tv [untitled] December 2, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PST
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street are poor for the amount of traffic and i don't feel that the planning commission has had a chance to hear all the issues surrounding that i want a continuance to understand the full issue. >> thanks. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is a harding smith my partners is lincoln anderson you should have in front of the you a statement of harding smith and linking you received my e-mail yesterday, i i believe it was indicated okay. so you got that on your excerpts our home is on ralph street i do not say from the proposed
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project lgbt held an informal town hall meeting i was in at the scene i ask the lgbt representatives how much are you going to pay us for thank you for the opportunity our lives upside down and when after repeated the response from lgbt was there's no lay that says we have to do that. >> my partner and i are sdanld with hiv and aids we can't work we know people that are suffering from kidney failure and skansz cancer and lgbt has demonstrated a lack of good well and good faith and moral obligation to the neighborhood tenants who lives and health had been permanently effected by this development
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anticipated noise occasions and excavation and pile driving and toxic air quality resulting from the construction will have a significant impact on us and our health and our daily lives and this construction activity may require us to move out of our home and potentially out of san francisco a devastating blow to our lives with- and aids due to a loss of medical services we have to stay within the city limits before allowing lgbt to continue there's a number of mitigation measures that could be used and attempt by lgbt by hazardous
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materials of the toxic fluids and all measures that mitigate the negative effects that the project brings to our neighborhood and our lives we urge the commission to look at the issues raised ♪ document before granting any permitted to lgbt to move forward in my way with projects we urge the commission to require the lgbt and design partners to allow >> thank you, sir your time is up. >> in a prime location. >> sir, your time is up. >> sir, your time is up. >> (inaudible) thank you for linking. >> if you're standing in line please come to the podium i'll
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call for names (calling names). >> good afternoon. i'm cindy casey i'd like to - at this time i want to address the continuance and again say that i too am for the project i don't have a problem with the developers theirs issues the staff recommendation regarding the driveway location for the new policies landed essentially on our desk last night at 10 o'clock it's a lot of code citations i believe f that in and of itself allows a continuance any documents after
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5 o'clock people should be able to look at this this is not a situation of due process it is unfair to expect the neighbors to go forward and we've been told the planning department has automatically chosen the policy of having fulsome over the unclassify district ralph's and that action is setting policy tha this is something this body can do in light of those issues an extension is the only we're talking about way to allow all the parties to sit down with reasonable conversation thank you. >> next speaker >> good afternoon, commissioners and commissioner president wu adrian carpenters local 22
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local 22 definitely supports this project a few hours guarantee ago commissioner antonini mentioned hallway of the workers in san francisco on any given day comes from outside of san francisco well, this support the project sponsor has made a commitment to the local it 2 to use a local union contractors those folks behind me and more that you've seen earlier and you see up here will have a chance to go to work those are san franciscan brothers and sisters that want to work in san francisco this project sponsor has made that commitment and we definitely support it and hope you on the commission will support it also and let some of those brothers and sisters get back to work thank you thank you.
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>> next speaker. hi housing i'm deangle low i've was born and raised in san francisco i support the project not only is it a beautiful thing but they helping the community about jobs i recently got a job working with them and they also you know what i'm saying i represent the untz players we based there on howard street and i mean, i'm one hundred percent behind them they're helping the residents out with jobs and stuff you know what i'm seeing saying i'm behind you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon,
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commissioners rob with the action coalition thank you for the opportunity to said the local group presented this to our group we support it it will take an underutilized site and make it easier for folks to get to work we want to focus on the making it pedestrian friendly project an on the corner of ralph and fulsome is very prominent it is going to add vibrancy to the neighborhood with regards to the location of driveway we saw the criteria on ralph fulsome is a major traffic corridor a bicycle corridor there is a lot of pedestrian activity it didn't makes sense to have a driveway there 0 or how it will help it's in the right location right now so the project as is should move
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forward thanks for your our time and happy thanksgiving. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i'm john the homeowner and resident on ralph street i've lived in selma over 10 years i support increased housing in the city in general, i building this project has potential to improve the neighborhood hour as some other people also requested i would also request a continuance because as previously stated it was only yesterday that the planning commission released the information explained how they are making the discussion we need more time to understand the impact of replacing the driveway
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and furthermore i don't believe that the planning department has a informed decision thanks yourself time and consideration. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm brendon smith on ralph street i just wanted to bring my voice in support ever asking for a continuance specifically open the placement of the driveway issue i'm no support of development project in general and we have had again religions with the developer it's been difficult to get the area of the planning commission as others have said an important document was just released we need time to properly respond to that it
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is any understanding that commissioner richards visited those sites very recently and was impressed by the amount of paragraph open ralph and i want to thank him for coming by in person to get a feeling for the situation on ralph and fulsome and i would i know there's a conflict of the lessor of two evils in terms of where the criteria is going to go but i hope the commissioners consider this on a case by case basis and appreciate our time in coming to the site and looking at it in person thank you. >> is there any additional public comment? yes, please come forward and line up on the
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screen side of the room. >> members of the commission i'm a resident in western selma i do a lot of my work in the brainwash i learned the big empty building was being torn do you think i'm speaking in support of this to commercial corridor this is desperately given the death of bikers open fillmore it is clear that putting the ramps american people fulsome street brings hundreds of commuters on bike there's a garage on ralph i urge you to support this project. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon commissioners thank you for your time and for our patience most of all i'm
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susan and i own the building next door to the project in question the building that has become known as brainwash i basketball that building in 1987 to make brainwash a cafe laundromat and continues to this day identify been impressed and like looking at the architecture project that's been done as opposed to a blank concrete wall that takes up 3 kwaerts of this building i oppose, however, strongly any rapping on fulsome street i do so for multiple reasons as a small business owners and an owner of that building i pay the city for tables and chairs on my south facing building and
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have pit money personally to create a park let that was encouraged by the city in order for cars to go in and out of a ramp on fulsome street there you go to have to go this way and that way around my park let common sense also dictates that the number of cars going up and down fulsome as opposed to ralph i don't have the car count perhaps the city does but at least one hundred to 1 that street has got skateboards and bikes and customers with more retailed added more pedestrians we should not have cars going in and out of the selma plan has considered to become evolving without irony south of market so i urge you to please maintains
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the parking ingress and egress on ralph street as it has been for dictates and frankly given the maim of time the developers have spent speaking to neighborhoods on the project i really don't see the need for a continuance but once again thank you so much for your time and attention if you have any questions on me a as a member of brainwash and the owner of that building feel free to ask. >> thank you. next speaker. >> commissioners i'm jamie black i live on ralph since 1998 my restroom and partner has been there for over thirty years we have in support of the project however, we are mainly in opposition to the placement of the driveway which is at
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narrowing point there are several reasons first of all, the angle of the ascents from the garage casts lights during the darker weather but other units additionally and he have a diagram of maps to show you fulsome is here my partner my roommate drew this this is a current driveway as it exists with a very might have had sweep of lights into the liquor of the 60 ralph building if you come down here there is where the property driveway would be not only from the narrowing of the street lodgeingly it it didn't make
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sense two six-packs will have to be removed as well as yellow in order for that angle to be made as an existing angle i don't see how it can't be removed interesting a boarder swept of the lights this will add congestion we have double parking all the time on the street i believe that the commissioner who recently visited is aware of the narrowing and also the traffic and the speeds from which some of the vehicles are going down our streets day and night i'm asking for the continuance. >> thank you. next speaker. good evening my name is john i've also in this part of san francisco since 2001 and have been a resident of san francisco since 1987 i've been part of the
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urban forest and planted trees and participated in the western selma task force and the decisions i they've made on entrance on alleys i have to point one well before i get to that one i do support the building and this project that's not the issue there should be a continuance because of the new information in the last couple of days we're trying to digest it and work with the planning department and trying to make things as appropriate for our residents and neighbors anyway my two points one we've received conflicts from the planning department and two a quality of life issue first of all, the developers wants to improve ralph street and they or willfully to then they've
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mentioned they're willing to build a garage on fulsome or ralph as required omi by the planning department they're not opted to where the garage it the planning department is where the issue is we have the planning department with their precipitation and the board resolution 731 dash 04 and the two never seem to be able to meet may i see it, sir? that's one issue the other issue is the quality of life we're going to have one hundred and 12 new units with probably around 2 persons per units or those residents are going to use ralph as a viable open space one of the quality of life we don't have open space so the result is ralph if so garage is on ralph
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it will be denser and in the acceptance that open space will be much diminished so keep in mind i think this is a good way to end is the garage on fulsome will 0 have no impact on fulsome street fulsome can easily handle the traffic ralph could not. >> thank you. next speaker. thank you, commissioners jim follower chair of the western selma task force the departments decision to dump 70 or 80 more cars into ralph represents another broken promise to the accept it after assurance by the planning department that additional protection would be put in place
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to moderate new development jimmy john john ram was represent we were pitting policies in place to enhance the quality of life the board of supervisors told us to ironically this department will destroy the intimacy that makes those neighbors popular yesterday was the first time planning staff was willing to sit down and talk with us it immediately became apparent that staff p had no idea of the comprehensive conditions and their location of the driveway would make it worse we're asking for a continuance we think you should explorer easiest locations that's completely lacking in their analysis the driveway in its current location creates for problems than it
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solves we also think you should take a look at the directors driveway location for new depression e extremity i thought that would be a internal document but again and again urge you to be referring to say as your policy the policy needs to be fully noticed, debated and voted on mia by this commission it effects every neighborhood in the city this request should come as no surprise to the developer or to on the department sometimes somehow they thought by relegating united states to 3 minutes of public comment they've shut us up but you'll hear case air force case and our issue about grow.
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>> thank you. is there any additional public comment on this item. >> i'm dylan a month by month in san francisco i own restaurants and friends of the members of local development group i've been to the site many times i've existed by i did retail opportunities i'm excited with the vision they have with grand boulevard on fulsome street and as someone that may or may not be interested in pitting a business there i'll have a hard time with cars crossing a busy pedestrian street on valencia street we have if you curb cuts because of the pedestrians in the street i have a little bit of issue with the continuance i don't see what it will disciplinarian you have many people that don't want it on ralph street but if they come back from a few months ago
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and say it's okay there will be people with problems with it the issue is clear it's got to go somewhere i don't support of continuance. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment? okay seen none, public comment is closed. let me offer a couple of thoughts i feel challenged will i this issue the driveway it is replacing existing condition theres a parking lot the developer sought continuance i feel that advocates the challenges is somewhat with the planning department and the planning commission policy i don't believe interests one policy a number of those policies were laid out in the memo from a day ago the existing policies that are built up over the years i think that i agree with the comment from the lady that each
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project should be looked at dinging so we had 470 van ness and 1515 south van ness also in the past and he think maybe regardless of the project i'll suggest we do the department spend time working with advocates people that live in alleys on what future policies should look like and also the comment of quality of life open ralph other possible mitigations if you want to tall call them that i think the idea of traffic calming or changing and had of the configuration of the swaigs sidewalk that could happen through the impact fees or whatever process and that might not be able to catch up with one project that's a lot of desire
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for a continuance i'm not i would hope the commission can talk about what we are seeking from the developer if we continue it's not clear there's any one simple solution >> commissioner moore. >> i like to weigh in support of a continuance not partially because i've here but it puts this commission in a awkward roll a policy that summarizes the policy is a kicker for me less than twenty-four hours ahead of us discussing this is for me an issue that same guidance was not provided to us a few weeks ago when we continued the idea of the south van ness project i have to rely on fair balanced and inbiased
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and properly delivered instructions i believe that there is an overview and first go around an van ness or the department south has to pull this together in order to break the grid recognize if it's the case this discussion wyoming should be scheduled not brought forward as policy because policy and i revised out of the discussion from the commission and the department didn't make policy and technically all the things be forwarded should be weighed i can't use that particular summary today to pass judgment on this particular project and because that's a short timeframe we were not given the guidance so i'll
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ask for continuance. >> thank you commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i'm inclined to agree with the speaker towards the ends what are we're going to gain although i'm not going to be opted to it because of two reasons if it's a motion the first reason we have supervisors question the second reason the point was made the memo which we received last night was not a lot of time to respond although that's a genetic thing we i know u knew with the sidewalks was we're talking about two different things but i semiemphasize with people that point more time to digest that i think the question has been answered in his mind we've got to alternatives and the 1 is ralph street you already have 2
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hundred cars in the parking lot it's not like there is no traffic at all and most of in and out on the same day we'll have fewer cars with the new development that will replace the parking lot and other ways i hope this is taken up by staff and public as if we do have a continuance someone spoke will a raised sidewalk from fulsome on the ralph it is a city street it's 50 feet wide it is one way to slow traffic or speed bumps that keep people from going quickly that might be a good thing to have when you have families and children you don't want cars going quickly those are things to be looked in the interim if this year's a continuance and i wag we've had
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different discussions on different projects specifically 1515 street that put it on a businessier street an van ness and there's good reasons for the decisions and good reasons for the decision and you have to take into account the things like brainwash that was brought by the owner of brainwash an entrance off fulsome more tire some this is a good project it brings a lot of good things to that area and i pretty much made up my mind on the position of the driveway but receptive to those who need nor time to consider but if there's a continuance i'll not want to see
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