tv [untitled] November 29, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PST
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shshlt montana committee and able to schedule this and i look forward to having this discussion with the department of public health and the mayor's office of disabilities and maybe even looking at the public health department as a potential model for looking at our shelter system it is not just a place for foaming folks that are economically down on their luck the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor kim supervisor wiener asked to be referred. >> thank you madam clerk i have one memorial colleagues you've seen in the press on late sunday night earlier monday morning a young man was murdered in the triangle neighborhood at the
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corner of henry by the name of michael marquis was with young men they were robbed by several other men and mr. mar confess was shot and passed away in the ambulance on the way to 70 general hospital we have some details about the murder but not as many as we'd like or like and it was a horrible situation for this young man to be in our neighborhood and to have his life end that way and really one of the it's an amazing part of our city it is a tragedy it is the second homicide in the bush triangle neighborhood in 3 month period so it's at neighborhood that perhaps noted obligated certainly has some significant
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public safety challenges i wanted to send and praise out to the family and ask we adjourn in his name. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. >> president chiu observe reasons i'll submit. >> thank you president chiu seeing no other another name on the rafrt. >> general public comment. >> this is the opportunity for the public to address the board park and rec
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your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded translation folks will be allowed twice the times and if you want the document on the screen return it to yourself after the meeting. >> go to palm 22 you you know many kirsten's are told when they go out and witness this is circular reasoning that's not reasoning to the ma say most injuring are not jewish and those process seize are the same in the old testament their bible was the old testament in the
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gates upon their mouts this took place in matthew 27 and they crews inside him and part of the garments cast were spoken by the proof tests and they parted my remnant and they watched him there it says in palm 22 they looked and stair upon him they watched him and set up over his heading head this is jesus the king of the justin you destroy the temple and build it in 3 days liquor store the chief privity and scribes this was 0 their job
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they said he saved others himself we can't save if he be the king of usized he trusted in god las vegas let him delivery him, i said i am the son of god. >> thank you. next speaker. >> thank you mr. president the victims of the ca balance i live 14 meters and 10 blocks from supervisor campos was asbestos and also in the election had been filed to - but any adult can tell you what went on they say count the votes one faction
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had a 6 to 4 vague this week it's 6 to 5 supervisor campos absences no president next year there won't be a periphery snow majority or want all demoralizing the crewman of lack of information what exactly was madam clerk comments on want and the constitutional novels one side overrated a humors and the other the today is franchise time and the voters you all treated this like a zoning variance hadn't anyone heard of skype how about the secret passwords it would have been over at 6 to 5 recognized
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verified telephone presence as the presence madam clerk would only need too see the smiling face or video to count the roll this this is the 21st century please catch up. >> next speaker >> president chiu the clerk is kind enough to make copies i believe this is in our box that is relevant i'll talk about the hate crimes against me city attorney this letter is my i'll notify you thought city and county of san francisco 2015 such claim is false medical records in my name that were
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held in those record is is is diagnoses with me being psych and the verbal content for undisclosed treatment it was a means to benefit any landlord at this point whereby some reported he uses to file a detainer summons and sold did house on april 14, 2014, a letter was sent to the department of public health providing accident director with investigation about those records as i've not discovered those records until march 22 not given any choices i choice or information about the treatment and contrary to - lastly this is in the packet
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those records were created and there's a secular group that is stalking me and its a hate crime and by the police department i was shackled employ the pd and in the last since june of 2014 i've been violating assaulted 8 times - >> thank you. next speaker. >> president chiu and supervisors when will former board wants won't be forgot and new ones that will find and we'll take a cup of kindness now and welcome katie tang.
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>> offer anzine we'll drink a cup of kindness and welcome katie tang this time the girl a going to stay this time supervisor girl is going to stay president of the board for more than just a day this time the supervisor is going to stay this time the supervisor is going to stay want for more than just a day. >> thanks >> next speaker. >> arrest make me smile hi, i'm nancy rock to talk
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about to you briefly about tonight i know we're in transition we're changing and losing a member who i have worked with many of the people that i representative in the women's groups i work with someone that's been generous and spent a lot of time with us is not going to be in this room at the next meeting i know everyone is going to miss him and looking forward to katie and i look forward to that but i'm going to go against the rules and say thank you, david. >> good evening beverly upton i want to thank you all for your service of the board president of david chiu i met him when he joined our substance abuse
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committee and taught me how to make a list and i never knew he would be on the board of supervisors but to end domestic violence in san francisco and beyond whether it's joining with our supervisor in district 5 london breed to help us end our ellis act or to help i want to thank you for your leadership and friendship and for the board for all our support to all the support and defied offer those years thank you very much. >> tom to the agreement
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september 29th any mother turned 90 october 13th my youngercy turned out 59 and october i is it your understanding 64 it's nice i'm closer to 60 than 70 and keeping with the season birthday season celebration of life and birthdays are basically a celebration of life seeping e keeping in the season i have a pumpkin pie and i was going to cut it up here i decided not to do that instead if we can imagine here on the overhead please is a pumpkin pie i can celebrate by having it all to my myself or share with this perch
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that knows me 24 years give them 15 percent of the pie and this person says i've known you 10 years giving 6 percent and this sleeve says i know you 5 years give me 3 percent like the giants and so which is the bigger question if i can you tell me eat the whole bye is that a more robust celebration of life or share the pie with the people i think as long as we share now the next question, i want to ask if we get a new mayor and if he or she come forward here and says in our housing i want to make that a center a point of sale for everybody thank you.
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>> >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> happy thanksgiving. >> well, that's good a new mayor, i know i want. >> you to see this first to oscar, this is my (inaudible) martin luther king >> sir speak into the microphone. >> great what he said the mayor this is the pride that has martin luther king and malcolm x and mohammed
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ali and bart moorely and people from trayvon to oscar to jordan to kenny g to a man named kevin and been shooting that i bullets hyperglycemia i'm here to say i've been going online and just learned the consumer i'm justicecy but you obviously people have me on google and yahoo people with asking me about my life in 1999, if i asking speak for people that make from zero a $800,000 in san
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francisco this is we talking take to people that do drugs i think if we have a fingertip your social security number and home address you can't be whether you're born here or not we must stop government from keeping sub illogically harming us it's about people move and i hope you know 10 doables 35 years ago was with jonestown and this friday we remembering harvey milk and moscone and housing has been a challenge in san francisco as you've heard the latest talk about housing here in san francisco so thank you - >> next speaker >> dear supervisors my name is
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ms. chiu my son david chiu just became the first asian-american leblthd to the assembly and i'd like for him to take chinese 10 a beginning conversation chinese on tuesday at ocean canvas from 6 to 9:00 p.m. i also would like to point out some classes that some of our supervisors if you took them would be amazing during this enrollment crisis there's lgbt 24, gay male relationships on monday at 6 to 9 on the mission champions on this third floor i know thought
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that would be really good if supervisor wiener and i could take that class for objective reigns - obvious reasons it is very important we get as many people to enroll during the crisis it has caused students to be confused and have the supervisors take classes last semester lip reading is the dp s-4210 and su bs a woman leaders at work downtown from 6 to 9:00 p.m. and this this this is yoga you can learn how
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to make wedding cakes downtown from 3 to 6 thank you very much. >> thank you are there others who wish to speak seeing none, public comment is closed general public comment is closed. madam clerk could you read the adaptations calendar those are being considered for immediate adaptation and may enact those items. >> would anyone like to sever. >> i'd like to sever item 51. >> items supervisor wiener 54. >> 54 and madam clerk could you call roll on the balance of the calendar. >> supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos
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supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor chiu supervisor farrell supervisor kim there are 10 i's those items are approved why not call item 54. >> a motion to establish the 2015 board of supervisors relaying regular meeting schedule by scalding the meeting of january and may 26th and october 13th and december 1st and by future canceling them during the summer and winter breaks through august 2016. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you, mr. president i want to thank the clerk for isolating e soliciting for the feedback for the machine guns there's one change i'd like to
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propose it is something i wanted to propose during the weeks of august and finally do ask you to consider and specifically that is to flip on our thanksgiving schedule right now under the rules of the board we meet as we are today tuesday before thanksgiving and not meet the tuesday after thanksgiving i think a lot of people are more likely to want to go away the, of thanksgiving and the week after a know this was in place because of logical issues with the timing of the agenda and the holiday i understand that but i also understand from the clerk that it is the city clerk's office can make that work so make a motion we suspend rule 4.4 of the board and amend the resolution 0 that instead of
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meeting on november 24, 2015, and not meeting on december 21, 2015, we meet on the first of december and that will also mean that we would indicate that we will not have any committee meetings scheduled the week of november 23rd so the week of thanksgiving there could be committees scheduled if the chairs want to do so the week that would be november 30th i hope that all makes sense basically flipping the two weeks that's any motion and we'll see if colleagues would like to do that or not. >> supervisor wiener as spugd suggested a motion we start with the thanksgiving the week of it and flip the holiday seconded by
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supervisor avalos any discussion we'll take that without objection. that objection is made supervisor avalos. >> i was trying to talk about that amendment. >> i'm sorry, i thought. >> i totally supportive of that amendment i have two kids locked up in my office after ta meeting i grabbed them and they're playing video games in the office that's not the best thing so this will work next year for me didn't work this year very well i'll be able to have the whole week for evacuates during this important holiday so thank you for suggesting that for nooshgs. >> thank you supervisor avalos supervisor kim. >> i want to propose one more amendment although i'm open either currently, we are
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cancelling september 8th but we have unusually the labor do i day weekend we typically meet on labor day typically, we're concealing that meeting but meeting on september 1st, i wanted to suggest we potentially switch that around and swelling cancel september 10th so there's a he consecutive number of days to allow flexibility for folks that have other observations but make it september 1st. >> she's described it and second by supervisor wiener any
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discussion. >> if she could restate we're not changing anything so the last of august. >> our elective break is through august and normally we meet the tuesday after a lot about day in this case a lot about day is slightly later than it is september 7th we'll meet on september 1st after the break but take september 8th the tuesday after labor day so we'll cancel september 1st so there's a consecutive number of days and meet open the first instead. >> supervisor kim has made the motion as described at a time been seconded any further discussion we'll take that without objection. supervisor kim's motion passes
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any other suggested changes. >> supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor chiu supervisor mark farrell supervisor kim supervisor kim? there are 10 i's motion is approved as amended twice and final item and item 5 is to commend and honor david chiu for his distinguished appointment >> supervisor kim. >> i hope you'll allow me to
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assist you today, it's well, for me a sad day to see you go i've enjoyed seeing you for the past 3 terms and want i wanted to go over a couple of long list of accomplishments david chiu became our board want and leader of our member body and since then our long time serving want and the first asian-american president of the board of supervisors that is an incredible how are you honor and, of course, you prior to being elected to be supervisor doufd had a huge background working as a congressional staffer and criminal prosecutor and co-off and on a business if
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emphasis spare time and other community activities supervisor chiu is one of the harder working people he's passed over one hundred ordinances and 2 hundred and 40 resolution or so during his times on the board i know that i'm only able to talk to you is past 9:30 at night he's passed resolutions clirg affordable housing and job creation and workforce development and civically and language assess and the health care and transportation and family and citizens and small businesses just to name a few also he had offered many first in the country laws including as we've passed today along with supervisor mar's phasing out plastic water bottles and
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setting the nations high audits of commercial building and providing socially responsible copies and associate programs for low income families and immigrant and allowed for the controversial items including the condominium conversion and also in terms of legalization of in-law units and regretting the short-term rentals so you can see he's tackled issues at the board but aside from the work you president chiu has worked on projects in it's neighborhood including championship a new central subway for the chinese town city college and the renovation of the
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