much so you know we clearly have a path in terms of the new vehicles that are arriving i know that the agency is doing more and more to try to keep those vehicles in shape and keep a higher percentage of them in operation to increase our reliability and again, we have seen results sometimes the result are up and down i know earlier in the year there was accident and now more vehicles s are coming in so i guess the question is how this all sounds
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good but how can we avoid slipping obviously only so much control over accidents you train the operators to drive correctly but with the best driving there's going to be accidents and mechanic problems and given the small margin of error then we have with the l l r vs how can you maximize the chances of not slipping back again and also in the context of growing ridership like bart and caltrain and b c a is growing it's ridership our population is growing where people want to ride transit so in two or three years from now more people trying to get on the trains than now and before the siemens
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arrive you can't expand the vehicles how should we be thinking about that. >> a couple of things on the vehicle side how to keep the car count up and reliability we focus on first of all, on the reliability side euphoric number one you don't look at our maintenance prevented active maintenance it is mileage based and the number of miles going up as ridership goimz goes up there will be expected to be more service in the next couple of years it's important that the inspections be done on time and correctly and thoroughly so it gets really to good supervision or first level supervision that the investments we make and the benefits on over halls are
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driven at the components such doors and computation that are failing the most where the trucks where the brake we need to focus those forevers the schedules are very important we need to do more work on the schedules because we're do have to schedule to what we have in the capacity and having a full compliment of operators who are putting service on the streets give us more flexibility in that regard but the scheduling and the detailed recovery strategy, if you will, it becomes very important and better supervision financially i'll say the other thing we're looking at and have the pilot going on which is critical to follow the city processes sometime and the acquisition of parts can be a
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long process especially, when you have vehicles like ours where many of the parts are no longer made and have to be mustards or purchased from say a supplier that's not close to san francisco we've undertake a pilot program for better planning and focus our inventory that helps those kinds of things but most importantly from our standpoint the management and the supervision and the instant attention to keeping the service out there and making sure that we do our inspections and organ our workforce so we get work done in an efficient manner. >> okay. i guess another question is when the first wave
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of siemens l l vs arrive in 2016 i believe and 2016. >> 24 or 28. >> 24 starting in december 2016 to 2018 and the t line the central subway in 2018. >> 2019. >> so those vehicles will be dedicated to the central subway or - >> no, we don't do that with our real cars we operate the system because all of the lines go through the subway they'll be by the times, if you will, there's be substantial mileage so on any line in the system. >> at one point we were told the first wave would be the
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central subway but that's not the case as you no, it isn't the central subway will pay for a small autumn but not speculated to the subway. >> so once the central subway opens the t lines like the other lines will be siemens. >> yes. >> will they be able to link together or vehicles that are multiple car. >> they can mechanically couple so as opposed to training lining if it's a two car train you'll see the power systems and lighting through the two cars siemens will not be able to do that but if say awe probate were
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to break down and siemens were coming up they have the ability to come up to tow or push so in that sense you'll not see a mixed fleet. >> so in 2015 we see the first one that are roll call into service. >> yes. early 2017 and we'll have 3 cars on the property so theoretically a 3 car train. >> okay supervisor kim any questions. >> okay. thank you very much, sir. >> any public comment on item 4 seeing none, public comment is closed okay. so sir, thank you and to the agency i know this is challenging aspect of the system but incredibly important and do
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everything we can to maximum misses the vehicles until the cars arrive with that, could we then continue or actually why not a motion to file item 4 we'll take that without objection. we'll file item 4 madam clerk call item 5. >> item 57 an ordinance mit the planning code and this is supported by supervisor chiu i'd like to add my name a co-sponsor to item 5 and aaron starr from the planning department t is here. >> thank you, supervisors aaron starr for the affairs the planning department item is before you to allow nor exemptions from the height limit for mechanic equipment on hospitals the proposed ordinance will ply to the structures with
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regard to height and the structures will have equipment without limitations as long as the following new equipment that can't be honoree the exposure and minimal endorse and necessary for the function of the building and no other feasible all of the elements the office stipulates that any outdated equipment must be removed prior to installation requested by the city of san francisco their burn center in the bay area can update it's treatment facilities and comply with the state protections the department thanks supervisor chiu for taking up the sponsoring it was heard by the planning commission over
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october 13th and adapted by. >> unanimous vote that concludes my presentation. >> thank you mr. star any questions and okay public comment on item 5 seeing none, public comment is closed and can i have a motion to forward item 5 to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> so moved. >> we'll take that without objection. that's the order madam clerk, any other business before this committee? >> there's no further business. >> then we're adjourned thank you
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>> this is the meeting of the commission on the environment and today is tuesday november 25th, and it is 5:05, roll call, commissioner arce is excused. commissioner king is excused. commissioner gravanis? >> here. >> stephenson? >> here. >> commissioner wa*ld? >> here. >> commissioner wan. >> here. >> and as a point of order, arce has appointed gravanis for
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this meeting due to his absence. and the next item on the ago ahead agenda is jennifer kas, and the director this is a discussion item. >> this is on, great. wonderful. >> well, good evening, everyone and good evening, all of you. and this is a wonderful opportunity for me to introduce to you somebody you have known perhaps, for years. but she is taking on a whole new level responsibility in the department, jennifer cast has been with the city for 13 years and before that, she has worked for elected officials in a number of public service capacities throughout the country. and we are incredibly lucky to have somebody of her caliper at the department of the environment and we have always been lucky. when i thought about who would
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make the best fit for a deputy director, in light of the fact that nobody can replace david osmond and that is a given that we know. i thought a lot about the fact that this person needs to compliment me. that really what i am looking for is an executive team. someone where the number one and two together, will have the traits that will be most beneficial to the department. and so as i interviewed candidates and brought in other people outside to help me in that interview process i was doing it with the filter are what are the attributes that i am lacking or that i could use help in, or that somebody else can strengthen along with me? and so i was not looking for a subject matter expert, somebody who would be expert in all of the mutia of policy, i can do that and we have a lot of great program managers on that i wanted someone who had the strategic ability to look at
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systems, and improve them, and help us strategically place our department in the larger context of the city, city family and the city agencies, and non-profits and partners. and jennifer rose to the top very quickly. and frankly i was not sure she wanted the job when i started and when she told me she might be interested, i was thrilled, we did an extensive interview process and jennifer was the number one pick for all of the people on the interview panel and i was so pleased when she said yes and i hope that she feels pleased about her decision. and she has had quite a lot on her plate, the last month or so. so with that, i am going to let her say a few words to you, come on up, jennifer. >> thank you, thank you,
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director raphael and commissioners i am very excited to be here and this is a good challenge for me and i am looking forward to working with you all and director and the rest of the department to move us forward. one of the first things that i have been doing is getting my head around the budget process and our budget and what our programs need, and for the next fiscal year, and so joe and i have been digging in deep on that and i have also been supervising the energy efficiency team and during their transition period. and so it has been exciting to get to know our programs a little bit better. i am going to be looking at systems, but i don't like process, but i like it when it improves efficiency and really taking a big look at the way that we are dealing with all of our processes and how we get them down and who we need to involve to make sure that we
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check all of the boxes and making sure that we are doing it in a way that is efficient and effective and that is a lot of what i have been thinking about in the first month or so. thank >> thank you so much and congratulations and commissioners any questions or comments for jennifer or for debbie about the appointment? >> yes, commissioner wald? >> yes, i will just say that it is a terrific choice and i was thrilled when i heard it and i look forward as i know my colleagues do to working with you, jennifer, in this new role, going forward. >> thank you. >> if there is no objection, can the record show that the commission very much welcomes you to this new position. >> thank you. >> yeah. [ applause ] >> thank you. thank you very much. deputy, that was great. before we go any father i just
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wanted to introduce our commissioner secretary monica fish and also, our deputy city attorney, thomas owen who as you can see this evening is a rose among thorns. next item please? >> the next item is there any public on item two? next item is approval of minutes of the september 30, 2014, commission on the environment reschedule meeting commissioners in your package you have a copy of the draft minutes of the discussion and the action item. >> are there any comments on the minutes? any directions or any, omission? s none from the... >> none from the commissioners? any members of the public who wish to comment on the draft minutes? >> is there a motion to approve the minutes. >> moved. >> moved by commissioner wald and seconded by commissioner stephenson, and i know that in the past we have often been
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approving the minutes sort of by acclamation and just looking over her wonderful guidelines that she put together and i see that we are expected to do a roll call vote. so if you want to do that, . >> approval on the minutes, commissioner gravanis? >> yes. >> commissioner stephenson. >> yes. >> commissioner wa*ld. >> yes. >> commissioner wan. >> yes. >> the meeting minutes have been approved. >> next item are public meants, members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction, and are not on today's agenda. >> are there any members of the public who wish to speak in we have speaker cards for specific items but if you want to speak on anything that is not on the agenda, i here no one, so next item. >> review and approval of the draft resolution, 2014-16 coe, approving the department of environment funding recommendation for the grant award to support the used oil
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community mural project in bay view hunter's point and a copy of your resolution and funding recommendation, director and speak ner place of anne, eng is justice coordinator and this is a discussion and action item. >> would you like to introduce the item? >> i would love to. as you may know bay view huntary's point is one of the neighborhoods that suffers from the largest incident of illegal dumping. and that illegal dumping is not only garbage and trash, it is electronics and toxic and motor oil, and we have written a grant to cal recycle, the state agency that over sees funding of household hazardous waste, collection initiatives, to increase awareness in the area for proper disposal and the challenges of what illegal disposal dumping has on the
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community. and one of the items that we wanted to do was to put together a mural to highlight and utilize local talent, that would speak in a way that the community would be inspired by. so, in order to do that, we are doing an rfp and she will talk about that and also she will talk about how we will find a location for that mural. >> sharla >> thank you, good evening, commissioner, i am the environmental justice coordinator at the department. i am here to request your approval of our funding recommendation for our bay view hunter's point community mural project. and that is focused on used motor oil. and as debbie said the department received a grant from cal recycle, to increase awareness of abandoned motor
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oil and conduct out reach in the community about safer disposal options. and so, we decided to do this through a community mual. for the community organization to plan for the mural and work with the community groups to do the out reach? and we received four proposals through this process, and the applicants were the bay view hunter's point, ymca and the bay view opera house, and the lift and the randolf institute and we have four panelists who reviewed all of the proposal and scored them and it included, two department staff, one, staff person, and to challenge the grants with the
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city administrator's office and one activist who is affiliated with the african american, art and culture institute. and so, through based on the scoring process, we recommend funding for, in the amount of $45,600, and for the highest for the process, and the opera house plans to work with karin moburg, and he was from the opera house and will leverage the existing programs serving youth and working on art related programs in the community, and they also will leverage their relationship with the third on third project, which is a monthly event coordination in bay view, that works with merchants and neighborhood businesses.
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so they will be able to help us conduct the out reach we need to do related to the mural and related to safer disposal of motor oil. so, the resolution that you have before you, is basically a recommendation for the oper a house for this project. >> thank you very much. commissioners any questions? >> yes, commissioner wan? >> do you know where the mural location will be? >> i should have mentioned that. through the opera house we will be conducting an analysis of the various sites and we are going to be working closely with the san francisco art's commission, and they have a few sites that they have recommended that we will work with the artist and the opera house and the arts commission to look at all of those sites and determine which one will be the most appropriate and we will also look at dumping hot spots, if you may, to see which site would be the most appropriate in terms of where
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we have seen large amounts of dumping. >> thanks, commissioner stephenson? >> is there a target date that it would be unveiled or finished? >> yeah. it will be, the grant that we have from cal recycle is a two-year grant that started in april. we are anticipating that the mural will be unveiled by the summer, and by next summer. commissioner wald? >> is there anyone from the opera house here? >> i don't believe so. we did notify them about the meeting and we let them know that we would be presenting this recommendation, but i don't believe that they were able to make it today. >> so i am going to try to channel commissioner king with me, and in the past mentioned, we have mentioned our
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disappointment that proposed grantees were not here to speak on their own behalf about the project that we are going to undertake as a result of our access. if they are not here, i don't know what good my saying this is going to do. but i do think it is a problem. and i don't know exactly what the solution is, but i would like to see one. >> and i would just say that that concern is heard and noted. and we can do also our part to be a little more forceful in our encouragement. that would be great. thank you. >> thank you. >> and are there any members of the public who wish to comment on