tv [untitled] December 3, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PST
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tv. who record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available to the public online, so happy post thanksgiving. madam clerk are there any announcements? >> yes, please make sure to silent cell phones and electronic devices and speaker cards to be part of the file somebody committed to thed clerk and will be on the december 9 board of supervisors agenda innocence otherwise stated. >> okay. can we have item number one. >> item number one is an amendment to amend the administrative code to establish the duties of the office of early care and education and create the office of early care and education citizens' advisory committee. >> thank you. so let me speak a little bit on this item. our
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city established the office of early care and education to help us meet the growing needs of our city especially with the rising infant asked to her population. this office will help us align and coordinate our city's efforts to provide early care and education for ages zero -- children for ages 0-5. this includes meeting the goal of the city wide plan for early care and education and out of school time. and the legislation that just passed by voters by margin of 74%, proposition c, within that legislation was asked for the city to establish the office of early care and education citizens' advisory committee. this ordinance we are reviewing days serves to reinforce the office of early care and education and to establish a citizens' advisory committee to help with the development of a
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strategic plan to improve access for our young children to high quality early care and education. with the passage of prop c in november the office of early care and education the task was developing this strategic plan by 2016. the office of ecc citizens' advisory committee will be a nine member body appointed by the mayor and the board of supervisors that will represent a cross section of parents, early care and education providers, experts, and advocates to help advise the director and the office to help our city expand our early care education for all, and to offer expertise in the areas of policy, planning, collaboration and strategic partnership. the development of this body was a
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collaborative effort with the staff at the office of early care and education, the child care planning and advisory committee, and other entities such as the department of children youth and family, san francisco first five and the san francisco unified school district, so i really want to give a lot of thanks for all the people that were a part of this important discussion including supervisors avalos and kim, and for some of you we already know it was supervisor avalos who pushed for developing this office before i got on board,. i was outside at the time trying to push so i want to give him a -- acknowledge his effort in regards to where we are today.
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our office also acknowledged beth rubinstin from supervisor avalos' office and sunny a grelo from kim's office and my own aid jenn who worked tirelessly to put this together and acknowledge barbara, the director of the office of early care and education. erica mabum coordinator of cpac or the child care planning and advisory council and ken eghtd and other members of the council. i also want to acknowledge the members of the childrens funding community coalition and also the director of first five laura plumack and carla bryant from the early care and education director and jim brooks also
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from the san francisco unified school district as a liaison and there are many other members from the early care and education community that has provided input into this process and very important for them to have done that just because we want to make sure that the legislation we put together it will be relevant to everybody that would be involved. since the introduction of this ordinance we have made minor amendments to help strengthen the language describing the duties of the citizens' advisory committee. there were amendments to further clarifying the role of the cac on page seven section 5.1 two four. that includes the duties of the committee and we also more recently changed some of the dates in terms of deadlines and
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so forth to make sure that whatever we ask for in this ordinance that we will be able to accomplish it. the other thing that was asked for amendment was the issue of whether or not the mayor's appointment should go through to board confirmation process, and originally when i had put it in there i thought it was a good idea just to bring more -- bring -- just highlight the office more, highlight the cac and so forth in a very public way, but after further discussion about this issue and also realizing that that generally speaking for cacs the mayor's appointments really doesn't go through the rules committee and after talking to people from there i
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said okay maybe we could forgo this process and still highlight our efforts. i think maybe it was important for me because this issue is really important for me, so i am always taking -- trying to find any opportunity to talk about this issue because i don't feel we talk about it enough in this city, so one of the amendments that is not in the package would be the elimination of -- oh, it would be to eliminate lines seven through 11 for section four in the section that i noted and to indicate that charter section 3
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.100-18 shall apply. okay. do you know what it is? do you have any questions? >> deputy city attorney, job gibner so just to clarify under this proposed amendment the board will appoint four members, and the mayor will appoint five members and the mayor's appointees can be rejected by a 2/3 vote of the board under 3.1 hundred. is that the intent the amendment? >> the intent of the amendment would be -- if we choose -- if the board chooses to have a hearing on the appointment we could have it within 30 days. >> and the board could reject the mayor's appointment by a super majority under -- that's
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the general default rule that applies to decision making bodies created by the charter so you could set it up either way where the board has the opportunity to reject the amendments and what that reference means or the board doesn't confirm or reject the mayor's appointment. >> my intent was not to reject the mayor's appointment necessarily but have the hearing if we think there is something questionable. >> and would the board at that hearing have the opportunity to act on the appointment or just an informational hearing? >> it would be an informational hearing. >> okay. we can prepare that amendment and provide it to the clerk after the meeting. >> thank you very much. supervisor tang. >> thank you. so i definitely understand your intention commissioner yee. i think maybe just to mimic what is in charter
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section 3-100 will make it consistent so we don't have one advisory body or commission that stands out and has different requirements and although we don't intend to reject the appointees from the mayor's office we have the opportunity under this section which i have here and again i think it's best to make it consistent so we're not confused about the different requirements are. >> okay. which is basically what it says; right? okay. we will take the language. thank you very much supervisor tang. supervisor campos. >> thank you mr. chair. i just wanted to concur with what supervisor tang said. i think that by referencing this section of the charter we basically saying we will follow the normal procedure which makes it very unlikely that an appointment is
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rejected. that's why there is the requirement to have a super majority instead of doing a simple six member majority, so i think that's probably the best approach, so i support that. >> okay. thank you. thank you for the clarification. let's see. i didn't have any presentations on this particular item, and i think quite a few people will be here just to come up in public comments to make their comments, so without any other questions then i will take public comments in the order that i have which is barbara carlson. would you like to make any comments? this is a two minute general public comment. and then for laura kumack to
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follow and candace from cpac and sandy blackman after that and monica walters and rosy kennedy if you would follow monica. okay. go ahead. >> thank you very much for all your work commissioner yee and other members of the board of supervisors here, and others who are not present today. we look forward to working with the cac and continue doing the good work of the office so thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors . laura from [inaudible] san francisco. i am glad we're at this point and moving ahead and i look forward to the strategic planning process. thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors. candace wong from the child care
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advisory planning council. i think you summarized it commissioner yee and thanked everyone else but i want it to thank you for your leadership and pulling the folks together and the mayor's office and all members of the board of supervisors, members in the community and the school district and city departments and everyone to put together a very comprehensive piece of legislation and i think it's appropriate that the first action we're taken after the 74-point 4% passage of this legislation for the initiative that the first action we're taking is in support of basically establishing the office of early care and education citizens' advisory committee. it's a long time in coming. it's taken more than five or more years i think to get to this point and i think it's appropriate that we're finally forming the citizens' advisory committee for the office of ece and come together and do effective planning for
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the families and the children of the city and the fact that we recognize the importance of doing that in support of the youngest children so we're setting the right foundation for their future success and the fact that we're a city that really cares about our kids and i i want to speak obviously in support of the office of ece. >> thank you. [calling speaker names] >> all right. hi i am santa blackman and the executive director of childrens council of san francisco and the vice chair of cpac and i want to thank the supervisors for their support of prop c and commissioner yee in particular for his leadership on prop c and this trailing
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legislation establishing the office of early care and education. and i also want to express my appreciation to him for including those in the child care and early childhood sector with input as we have been defining how the cac should be constituted and i believe it was a good representation of voices from the community, parents, providers, and people with expertise. there's one clarification i just want to suggest that we look at and i haven't focused on this -- sort of made my reputation for in this case picking but i want to make sure it's not clear in the legislation. for each seat they lose it by no longer being in the status and i think it needs to be clear someone in that seat at the time
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of appointment and some of them are more restrictd that it has to do with who they're representing and they have to be in that particular representative role like cpac so that is one clarification that i think might be needed but otherwise i am very supportive of this legislation and i want to thank you all for taking this forward. >> thank you sandy. >> good afternoon. monica walters. ed at children services and i want to thank in particular supervisor yee as well as his colleagues here today and all the supervisors on the board of supervisors for helping us with this legislation and bringing us together to create the voice for those youngest residents of san francisco who can't yet talk for themselves so i think this legislation really does provide a broad representation of those of us that are in the sector representing parents as well as
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providers and people from -- experts from the community and the school district so i think it's a great representation as sandy mentioned. all the voices will be heard through this process and i think that's truly remarkable for a city to have our youngest representatives residents -- represented by the cac and thank you for your leadership and look forward to putting this in place. >> i know there are other people from the early care and education world that are here and if you wanted to line up go ahead. >> i am rosy kennedy from the sanllowy child care association. i used to say when the kids did well i want to say to the mayor and the supervisors in the city of san francisco very good, very good. when it comes to young children the best outs will only occur when those that work with
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the children everyday and know them are an integral part of the decision making process and the programs and supports that are intended to benefit them. luckily for us we had good leaders, good stewards but we are glad more of us will be include and i encourage the mayor and the supervisors make sure that the advisory committee has ample representation of those that work directly with children and that input from everyone else that works with children will be solicited and reflected in the discussions and recommendations of the advisory committee. thank you. >> thank you rosie. >> good afternoon supervisors. i want to thank you for your leadership. i am september jerad and work as program director at the mimi and peter house fund and worked with the city since the 80's to ensure there a quality system of early
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childhood for san francisco children and families and especially the low income and want to be on record in full support of your leadership and this legislation and the role out of the office of early care and education to build on san francisco's legacy of working together and investing in cower kids to create an effective system and further close the opportunity gap especially for the lowest income children so thank you. >> thank you so much supervisors -- especially supervisor norman yee for providing this wonderful and necessary leadership in providing for our youngest learners. i am kim garcia mezza and work with a preschool in district 7 and preschool for all funded and most of the kids go on to san francisco unified school districts and i have been a teacher and i'm a parent and i can't be more pleased or proud
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of our city and our leadership. we must continue to work for our youngest students and the families who hold them. thank you so much for what you're doing. >> thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors campos tang, and yee and i want to take a moment with my colleagues from the early childhood to thank you because when i think a moment is good like this you can't spend too much time saying "job well done" and i want to recognize you for your hard work in putting the efforts together to get prop c the strong support it needed and deserved from the board and thank the board for that and echo some of the comments i hear today and great to have the first step be putting forward this ordinance which i think has very good representation from the community so i look forward
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seeing it progress forward and i did want to step in line from the san francisco child care providers association to thank you from a community of people that can't often make day time medings, the people out there providing early childhood care for the children in the city so i am [inaudible] representing san francisco child care providers association here to thank you from all of them today. >> thank you. >> hi. my name is michelle lundy and i was a family child care provider for 33 years in glen park and i had hundreds of children in my care from different cultures and languages, and i hope the oece committee will reflect our diverse cultures and languages and neighborhoods. the people of san francisco are as beautiful as their city for
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passing prop c. those of us that work with children really appreciate it and thank you to all of you. thank you. >> thank you michelle. any other public comments? >> hello -- [inaudible] because no man ever go beyond the plan. to the mayor -- from obama to newsom and [inaudible] respond to timing to [inaudible] improvement, yes. >> any other public comments? seeing none public comment is now closed. [gavel] colleagues any other comments? supervisor tang. >> thank you supervisor yee job well done and thank all of the co-sponsors. i think this is wonderful and thank all of you here today as well as those that couldn't make it today and
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an integral part of the process and excited about this and moving to see the outcomes and this newly established body and office and some of the problems that we have today and the older population the work starts with you from 0-5 to set a good foundation so thank you and we look forward to work with you so i would either like to make a second or make a motion to accept the motions that you made. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you mr. chairman and i again want to repeat what we have said in terms of thanking everyone that made this possible and especially to my colleagues, to supervisor yee, supervisor mar and supervisor kim for the leadership they provided, to all the folks that spoken here and all the families that couldn't be here that worked hard to make this happen and ultimately to the voters of the city and county of san francisco so i am happy to support that motion. >> thank you. so there's
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been a motion for the amendments. i guess no objection the amendments are passed. [gavel] is there a motion for recommendation to the full board. >> so moved. >> no objection the motion passes. [gavel] congratulations. [applause] >> madam clerk can you please call item number two. thanks for coming. >> item two is a resolution committing the city and county to be a member of the california association of voting officials and joining efforts to create new voting systems utilizing free open source software for elections. >> i was going to wait -- i think -- i
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