tv [untitled] December 2, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PST
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the benefit i was there twice the traffic issues are ridiculous so we're putting a massive development it took me 35 minutes to do one block in my car eventually to get to the car i took muni and thought how do people around with the additional developments i'm a bit worried about i agree with commissioner moore you have a 40 acre island how does this sdrbtd segregate with the selma plan. >> thank you. >> commissioner hillis. >> thank you for your presentation i want to picking i didn't back on some of the comments like the tunnel or whatever the bridge cross the street it's great we're
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experiencing the street and alley infrastructure but i agree wherever you introduce or continue on with the you know buildings bloef above it it never feels the same no matter how high and that's a design concern i like the general design direction the building to feel look at bulky especially the office building in the residential or larger one that is situated open the site we get the design theory they feel bulky already and then i guess a lot of the details we're getting getting is in the dna what the value of up zoning is and the value of the city is getting all the public benefits what's the status and when will we laser that those get
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complicated we're not following the up zoning pretty massively or i imagine this is going to be a discussion. >> good afternoon kevin with the office of economic workforce development we're unifying do agree we have to grapple this is a unique project it doesn't fit into existing zoning we look at the value in terms of the city and number of the types of benefits we assume and think that folks want don't fit into standard zoning sow we've been anticipating with the zoning agreement that fits with the project they trail the physical project it takes longer to get even though environmental duplicate than the negotiated agreement and we need to have a level of certainty about the physical project before we negotiate the community benefits so we are going to do that over
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the next few months and expect to be back in front of you before the approval with an update of the benefits with the agreement and the gentleman's comments how much more squeamish is building can you put on those parcels i mean; is that correct or maybe a question for the planning staff. >> i'll let planning staff address the physical question about the development i haven't seen the sheet if you could send me a copy we're looking at the issue and any fox that folks have is helpful. >> can i ask a followup before dbi is there other ways the public can get information or participate. >> i understand that forest city has been doing community
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meetings to look at the guts of da and what's the community benefits and categories with the affordable housing and the transportation, workforce training other things like that and pedestrian safety and we would anticipate - we have to think about on our end but definitely bet the community input. >> yes. >> thank you commissioner fong. >> thank you well, i have similar thoughts like commissioner moore and some of the public commenters i don't want to get picky but want to encourage effort and the representatives to work together to try to find out and come to a resolution of what's best for the area it's a massive project but a good project i'm a little bit concerned about the height and concerned about the pickup on the comments was
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it don't for current san franciscans not only the new comers i applaud the affordable housing component and want to make the comment this may or may not shouldn't be part of the central corridor plan but hopefully, this project will voluntarily begin to start the wave of what the central corridor should be i'm encouraging the developers to take that initiative and be bold and create this into the street project i'm concerned about the level of affordability we know this is a high financial bar but a lot of seniors and families in this area i said to take a little bit of considerations given to the citizen housing and
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looking at not to be too picky and lard to the da and the consultants of the da. >> thank you commissioner antonini. >> yeah. just a question for mr. rich so everyone is clear on the time table we're going to hear around february or marriage. >> yeah. you'll see this for approval in the second quarter we'll anticipate as you can see more it possible hearings before that well before you're going to hear. >> for the members of the public and the benefits this will be changes to discuss that and weigh in on it before the project comes to approval that's a good timetable.
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>> commissioner johnson. >> thank you. i have a couple of comments but a quick comment and question i echo some of the commissioners? a great project it i'm concerned with buyout bridge in the parcel no matter what you do you're not really going to activate that streetscape in a great way right now that's not a big deal behind it is a parking lot so there's not a lot but food trucks at lunch time i think when you have new development to redefine the area and keeping that bridge there just put a blockade people are asking questions when are we're going to see the d for day staff. >> commissioners the d fornix d
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document is still in draft a lot of the principles are being discussed not read for prim time i'll presume the project sponsor will do another informational presentation both on the da and may be getting a little bit deeper into the design principles for the d fornices d sometime around february when we are ready to come back with the da as well. >> i will precede my comments on the admiring but this is almost as important a document as the development agreement but defines the true site it is one felt things it gives the boundary for the changes and what we're seeing today and i
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would hope to see maybe some at least some alternatives that is not getting rid of the bridge or somehow changing the bridge within the envelope at least see how the streetscape is managed thank you. i want to add a couple of more thoughts that are burn this project i've watched the da going drove the public utilities engagement strategies and workshops a they've put on we're in a place we're challenged by the question of community benefits i wonder what we can do differently a maybe a role for the planning department to coming from more an asset and needs based approach understanding what's in the neighborhood and feeding that more into some of the back and forth with developers again an idea thinking about turg during
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this hearing but i think it may lead us to a place my feeling we're at the same place to try to think about how to make the process different let's move on. >> commissioners on item 11 for case at 925 mission street m project this is the environmental impact report written comments will be accepted until december 1st, 2014. >> michael planning staff this is department case project definite eir purpose of today's hearing to take public comment and the completeness of the draft eir and no approval is requested at this point
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the subject property on the 3 involving downtown mid-market and occupied business owner about had blocks mission street to the north and howard to the south and sixth to the west and it entails the mixed use residential and open space the project physical characteristics has retention and rehabilitation of two building in response with the district guidelines and makes the requirement between the documents this commission will consider has part of the approval the eir studies that who the residential and office with the emphasis on housing depending on the scheme and the building range from 50 to 4 hundred and 70 feet this draft
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eir founds the demolition of the building on u to him street which it determines eligible the motion of this historic resource is carbohydrate affordable and the historic preservation commission commented on november 5th and asked this building be included the h pc approves that and asks for the resources while achieving some of the other goals that the project has such activating alleys and the sites and the draft eir also finds significant air quality impacts with the air blunts and impacts can be mitigated to significant levels of implementation levels within the document the staff published that and it has a public review
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period that ends december 21st for those who are interested in writing submit it to our office by 5:00 p.m. on december 1st for the members of the public the hearing please state your name for the record and we want to see the comments and all comments will be transcribed and respond to in a document the planning department will provide copies to those who make comments and in the spring of 2015 we request it is certified and commissioners that concludes my presentation. if there's additional questions thank you. >> thank you so we'll take public comment as the gentleman said please keep our comments to the adequacy and accuracy of the
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admiring - dr. >> commissioners president of the board find community action network just. >> if you comments i received the eir actually honestly on october 15th a seven hundred page document a lot of us to review we need to look at further review it was the relevance of the central selma plan one is the expansion of the senior zone i so want to ask you to pay attention to that we're interested as noted in the presentations by planning about
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the preservation alternative and looking at the impact of the project as prepared open the historic resources we're interested in pedestrian safety we got a crosswalk crossing signal installed and with the amount of cars we've bracket in with the proposed project we're concerned about the pedestrian safety issues in the ear we've concerned about shadow impacts we haven't been able to bring comments to this hearing but we'll be looking those during the public comment period and we understand from the ken comments south of market community mantling has not been involved with the discussions we want to be we think we represent a board constituency and want to
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be involved not only in that but the prelims so finally i'm just also to request that december 1st is coming up soon and it's a lot to review as a committee we want an extension into january if possible to give us time to give you subsequent active comments in writing if we can get it to the end of january it would be great. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. good afternoon, commissioners i'm so on i do not with todd can community advocate and the draft eir is hopefully inadequate and didn't talk about the displacement of pdr uses those businesses includes the impact hub tech shop and
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intersection and what are pdr jobs their factual and printing and publication and road or audio a and video and eir the central selma production and repair november 2014 is summary to assure to maintaining the pdr zoning and limited conversions of pdr and supervisor is protection of existing pdr and requiring space the base on the site must be accommodated or a relocated into the new project are space i'm asking to please extend the comment period on the draft eir thank you very much thank you. next speaker.
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>> hi, i'm david jones i joined san franciscans for reasonable growth in 12980 and began commenting on the high-rise at this point at this time the tomb active impact of the high-rise were bans the projects within the vicinity and sf r g prepared a list of 8 million square feet in the pipeline we saw sequa's definition of probably should include 18 million square feet over the next year's the planning department arrested, however, in the entire rum we sued over a dozen high-rise pdrs in 1984 a california appeals
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court ruled that they agreed with sf r g that the defining impacts on projects in the vicinity of the proposed projects was not equate and it/be the entire downtown area in 1984 sf r g suited the city on the adequacy of the downtown plan eir in 1988 we reached a consent agreement with the city and county of san francisco saying the subsequent would be the prototype for all eirs for the 5 m eir states the cumulative impact is based on the 5 m project and the projects within
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the vicinity this is a 1980 methodology that was regretted by the california appeals court and the departments and san franciscans reasonable growth in their consistent agreement this eir must be redone to show the probable impact of the downtown area on housing and transit sf r g in its comments has made a calculation of what they believe to be the number of workers we calculate one hundred and 95 thousand additional workers in the next 15 years i hope you'll look at that methodology if you're spieptd by that high numbers you're like the commissioners in 1980 by the
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commissioners then i think we're correct now. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is dan i'm here with the other mchave a family and my brother martin and tom mchave a our mother is 91-year-old and not able to speak she's the surviving owner this is it was the m & m tavern my grandfather original operated the m & m on fifth street any fathom after he served in the patrick in the navy in world war ii came back and took over the
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business in 1946 at the fifth street location and in 1958 my parents were kicked out of the location by the landlord-tenant and they prurnd the building in 1958 any parents purchased that and developed the m & m tavern and in 1986 when my dad retired in 1978 they renovated the hotel into 8 apartments and we came before the commission at the time for a conditional use permit and for the bar over the last 40 o 80 years approximately in 1988 our concern we have expressed this project will
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destroy our building we need to have the sponsor look at it seriously go among other things this will destroy things it's a 5 non-masonry built in 1912 on approximately 21 hundred square feet the figure two demonstrates where we are we're the x the thick is worth by the huge project through that's where we are and from looking at some of the other drawings you're going to be seeing there's a zero lot line that directly abuts and gives concern the huge size and the unusual areas and the approximate causes serious concerns by destroying the use of the building but the actual billing building it's a 1920
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building we have another concern we were not contacted by anyone we didn't receive notice of the dr or the workshop and my sister contacted the - and sir, your time is up. >> if my sister can finish up. >> next speaker as next speaker comes up i'll call for names. >> i'd like to remind the members of the public that your comments are limited to the accuracy and adequacy of the environmental impact report itself not necessarily the project. >> good afternoon, commissioners karen i'm the project manager of the property at the corner of fifth and howard the property that you saw x marks the spot that's dwarfed
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by the proposed 5 m project that property is mixed use residential and commercial so we have a commercial on the ground floor and a will 8 departments based on the documents in the eir the mchave a family building looks at zero feet from the boundary we're concerned that vibrations and noise and debris and dust could call roll impact the commercial tenants as well as the apartment above it focusing on the eir the report that the 5 m reporting says the significant vibrations especially pile driving is used as a construction method could have significant impact again, it's a 1912 building and probably will have significant impact we're looking to have some form of mitigation to protect the building and the
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integrity of the building there's a risk of the north e north side it abuse on the largest of the building will have a zero clearance so special dust and noise and vibration control is fog o something we'll look for our building has a set back with the windows and the bedrooms and the bathroom look at 5 stories it's tile on howard it is nothing once 5 m is in place so hallway of the apartments will look out into we're not sure what it doesn't show set backs and have no discussions the bulk of the project is of concern and we have had speakers speak about the pedestrian safety when you go to the howard side marching
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is the closest street two buildings the proposed drivers with hundreds of trucks and cars a day is going to be immediately next to our building i'm worried about about the 8 people in the apartment and the ground floor and i'm worried the handicapped people and pedestrians that use howard street it up for linking to our comments. >> thank you. next speaker. >> thank you members of the commission i'd like to comment on the 3 m project and the impact on any business with the irish pub on fifth street we're a popular business this is our 14th year as a successful operation we
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employ 20 dedicated staff members and open 7 days a week we run a full kitchen and kitchen team all rely on the irish pub i have seriously concerns i want to outline first and foremost i'm concerned about the location of the parking garage entrance you've mentioned commissioner it's a nightmare to drive down this street without the alleged traffic which is significant it is too close to the sidewalk outside of our business and the basement deliver doors we require those delivery doors to operated our business we get our liquor and dry goods and you name it without those we're done
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i'm concerned about this impact we're at the mercy of the deliveries they could show up at 8:00 a.m. and it that backs up on fifth street what are we're going to do we're looking at 2 hundred and 80 trucks and vehicles this is only a stone through from our business it didn't makes sense bus the additional one hundred and 90 vehicles up and down howard street it's one way how don't that makes sense this has to change where do we stand my big question we've got noise and banking 18 inches away from our wall literally can you imagine trying to come in and sit down and have
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lunch and dinner and people have been able to do that for 14 years now we're going to do we have to close i strongly urge you to consider our survival and we're an established history and cultural we'll really strongly want to be concerned and not countered and co-lateral damage thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. members of the commission i'm the special project manager at spur i'm here to support the 5 m project we think this is an important project to the city and find the eir to be a range of alternatives the summary as a clear road
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