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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2014 6:00am-6:31am PST

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were shoe horning into two bedroom units. in the new design by going to an extra floor we incorporated the 11 three bedroom units which are greater than 1400 square feet. >> that's good. >> to the chair, it sounds like there may have been a discrepancy. what the commission approved the schematic design but nonetheless we'll gather the material and make sure that we have the accurate information from what was approved before and perhaps there may have been some changes to the design process as typical as to where we are today. >> excellent. yeah, that's great.
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any other questions? >> that's the model there. if it's light enough to -- >> if i can make mention about the model as part of your decision today you are waving two requirements, one is to have this model redone. this is the model that was done previously. the only difference here is i don't know what the scale is but a quarter inch. this is a three 3 story model and also since they are at the construction document stage which is more in design development, these four stages of design, we are going to wave that they have to come back with a design development to staff since it's a less detailed document construction. i just wanted to mention the model that there are no changes. >> okay. thank you, the only
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comment that i would like to make for the record that when we heard the report on sbe participation and nb e participation that bernard came up with the last report, when we got the annual report, kudos to leonardcious sounds like things are moving. it's in the right direction, i think it was 92 percent? thank you. it goes to show you where there is a will, there is a way. anymore questions? >> move it. >> motion it by commissioner singh. >> i second. >> second issed by commissioner mondejar. commissioner bustos had to take a call at 3 :00 p.m.. that's why he's not here. please call the roll.
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city clerk: commissioner mondejar, commissioner singh, madam chair, rosales. three votes and one absent. >> the next item 5f authorizing the director to enter a memorandum of understanding for department of public works force use of $5,000 for soma alleyway improvements for schedule item 384 subject to oversight board upon approving resolution no. 99, 2014. madam director? >> thank you, madam secretary. commissioners, with respect to this item you have in essence come in full circle, these are tax exempt unexpended bond proceeds they
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were not part of the refund that you just approved in the recent action. we were unable to complete the program in the south of market which entailed not only making physical improvements along 5th street and alley ways, we were the lead in that respect, the former agency was in this former commission, but due to dissolution we were unable to complete a number of those improvements and unfortunately a number of years ago the city stepped in to pick up the work south of market and now we have completed a number of hurdles and steps and we can again come full circle and contribute these grant dollars for the program that were started by the former agency in the south of market area. we have very limited availability to enter into these contracts, it's very limited and very narrow in
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scope. with that, our deputy director of financing administration will walk you with specifics on this item and dpw is also here. >> thank you. i'm leo levinson. what you have before you today is the first of what will be several different items in future meetings as well to be able to expend these unexpended bond proceeds from areas that we were not able to complut -- complete as dr. bow he mentioned. this was one of the benefits of receiving that finance as completion as they may now allows us to use these old bond proceeds. these were in our budget and we can come forth with the actual memorandum of understanding with the department of public works to department of
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public works to expend the funds. this is 1 piece of it. there have been extensive discussions with the department and agreement that was appropriate for the $75,000 to supplement many other funding exchanges for the former redevelopment project and the former redevelopment project provided for that. in the very near future this work is to be done by june 2015. it's great to be able to use these funds for the work. the rest will come before you if scheduled at the next commission meeting as the project through the mta for the balance. so you will see that in the future. i think that's the primary information that i wanted to present. i wanted to let
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frank solis from the department of public works to give you an idea of what this looks like. >> commissioners and chair and executive director, my name is frank solis with the san francisco department of public works. the project manager for soma alley ways phase 2. this is a project
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that we've been partners with the previous redevelopment agency on phase one and this phase here is six alley ways for soma, clemente in a, and we partnered with sf puc for significant storm modification improvements for drainage in these alleys and we are also going to be -- the types of improvement we are going to be installing with this additional funding to help with the cost for raised crosswalks at the intersection, handicap ramps, asphalt,
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replacement of trees, street alleyway fixtures. these are the new types of improvement and from the funding standpoint total project cost is around $3.7 million for the sewer and street improvements. we've gotten funding from your agency, from cal trans for some funding and from the puc. we are in construction now when this funding became available we had some short gaps that were needed to modify the project. with this funding we don't have to do more with that. we appreciate the contribution in the past and the support for this neighborhood that needs these improvements. i'm here to answer any questions that you may have. >> great. thank you. madam secretary, do we have any speaker cards?
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>> i have no speaker cards. >> okay, do we have any questions from commissioners? >> i think it looks pretty straight forward. i move it. >> do have any questions? >> my only question is given the diversity if you will or the variety of funding sources, a project like this is awarded under the city's local business program and the city -- >> under the city's federal program. their goal is just different instead of program, but it tries to achieve the same bottom line. >> i was going to ask, i'm sorry i didn't want to interrupt you, is this the federal department of
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transportation? >> yes. the community type trying to balance the car issues with pedestrians and bikes and traffic safety. >> very important. thank you. okay, i don't have any other questions. would someone like to make a motion? >> i move. >> commissioner mondejar moved and second by mr. singh. can you call the roll. city clerk: commissioner mondejar, yes, commissioner singh, commissioner bustos absent. rosales, the vote is 3 is one absent. >> the item passes. >> the next item is 6. public comment on non-agenda items. >> i have one public comment from francisco decosta.
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>> i believe mr. decosta has left. >> yes, it appears that is the case. city clerk: the next order of business is report of the chair. >> i have no items. >> the next item is 8. report of the executive director. informing the commission of the issuance of the community investment and infrastructure audited annual financial report for the year-ended june 30, 2014. b availability of the notice of preparation of an environmental impact report for the golder state warriors.
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>> the first item is a consolidated financial report. the operations of the agency, that's really the core backbone of your ability to transform physically transform these major areas in the city and produce vast community benefits not only affordable housing, but parks, livable streets and job creation and doing so. really under like that is our ability to operate from a sound fiscally prudent bases and in a transparent basis. so we have for your consideration we have completed our financial audit due to the great work of our finance staff and we have of course deputy director eleven son and i want to mention ms. torres who is our account manager and to context for the solution we have
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7-8 audit due diligence reviews which is a tremendous alt of will egg -- legwork and documentation and we have the documents and that is critical to any agency's operation and i want to acknowledge rose's great work. you may not see the accounting staff. rosa leads that effort and in terms of why you are over all accomplishment is a brief overview of the significant accomplishments over the course of the last year which in fact are significant and range from again the physical catalyst ationation that you have seen from hunters point. we've seen from several hundred homes from below market rate homes and other
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homes and parks, other community benefits, artist replacement, the benefits are so vast and wide ranging and after years and years of planning even if the face of dissolution when you are continuing to move forward and that's the same similarly in mission bay. it's the same story of about 1500 homes under construction or approved in planning and development, the advancement of significant affordable housing sites, park developments as well as the advancement of a potential event center for the warriors, that process is coming up and of course in entrance bay as we have seen the second disposition of the public parcels, the public development, the parks, the new roadways. it's quite a compliment to the work of the staff, the
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backbone from our staff from accounting and the agency that were able to accomplish so much. i do want to thank them even though the staff is not here. you really see them, their work every week at this commission every other week at this commission and of course the job creation goals both through professional services and construction contracts and permanent workforce that we received the progress that we are setting the bar as well as for other agencies to accomplish the job creation goals. with that i will pause there on that item for any questions on the commission or the public. >> before the commission needs to ask any questions, i will ask for speaker cards? >> i have no speaker cards. >> do commissioners have any questions for the executive director
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for the financial report? >> a very good job. >> i just want to thank you. it's very comprehensive. i know you sent it to me a couple weeks ago. it's very helpful to look at the work that has been done by this commission and your office for the remarkable work your office has done. >> congratulations and thank you. >> i would like to say that just looking over it, not just you but many staffers. how many staffers? >> we have 42 filled positions at this point. >> it's a tremendous effort.
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seems like we've been commissioned for more than two 2 years now, but we've been busy. any other comment? >> no. okay. thank you. the next item you want to report on. >> the next item commissioners is related to the proposed warriors event center or mission bay block 29-32, the first staff in the environmental review process attached to the informational memorandum a preparation of environmental impact report. since the warriors reported and the president rick wells came now april introducing the team and their efforts and process that will go through you through this major phase process you have land use approval here at your next meeting december 16th, we anticipate bringing a very comprehensive proposal on the event center and the office development and retail that's proposed for
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your review and consideration. planning will also hear a similar proposal. they have a certain authority under the city orientation related to office allocation under prop m. they have received a similar proposal. since may 2014, the warriors have been out in the community at cac meetings, saturday workshops there will also be meetings in particular over the next few weeks over the notice of preparation and scoping xhebts received by the public to take that into account as the team prepares the environmental review document which you as the commission will certify. >> before we ask any questions, are there any speakers cards? >> i have no speaker cards. >> can we get a list of those dates of the meetings? >> >> there is an initial list providing in your informational
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memorandum december 16th for the site massings and concept designs and management planning is a few days later and you will see in the spring and we can bring more detailed schedules when your actual various other approvals will come before you. >> okay, thank you. next item, please. >> the next order of business is item 9, commissioner questions and matters? >> do commissioners have any questions or matters? >> commissioner mondejar? >> yes, at the last meeting there was a discussion about community spaces that are available to the public. i had wondering and i would like to request from director bow he if there is a list to be provided to
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us like where are these community open spaces and how do you access them just basic information and how they were made available to the public if you use them maybe at the future meeting. >> commissioner mondejar, we don't have that information gathered in one spot but we can certainly create that data base of that list and make it available to the public as well. >> commissioner bustos? >> i just wanted to go back to the issue of the church and i know that dr. jackson is not here, but there was
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something that has been going on for some time and i was under the impression that we had already approved some monies to help mitigate some of the water and needing that was happening there. did we approve that money, i thought we approved that money to do something to mitigate, if we have that money, can we get it done because it's been several years now. it was before your time, tiffany. >> when you say we? >> it was back in the older days. >> just to answer commissioner bustos question, i recognize it's not calendared, but you are correct the former redevelopment agency commission approved dollars public improvement dollars to make certain
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improvements along the public right-of-way that was in front of this church and those dollars and we can follow up with an informational memorandum. my recollection and my understanding was those dollars were approved by this commission and expended. it doesn't quite help the private property issue, but the past or of the church has raised as well as dr. jackson there are certain private property functional issues about the building meeting the street grade. we have a limited ability to post a solution if we have not entered into a contract unless there is an area with tax for bond increase. we are unable to enter into an agreement to make further improvement but nonetheless we can follow up with an
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informational memorandum. part of the commission's charge was to, all right if we can't help, what can we do, so we have worked closely and also the department of public works has reviewed an issue to see what can be done on the public side as the city's side own public improvement program but there may be other improvements that the church owner itself may have to do but we can get the current people together. >> maybe you can just provide us with an update because if it is an issue of an agency as the city that caused some of this flooding that maybe we can we do to planning or public works that if we did cause this maybe we
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can mitigate it because if it is public property and we have to fix it. >> just for correction, the city did not cause the issue. >> that's what we are hearing from folks is that we caused it. if there is things we can do on our side to help mitigate the problem, the church, the great tabernacle provides a community service to the community there, so maybe there is things we can do on our side if we didn't cause it maybe there is things we can do to help something to mitigate that and if there is certain things the property owner can do, then maybe the property owner as a non-profit can raise some money to help do that too. thank you.
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>> that concludes the questions and matters. next item. >> the next item is 10. closed session. >> the next item will go into closed session to confer with labor negotiations code 549576 to confer tiffany bow he, jim more ales, leo levinson, debrief rothman, jeff sloan. i will ask any members of public to please leave the room. so we
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will shutdown in a few minutes. thank [ gavel ] yes, we are back from closed session. there is no report required. the next item, please. >> the next order of business item 11, adjournment. madam chair. >> i don't think we need a motion. >> okay, we are adjourned at about 4:10. 4:12. . yes, thank you. [ meeting is adjourned ] >> >>
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