tv [untitled] November 29, 2014 2:00am-2:31am PST
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relative to the alleys when we talk about then those are the ideas those are not the traffic calming with the suburban bumps or the public works didn't do that in the city their expensive and more noisy and consumerism and people driving down the street tests a consistent enforcement of how we are to transform the city to alleys and streets that's a new reflection open the residential influx that's a clear dlaepgs of how the many policies that came if the memo yesterday are mandating meant where they apply and where they indeed help us with the next generation of policies how we define the alleys and alleys
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for coming down mine residential streets i think those are a challenge and the discussion which we can have together and it's wise to have informal meeting with the director and the others to discuss the policies to be considered for this policy it's 10 pages of policy then we'll all read this next week. >> commissioner richards. >> with commissioner moore said about being creative about making the alleys public space how we can achieve that i know in hayes valley i don't think that can work there's got a barrier you can have a million cars breezing through it but take a look at this
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one of the things the asset of the community a couple of things we were there at 3:30 i hope you work with the developer on a way to look at the counts and i think the other things we've cracked the neighbors that is good there's good feelings on both sides but you can't have it bother ways to cut to traffic it's going to come so going down the street you'll have more cars cutting through and if more cars coming in and out of the garages you can't have it both ways thanks. >> director ram. >> couple of things we're happy to have host a meeting
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with the gentleman and with staff and the developers and the neighborhood i want to make sure we're not setting up situations we account meet where does bumps or whatever it has to be approved by mta you you know so one of the things we can do is put thoughts on the tables and have the commission courage that to happen it will take more time you don't i wanted to make sure we can't do it in two or three weeks in terms of traffic calming we can't do an origin and analyzing where people are coming from with not a lot of time and frankly a lot of money
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so i'll talk with the transportation folks in the environmental review to see what what we can do not guilty in terms of the timeframe i just want to make sure we're not creating expectations we can't meet and there was a traffic study completed as part of environmental review so they look at the character of the street. >> thank you commissioner johnson. >> i did it again director ram you took the words out of my mouth i have a couple of things i support what director ram a said i was going to ask the question some of the things i would have supported like traffic cadging measures and other ways to support you're going to have the parking open ralph street and none of that can be conditioned from the
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planning commission on that project so given that's the answer i still don't support a continuance i'm personally back to square one i don't know what we can accomplish in 2 or 4 weeks a couple of things about what the impact might be from my standpoint i support ralph student i don't know if it will be in the future this building has hundreds and 20 new people having their entrance on ralph street when you have those things you'll not have people
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driving the wrong way done u down fulsome and speeding through when we see traffic going towards the bridge and cut over to howard you'll see less because there will be people on the street 2 and 20 new residents not there now i think in my mind that future impacts my vision of what a driveway on ralph's i think also some of the people kwooilg it's on the other side of fulsome people make left turns on fulsome many people cross over because people can do
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it that a right turn so with the cycling impacts. >> if you mind if i interrupt we're looking at different alternatives from fulsome street the length and turning it into a two-lane and the western selma and the supervisor many of us that that ultimate it could be a great thing we're looking at other solutions one of them has things on both sides of the street we want to mayor we understand if it works we all i think there's a lot of support for turning it 20/20 way. >> commissioner richards. >> just a couple more things i'm sure we won't have moisten solid for the streetscape enhancements for student safety
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working with the office getting fund to the power that be from the city to make things happen and the other things with the gentleman we did some things last night based on integrity and we - he did a project in upper market and we did looking at the landmarking so you say you're going to do something you do it thank you. >> commissioner fong. >> i'm in support of the driveway on ralph but vote for a continuance. >> please call the question. >> wait staff has a question. >> only real quick to address sometimes from commissioner johnson and commissioner moore
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if a continuance is considered are there other aspects you need reas we bring the item back. >> yes. thank you. >> commissioner moore. >> i want to pick up on what commissioner johnson briefly hinted on i want to see more creative treatment of the fulsome street facade i think the full name street facade is a repetition of rather - god i try to be that i lit it's rather simplistic it is changing the same element and repeating it one bay over the
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building itself is asking for a exception exception to bulk we need to bring something forward to granting an exception i want to see a more distinction treatment on fulsome street that includes potentially how the building turns the corner onto the ralph the lot which takes a good idea of townhomes coming down rachel h ralph and turning it and occupying two which on fulsome street that's our idea so i champ you to just do a
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little bit more. >> commissioner johnson. >> i'll support a continuance. >> just to i guess clarify i know that a lot of the language on the architecture is drawing from this mixed industrial for a larger neighborhood so there's i want to make sure we're pulling up a photo on the fuchl street elevation to comment outstanding on your comments o'connor you want to see intent on the larger bloke over here and in terms of breaking down the scale of the block or more articulation of the facade. >> scale of the block and the articulation of the facade one or the other or both i can't
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basically draw you i'm approving the repeal repeatedness we're transforming the street fulsome street is going to be the mine street i'm expected more of a building and uss that twice i mean by that have to be clear rather grid repetition. >> commissioner hillis i mean, we'll see what we get you like the design it reflects the industrial character there are a big lot so, i mean i keep it in the design and come up with an alternative but how it turns into ralph street how you make the turn but i like it.
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>> commissioner moore. >> we're not supposed to argue it looks like delores and market street we a restatement of the approach to the building and we had other buildings to choose no arithmetic and names as mentioned but spend a little bit more time of the creative aspect. >> commissioners there's a motion and second to continue this matter to december 18th commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner fong commissioner president wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero commissioners that place you on item 16 for case at 36 hundred
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moderate scale planning code requires a conditional use for a formula retail uses in my entity district their linear district that serve as major transit routes the project site is located along geary boulevard it stenches from the western edition to the outer richmond there are approximately 25 uses along geary boulevard in the immediate area from presidio boulevard to park presidio boulevard to that boulevard 25 formula retail use one of which is a formula retail use paramedic at mosaic it's a two-story commercial building on geary and page avenue it is
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vacant and the previous use was an alzheimer's deafer institute on aging located directly across the street current tenants in the buildings include wavelengths bank and retail store that services vacuum clears up be off-street parking is on a separate lot for banking customers only the proposed cv sexual orientation is open the 17 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. the store locations is expected to create approximately 25 jobs this store will not sell alcohol or tobacco and no extension of the building is proposed since packet were described the department has two letter if the
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jordan park improvements association you've received via e-mail staff recommends approve of the conditional use authorization to establish the formula retail use pharmacy, however, who are omitted from the motion i want to add those back in today there's standard from the item complete from signage i've brought hard copies today, if the planning secretary would be so kind to distribute those and the applicant has informed of two edition that concludes my presentation. i'll be available for questions or comments the project sponsor is here and would like to present to the commission. >> thank you
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project sponsor on behalf of the cvs i don't have a lot to add to the staff report we appreciate the approval the project made accommodations and have garden their support we have the support of the jordan park improvement sobers as the lady alluded to the ends of vesting supports the project the gentleman mexico's the anchorage institute on geary they support it the cvs jerryic clinic in the institute and some the bridge
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citizen housing center the pharmacy fills a vacant storefront with no new construction there are in the matter other cvs pharmacies are 25 to thirty blocks away from the east and west of the location and as mentions the institute on aging across geary the chief of the jerryic clinic has been in communication with the available pharmaceuticals and prescriptions their emphasis about the store cvs a here as well as our public outreach team and thank you for your consideration. >> thank you opening it up for public comment i have one card paulette.
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>> good afternoon. my name is is paulette i'm a native san franciscan and i am also speaking on behalf of the citizens in the cornett citizen housing on geary street when i find out that was happening i got very, very excited it takes i have to take a bus and have to walk three or four blocks to get my medication it's far away for me and not having that particular thing there for me and a lot of the other residents i do a lot of speaking because they have a hard time expressing what we
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want to say i feel like that this the day i photo about it i he was looking at it wondering why it was still vacant being a native i can see that gear street a dying over the years and didn't have everything it used to have sometimes the retail sometimes there's a restaurant but there's no real something live in the area i'm excited about the project the accepts in the whole building are talking about it what we've been looking at and watching to let you know is home people sleeping around the building we've had to get them away from there in other words,
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we're perpetually a situation instead of lighting the space for the residents in the area. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment? okay seeing none, public comment is closed commissioner moore >> i'm wondering if we can condition the cvs not to have alcohol or tobacco sale in the future is that part of the - and the proposal is not. >> that is proposed because of what they present but part of the you don't motions i don't think so the reason why i'm seeing that there was a cvs approved in other neighborhood corridor i'll not mentioned it you know which one it is next to one area there's other pharmacies but the concern is the particular location not
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having alcohol or tobacco they came back and asked that be depraved retroactively those will change the transitional location. >> i believe if i wanted to make it a condition certainly that's within our power to do that the condition there be no alcohol and tobacco sales. >> i want to ask the excision to support that and otherwise move to approve. >> i want to be clear that the other two items. >> i'm sorry yeah. i've used those two agenda items. >> okay. thank you commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i'm supportive i understand the motion includes
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the motion on park and prohibition on alcohol and tobacco. >> commissioner richards. >> a couple of questions the signage is the fenway that was received from one of the e-mails we had. >> the project sponsor posted some communicated outreach that included the jordan park improvements association and they misdemeanor the plans based on recommendations from the neighborhood. >> okay. >> and there's agreement. >> okay. great where's the closet alcohol sales around the site? i actually do not know maybe commissioner fong can answer (laughter) >> they moved across the street. >> commissioners there's a motion and second to approve this matter with conditions as amended by staff and print the
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sale of. >> commissioner antonini. >> commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner johnck's commissioner fong. >> commissioner president wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places you under our discretionary calendar item 17 for the next case at 29 lay street this is an abbreviated discretionary review. >> good evening commissioners i'm defied license platecy from department staff before you do my presentation a couple of housekeeping issues with us on our analysis the address is incorrectly sate as 2895 it
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should be 2985 only open that one. >> the correct address is 2985 lake street it was typed as 2895 the numbers ambassador transposed the second the packet identified the project and the project the dr requesters and the project sponsors property so i brought corrected maps which i will - and lastly the e-mails i'll handout in opposition to the project since the packet went out last week i'll pass those along and refer to those in my presentation case 2014 dot
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139 request for a discretionary review for the second story edition above the sister-in-law family house the project includes a small twrt set backs 15 feet from the property line and 16 from the north and 2 and a half from the rear property line on the west side of lake street between delmar and like many blocks it is deseconded by on a additional in the wraer portions of most of the lots since the packets were sent the department got e-mails both prove or disprove behind the
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subject property for the second-story rear it is from diane on lake street the property immediately adjacent to the north the subject project ms. youngest concerns the second-story additional clouds the privacy and light and detracts from accident style off the neighborhood and the set the record straight edition is intrusive and detracts from the buffer zone it was due by the design team found the design guidelines with respect to its light and separation between building the exhorted circumstances were not met the department recommends that the commission not take dr and approve the project as proposed. >> thank you dr requester our
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team has 5 minutes. >> good evening nooimgz is erecting air heart an attorney and i've been retained by diane young the neighborhood immediately joint adjudicate to the subject property on the north side 33 sheriff's here for four and a half hours waiting for her case be to called her 11-year-old daughter had a distance residual and she got frequent calls from her daughter she's a single mom not an option to have her spouse attend in her instead
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diana has two little girls 14 and 11-year-old they moved to the property from russian hill because they wanted open space russian him ems is filled with tight constructive properties and because of the age of her children she moved to lake street the property that she had is similar to the properties on the north of her on link street you have the principle dwelling unit and the sixth open space and then you have a detached combrarpg facing the additional which kits between 23rd and lake street this project is of considerable concern to my client as a
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