tv [untitled] December 9, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PST
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for lgbt and building a continuum of care for hiv positive youth. he has always had so many commitments but has gone out of his way above beyond what is expected of anyone and has truly worked to establish protocols for improving the service delivery to so many transgender youth in san francisco i'm very honored to say that i've been able to work with him and i'm grateful to him and his family for the sacrifices made to help our community. what i've always appreciated about michael, he has also taken the time to mentor young people and i think that he has always understood the importance of nurturing
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the next exigency the next generation so it's my honor to join the supervisor today and i especially want to thank his family because when someone makes the kind of commitment and provides the kind of service that michael has provided and has made, it's not just they who are making a sacrifice it's the family members as well. thank you. >> supervisor avalos. >> thank you. i just also want to put in a word for michael bax ter i've known him for a number of years he used to run the health clinic at the balboa high school and there's few individuals i've seen in my work over the years who have been so dedicated to their work. i i know that he worked
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many long hours and on top of his work at the clinic he was coordinating health services in other schools and other places in the department and he made a huge difference in young people's lives and brought them to a level of awareness about their health in san francisco and it was remarkable as well he was able to keep alive the balboa clinic when others were falling by the wayside and i hope i get to see him again soon but i just want to say thank you so much for all you have done in the city for public health for young people. >> madam president if i could ask sharylyn adams to accept the com mendation.
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>> i'm here on behalf of michael and his partner and son are with him today. i think for all of us here to celebrate michael's work he is an amazing man who has mentored not only so many young people people but also many of us in this work to be tireless advocates for young adults in the city and he really, you know, he was all about about -- he created opportunities for young people to have healthcare and mental health and substance abuse services and hopeless youth for so many such a powerful voice that they should have access to the very services that they need and in his leaving the department this glue this web i think we'll join so i thank
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you for taking the time to honor michael and his work for the city. thank you so much. >> >> [applause]. >> thank you supervisor weiner. our next special accommodation will be presented by supervisor kim. >> thank you. we're actually honoring a lot of upstanding individuals today while this individual is not an official member of the city family he is certainly a member of our city and a district 6 resident. i'm
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honoring an individual today that many of you have probably read about in the press recently. his name is ben schwart z. ben was attacked in our neighborhood after taking a stand at the verbal abuse directed at his girlfriend he was returning from a party early saturday morning and passed a man making threats to her and after crossing to the other side of the street and being followed ben asked the perpetrator and punches were thrown and ben ended up being stabbed 9 times in the back, face and neck and arms with the knife narrowly missing his spinal cord but puncturing his lung. while there are many men
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and women women ben made a public statement and he and elevated this issue and in fact one that is so pervasive that there's a consensus not even subconscious often talked about on daily talk shows that harassment is not a big deal in fact women who raise their voice and speak out against sexual discrimination are over reacting woman are told that cat calls are seen as compliments and we should be flattered and even when this flatter y is degrading. i remember i was no more than 11 years old and it continued throughout middle and high school and i remember not being able to understand why men spoke to me when i clearly was
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not of age to be listening to be listening to those types of comments. and it impacts every single female friend that i had. ben called this reaction what it was sexist and critics wondered why he chose to go back to retrieve his wallet they claimed this would not have happened if he had just gotten a cab but people are missing the point every human being regardless of whether they are a man or woman should be able to walk on the city streets free from harassment and violence. dress is not an open invitation and they should not have further abuse heaped on them by the public for being responsible for another person's crime or abuse. ben and his girlfriend
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wrote from the hospital they said now for the folks that have never met us not once have only heard our story via internet and media stations. to those who feel passionate about stopping harassment and feel like woman need to be done with this crap or feel like the right thing was done, we feel you and trust me we're on your side. we think if enough people started barking about this more folks would get involved and maybe if enough people start to take notice some permanent changes can take place real soon. it's really hard to believe that guys can say vulgar and dirty crap to women and get away with being creeps all day. it's just
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unacceptable behavior. he once saw a bike online and suspected it was stolen so he purchased the bicycle and tracked down the owner who he didn't know to return the bike to him. his friend recently said -- if you are his friend you are for life and i've watched him support many friends. you can see he's so kind hearted. we get to recognize a lot of people here at this board and folks that have done so much but i think it's also important to remember the every day heros who are standing up to issues and problems that we have here in our society. sfpd is still looking for the man he escaped in a silver sedan. 5754444
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anonymous tip line most importantly i you i wanted to recognize ben a resident of our city for his bravery and also his simple act of humanity so thank you so much for being here today and i want to invite you up to say a few words. >> [applause]. >> well, thank you for having me. thank you for those kind words. it was very sweet. i guess you said quite a lot about the story and a few things i just wanted to thank first and foremost the two men who came to my aid that night and so helpless ly stopped and found towels from the backs of their cars and put them on my neck and my back and could have quite possibly saved my life
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and to my friends here today who have supported me through all of this, my family, who have been so great through all of this as well, to to everybody at the general hospital who saved my life and who i feel are totally unappreciated and just fantastic staff over there especially in the trauma department as you can see i was stabbed 9 times and here i stand before you today. and to everyone who came out to our donation page, my friend danielle a who is here today i would have never hoped we would have raised enough money to even pay for my ambulance many people i don't know donated to help out with this cause and felt some sort of resonance with what this meant and a lot of people have gone through
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this especially women the community downtown area all over san francisco and every large city have felt some sort of connection with this problem that's been growing and growing and growing and like i said in my note there if it's just a small piece of positive change that can come from this or wans or awareness that can raised from this i'm happy to be an advocate for that and thank you all very much for letting me me speak. thank you. [applause]. >> >> thank you supervisor kim and our last special commendation ation will be presented by supervisor mar. >> thank you president tang tang i'd like to ask if terry
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good win can come forward and colleagues please join me in recognizing an amazing activityist for civil rights and physical disabilities and community based organizations to really address key opportunity needs for for people with disabilities. terry good win has spent 35 years of building the arc for san francisco the director of employment services at the arc and i'm going to read through a number of key points about why she's so significant for san francisco but especially for people with disabilities in our city for 35 city for 35 years she's helped to build strong community based organizations and partnerships especially with model businesses and employers in our city to help support dignity and employment opportunities for people with
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disabilities and she's been instrumental with our office giving us guidance and insight in our hearings and meetings and conversations to fight for full employment rights for people with disabilities and to implement as fully as possible, civil service rule 115 one tool ensurg that people with severe disabilities have opportunities for employment and city employment is a critical issue for my office and terry was a key member of the former panel on city employment for persons with disabilities and it was a task force setup by our department of human resources this is about 6 to 7 years ago and because of terry's advocacy and many others in the community we've reestablished this panel and her insights will help us advance the work that began many many many years
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ago. providing alternative processes for individuals with disabilities to join the city's workforce without having to go through the civil service examination and if the worker performs well during that period the worker can advance to a regular permanent civil service staff position. terry joined around 1980 and her leadership in building employment services over the years really brought the arc the arc to be a critical component of our city's safety net programs so she's built the arc and so it's expanded regionally. in october during disability awareness month, she's been instrumental in
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bringing together annual events that acknowledge key model employers. the tenth anniversary award ceremony -- she's a she's a she's a tremendous leader and the academy of sciences hosted our last ceremony and i want to thank her and dignity for people with disabilities it's not out of charity it's out of employment rights and dignity for people like many from the arc and other groups that access jobs in many of the businesses and city government as well. terry is going to be taking on a new position after 35 years at the arc as a deputy director of jobs for california best buddies california another great organization a nonprofit similar to the to the arc that's dedicated to advocating
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for people with intellectual and physical disabilities. and supporting young people like john hammond and i know in many high school and see colleges best buddies really helps to link up really talented and really great advocates like john hammond from our district. in terry's years of dedicated service she formed and maintained the business based advisory council produced 10 years of corporate support and recognition events called the work life awards. they are a a signature event celebrating model businesses championing their success a unique partnership and congratulations on 10 years of that work here
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and hopefully it spreads throughout the state i want to cut to the chase one of terry's most important accomplishments has been the development of project search an internship program at pg and e now has a 95 percent job placement rate and she's worked to develop more internships with new programs like the academy of sciences in my district and the spca as well. terry has refocussed especially within the tech sector i know and establishing the agencies presence also in the midmarket coalition with strong relationships with utilizing new tools for city employment. i think terry's values are what i want to emphasize and
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providing opportunities for people with disabilities and especially in bringing partnerships and corporate and business communities together she's an amazing individual in conclusion i know she's going to continue her amazing service to san francisco but now the region and state as well so colleagues please give a warm a warm board of supervisor's welcome to terry from the arc and now with best buddies thank you. >> [applause]. >> thank you so much supervisor mar i appreciate it so much and i'm so honored to have this acknowledgment. we've been able to place like you said over 250 people in jobs places like twitter and morrison forest er and i'm excited to move forward with best buddies
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and i'm hoping i'll be able to expand my reach. we have come a long way for people with disabilities developmental disabilities but we have a lot longer way to go basically people with developmental disabilities have 80 percent unemployment rate so with your help and with the board of supervisors here i hope we can take some action to change that. the good news is that we've done fairly well with the private sector but not with the public sector. supervisor mar helped to highlight the rule 115 has not produced hires in the last decade of people with disabilities so we really need to change that and i want to urge mayor lee and all of you to champion this leadership effort to make 2015 the year of
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san francisco hiring the people with developmental disabilities and all disability and see make it a model program for which other cities can follow so thank you so much i'm so honored and i look forward to working with all of you on this new call, an important call to action. it is really critical so you so thank you. [applause]. >> >> thank you everyone. that concludes our special accommodations. i'd like to
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ask colleagues that we provide to the remaining items. >> item 34 a resolution to support the creation of open source voting systems and study new models of voting system development. >> supervisor weiner. >> colleagues our election system of course is the backbone of our democracy and free and fair elections. and those elections are conducted in a free trans parent and fair way today before us a resolution in support of san francisco working along with communities and organizations across the state to make our elections more transparent and secure by moving towards open source voting. currently consisting of a black box system holding
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proprietor software. senate bill 360 allowing counties to develop and own and operate public voting systems and opens the door for voting technology used to administer elections publicly available and viewable and by following the open source path we can ensure that elections have more integrity than they also have and less opportunity for fraud and more accurate results so this resolution will move us in in that direction by requesting that lafco study how san francisco could implement its own voting system and move towards open source. so this
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is an important step forward colleagues i want to acknowledge that we've all received some e-mails in the last few days from some advocates expressing concern not with the substance of the resolution i believe there's universal support for the substance of the resolution -- but expressing concern that one organization is named in the resolution and in the spirit of moving forward in in a united a way as possible because i believe the same goal i'm going to suggest or make a motion to amend so that we are keeping this general in nature and not naming any particular organization. i do want to say that the organization at issue the california association of voting officials is an organization that i believe 20 california counties have joined
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and but with that said i think it would make sense not to name any particular organization because there are various groups working on this issue so the motion to amend i would do a few things i'll make it as an oral motion the first is in the title to strike the words the california association of voting officials and to strike that from the title and then to strike several whereas clauses the whereas clause the two war the two where as clauses page 4 lines 11 to 21 and page 5 lines 1 to 3 and again, colleagues this is not in any way negativity to any particular organization but given there's different advocates who work with various organizations we thought it would be best just to be general in nature so that is my
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amendment. >> so supervisor weiner has made a motion. that is adopted supervisor mar. >> thank you so much supervisor weiner to bringing this forward and ben turner as well and i'm supportive of this approach and i wanted to thank mr. finish mr. finley and many others and others for giving insights and making this a better resolution as well and mimi kennedy as well. this helps us move forward in the most inclusive way so thank you for making those amendments. >> thank you supervisor mar. >> supervisor kim. >> thank you i'd like to add my name as a sponsor to this item and i want to thank supervisor weiner for bringing this before
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us i think it's certainly an important issue at the department of elections but also over all i think for the city and county of san francisco and i know a couple of months ago i made a request to the budget and legislative analysts regarding how we can move our alliance from licensed software to open source i think there's a number of different issues that that make this an important one one the budget being one but being able to create transparent software that's free and accessible and often better maintained because they are open source i know this continues to be a big dialogue and you are up in dc and i hope we can continue this dialogue beyond the department of elections to the evident to the rest of our departments here in the city. >> thank you supervisor kim seeing no discussion on this item. the resolution is adopted as amendmented.
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>> item 35 a resolution to extend the term for the balboa park community station advisory committee without objection this resolution is adopted. >> item 36 motion to appoint joshua marker and kenneth olsen to the advisory committee terms ending december 16, 2016. without objection this motion is approved. >> and now madam clerk if you could read our first special 3:00 p.m. order. >> items 37 through 40 the special order for a public hearing for persons interested in the project located at broderick street is exempt from the review items 38 through 40 are the motions affirming or
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reversing the department's exemption and preparation of findings. >> colleagues, we have the appeal for environmental review for this hearing we'll consider the consider and colleagues unless there's an objection. given that we do have multiple appellates in this case -- next the members of the public supporting the appeal shall have up to 2 minutes each followed by that the planning department shall have up to to 10 minutes to describe the grounds for for for for for for for for for the exempt
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ion so with that i'd like to offer the supervisor farrell an opportunity for opening remarks. >> thank you i'll with hold remarks until after wards. >> with that we can have the appellants. are the appellants here in the chamber? >> which microphone should i use? >> you can use the one to your right of the podium. . >> therefore if you could tell us where 7 and a half minutes are over and we can share it between us. good afternoon supervisors. we are here once again members of the community
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