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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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supervisor campos. >> thank you very much, madam clerk. i have a number of items but i want to begin with an item we've had some family members have been waiting for a while for me to do this in memory in in memorium and i'd ask them to please come up to the podium. speaking spanish. they have a picture of a very special person for whom i'm doing an memorium today and that's in the memory of rosa mena and they have a picture of her and with us today are beckon rebecca and francisco two of her kids. rosa worked
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as a candy maker before coming to san francisco in in in 1985 to start her new life with her children and sister. she was known as a vibrant and enthusiastic member of our community who let no barrier stand in her way. when she arrived she spoke no english with only a first grade education but she was determined to be successful and she immediately signed up for city college classes and soon was on her way. she spent 7 years taking english classes at city college and became a leader among her peers and helped countless people in her community learn english. in her later years she was an advocate and she would travel the state with her daughter
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rebecca and she was known for wearing vibrant colors and was the first one to get up and dance at a social event and she was also dedicated to art and her art and expression were very important to her and she earned a certificate with her daughter a few years ago personally she was like a mother to me like a member of the family who has been supported throughout different political endeavors over the years after her diagnose of cancer in april of this year she began radiation treatment in in the south bay and she was actually given a certificate by her doctors and caregivers at the age of 92 she was the oldest woman at the facility to ever complete the very harsh 2-week radiation treatment that
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she went through unfortunately rosa lost her fight against cancer this week but i remind everyone that she left very specific instructions that no one is to wear black at her funeral because she wants to be remembered for for for for for for her vibrant cy and wearing of color color. >> speaking spanish. >> rooufrjs.
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>> speaking in spanish. >> if it's okay with my
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colleagues i'd like the family to say a brief couple of words. >> without objection colleagues, the floor is yours. >> speaking in spanish. >> good afternoon. to the president and board of supervisors i want to say thank
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you for the time you have given us today especially supervisor campos. i'd also like to thank you for the hard work you do here. my mother was a good woman to her family. also she was very political. she used to go around and talk to people about political campaigns in the city and also she was a member of the union for the elders in sf, u.s. w and a lot of meetings and a lot of trips going to sacramento and fighting for the benefits of the elderly. so my mother was very dedicated for that giving herself to help other people and i know everybody around the
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neighborhood so i thank you for this opportunity i know my mother is in a better place now and i thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is -- i would like to say a few words in this special place. it is an honor for us especially for my brother, my sisters that supervisor campos mentioned the name of my mother rosa mena who passed away 2-days ago for terminal cancer. i'm recognize her for the support in the political campaign. thank you so much david campos. i
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appreciate you and my family -- god bless you for everything that you help us. thank you for the flowers that you bring to my mother at home. my mother was very happy. thank you so much. god bless you. >> thank you. and may you rest in peace rosa mena speaking in spanish. i have a couple of other items that i want to also talk about and i'll be as brief as i can. i want to today i will be introducing a resolution declaring december 10th human rights day in san francisco and every year there after and let me say i want to thank supervisor avalos and mar and yee for their cosponsorship
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it was adopted by by the united nations in 1948 in the aftermath of worldwide depression and war and eleanor rose roes rose rosevelt strongly build in equal rights of all people and freedom of speech and freedom freedom from discrimination and more. it asserts people's rights to the necessities of life housing employment and education. as nelson mandella stated it is the foundation stone of all international human rights law and still holds enormous ethical value for all of us wherever in the world we happen to live. tomorrow marks the
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66th anniversary of the passage of this very important document and as we try in 2014 to address issues around poverty homelessness racism and the universal declaration of human rights is more relative today than ever. i'd like to thank the gray panthers. . everyone is welcome to come to the steps of city hall tomorrow. i want to thank the department of public works and the san francisco public utilities commission and the staff for working with my office on a very important and ongoing issue which unfortunately may only get worse as the rain continues in
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san francisco. specifically, the geographic area of 17th and if fulson and actually a couple of blocks around that area is actually the lowest point in the city and county of san francisco and because of that it actually has on a yearly basis for as long as we remember, been flooded. and so we know that we expect additional rain in the next few days and so i will simply take this opportunity to thank the puc and to ask them and ask the mayor's office to please work with my office because there's a lot of frustration right now in the in the neighborhood. many homes and businesses have already been flooded and we expect additional flooding to take place and something as basic as simply having sandbags
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provided to the neighborhoods but i think we may actually be running out of sandbags here in in san francisco ultimately the city will have some responsibility as the flooding happens and we're talking about not just hundreds of thousands but millions of dollars in damages and so we have an opportunity tonight and in the next coming days to be proactive and i know that the department of public works, which is actually not responsible for the flooding that happens but is very responsible and very responsive in addressing the flooding that takes place has been very helpful in the past and simply ask that we provide whatever resources are needed by that department to continue to prevent the flooding in this neighborhood. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor campos.
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supervisor cohen. >> thank you. good evening everyone. i am introducing legislation today for the city to officially acquire property at 66 raymond avenue known to many as the valley community center and this is a key step in allowing the city to have possession of a believe and make the needed improvement desperately needed. for over a hundred years this building has been extremely an important asset for the community having served as a service and community hub for residents for both young and old. we unfortunately lost the building to foreclose ure last year and
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it's been an extremely long road to get to where we are today and the community members who have walked with me longer this particular journey. it's about reclaiming the symbolic importance and the city's ownership of this building means our residents will have a safe place to gather and for our families to continue to t h.r. ive so thank you and i also want to recognize john up dike and his team and also i want to recognize the leadership within the mayor's office who has also been a part of this acquisition. i'm also introducing a hearing request on the city's manufacturing and
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distribution sectors. we've seen incredible growth in this industry and after many years however these businesses, when seeking to start to grow and stay in san francisco and since being elected i've focussed on attracting and growing our city's manufacturing sector because we have an element to a diverse economy and traditional blue collar jobs and discussing recommendations prepared by the cluster strategy a team made up of san francisco planning department and the office of economic and workforce development and steering committee of local businesses and nonprofit organizations and finally in closing i want to add my voice to the conversation that's happening
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across the country. i'm introducing a resolution for this body to consider supporting the new guidance that's been recently released by the obama administration and the recent tragedy incident incident involving unarmed african-american males obviously raised widespread concern and these incidents point to a greater hurdle that we must overcome as a nation to rebuild trust and competence between law enforcement and the communities they serve. that's not to say there's no trust but it is to say we have a lot of work to do. . racial
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profiling does just the opposite . it creates a climate where residents often do not feel safe in their own communities and are less likely to collaborate with law enforcement officials. the new guidance for law enforcement officials sets the model for local agencies to follow and i think our police department and law enforcement officials do a very good job of protecting and serving but i think also there's always room for improvement and i also think it's upon us to set the standard for other municipalities across the country. san francisco should definitely take a stand in supporting this guidance in calling on all law enforcement agencies. i submit thank you.
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>> supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. >> thank you. i want to echo my colleagues in their grief and also outrage about the continued loss of the life of our young african-american men and also other men of color nationwide i think over the past 2 weeks while many of us were on break there's nothing more heart wrenching about reading another report of something that happened that is unjust and also creating more distrust in our communities particularly around issues of race and the peaceful and nonviolent protesters that have put the matter on the national radar continue to make a powerful impression on the push for justice. i think we can all agree that change cannot
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happen without massive organized appeals for justice and as a former youth organizer , i continue to be committed to find ways to get weapons off of our city streets and there's nothing harder in my time on the board of supervisors than attending the funeral of a young person no matter how that person was killed usually from violence but when family members or parents ask me what we can do to end this type of violence. in the most recent homicide in the south of market our office began conversations with several of our youth programs about what we can do even in cases where a young person was able to get a job able to get housing and able to get his his or her life on
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track, to lose their life to violence is incredibly distressing and often the answer we come to is we need less guns on our streets. this start the anniversary of sandy hook there there will be a gun buyback. . many of the clients were medical marijuana club clients who wanted to give back to the community. after many conversations and learning of the work that happened, i was impressed that a small group of local small businesses would
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take it upon themselves to demonstrate a commitment to solutions to inner city violence to that end united players has worked with green door and grass roots all located in district 6 along with brendon's law firm who have provided the funds necessary to buyback illegal arms from our streets. the buyback will take place this saturday from 9 to 1:00 p.m. at united player's club house anyone turning in a hand gun a hundred dollars and assault weapon 2 $200 in compensation no questions asked. i want to that to thank our local district 6 medical marijuana
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dispensaries and united players in doing all the fund raising to make this possible as well as commander mike rudman for his support in helping us to navigate the logistical logistics of putting this on and for the ongoing work to wipe out violence in our community and build relationships between opposing sides and take back our community and dlz there's a lot of work that needs to be done i work forward to working with my colleagues and the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor kim. supervisor mar. >> thank you madam clerk. let me ask colleagues if you will join me in closing the meeting in honor of an asian arts
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activist and long time friend of mine val chow a writer, artist and some called him a a gent le soul and a marine and supported the asian american theatre community and asian american arts movement i met him over 30 years ago when they were housed in the richmond district and val chow was a dedicated son and brother and community activist and friend to those until he un expected ly passed away he was a native san franciscan he grew up and attended local schools and after graduating from washington high school he joined the marines and was a
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dedicated staff member for the legion of honor in the richmond district and golden gate park and participated in the asian toast master's club and i think i think the 18 mountain warriors was one of his accomplishments and doing a lot of behind the scenes work for many asian american arts group and supported food programs and the aids walk and he also has been a strong backer and supporter of the asian cultural center as well. with his love laughter and un selfish giving he will always have a special place in each of our hearts.
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val's family is honoring his life and remembering his work and laughter this coming saturday december 13th from 10 10 10 to 1230 at the de young museum murals room please join us if if you can at golden gate park i should say condolences to his family and the asian american theatre company and various arts movements in our communities. if you want more information on the memorial and how to acknowledge his work, his sister can be reached at 415-821-2956 or you can go to his facebook page that's under
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valiantcho w. thank you the rest i'll submit. >> thank you supervisor mar. supervisor avalos. >> thank you madam clerk i have several items for introduction. first is a hearing that i want to thank my cosponsor for the hearing and the hearing will be on revenue options for our affordable housing crisis in san francisco we all know that in 2012 we passed ballot prop c but it only provides some minimal support to getting at at our enormous housing affordability crisis so i think another new option should be on the table and i want to work with the mayor's office of housing to explore and possibly the controller's office to explore what housing new
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options there might be for the housing. these could include general obligation bonds that's something i talked about a few years back before prop c was passed and the city budget reserve possibly and another option to meet our affordable housing crisis. i also am requesting the committee hearing for the reappointment for next week. currently she's in this quasi official retirement board both wendy and victor's terms on the board expired on on february 20th, 2014. reappointed on march on march 27th and on
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and on april 3rd a complaint was filed on the ethics commission. on on december 4th mayor lee swore in. the board was never notified of her reappointment on december 8th yesterday the mayor notified the board of supervisors about the reappointment. to me the timing is suspicious. if the 30-day window for the board to reject the appointment will expire on on january 7th on january 7th 1 day on january 7th 1 day before the meeting in 2015 therefore i'm motioning the committee as a whole for next weeks board meeting on her
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reappointment and it's important to note we have to be really cognizant that we should not just be rubber stamping appointments. as a commissioner he should be held
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to a higher standard but then in december of 2013 the mansion he was building at 25 crown terrace collapsed and slid down the hill. the construction was dramatically different than the approved plan. illegally reinstalling elevators after they were removed and it seems clear that this board has failed to scrutinize close enough so therefore colleagues i hope you join me next week in reviewing her appointment to the retirement board. i also have what else do i have here? i have some language for the youth and family's oversight committee and the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you supervisor avalos. supervisor mar has to be rereferred. >> madam clerk colleagues i'm making a motion today to hold the committee as a whole on the issue of the impacts of growing labor unrest at the san at the san francisco airport. i'll be asking our president to work with me to ensure that we have a committee as a whole. the impacts of potential