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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PST

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energy because the incurring energy that is currently purchasing the hydro electrical power will have to find other sources to that meet their stating portfolio and move san francisco towards our stated goal for the board of supervisors on having a purely renewalable system by 2030 >> colleagues i've received a number of communications and meetings with groups and the chamber of commerce that are concerned about the ability to choose a power provider and, of course, this board strongly supports this unanimously the power sf program a choice and competition are good things i hope we'll move and the power sf
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will become a reality the majority of san francisco doesn't have one provider they can use and we have another provider that has to go through the same rated process that provides the rate power and the transbay center and the tjpa recently decided to go with the puc has it's power provider we've heard concerns about reliability and the puc is a reliable power provider to our airport or the general hospital for years the power has gone out there so colleagues, i ask for your support of this important legislation which will move us in a positive direction in terms of climate change and as well as
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addressing those are power needs in our system. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. >> supervisor tang thank you, supervisor wiener? an interesting proposal as you mentioned on many entities don't have a choice to some of the questions come up from the private entities that may fall under this i guess this set up here i think that folks have raised concerns about not having the choice so i wonder in the the city attorney or you, you can respond. >> sure first i want to thank andreas for doing terrific work in move forward this forward under the charter the puc has significant latitude in making
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choices about under which circumstances to provide power so under the cheater we're not allowed to micromanage the agency in terms of telling it when it should be providing power we're authorizing them to have the first first right of refusal we can't take the next step by saying you can do this project with you in the that one so the puc in conversations with me and beaumont they don't want for example small developers night to the efficient for them to be the provider for the small development they want a larger development the puc has been clear they're not interested in force ably becoming the provider if they're a strong section and
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harden kelly has been clear they like to work with people collaboratively and so do that those are the constraint and perhaps mr. john gibner, deputy city attorney in her. >> john gibner, deputy city attorney briefly following up on what supervisor wiener mentioned the california decision provides that municipalities have the authority to provide the power that powerful power under the chapter is that the puc and board can by this ordinance limit the puc's authority and i think commissioner lee fairly described it as the board can get into the management of how the puc makes decisions about how to provide power and how. >> if i may therefore if we say you can only do that my
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understanding is that that would violate that chapter. >> supervisor tang. >> thank you. i want to say that the answers the original version contained a clause saying there could be only upon mature agreement this set up can happen but it was taken out. >> yonl i don't believe that was in there there was a request that was inserted and we've determined we couldn't do so so therefore we did not. >> okay any further discussion. >> colleagues let's take a roll call on item 47. >> supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos
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president chiu supervisor farrell supervisor kim there are 10 i's ordinance is an on the first reading. >> ordinance to allow for height for hospital mechanic equipment with regard to height and making the resolution. >> colleagues, same house, same call? this ordinance is passed. >> for the supervisor to introduce new business supervisor mar. >> colleagues, i have a couple of announcements this coming saturday is a small business saturday, i want to encourage residents to join green apple books in district one shops small and shop local really support our small businesses who are the backbone the community
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aaron monday i'll be joining superintendent carranza society kevin truett and the high school marching band and students from the tenderloin community school and many others in celebrating celebration the whole week of activities open the city hall steps on 10:00 a.m. on monday please join us along with leaders from our parents to students but especially the advocates and educators that promote inclusion as a goal of our education programs and support for students in quality education with our diverse whether march due to disability or social economic status or preference or religious practices we've learn about our
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differences that recent part of on effort i know that president sandy fewer are promoting an ethnic requirement that is happening soon and supervisor yee's and supervisor kim and myself also advocated for that over the years with the city hall's i'm pleased as we support n president fewer will be promoting that as well as other kaerlts so join us on monday on the city hall step and next thursday december 4th is the accommodating shopping goal please join us a lot of the vintage stores on clemente and all the other shops will be utilize december 4th lots of
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bargains and sales and free drinks and food please join us on clemente street on december '41 more item december 5th at the senior center holding their holiday crafts fair there's jazz, citizen hypothetically la and dance party i'll be with them please join us the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor mar supervisor tang. >> today, i'm introducing legislation for interim controls for massage a places in our city several years ago we passed sales force standards for massage establishment and unfortunately, that bill created huge loopholes throughout the state of california in zoning
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and permitting of massage permits basically what happens t is the currently massage establishment must be through a conditional use permit, however, those through the state are able to bypass our controls in turn as created problems in september ab 47 was passes is to correct some of the loopholes and remove their restrictions on land use controls this is important so communities were actually through this bill given the authority to enact different reformed and the department of public health more effectively regulated the establishments we've been working with dpw and our planning department with the abdomen an 47 as we work to
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codify ab 47 in our local health care we want to make sure we have interims in place the rest i submit. >> thank you commissioner chan supervisor wiener supervisor yee commissioner white. >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you. i have a few items for introduction so the first item calling for a hearing on pg&e's negotiations with the city with the public utilities commissions a complaint in 9 city attorney's office that pg&e has unreasonably denied service to the city because pg&e has a monopoly on power and distribution in san francisco they're required to be an open
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access provider they've transferred hetch hetchy power to the terms of interconnection that's power generated by the city but transported on per diem lines it exteriors next julia year ago the city requested a new negotiation but per diem has refused to negotiate in good faith they've trying to force the city to put in several new equipment that's been in place for decades technologically e pg&e is trying to get the city to pay for services the city paid for years ago it appears that pg&e is trying to undermine those negotiations or trying to take advantage of the city last month the city attorney filed a complaint a complaint that alleges that pg&e has unreasonably denied service to
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san francisco so i'm calling for a hearing to hear an update on the complaint we've received help if the deputy city attorney on this effort i'd like to hear wla what are the option pg&e with our option are if pg&e refuses to act in good faith and continues to have our hetch hetchy flow i'm introducing legislation from our children's fund this is legislation trailing legislation that is creating a oversight advisory committee that was contemplated in the charter agreement we want to make sure as we're drafting and working with community groups in the children's services community and the children that receive the services there's sufficient oversight to the functions of
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the defense counsel w f so this oversight committee will replace the citizens advisory committee that is working with pc w f the goals of the advisory committee as set out in the committee to review the policies of dcwf for the recommendations regarding outcomes for children's services and the evaluation of the services and accommodating systems and funding and program improvements and capacity building and service providers and community engagement and planning and elevating services and leveraging dollars for the fund i used to serve on the citizens advisory committee about 12 years ago i found it to be a great experience how they function but there wasn't enough leverage and power influence that the committee members
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needed to provide the guidance this new body will go do that the goals of the working groups are could create a structure body to offer advise to the oversight and advisory committee and do so around the best practices and the evaluation and design and plans and policy and this policy follows the charter and brings the timeline of those two bodies and membership i know that supervisor yee has been instrumental in working with the community to develop those bodies as well and i want to thank him for his work and the work of his office and his staff member jim low let's see sorry colleagues
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i'm also two years ago, i helped to create a body with the support of the resolution creating the born station citizens advisory committee the community has been in place for too years and still has lots of development and plans around how to enhance the circulation of traffic in the area around the balboa park station it needs to get done and goals of the community of the maintenance at the facility but also the carbarn and the housing in the upper yard at the bop station the resolution extending the live it is an span of the citizens advisory committee so far two more years and like many of you colleagues, i was very struck last night the
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reaction of the grand jury in missouri and the reaction around the country to what appears to be police who had used explosive force in killing a young man mike brown there's many people i'm sure you're aware of that are unsettled this country is divided about that issue the result of the grand jury report i think leaves many people with the sense that justice has not been served i have a resolution i'm still drafting i've put it 0 together and resolutions can be submitted up to 12 noon tomorrow but the resolution is call on the federal government and the attorney general to do a civically lawsuit against the
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missouri police department i believe interests great support for doing something like that around the country especially in ferguson, missouri but we know that with the demonstrations that were happening around the country had a significant impact showing our nation has much healing to do and justice being served and the federal government stepping in can help with the process or else i expect we'll see more unrest i recall 2002 when the ruling coming out in los angeles for the rodney king the beating by the pd there were riots in los angeles but happening in san francisco i worked downtown at this point, i was taking the bus home i recall a crowd unthrough
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san francisco breaking windows around union square that went down mission street and van ness street as well as at that point, i building many cities are at risk because people are not being severed with just as what happened at 22 or 24 years ago 1992 that the federal government don't step in and provides oversight and do weigh in on the civically go violation that clearly occurred with the law pd in 1992 and the ferguson police the st. louis police department this is still in draft form would love our support and
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sponsoring the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor avalos. >> supervisor campos. >> thank you mr. clerk it is with great sadness i'm asking for a memorial for enrique he came to california about 15 years ago from mexico he was a proud native son of mexico city and put down roots in san francisco only one by one one in the family of many brothers and sisters to be living across the brurd in the u.s. he lived his life with courage and humility when times were hardening restrict would go in his car or moved from couch to couch he moved between fields and restaurant he worked apartment or multiple jobs none of this
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kept him in unleashing his good spirit in a neighborhood in a city i loved over the past decade he was involved with struggles and trumpets in the mission district leading the charge when it comes to immigration rights and spreading the seeds of cultural and the funding member a worker owned catering cooperative he was a major force between our eviction organizing neighbors to fight back against evictions in the last 5 years as a leader he's effort helped to win an important piece of property for affordable housing and community park development
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enrique was committed to expanding democracy regardless of status has a voice to make sure the knick economy benefits as san franciscan he gave so much even though our country never returned the opportunity forling listing his status, etc. enrique died this past friday and from maeks mexico city to the mission to city hall there are so many of us mourning the loss of this gentle worrying enrique the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor kim's supervisor campos. >> supervisor kim. >> i'm introducing two items one is a resolution and the seconds is a hearing today, i'm introducing a resolution to authorized
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$500,000 for the fund to support the nonprofit building the unit players group center and also for west bay in the south of market those projects were funded and were by the stabilitytion fund and recommended by the citizens advisory committee this september up in 2005 was part of the rincon hill plan to have the improvement in the south of market many years latter this fund will help us to acquire the in time spaces for spaces that provide spaces for youngest people this the first time to allocate the funds with the help the united players purported the building between 6 and 7 in the heart of market and united
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players is a invention preservation program and work closely with our office in enhancing and promoting parks and thuf the center and the park since moving to the space an howard space they've been active in kruth prongs in this past year they've started the construction companies to impose o impose youth to the jobs the money for the south of market stabilization funds will help them purchase they're building sold for slightly over one million dollars the $4 million will help to cover that and the rest from 0 private
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donations expected to close escrow in san francisco the unit players will be joining other nonprofit organizations in purchasing they're building creating stable outlet they've obey joining women audio mission including the lunge gallery i'll be a partner in this endeavour to purchase this building this is a concrete solution to the displacement in the nonprofit sector and looking forward to working on the selma plan as well as the developments of developments in the pipeline as we look at the nonprofit facilities and how to maintain that as part of our neighborhood and the city's fabric throughout the city particularly for our
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anyhow vulnerable and low income that makes our city vibrant a second on the hearing of the uniform rules that are being proposed i am sorry and human serves the current reality in our shelter system was designed for temporary relieve for families of financial distress today 50 percent state they've got a disabling condition and 1/5th or citizens they can't have their issues alternated two ways to continue to protect the status quo and deny the services that can't be inadequately served or two to transform the system as colleagues have heard me talk about after spending a invite in
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one of the shelters i was stunned by the number of individuals that were sitting down older or citizens and also by the number of individuals that had physical or mental disabilities since that time i've been working with dpw to collect the information and pushing for example, for a medicine respite we can add the people that are chronicling homelessness i've heard from our constituents that are compassionate it's not number one food and shelter but the city's inability to address the mental illness and san francisco has been at the have an gaud of the movement this shouldn't changes there will be people that will face homelessness we need to use the same forward
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thinking that compromises our issues that's why i'm calling for the hearing for the issues that are proposed the agency has proposed we have rules that permit or mandate shuttles refuse services to an individual that comes in if they have immense mental health issues i recognize our street lights don't have the resources to address folks with mental illness but the answer is not requiring or denial of the services or a bed that's the opposite direction that you are city want to work towards but acknowledging the lack of resources we should provide those types of resources to match the data we're seeing in
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our chronic homelessness population a high-level of physical disabilities and other disability we don't have the resources i know there will be a hamburger on december 3rd on the shshlt montana committee and able to schedule this and i look forward to having this discussion with the department of public health and the mayor's office of disabilities and maybe even looking at the public health department as a potential model for looking at our shelter system it is not just a place for foaming folks that are economically down on their luck the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor kim supervisor wiener asked to be
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referred. >> thank you madam clerk i have one memorial colleagues you've seen in the press on late sunday night earlier monday morning a young man was murdered in the triangle neighborhood at the corner of henry by the name of michael marquis was with young men they were robbed by several other men and mr. mar confess was shot and passed away in the ambulance on the way to 70 general hospital we have some details about the murder but not as many as we'd like or like and it was a horrible situation for this young man to be in our neighborhood and to have his life end that way and really one