tv [untitled] November 29, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PST
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instead diana has two little girls 14 and 11-year-old they moved to the property from russian hill because they wanted open space russian him ems is filled with tight constructive properties and because of the age of her children she moved to lake street the property that she had is similar to the properties on the north of her on link street you have the principle dwelling unit and the sixth open space and then you have a detached combrarpg facing the additional which kits between 23rd and lake street this project is of considerable concern to my client as a
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preliminary matter from the law man's prospective this a third-story building they talk about the ground floor this is referred to a a basement it has bedrooms on the front of the house it's not a basement it is a fully functioning part of the dwelling with all the windows and everything else and it actually extends 20/20 rooms and upstairs you have what they're calling the main story and that goes all the way until the garage abuts the garage and joins the garage with one contiguous building and the garage ends and has a curb cut sloped cement curb cuts that allows for a vehicle to turn in
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its radius to get into the garage the project sponsor i believe has indicated made this look like this is open space this is not open space it is a curb cut you effectively on the back at the lately curb cut at the alleyway to go down into the garage this property goes from the set back front of the of the house and going all the way to the end of the property line you have the easement that serves 8 homes on the east side and the west side open the east side the imply e client side they have the detached garage and the open space in the middle this property does not have open space in the middle it has the garage and then the building
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constructed all the way through to the front it was one story from ground floor at that point in this slope of the prompt it has a 4 foot guardrail that's required above it because it's an open rail the light and air that is serving my clients yard where a her children play gets light and air you if we have this project go forward as it currently is without modification you are going to put 12 feet above this garage and completely end the ability for girls to have a meaningful backyard i have a quick picture of weight 86 does
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that work. >> yes. >> there are the girls this is the garage okay. this is olivias patio which now. >> sore ma'am, our time is up. >> there will be time for rurlt. >> i'm. >> sorry ma'am, our time is up you'll have two minutes at the ends. >> other speakers from the public in support of dr meaning in opposition to the project? >> hi, i'm a 22nd affordable housing resident and 32 avenue is 8 homes they're actually older there than at lake street homes like 1907 to 1920s no
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homes have been pass down to generation to generation 5 of the 7 and nobody was talked to for a meeting which concerns me first, we heard about it was september and my neighbor was in korea i'm not one the people i was three years ago but i moved into the house i have an understanding of the lake center strait and no one has lived there in my opinion is looking at the character the plans only are submitted to the south not to the north if you looked at the homes to the north they end at a back wall and straight line with a green side yard and have a
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garage and an easement building this home is out of character and scale to the homes to the north yes tests in scale to the home to the south that's it that's all i we know it goes from 30th to el camino i drove it one time when you start on 30th and go towards el camino you have to make the turn it is right where you stop to turn with the steering wheel that's where the how is it those houses are much bigger 3 are huge because the tenants home on the curb area there's a different animal and this house needs to consider the homes to the north it's out of character with
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we talk about the open space that was for light and ira and don't get that on 23rd we get an alley it is what it is but at least it has a see yard which allows greenery they want to take that away it's part of my concern and at the end of the day i feel like 15 seconds left i'm lucky i want you to cancer this is not to be having a side yard and no one else has a twrt garage so i'd like them to reconsider. >> thank you, ma'am. >> thank you is there any additional public comment s opposed to the
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project? >> no okay project sponsor your team has 5 minutes. >> good afternoon or good evening to the commissioners this is my client and project sponsor i'm george the architect for the project proposed project we think minimize the moogz and maintenance the character with the existing how is it being average around 90 above the finished floor with feet slope
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the proposed ceiling height is only 8 foot a foot shorn the existing height of the house naturally instead of sloping the roof to match the existing slope with form we further reduce the massing while trying to keep the character the roof form by reducing the ceiling height and con cascading the roof we're minimizing the massing with the edition above the garage it is 65 inches away from the property line on the north side
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so as you can see on 2989 on the north side this is the subject property 2985 between the houses 65 inches from the edition and also the existing exterior wall of the garage to the property line and edition with 2989 they have the 3 foot set back this is a total of 9 foot inches on the western edition most the edition the edition as you can see the garage is more than 25 feet away from the new they didn't recognize above the garage in responses to the concerns about
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the alleyway the most of the neighboring properties garage is close to the edge of the alleyway and open the same level of the alleyway as you can see that yellow and orange in the case the edition and the green representing the ground i ground of the adjacent neighbors that is the alleyway and as you can see some houses has one level garage way on the edge of the alleyway and also the other houses have - are the rear exterior wall is roughly about 25 to - 20 to 25 feet away from the edge of the alleyway and all those houses are 2 to
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third-storyed at all on the west side of the alleyway the home has 10 to 15 feet set backs on the edge of the alleyway and most of them are two or three stories at all and as you can see our existing garage is set back 26 inches from the alleyway and the driveway slopes down to the existing garage 3 feet below the alleyway the rear walls of the alleyway are 20 to 25 feet away from the ailing and compared to the neighboring property which are two or three stories at all set back 20 to 25 feet of the our project is twrts and future
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3 feet below the alleyway we're in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and it's our belief our project is built to be sensitive to the massing and the vertical height we expect the patterns and character we're respectfully here to ask the commission to approve the project as proposed thank you. >> thank you are there members of the public who wish to any public comment? in port of the project seeing none, dr requester you have two minutes rebuttal >> okay quickly this is a subject property this is the garage this is the four foot guardrail there's from the garbage up 12 feet this is 4
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feet this is about up to here okay. this prove or disprove has opted submitted this prove or disprove opposed unable to make it don't think they supported this property owner didn't speak english you heard from the prove or disprove that opposes it the property next to the north vacant under contradiction everyone that lives in this area opposes this don't be fooled by the number of people here today, in fact, as a representation it's not a popper o popular project in terms of scaling i want you to understand what we're dealing with here this is cam ills bedroom the 11-year-old this is calling all going to be gone this is her sole light and air to her bedroom we're not going to have
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them this is was there is now minimal when we add on 8 more feet and solid building it's not a liveable space i think the family deserves t it if we care of open space and not allow a project to render somebody else's project unusable. >> and just real quick this is the 14-year-old this is where they sunbathes there are windows along here looking at down at a young girl with french doors this is her open space not usable. >> thank you project sponsor you have a 2
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minute response. >> talking about family this the governmental this project to accommodate generations apparently my client and their son and grandkid all live on 39th avenue so my client brought this property too years ago and hoping to improve the property so that it's sizeable for multiple generations to live under one roof and the configuration of the house that's not limit itself to that kind of requirement of my clients needs and my client would like to grow old in this property
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and the bathroom needs to be large and we are going to do university design so all o this is necessary to accommodate my clients needs we sympathize with the neighborhoods between the houses are 96 inches away from the neighboring property this is more than enough what you see in san francisco even in sequa so we are here respectfully to ask the commission to approve this project thank you. >> thank you with that, the public hearing portion is closed oh, i'm sorry. >> i'm not can when we do this
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project i don't want to offend anybody our neighbor or anyone only because we have new member we are adding to the first name and i'm going to be grandma that's why we changing up the edition i mean, i really not try to offend any neighbors because thank you very much. >> thank you okay. the public hearing portion it closed. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i have questions for staff okay. i'm looking the plans now there's been conjure about the different positions of the garage but according to the plans the separation between the existing garage and the easement
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are 20 feet 6 inches and the same distance it shown on the proposed site 20 feet 6 inches so, i mean there's maybe a slope that is part of the new driveway to allow the cars duo to go into the driveway. >> the project is not being changed the footprint of the existing building doesn't change that is only the vertical position on top of the garage. >> if i'm reading this there's a slope that allows the garage level to be slightly lower maybe i'm miss interpreting that. >> what's the present height of the garage and what will the height be with the edition on the top someone said something
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about to the call of the chair feet. >> the vertical edition above the deck a 12 needed no total that goes to the slope roof. >> the peak. >> and then somewhat lower on the slopes. >> correct. >> the four feet that was referenced is the existing railings railing that's going around and that's in it's place is the second-story which the 12 feet to the peak. >> so the railing, of course, is 4 feet and what is the height of the current garage without the railing it has to be lease six or eight feet there. >> it seems i'm looking at the south elevation it cuts a measurement of 8 foot two inches from the driveway to the garage.
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>> you're looking at an inclusive it will be telephone additional. >> well, it will be finished and i think it - it's easiest to see on the south elevation which is 83.3 the edition is the dimensions so you total height is the 8 foot 2 plus the 12 feet. >> 20 i guess 20.2. >> my feeling on this i agree with staff because there's a pretty good size separation 9 and a half feet between the houses so that's a fairly
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generous separation usually only 3 feet to the property line so this is a total of 9 feet he 12 inches between the property links i don't see that will sunshine have a huge impact and it does allow the house to say continuous instead of having the yard going out separating to the garage, in fact, in fact, that's the way it is now but allows living space on top of the garage i arresting agree with the staffs recommendation commissioner moore. >> i believe there is nothing exceptional and extraordinary about the edition we've seen a number how many the current commissioners seen some projects in that area what really
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characters that area from all other neighborhoods the yards is in front of of the building they have their stately side that's seaside on the frocht of the 0 property any intrusion into that property is a clear violation of the dominant pattern the rear while towards 23rd is somewhat more even than towards lake in total i believe that the pattern which that the paper itself will not be broken by adding addition only top so i hear the dr requester, however, the rules that we use gear more with the consistency of how the
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residential guidelines and building editions indicate the consistency that don't impede the liveability i don't building it impairs we really protect or prevent buildings to wish reasonably expanded of there's a small loss of light because light louis loss is not a reason for denying dr. >> for denying a building expansion i'm sorry ami i've been sitting here for awhile sorry. >> commissioner antonini i think has similar objections i'll move with the staffs recommendation to not take dr
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and approve the project. >> on that motion to not take dr a commissioner antonini commissioner hillis sxhobs commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner fong commissioner president wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places you on item 18 for case no. 2014 at 53 state street a may or may not discretionary review. >> of a occasion of a one story over basement with a four story two detrimentally dwelling units on castro and douglas street in the castro upper market with the
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rh2 zoning proposed replacements structure as mentioned is 4 stories with two units with the 4 floor set back with a facade each units has 2 1/2 bathrooms with 27 hundred square feet and the popular has 27 hundred square feet the surrounding neighborhood has 1, 2, 3 single-family dwellings - single-family buildings the rdt found accident materials to be capable with the block and complimenty to the block we've received two phone calls and 3 letters concerns about the loss of light and the impact of the
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foundation and the height and structure one of the concerns was the loss of older affordable housing stock the letters are here for anyone to review a summary of the outreach meeting has been priority and in addition the project sponsor has provided a design i wanted to make the commission aware the staff has been aware of clerical errors for the determination, however, it's been concerned that the categorical exemption remains correct we the department not take dr of the twrt for the following reasons it's consistent with the policies of the general plan and complies
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with the planning code it it meets the planning code in which the ultimate result is not the gain of one unit and each have 3 bedrooms and no tenants will be displaced and no significant impact on the capacity of muni and as mentions tests code compliant that allows for two dwelling units and finally although the structure is more than 50 years old it resulted in the determination it is not a historical resource that concludes my presentation. and i'm happy to answer questions. >> project sponsor. >> may i have the overhead on? thank you
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good evening, commissioners thank you for hearing our case and having so much patience for sitting through 6 years of presentation i'm john the architect i'm representing my clients that live a block away and are renting right now they've bought this property for one .135 millions it is just to address the question of affordability that's not very affordable but an under lieltsdz property tare interested in building two units of housing so we went through a very extensive outreach to the neighborhood ems we may have done i'm sure you're aware of we've documented four meetings one was a casual meeting with the adjacent neighborhood and 3 officials males and females we sent out
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for other 311 notification or preapp we're proposing we're proposing a demolition of a 3 third-story home we've worked with the neighbors to reduce the scale of it the original proposal was taller we dropped it down there were complaints about it being too tall so we averaged it to fit into the neighborhood proposed building rear yard is actually learn both of the adjacent buildings we were very respect full of windows on property we did impeach changes to the on this right hand to accommodate the neighbors abused they asked for
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