tv [untitled] December 10, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PST
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bbart fares. >> could i ask to see how density would be impacted by how the lines go to the different areas and that level of understanding not only the transportation connections but also other impacts would be useful and i don't know if our, i think that there was some of that gis technology, and more of the video gamish impacts but that would be an interest to me to see how that budget czar process works and what other technology that we can use as well. >> yeah, we thought it was innovative to put together what we did and it did report back on benefits and so we looked at air quality and congestion, and other concerns that the people would have, and equity as an example. and so it reported back immediately, so you could understand what your investments bought in terms of projects and the results in terms of benefits. >> i will just, say that on that mtc and in the meetings right there at the bart station and i know that it used to be
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part of china town, with a lot of affordable and low income housing and the impact on the neighbors when the bart station goes in will be of interest to me as well. >> thank you. >> so, we intend to report to the board on the recommendations for the projects to advance for the further review and that completes my presentation and i am happy to answer any questions. >> so, i don't see any from my colleagues, so the director has the comments. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, and thank you so much for being here that was excellent. i just wanted to recognize ellen and her team's great work she and director on down with the staff have been very gracious and coordinating with us early, and engaging us, and getting input and in addition to the work that is already under way in the core of the system, and it will be embarking on a transit core capacity study to look a lot of these issues that the staff have raised i just want to
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highlight a couple of things. the bart investment particularly the rather ex-seeulting ones about the new tube and the extensions we looked at those in a high level in the san francisco transportation plan and just to answer your questions, commissioner mar, on a place holder basis we set about $10 billion of vin vest sxment that could be off by orders of ten of 20 percent perhaps and we just wanted to put something on the table. in addition as we wait for these prail investments to come in we expect that bart can play a part. and you saw in the presentation a reference to the bar line and that is something that could extend beyond the transbay and perhaps going to the west side and providing the access to the west side but that is brand not certainly a reliability and we understand for the bart to extend to the bus side of the service, they really need that projection from the traffic
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congestion, so the coordination on the upcoming freeway corridor management study will be very key to insure that the bart can maintain the reliability if it gets into that bus business and then finally, some of these investments that may not have popped out so much but are important are the ones that are less visible and you you might see them on her slide of the map here. it is putting it here on the display and it is shown in the red circles as the turn backs and the cross overs. and it is hard to see here, but they are in key locations, and on a preliminary basis, bart is looking and that allows bart to provide more metro but it is very complicated in terms of being operationally make that
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happened through a turn back or a cross over, those types of investments provide the reliability and the benefits for bart to provide the higher levels of service in the urban core and while they are not cheap they are certainly something that are cost effective in the long run and something that muni is looking at and that will be the final comment is that as bart look at its investments we want to be sure that they are coordinated through the upcoming san francisco plan with the muni rail kaiment plan as we did before, there are opportunities with the joint investment between bart and muni as well as the transbay terminal, which is looking at not only bringing the cal train into the transbay, but potentially another sort of leg that would point across the bay. so i just wanted to insure that the board and the public that we will be looking at these together in a single system as the director mentioned. as a sing the single network.
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>> i just want to xhept that it is so great to get the widling down of the 100 projects down to the shorter list and to know the strategic thinking of the bart leadership and the board and i know that with nicholas, soon to join the board and the outgoing director fang that there has been attention to connecting up not only the west side, but it is also going through supervisor breed's district to supervisor farrell's district as well and so option number two of connecting to golden gate park i am glad that is on there for the western, north part of the city and i hope as you prioritize the different projects that that consideration of the lack of really reliable transit and that could be connected with the bus rapid transit systems on that northwestern quaund rant of the city will be
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considered. and i was just going it say that i think that bart to the beach as one of the potential, projects, it is a catchy title, but to me, it is more bart to connect up with unconnected spots, like the inner richmond, perhaps to the masonic, and then going connecting to golden gate park and it seems like really a feasible project. i am going to do my best not to use the term bart to the beach because it might raise too many unrealistic expectations of people, and i know that for my district in the richmond, it is not just about connecting up but also the other areas from district five to two, that also don't have that same kind of connection to the rest of the center of the core of the city. but i wanted to thank, miss smith and our director for bringing this presentation. >> public comment, anyone want to speak from the public? >> mr. labrun?
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>> thank you, chair mar and i appreciate the comment that you made about the san francisco tia. and you you know, believing in equity and being opened to the public. and this is what allows me to show you today. could somebody please bring up the slide on the bottom line? it is on the lap top right now. okay, so, as you know, right now, we are trying very hard to come back to the transbay terminal to the east bay and what i would like to share with director yee, is that currently, the current thinking that we have. and so basically we coming up the transbay terminal, and we are working and this is members of the public doing this. and we are working on two alignments. and both of them end up with the bay bridge is, if you go
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north and to emeriville and if you take the other fork that allows the high speed rail to have the maintenance facility on third street in oakland but to go directly to commissioner yee's point, we have two alignments and we have to go under the transbay tube and that is not an issue, but the first alignment goes to the... (inaudible) we have another alignment that puts the cal train station in the marina at the island and if you twaont see what that looks like you can go to you tube and look for (inaudible) and you will see what a beautiful station is. the technical challenge that we have, we could have the train that is stopped at a station but the current cost estimate there is around the billion and a half. and to close off on what
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(inaudible) mentioned the $10 million for the bart plan. >> any other public speakers in >> colleagues this was an informational item. could you please call the next item? >> item 7, major capital projects update. islais creek maintenance facility. >> and we have louis. >> good morning, commissioners, i am the direct manager over the conduct ant and authority, (inaudible) and i am joined here by david (inaudible) who is the sfmta present manager for this creek project it is it is first rubber tire facility that mta has built in
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the last 60 years, it is going to serve 40 and 50 foot motor coaches and provides services for the van ness fleet. this project was envisioned in 2006 it was for 40 foot coach and later, mta agreed to also, obtain, (inaudible) requiring some of the changes and now this was in accordance with the new policy change to use the younger buses and more capacity. at the time there was only partial funding for the project. the first phase that is completely operational, basically was for the site work and the bus storage facility and it was building a administration and acquisition, and the first two, the main building 65,000 square foot,
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motor coach. as i mentioned phase one is complete and the preparations for phase three are under way. and the project is out it bid and it was put to bid on october 10th and the bids are expected in december. and mta, they hope to be able to award the second, mta meeting in december. and so that they can do the notice to proceed in february and the completing date is in january, 2017. , >> i was going to thank you for taking a number of us on a tour with our director and mr. unamen as well and it helped to see the facility but other facilities first hand and i would encourage my colleagues to try to see some of the mta facilities and how much they are in severe need of upgrades and so this is helpful as you are refreshing my memory on the visit.
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>> any time that any of you are interested in doing such a tour we will be happy to take you around. >> the budget is $126.8 million. it is one of the largest sfmta facility projects that is receiving prop k funds. and now, originally this project was budgeted for $67.9 million, and the increased budget is due to a combination of factors. and a perfect storm, if you will. first you have to be agree to sign to accommodate the larger vehicles. and more equipment, and larger buildings, and then, as they were doing that, there was a change in the building code and so now that they have to also incorporate the building code, for the design. and in accordance with the city
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policy, the building was then conditioned as a lead gold facility and so that also increased the budget. and of course, all of this delays increased the escalation of the project. and finally, as you might have, and i am sure that you have heard, the heated construction market really put the nail on the increased cost for the project. >> page 2, is now, fully funded. and as you can see, here, the 126 million dollars, and it is available for the project. the final piece of the funding, which basically happened on the election day, it was the approval and earlier this month of the city's general obligation fund. which will provide pt 1.2
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million dollars for the project. >> as far as challenge and opportunities, well, at this point, there is not any, because we are basically waiting for the bids to come in. and that is the last hurtle was the funding by the geo bond that was just approved and so that took a lot of the anxiety, for the mta. and now, with the, and because of the market is so heated right now, we don't know how the bids are going to come in. >> you were sweating prop a's passage it sounds like on election night. >> not just for this project but for a lot of other projects too, so we will continue to work with mta and monitor the project and the subsequent construction and so if you have any questions i will be happy. >> so i see, no questions, let's open this up for public comment. >> okay. >> commissioner yee? >> just a question, i mean where is the creek? >> what street is it on? i don't know where it is, and i couldn't find it here.
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>> where is the creek? what street? >> the street, where is it? >> i mean, where is it located. >> it is just south of caesar chavez and right by the 280 freeway. >> okay. >> yeah. >> and you could see it from the freeway. >> any other questions? >> thank you. let's open this up for public >> so much. comment, anyone want to speak from the public? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. thank you, so much for the great presentation. mr. stamos call the next item. >> 8, introduction of new items. this is an information item. >> any items? >> i see none, public comment? >> anyone want to speak from the public. >> seeing none, public comment is close $ment >> call the next item. >> item ten, adjournment, thank you, since there is no further business before us, the meeting is adjourned. thank you. in the past couple o
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barracks. internet service doesn't compatibility into new xhurdz. if you have a computer in our own home you have to have a inequity service provider to bring that into our home. you have two major voices one is a cable network tv that brings that connection if and the phone copy are the cable copy has the faster and if dictionary sex protection is a little bit slower. step two figure out what options you have there are many ways to get broadband service so figure out chicken would the best option sincerely the options for
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broadband services to get connected to the scombekt within san francisco we have at&t and comcast which is cable and we also should so on i can dot net is dr s are l and i believe theres ligament ounces like and get link. there's actually 1/3 one it is popular like the clrl phones companies that oversee the built to connect. the clurp has the most flenlt o flexibility sometimes there's hot into spots. there's companies that are making those hot spot devise. step 3 determine your needs and budget. not all broadband services over the sang. you want to familiar list user. if you're not expecting to
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screen a lot of video just send e-mails. we're shovp for broadband you gov. got to be thinking about what you're doing some are better at downloading speeds and a some are better to service the internet. >> another important note is to pay attention to contract links or a promotional deals. >> so the differences between cable and d s will go first of all, it the price. cable is faster significantly faster and more expensive about 50 bucks a month so a lot of people will bundle if they have cable. at&t runs an dsl that comes rephrase the question your phone line and that starts at about
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$20 a month >> if precise price is a concern visit type in our zip code and you'll be asked questions. once you make our purchase you need to get trained. sf corrected dot organize is a again way to get checked. this is how you, get trained there are a number of centers throughout the city. having internet service in our home will provide controls stunts. you only need a few steps to get checked in no
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thanks. >> i example the first thing to point out is the first word is camp tlargz to be bugs and dirt and so long as you can get past that part in place is pretty awesome. you're going to get to our cabin and why is it so small well most of your time is spent outside. programming was our first step we wanted to offer a program that is, you know, makes people happy and leaves them with memories. >> here and there. >> so more points. >> ready 1, 2, 3. i think a big part is it's
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coming from san francisco it is real estate a kind of vibe people relate to each other and everyone's living in the city and you can feel the breath of fetish air and the experience you get out here. i think it give us an opportunity to get away from technology you come out here and look at it here and not look at our iphones and you kind of lose users in the city and have a cup of coffee >> i'm corey a typical day increase no typical day. and just the first time being on the talent show and getting a
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huge applause and i never expected it is is r is a great experience i'm an executive chief here at kathy serve over one hundred meals a day for the camp mather folks. people love our meals and the idea they can pick up a meal and don't worry about shopping or doing dishes and enjoy and have a great time at camp mather >> grasping grab on. >> i like camp mather it is a lot of freedom and kids run around it's great. >> they have all the things i don't have to do the kids get to do what they want to do and we basically focus on them that's our only job. >> i like camp mather because i
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can ride my bike. >> i love camp mather. the children are up here playing around and riding their booiths bicycles that's a great place to see what the word is like outside of the city. i'm the president of friends of mclaren park. it is one of the oldest neighborhood community park groups in san francisco. i give a lot of tours through the park. during those tours, a lot of the folks in the group will think of the park as very scary.
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it has a lot of hills, there's a lot of dense groves. once you get towards the center of the park you really lose your orientation. you are very much in a remote area. there are a lot of trees that shield your view from the urban setting. you would simply see different groves that gives you a sense of freedom, of being outdoors, not being burdened by the worries of city life. john mclaren had said that golden gate park was too far away. he proposed that we have a park in the south end of the city. the campaign slogan was, people need this open space. one of the things that had to open is there were a lot of people who did a homestead here, about 25 different families. their property had to be bought up. so it took from 1928 to 1957 to buy up all the parcels of land that ended up in this 317 acres.
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the park, as a general rule, is heavily used in the mornings and the evenings. one of the favorite places is up by the upper reservoir because dogs get to go swim. it's extremely popular. many fights in the city, as you know, about dogs in parks. we have 317 acres and god knows there's plenty of room for both of us. man and his best friend. early in the morning people before they go to work will walk their dogs or go on a jog themselves with their dogs. joggers love the park, there's 7 miles of hiking trails and there's off trail paths that hikers can take. all the recreational areas are heavily used on weekends. we have the group picnic area which should accommodate 200 people, tennis courts are full. it also has 3 playground areas.
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the ampitheater was built in 1972. it was the home of the first blues festival. given the fact that jerry garcia used to play in this park, he was from this neighborhood, everybody knows his reputation. we thought what a great thing it would be to have an ampitheater named after jerry garcia. that is a name that has panache. it brings people from all over the bay area to the ampitheater. the calls that come in, we'd like to do a concert at the jerry garcia ampitheater and we do everything we can to accommodate them and help them because it gets people into the park. people like a lot of color and that's what they call a park. other people don't. you have to try to reconcile all those different points of view. what should a park look like and what should it have?
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should it be manicured, should it be nice little cobblestones around all of the paths and like that. the biggest objective of course is getting people into the park to appreciate open space. whatever that's going to take to make them happy, to get them there, that's the main goal. if it takes a planter with flowers and stuff like that, fine. you know, so what? people need to get away from that urban rush and noise and this is a perfect place to do it. feedback is always amazement. they don't believe that it's in san francisco. we have visitors who will say, i never knew this was here and i'm a native san franciscoan. they wonder how long it's been here. when i tell them next year we'll get to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the park,
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