tv [untitled] December 2, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PST
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we pull this off it keeps people in their homes we shouldn't subsidies affluent people it's interesting the concept of short-term rentals on new development i don't know the legit i know this is clearly new maybe we should wait until the ballot issue is sleltd somewhere down the line and i sat in planning yesterday and said you know there's a few job sites with the developers construction prices is up one percent but there is yield on the properties two or three percent a month going up to two or three we need money on the table with the fees forces the community benefits and share on the upside we had this
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conversation this doesn't cover one hundred percent of the impact thirty or 40 percent we need to get that number up higher i don't know how but as a policy getting 60 or 70 we try to leverage it but we're trying to patch the money to mitigate the impacts but i mean it's we have more of a shared responsibility especially from the upside of the vendors maybe to the mayor's office as well to figure out how to do that the other one we also hear that projects don't pan out i'd like to have a developer and trust you come up and show me let's talk about the profit and the costs and let's talk about the costs of the unit show me and the public i think you'll get a lot more people to trust you reilly you're putting a lot of our money on the line and our
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risking a lot there's uncertainty in the market i'd like to see what the project looks like and it will help the public out a lot i invite it if somebody is willing to do that in the future other one is you know, i sat in a i guess is it fair to say a meeting last night on prop m with the presentation and we i was shocked at what the rental market looked like for office space it's far higher maybe i'm stuck in 5 years ago but in the office space as we look like the potentially having to have criteria it doesn't get built and potentially look like some of the things we get thrown off from the community benefits and the other criteria at our discretionary and look at that
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as some other policies maybe next year that's my $0.02. >> thank you director ram. >> first, i want to thank kate and others from the mayor's office of housing had is clearly on ongoing effort i want to reiterate we want to bring this back but on the short-term rental legislation we have two hearings coupling u coupling in the next fu fu months ago and and anticipate the budget that was e-cigarette the enforcement of that short-term rental legislation and in january we will bring you trailing legislation at the board about that you didn't address in our deliberations it has to come back to this for the trailing legislation on the short-term rental legislation and in addition the legislation passed
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takes effect february 1st, we have to come back 6 months after to give you a report on how it's working we anticipate that as well you'll see a number of hamburgers on that as well in the next few months. >> thank you to all the presenters. >> commissioners that places you on item 10 at 925 mission streets it's a informational item i recommend if you want to comment comment on the next item this is the informational portion of the presentation. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm kevin with the planning staff this is an informational project rewarding the 5 m project i'm not going into the specifics about the
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land use i want to mention that staff or multiple agencies have been working on a comprehensive that is for a site comprehensive destine for development design and specific guidance on earth and streetscape improvements and other aspects of the project as well as guiding excuse me. guiding staff review of a future evolutionary projects and minor changes in massing in addition to the project sponsor they proposed a development agreement that allows the rental structure and other benefits of the project so this concludes my short presentation i'm available and i may emerge after the
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project sponsor and staff from oewd is available as well thank you very much. >> thank you project sponsor. >> get set up here good afternoon, commissioners ami is audrey i'm with 4 city working on the 5 m projects i'm to walk you on the math and the thinking of where we landed today and introducing our project architect to speak about the architecture for the project
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one moment please so we've been activating the sited beginning in 2009 by bringing the tenants to the site and the already existing chronicle with this timeline it shows possess importantly we'll have a series of community hearings to focus the discussion on areas of community benefits such as affordability and the design, open space and jobs and economic development most recently those meetings happened in november or a couple weeks ago and in addition anticipation for today is hearing we extended the notice letters to 35 different organizations in selma to
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increase people's awareness and their participation in this the site is located in a transient rich area many mission and extends to howard we're about a 5 minute walk from the subway and as well as a block from pals bart that has the capacity of all the downtown stops a lot of what is informed the project is this notion of being at middle school mid-market we're city mid-market in downtown we tried to do and we'll audrey will x pond on talk about the building into the teblgs it is your and the various that i see in selma this today is site is a mix of the chronicle building as well as the tenants and couple of
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buildings outside the chronicle a 50 percent parking lot it's highly unusual and single use for office here what we've done is try to illustrate some our ground floor we've taken many accuses from selma and wanting to try to create variety and a level of transparency at the ground this is just a demonstration of that through the moscone on the vertical we also start with the ground floor the ground floor plan this is a brief summary but just to give everyone a brief overview there are two residential buildings two new office buildings and the existing chronicle and the
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denser building will remain as part of the project and at building about the one hundred and 50 thousand square feet of active ground floor and rating now the open space this is something that's been a topic we've received a lot of feedback from the community i'm sure you're aware of the selma is skweefrt when it comes to 1347 we want to create a chain, if you will, of open spaces that will somehow link and provide something new the project has a open space on the top of the chronicle and selectively e collectively that is 35 thousand square feet or 2 haze greens if you're familiar with that scale
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what's unique we've for going private balconies on the corner of marching and wallow we've provided an elevator to provide access up to the roof and maybe not within a building that intend to defer people if urging the space in selma as well interests an emphasis on pedestrian activities so the project is take into account there are a couple of improvements the project will do from widening the sidewalk on fifth street flovenlthd or in front of of the project site and what is a pork shop or a mini island this
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enhances the pedestrian safety as well as additional street models along the alleys and this creates pedestrian i streets along the area between on mary street between mission street and that will allow the open space as well as the ability to kind of use it for retail etc. art hearsay been something that is incorporated within the project for that quite a few of the and it's been driven by intersection of the aortas and as well as the tenants on site we think there's a great way to use some of the waltz around this site and facades that will be part of the future development and activated those
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through the events we're showing on the top left the 5 w project that are private chalkboards put up to show what's happening in the neighborhood that was a good test for the test engagement we hope to see in the future retail is also an important piece just in terms of the setting the tune for how people interact with the site and we're pursuing the retail on site we're really trying to achieve a local detail and the idea of micro there will that notion trying to reduce the affordability for a lot of small businesses in the neighborhood around food or selling things that were created by people as well so we're in the process of
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working through that we're going to have retail places where stakeholders in the community that are mr. taylor interested in a form of economic development next i'd like to walk you through a series of rendering just that focus on the type of treatment and the feeling were trying to achieve with the ground floor this is the area that i've tabbed earlier our the right-hand side is a residential building that's on this street as you can see interests an idea for an art wall and green wall on the side of the chronicle and that's where the public elevator will be and this is the central open space at grade it is seems like an adaptable space we've
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heard about the ability to host events inside and outdoor this is is a highly program for a subsequent location to have life - a lot of activities this provides a passive space, if you will, it can be a place where events are host like gated structure that allow events but also can be used for educational opportunities now i'm going to walk you through some of the nuts and bolts he we arrived at the project we've take a look at such wind and solar views and new corridors that are mr. taylor important we want to view down powell and see how the
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project is structured and additionally a lot of attention is paid to the open space people have comfortable with the pedestrian safety and during the sunlight during the winter and afternoon additionally the project has analyzed wind thoroughly and has helped to remorseful some existing things in the neighborhood next series is we been walked through what the project looks like this is a project site it would be without variety we have retained the chronicle and the denser building and chosen not to put anything there and we, of course, focused on
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the open spaces as well as the key component located in the center of the site we've activated all the retail footage and the open space also on the major thoroughfares is highly activated as well and as we begin to increase the height we're thinking about set backs and street walls and create the retrieve in order optimize these areas and so this is a final summary of where we are with the wall of uses two residential buildings proposed and two office buildings and affordable housing of 20 percent onsite for the rental buildings on mission street i want to talk brief about the benefits we've been in
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a process whereby beginning those conversations in the community we have heard a range of emphasis areas for this project and, of course, affordability being high on the list for housing as well as nonprofit displacement we'll have a range of housing on the site we're proposing 25 powers at this time but we'll continue to have the discussions with various stakeholders in terms of what the overlay balance will be and definitely looking at to support economic development and find jobs a facilitator that that will help with the continuity with even though people that work in selma and the future tenants to make sure there's saebltd and transparency for the jobs that are made available with the redevelopment and finally really working on a
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robust program for the - this is a summary of again, the area we're focusing on in terms of the benefits how they resonate and over and over a focus of the conversations over the next 6 months >> you now i'd like 0 introduce our architect that will go through the architecture. >> thanks. >> i thank you to the commissioner i want to begin today with a ca lodge of photos from south of market we know we want to be mindful your city's are made up of textures and scales mr. taylor south of market as we
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progress i'll show you how our designs are here respond to a variety and diversity 5 m is uniquely located between south of market and downtown our design blends blends those with the rich materials south of market and the building forms finland found in the downtown area we deformalize the high-rise typically seen in the doubt the images on the left-hand side are the buildings beside them and the images on the rights are details we've proposed for 5 m i will walk you through around the site and start with the residential building on mission and the high-rise on fifth street sdindz the building on howard starting at mission and marching you see how the building given a
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few shifts can be rated to the street walk we have enhanced these connections did height of the chronicle is reserved in the corner shift we bring the scale of the building by bringing down the corner the pipes and the scale of the module helps to enhance the pedestrian experience down marching street it is designed to have interrelated upper corners and degree of metal framgz and cement with you punched windows it is - maintenance a scale and has a character south of market moving into the high-rise
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building on forget street those diagrams show you the set backs and the reference to the adjacent structures we then give shape and form to the building along forget street and enhance those with texture this minimum ice cream the clock tower this influence is a relationship of the street wall here's a view looking at south on fifth street it is the high-rise that has a glass form and spultd the the apartment units within brick is used as a reference for the neighborhood, however, it is delayed in a contemporary form high-rise residential building is the high point it is a
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slender tower that creates a peak among the building the second highs it is the office building office building on howard street is accommodated of two ding forms it joins like this symptom there's an did not scale of the building that is broken up they wrap at the base here's the view of the office building from howard street and for the sake of clarity it is isolateed against the building in the background in its view you can see the shifts isn't appointed and the podium is for data heights it the adjacent structures nearby and the texture and color shifts
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horizontal finances are more than the context here's an example of a colored pallet and the way we elongate the building a view from the street shows the residential along fifth street the sloping connect our hovers to allow light to penetrate the alley if i look at it from the ned it extends into the street wall and finally a view from 80 showing the overall composition. >> thank you. >> let's opening it up for public comment to be clear staff correct me if i am wrong only the next will be recorded for the purpose of the eir so this is an opportunity to comment on
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the project more jefferson generally let's start with the people on the screen side of the room . >> good afternoon planning commission i am with the consortium i'll safe the comments i'll talk about what's going on with the project the deal property by the landlord and developer what's happening is that instead of waiting for the central selma resloan that is adjacent to the property owner with in a partnership of some kind of with 4 city is proposing a massive spot zoning up zoning of only their property so this project will not comply with whatever the central selma plan that should go along with the office building instead it
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will get special rules for one property owner only so what's that worth please look at the chart on the back see but the chart on the backside this chart i can't buy land for less than 57 hundred there's a square foot the up zoning increases the build out for the property depending on 2 hundred percent or one hundred percent more of build out, if you will, how much does that increase the landlord promissory note profit by $137 million it's a gift to the property owners that's what's being property by a virtual of a massive spot of up zoning
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well how much of that up zoning extra value are they proposing to put back into community benefits civic benefits could they propose to meet the thirty percent of the profits only 25 percent essentially they proposes to make the city benefit trooe fee that the 23 he million dollars no, that's will apply to all other central selma projects to meet the public facility needs but not this project do they propose to allow the space for nonprofits no, they proposes to keep the one hundred and 37 millions for themselves oneself you know how we feel like that i've got to turn that
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detain don't approve that-had a of that windfall should be returned to civic benefits and that's enough to have the building space and pay the communicated benefit fee. >> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, commissioners i'm luis in the last few months we've seen the efforts of 5 m to engage the community and they have had workshops and discussions i have attended some in the beginning even the 5 w of the intersection for the arts and the design they had you know invited all of the components of the jobs to small businesses and the affordability in the area
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south of market i'd like to see have more of this discussion because of you know the community benefits, the impacts of the benefits and the community i'm looking forward to hearing more of a discussion in the community and with the hopes that all of the communities needs that is impressed in all of those words of discussion will be incorporated in the overall plan of this thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, commissioners my name is rudy i'm born and raised in the south of market city still live there i hope i'm not genocide by my comments i'm the executive director of the violence preservation program and the relationship i've been
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having with 5 m is excellent they've support the fundraiser they've helped us with our cap campaign and they've given personal testimonies of the staff that's been helping us out and having combrupz with our organizations so we've been building with them and hope to continue to build with them they've been supportive of the work in our neighborhood i just want to make sure that you know the project they've building it move forward and we made to have discussions by i know what a they've been doing my testimony is true i know overtime we come here i'll be saying the same thing i'm only going to be speaking the truth of the matter of what they've been doing to us i've been supported by the staff they've been
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