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tv   [untitled]    November 29, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PST

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fact that tony moran was the miracle worker and we are $600,000 to the good although it's not come before the full commission. i don't have t-shirts for you. i'm working on this and you can anticipate something in that vein, but i don't want you to construe that as a bribe. i want to say thank you, and i want to say this you for making yourself available to the community and i want to assure you that the community looks for a role in helping to make the pool something that two more generations was designed 60 years ago, two more generations that children can use, a design that is more than acceptable, the increased number of activities that can take place in the pool with the redesign. this is a win win situation
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for everybody and for the last 10 seconds, the playground is beautiful. >> thank you very much. >> richard? >> good morning, commissioners, my name is richard fong. i'm trying to initiate something quite ambitious, trying to see if we can get something going on 500 pine street, the place that's got the glass design structure. it was former -- held own ership of it. i'm trying through the chair buell i can speak to get to the eminent domain by out. there hasn't been anything built and it also has
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the class structure which would be beautiful for trying to develop income on that particular part of san francisco of the financed area. the statute of limitations, i don't know how long they last for. it would be for the attorney. i'm trying to see the ambition to buy out 500 pine street through the buy out procedure and it would turn into mayor lee's plans. i have plans that would easily be structured as a park area and maybe a house approach. >> thank you.
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>> is there anyone else who would like to make general public comment at this time? >> being none, this item is closed we are now on item 5, the consent calendar. is there anyone who would like to make public comment on the consent calendar? >> richard, did you want to? >> i would look at the plans of the north piece deimagine i -- area and i used a shortcut to get in the play area to slide down that pole in that particular corner. i'm proposing we can have an access stairway and that way the total area around the play area that particular corner would improve access to the public
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into play area rather than having people slide down the pole they have there. it's a very dangerous pole. i think i was 12 years old when i was strong enough for it. this staircase down doesn't of any access. all it has the access to the tennis court. if you have another access to the corner which is just a staircase leading down from the corner, a simple gate and people can watch a little gate from the park. the other work on it, it's on the avenue side. there wasn't access taken away a big access to the play
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area. not everybody is going to be playing tennis, some might take the easier way and walk from the southeast corner. >> is there anyone else who would like to make public comment under the consent calendar? >> being none. public comment is close. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> any opposed? so moved. >> we are going back to the video. >> thank you. elt on. [video] >> i have been working for the park for years. i realized they
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love to eat. they came up with this idea based on the iron chef tv program where all the recreation centers competed against each other. it's an awesome night. the teens took so much pride in what they made. community members tell me it is the kickoff for the holiday season. it's also the time for city of city of sfran can think about what they can do. >> making a difference is cool. >> i'm thankful for my family and friends. >> i'm so grateful for coming out. >> we are grateful for our parks. >> i'm thankful that it's shown me love of people everywhere.
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>> the helicopter. i'm thankful that there is still nature left in the world. >> i'm thankful for all the people around me that have been encouraging me. >> what i'm thankful for is my family, living in this great country and living in this wonderful city. i'm thankful for our city parks. get out and play. >> i want to thank sarah
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ballard and dave tolman for putting together such an amazing video and on behalf of the men and women at the recreation and parks we want to wish everybody a happy thanksgiving. >> we are on item six, san francisco zoo. good morning. i'm tonya peterson, director of san francisco zoo. i wanted to show you
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this picture. that picture was taken over a year ago and it reflects one of the greatest moments i have had in my career as a zoo director. the other great moment was a similar incident a year prior, two 2 years prior when i held and fed cassani, cabibi's older brother. and i was trying to change the diaper and just like my own son, there was a bit of a mishap. these are two of my greatest moments, not only because the zoo participated in saving endangered species, but we were able to save two babies who faced the ultimate rejection, that of their mother. in nature's cruel way, both infants had been rejected by their mother, but amazingly nursed by our staff and then transitioned
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to their andmother, the amazing bow hwang. it is an understatement to say the worst night of my career is the day we lost cabibi forever. it was a tragic incident. since then it's become my mission to ensure this does not happen again. since that day i hired dr. maple. why? when the san francisco issued an animal wellness program. there was success with that program and we opened a wellness conservation center that resulted with a highering of a full time phd, a vet and wonderful conservationist and he helped me with the idea an achieve success. i also
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hired dr. maple because he was a human psychologist. i saw dr. maple would have the right tone and sense of empathy as he tried to ascertain how to move forward and he has been inspected when he was director of the florida zoo and he led inspections in the role of the chair of the aza. but most importantly, dr. maple is an expert and knows and cares about gorillas. i hope that he would help me find a solution that would apply to gorillas and make sure nothing happens again. i look forward to
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reviewing his report and hope he can find the solution we need. now, to be in delegate i would record on some things at the zoo. if you would like me to do that now. so normally i report on attendance. here we are thus far on october attendance. we had budgeted attendance for the month of october to be 51,000 visitors. that's based on an average of the last three 3 years of attendance for that month. and fortunately we were over budget at 66, 904 visitors. we anticipated visitation and 331 visitors and 700. we are at 38,000 visitors.
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most of our visitors come on weekends. ytd attendance 378, 479. this weekend with did not meet our budget. we anticipated 4500 visitors come to the zoo and over 9600 visitors came and the follow weekend we anticipated that 5200 visitors would come and over 7558 visitors came. i thank you for the care and support of the cabibi and the 52 is full of flowers. we made a donation in his memory and
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also many members of the public have too. i have an animal update. there are other animals at the zoo. let me quickly report we had two births during the giants game. it was fun to name our birth after some of our amazing giant stars . on the left is madison kudu, and pens, pens is a bongo. it's a rare species. you see he's got the speed and quirkiness of her namesake. other animals in nature's own way, they remind us of the sieshg -- cycle of life. we
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recently had a birth and you see the unusual color which is also almost extinct in the wild. they get to mingle with the animals. to our left is a panda and he was interested in one of our donkeys. we have four donkeys in the zoo. one of them came over and visited tenzi and i had to show you that picture. on other news we started wild walks which is a series of vip tourists wednesday through sunday. they have different themes, big cats in the
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morning and in various areas of the zoo. i had to point out two things this this photo. one, the little girl on the left actually has both prosthetics on her leg and on her birthday she chose the wild walk for her birthday. prosthetics have different patterns and she can change them daily, she told us. and a junior naturalist and we also see this as a career ladder as she grows herself up at the zoo. we also started a scavenger app. it's about a $9 purchase, it's a scavenger
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hunt you can take through the new playground and this was designed by a former zoo keeper. hats off to her as she moved up the tech world. there really are reindeers. sanity -- santa dropped four of them off. this is the annual zoo lights. this is the event we started two 2 years ago, i believe. we will have a preview lighting program and full programming starts december 19th through the holidays and new years eve. that concludes my report. >> commissioner macdonald who shares the zoo committee. >> i just want to underscore how tragic the loss has been and the impact on not only the staff but
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certainly the very supportive zoo community and frankly all those who love wild life and so, really really tragic. as yoou heard from the report, we have engaged dr. maples and again as you heard we are hopeful that we will get a report that addresses a couple of things that are important. they are the important questions to be raised in moments like these as the safety of both our wild life as well as our staff have been and always will be our highest priority, we want an assessment of the physical structure, we want an assessment of the protocols for staff as well as our responsiveness around each of those. again, we are hopeful that that report will yield as much information as possible to help us prevent this kind of tragic accident from happening ever again. with that, mr.
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president, i would actually ask that we not engage in a bunch of q and a in particular because it will invite us to speculate. i would rather have us have a very thoughtful discussion once we have facts in front of us. >> thank you, commissioner. seeing no other comments from commission. >> do we have any other public comment? >> richard? >> good morning. richard fong again. i'm looking at this zoo issue. i think dr. maples when we had the hippo issue that they can grow very large and tucker the bear that was the very large one. the animal where you have rejections stuff like that, it's primate animal behavior so i'm not too sure of it and what would happen. i do know about the hippos and
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part of that show. the hippo they are nocturnal animals. it was in that pool of water and it wasn't very healthy for that animal and we've already had two deaths of hip owes. this is a chance where one looks at it more carefully. we look at things like hippos and now we are looking at rejected primate. i'm not saying about what it is or isn't. how would you do anything about it? i don't think there is anything you can do. just like the mother thing, like the example thing where there would have been a pregnancy that is rejected and not wanted there is vomiting everyday for 9
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months. but if it wants the child, wants the primate offspring, it halls to happen before there is the birth and you try to mitigate the vomiting, the anxiety, the morning sickness that humans have i think would be very similar to what primates have at the zoo. they work more on trying to get the mother to bond for what's in her and to bond what comes out of of her. sometimes they did studies on lamps -- lambs and the mother dies and they try to bond one with the other when they have lost the offspring. they skin the animal, the skin of the animal when it's lost it's mom and they
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put it on the adopting animal. thank you. >> is there anyone else who would like to make public comment on this item in >> seeing none, public comment is closed this was discussion only. we are on item 7. the greenage ers program. >> good morning. i'm with the recreation and parks department. i'm here for possible action, no. 1, approve a resolution and authorizing the recreation and parks for a conservation fund in the amount of $152,000 for the greenageers program for opportunities to improve
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our city's green spaces and become advocates for environmental and social change. and no. 2, recommend the board of supervisors authorize and accept the grant and no. 3, authorize the general manager to sign a grant agreement and take any other steps necessary to accept and administer this grant. the conservation fundamental indicate $2 million into wild life areas. recreation and parks greenagers program includes kids from south san francisco in an environmental education in our parks and open spaces. the greenagers program encourages park usage by developing group leader advocates to foster community participation in
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parkland recreation enhancement projects. if awarded this department will support the greenagers to 2020. the request for the grant to secure approval for the body and conduct any authority and which requires documentation and this provides fund -- allocation. with that, i would like to introduce kimberly of the department volunteer services who will tell you more about the greenagers program. >> thank you. i just want to give a few moments and discuss the
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program and would like to thank all of those involved in the park conservation program. it's to provide programs to kids in the neighborhood. an application and interview process that is competitive. the first saturday at maclaren park, second saturday and take turns at facilitating meetings at various locations throughout other neighborhoods and they find research and use the project space to what they find. they meet with teens in their own age and lead a lot of crucial skills, teamwork and environmental education. we find this to be a creative natural career path for future opportunities within our own department, apprenticeship program and developing leaders in this
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field. greenagers earn a stipend monthly as the 501 c partners. they have a lot of fun with the blue water nation and camping trip and they host a launch a day at the park. some of our alumni have been recognized as the bound youth summit and youth opportunities including the task force for the playground. since 2012, over 20 high school students have graduated from the greenagers program and donated services to over 25 parks and open spaces and over 27 events in
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the southeast district. in 2014, greenagers were featured and as well as the national recreation and parks month. we could not do this alone. it's in court with the san francisco and alliance. this will help expand the program to the southeast. they have generally supported greenagers and we hope to be awarded the grant and will support additional neighborhoods as we have seen interest from other youth. i personally welcome you all to join us at the eco center. it's a public event. we will be congratulating all of these working youth and that will be on
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january 24, 2015. thank you very much, i appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> we do have public comment. sonya, carole bach, kirk griems. if you can come forward, please. c'mon up. >> good morning, commissioners, my name is sonya, with san francisco park alliance. as part of the program parks alliance is in full support of the program. stewardship is one of the missions of the park alliance and program creating lifelong park stuart's for san francisco and committed to revitalization to the expansion of the bay trail and the park system to the southeastern
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neighborhoods. as we work to ensure access to parks and open states to all residents in san francisco we are creating these lifelong stuart's to ensure a more sustainable future for the park system. thank you. >> next speaker? >> >> good morning, commissioners, i'm carole back with the port of san francisco and i'm the port project manager for the park. i'm so pleased to have the opportunity to address you this morning on this topic. kimberly very generously thanked the port for it's participation in the greenagers program but it's the port who owes a debt of gratitude to the staff particularly for the greenageers program for their participation in heritage park. in just 3 years, the
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greenagers have contributed thousands of hours to heritage park but more importantly they have help the us at the pork achieve a deeper and lasting commitment to the park within the southeast community that it was intended to serve. i think that the fact that in only 3 years, the first members of the first two classes have gone on to leadership or employment opportunities within the recreation and parks or elsewhere is really a testament to the fact that that deeper and continuing commitment to the communities and the parks is is being accomplished. the port is happy to support the greenagers. it's been a fantastic partnership for us and we look forward to their receipt of this grant and continue strengthening of