tv [untitled] November 30, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PST
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associated with the property are distributed to the district building inspectors. this enables the inspector most familiar with the property to investigate the complaint. an average of 248 complaints are filed monthly at bid, and the max number was in march and while february saw complaint filed, the difference between february and march could be atrib able to two factors february being the shortest month of the year, while then in number tw, march, the seasoned mark increase in the activist when the construction increases after the winter months. the standard deviation is 5.36, speaking that means that we can
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have 15 or 16 complaints tiled in one day, and the next day might see as few as five or six. and this shows the unpredictbility of the complaint filings, and this illustrates the daily flux and there are challenges for managers and for the permit inspection and the complaint investigation processes. inspectors are exhibiting notable investigation, and that both the investigation and the permit inspections are performed in the mandated time lines, generally speaking inspections are required to be performed, no more than 48 hours after scheduling. while complaints are to be investigated not more than 72 hours after their filing.
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>> the majority is investigated and closed in 72 hours, it is atrib able to the seasonable increase in the permit inspection activity. we have one inspector from bid on the extended leave and that does impact our response time. this slide represents the previous one in the percentile format. our response time mandates are generally represented in a percentile format, which makes this a useful tool in reassigning inspectors to create greater efficiency. 85 percent is a base line for a performance standard. the dip in performance for july and august is atrib able to an increase in permit activity for those months. the number of complaints that are open for more than 3 days, have been going down each month. the notable up toward trend in the complaint closure in 24
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hours as july, and jun and august shows, represents an increase in efficiency. violations verified means the complaints remain open for more than 72 hours. and those complaints are generally cases where notices of violation have been issued and access to investigate is not always easily secured. research may be needed and sometimes the permits are in review or have been issued for compliance with the notice of violation that was issued in relation to the complaint. the map shows the district boundaries and generally the corridors are towards the north east part of the country and usually they increase while moving in a south westernly direction. >> a building inspector is assigned to each of thoughs districts and additionally a complaint investigation team
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investigates the complaints city wide for the xlaipts other than the properties which have active building permits. there are large differences in the numbers of complaints filed by the commercial and districts with high concentrations of the residential dwelling units, residential areas tebd to have more complaints and a substantial number of complaints are closed in 24 hours ask while a greater number are closed in 72 hours. and again, the complaints will open for more than 72 hours, and are in many cases complaints which have had notices of violation and access to investigate is not secured and the research is needed and the permits are being reviewed or issued for the compliance with the nov. this chart shows a trend that the complaint will open for more than 72 hours may result in novs. and they are found in the
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districts with concentrations with the residential occupancy and again, the 72 hour, open complaint is generally a result of the violations being documented and or ongoing investigations being necessary. and the number of open complaints in august is larger because of the time the data was quirred is at the beginning of september and the recent months of june and july and august are showing a greater number of complaints opened as a result of the permits still issued for compliance, and for the closure of the cases. this shows that most of the complaints are closed in 24 hours and the complaints are open for more than six days are the cases where the violations exist and the closure cannot be easily validated novs may mean the life safety hazards exist and the closure cannot happen
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without mitigation. the open complaints since january, 2014, are mostly cases involving work without permit. this includes, the requests and the suspension or revocation, requests which generally have notices of violation issued. and unsafe, buildings still open, probably have novs issued unless we are awaiting engineering evaluation in some cases. unsafe, building complaints are sometimes emergency situations, where a bid inspector responds within an hour. and 24/7, inspector is also on call for after hours emergencies. case update is the most common action that includes the regular monitoring and updating of activists leading to a case
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of closure. >> most entries into a complaint file is an update of some kind in moving a case forward towards its closure and the 445 novs issued are still awaiting the permit sign-off in most cases. the second nov are cases that have been referred to the code enforcement section for additional enforcement action due to the failure to comply with the first notice. this is one of the slides that i added and this includes data representing complaints filed by the division from january through october of 2014. the number represented in parenthesis is the actual number of complaints filed in that division for the months of september and october. >> so that is above and beyond
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what is represented in the january through august numbers that you have seen up to this point. this chart represents the filings that building inspection division, again through october, and it is important to note that the number of complaints being filed is trending up towards. now, about 650 complaints were filed at bid in the months of september and october. and the trend we are seeing in how i can best explain it is that more permits more people impacted by work, more people filing complaints, by the work that is not going on around them and we are seeing that a lot of the allegations tend to be unfounded on, or in the 60 percent of all of the complaints that have been closed for the months of september and october. >> and so we, and in responding and investigating we are seeing
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that, you know, a lot of it has to do with the increased amount of construction that is generally going on around the city and the people are impacted some what, and they tend to file the complaints in some cases. and as a wrap up, the 1984 complaints filed at bid since january have been investigated timely and closed where possible, the majority in 72 hours, and the remaining complaints are opened mostly due and the need to verify the compliance with the permit and the many problems encountered in gaining access. many have been closed and 629 that are opened are regularly updated and will be closed with the completing of the permits or the access to investigate, of the 629, 326 were actually filed just since june.
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this has been in conjunction of performing, 38209 permit inspections and the night noise and condo conversion inspections and etc.. and so, it is important to understand that the inspectors are working very hard to make sure that we are performing, and as well as the service of providing inspections and i would also like to thank gary love who was instrumental in putting this thank you gary, and your suggestions and comments, and they are appreciated to create a more efficient process for both the staff and the stake holders of the department any questions or comments? >> okay, commissioner. >> okay. >> thank you very much. and i was quite comprehensive and i would just like a little insight into the section that is dealing with the work
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without permits and work beyond scope. >> right. >> and when that kind of complaint is filed, what is the work load within our department in responding to those two scenarios. >> we have to be flexible and because some inspection districts carry the heavy loads of inspections and as i said in the presentation, generally, work without a permit, is when someone just does not have a permit and we have a complaint investigation team of 3 inspectors and two inspectors and a supervisor, and who you, know, investigate those cases which for which they have no permit. but, it makes more sense for us to assign the district building inspector to a complaint when it is work exceeding the scope because that district inspector may have been out there, and they are familiar with the job, and we, you know, we feel that it is in, and in the interest of getting resolution to have
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them go out there because, in most cases, they know about it. now, the building inspections are requested and then in responding to the mandate for 72 hours of response and then we will assign it to the complaint and investigation team and just so that we respond and investigate. and so we do call in the inspectors from the investigation team and sometimes from the district if the investigation team are burdened with an unusually large load of complaints to investigate. again, we if you are remember the volatilety slide, it tends to like, go up and down, quite dramatically and so, we, you know we just have to deal with what we are presented with. >> okay. >> all right, bear with me one
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moment. three people, to do the process in a work without permit. >> they also do as i mentioned work exceeding the scope, which the districts are busy. and they also work on reviewing the complaints from the years past, and so that we can get the numbers down. >> you were just talking about the number of the people doing the work totally, not on each case. >> well, generally, it is two inspectors who are supervised by one, and the load of investigation of the inspections or of the complaints is spread between those two and involving work without a permit. bear with me a minute. goit a piece of paper on my desk that says that something is going on with the 222 work without the permit, i just go and see if 222 avenue has a
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permit or not. what do i have to do more than that? >> well the supervisor, and in the complaint investigation team takes in all of the complaints that are filed on that given day in the afternoon of the day. >> okay. >> and he determines if a, if there is a permit in relation to that specific address, and if there is a permit, he will look at assigning it to the district inspector. but, before he does that, he will look and see how busy the district is. and so if the district is booking inspections three days out, he is going to assign it to one of this complaint investigation teams, so we don't impact the district any more and in regard to the ability to provide those inspections. so, then again, if it is no permit, he will right off of the bat assign it to one of the complaint investigation team inspectors, does that answer your question? >> yeah, i see what happened. >> yeah. >> okay. >> any more?
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>> i mean that i don't even know where to start but it is kind of, you have given us a lot of data here and i think that it is kind of, you know, it is shaping up now, i mean, that i am looking at the, and it is probably not here, but, what might, and i wish that commissioner mar was here and i think that it would be here until midnight with this stuff here, because there is a lot of stuff in here that he has been trying to get his head around and maybe we will make sure that he gets a copy of this but the nov and but, as a look at the last actions of all of the complaints, and then we go down through it and no entry one was on the 49, which is kind of surprises me and i thought that was higher up and that is one reason that you can't get in the building but it is actually quite low. >> i think that we are getting better, and being or getting more resourceful at finding ways to see what is going on. >> and sometimes we can contact
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the neighbors and especially if they are going to be the complainants and get the action and plainly see what is going on just from their side and we will not even have to answer the property or anything else. and we can just see what is going on. >> yeah, okay. >> so more on... >> some of it is more administrative if it is an expired permit, we don't have to go out and see we can just check the data base. >> as i found on that chart then, and it goes the right direction, and then, we are left with four or five with like, six or other, and then we are referred to the other division which, i think that is interesting, and which is five. and so, we are kind of out of the picture then, right? >> well, generally speaking, what we do, refer to the other division, means that we take in a complaint and we think that it is something to do with the building inspection division and we go out there and we find that it really should be a fire inspector and an electrical inspector and should be looking
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at that point. and so what we do is we come back and we close that complaint and we are out of the picture and we refer the same complaint to whoever would be the responsible division for dealing with that matter. >> okay. >> and so, is that where our weakness is on these novs that never get resolved? is it that whereas a call the (inaudible) nov the ones that never seem to get anywhere? >> well, all hands on deck cannot part it out? >> we have an administrative code enforcement process. when we exhaust the administrative process, right now i think that we have something like several hundred notices of violation, which we have taken through all of the code enforcement steps. the next step is to refer to the litigation committee and the approval for referring to the city attorney, but, you
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know, we have so many of these things, that you know, you are right, it is a pergatory of nov and they are sitting there and we do go through and we refer as many as we can to litigation committee. and we look at them based on, you know, the seriousness of what is described on those novs. and i mean that if we go through and we constantly monitor those, and we see that there is something like, maybe, a retaining wall that may be failing, we may go back out and say, you know, let's take a look at this and this might be important and this might be something that we should refer to the litigation committee and maybe send over to the city attorney, because, this bears looking at. >> yeah. >> and you know tha, someone said in the litigation committee, it is complex, you know? and these cases can be complex. >> yes. >> but i guess to the over all bottom line, which is i am trying to get to the bottom of. we are doing our job and those
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numbers are chiping away at your good work and accomplishments we are going to get the x amount every year and are they reflected in these graphs ? >> the code enforcement numbers are not. >> no. >> because they are in a different division. >> right. >> okay. >> this is just the building inspection division. >> okay. >> these numbers take us to where we refer the code enforcement if we need to and another form of purgatory is that we can't get the access and so if there is a navigation of something, say inside of a building, and we there is an, allegation, and we cannot just close that out, and we are not going to say that we keep
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trying and we go out and try to contact the individuals and in those cases, and in a lot of, scenarios, stayed open for some time, because we can't validate, either violation, based on the complaint, and we don't have enough to say, there is no real issue here because we can't get in. >> right. >> commissioner? >> thank you so much for all of this data and presenting it in such a way that we can sort of see the friends and see that we are, i believe that we are heading in the right direction, in closing some of this out. and i sit on the litigation committee, as long as they remain open, it is difficult to take an action, especially if there is a threat that it might be a health safety issue, so, we have dealt with some of
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these, at litigation by supporting and getting inspection warrants. and we do need to have the information before we are willing to refer things but you have that option and probably our support in doing that just to be sure there are things that we don't have a choice but to sit on but if it is a health and safety issue we do want to support the action of the department and in closing these. and so, i would suggest looking at that option, with the director and in many cases, go ahead and do these inspections so that we have adequate information about whether to
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act or not. if there are no more questions, thank you very much. this is helpful. >> and i look forward for the next one and we are not asking for it any time soon, we want to acknowledge mr. love for all of these working charts here. yeah. >> is there any public comment on item six? >> item 8, discuss and possible action regarding proposed changes to administrative bulletin ab, 107. >> good morning, commissioners and director hui and i will be presenting items 8 and 9. we could do them together. >> we are going to call 8 and
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the together. >> item nine isdiscussion and possible action regarding a proposed revision to existing administrative bulletin ab-004, priority permit processing guidelines to include voluntary or mandatory seismic upgrades to private schools to improve performance in an earthquake. >> mike hales and working on the implementation program. and so, number nine permit and processing guidelines to include, the mandatory retrofit wheres they called out the voluntary retrofits because they had the ab zero program, until the mandatory program, passed recently and we also added in a section that will allow the private schools that in response to those evaluations decide to undergo the upgrade and we got a
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recommendation from the bac and everything for that. and as for 107, those are the engineering and that is the engineering criteria for the mandatory program. and during the process of seeing some permits, and having discussions with the engineers, and there were a few items that they wanted to provide a little bit of clarification on. and i am not a structural engineer, and so i am not exactly sure what those issues are. but they provided some clarification, and that is the update to ab107. >> commissioner clinch? >> yeah. >> i think that these are well written and it has to be economical at the similar time as effective and so good job on
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these whoever you could pass that along to whoever put it together. >> i will do that. >> could you tell us specifics? >> they have identified frame systems for using steel to resist lateral loads. and they have acknowledged the fact that you don't have to comply, because the frames are put in for the supplements, and... >> and yeah, and the columns are supplemental and so they don't have to are there any other questions? >> thank you.
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>> congratulations to your old department and what is going with the soft story. >> >> actually one more thing, i actually conducted an analysis on the preliminary returns from the soft story program. just to kind of place everything in context, it was before the board of supervisor buzz i think that it might be of interest, i have one copy, but i can send it to you. >> if you would sented it to the packet form. >> thank you. >> thanks again for your time. >> and these for discussion and item. >> is there a public comment first on items 8 and 9? >> is there a motion to approve the items? >> move to approve items 8 and 9,. >> second. >> there is a motion to approve 8 and 9. >> correct. >> and there was no public
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comment. we will do a roll call vote. president mccarthy? >> aye. >> commissioner lee? >> yes. >> commissioner mccray? >> yes. >> commissioner melgar >> yes. >> commissioner walker. >> yes flt >> and commissioner clinch. >> yes. >> both carry unanimously. okay, item ten?discussion on the issuance of night noise permits in the rincon hill residential area, including any dbi policy changes >> if i may, and i kind of asked for an update on this from the director, and i believe that it is still a bit of a moving discussion. i thought that it would be good to let the commissioners where we stand and how we are addressing the policies and a better understanding of what the issues might be on this and i also, i noticed that
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obviously, inspector is here, and also, mr. duffy who has been involved in the years, and i would be interested to hearing from them for anything that they might have to add as well. >> okay. >> director (inaudible) department of building and inspect tom hui and we did do, you know, a little bit more of the draw up and it is on this, and on the permit and then, i and you will see in the package, on october, we have 38 requests. and on the permit. and for the noise and then we deny seven of them. but, this is a, and this is, and that particular area, no, in generally, in the policy and procedures is for the whole city. for that particular area, it is what we call the hot spot and we want to have more out reach and then to be understanding of the res residents and they want to put it in both sides
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and then, i think tomorrow, we will have the october 9, no, november 19th, that will be another meeting, in the afternoon to have the meeting and also the residents too. and most of the night noise permit to attend in those areas by our inspector joe duffy and also, is handling my, you know, chief inspector and deputy director, and i think that the job is very comprehensive, and i think that it is... but we don't want to be too restrict $we want to be more, you know, more detail and on those areas.
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later on you don't want to restrict the whole city for this kind of a restriction, and you can look on the draft >> we are in a position right now where we are trying to fine tune it to make it more reflective on what is going on in the city and we have a lot of issues and i guess that the thing that bothered me, is that i really believed that we have had the strong policis in place, and so there is a little bit of movement as to why they are not issued and so on but we got past that. and i don't know, if mr. duffy, and if one of you would like to talk to, because i know that over the years, that between the two of you guys who have been primarily want to be approved and they are primarily and kind of goat to people
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