tv [untitled] December 14, 2014 1:30am-2:01am PST
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have a quorum with supervisor jane kim and now we are scheduled to go into closed session pursue to not to government code and i have not received an indication that a member of public wants to address you on the item in closed session but they have the opportunity to >> the tjpa is back in session and we will report on closed session. >> in the case of dnd construction v. balfour beatty infrastructure and there is no action to report. >> and that directors conclude your agenda for today. >> and we are adjourned. >> thank you.
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patience. we are now back from recess. joining us today is supervisor tang. can you please call the first item? >> [inaudible]. >> thank you. okay, let's see. i requested this hear anything september in response to the 2014 civil grand jury excellent report, the mayor's office of housing under pressure and challenge to preserve diversity. the first recommendation was, and i quote, the board of supervisors convene a hearing this calendar report to and ensure policy recommendations improve the relationship between market rate and affordable housing to reflect the economic diversity of the
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city and include annual monitoring of regional housing achievement numbers as defined by the regional housing needs allocation and housing elements. i want to thank our civil grand jury members, some i know are here today. honestly, they took the words right out of my mouth with this one. i have been following the housing task force work and of course i work very closely everyday with the mayor's office of housing and everyone involved with providing affordable housing in this city so i'm eager to hear the task force rorts today. i understand we are joined by rebecca foster from the mayor's office and sophie hayward from housing and community development. thank you for being here today and i will turn it over to you. >> good morning chair breed and supervisor tang. i'm joined today by becca
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foster from the mayor's office, by kate from the planning department. we appreciate the opportunity to come present to you our progress in addressing the rising cost of housing for san francisco citizens. in today's presentation we'll provide and update to our specific responses for civil grand jury report and then as well or in addition we'll present the recommendations of the mayor's working group. i have hard copies of that presentation for you, the specific recommendations of the working group as well. and i have copies for the members of the public that i'll put out in addition. as you know both the civil grand jury report and the mayor's housing working group touch on implementation of the mayor's goal to produce 30,000 housing units by 2020, 10,000 of which will be affordable and half of which will be accessible to working class san francisco citizens .
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in september of this year the mayor's office of housing presented a detailed response to the civil grand jury report here at gao and we'd like to just take a moment today to update you on our progress on several key recommendations that relate to access and transparent sip and policy. as becca will present in more detail, we're working only coming up with strategies to make housing available to a wider range of income levels. related to technology, phase one of our website redesign has been completed and our website is sf [inaudible]. phase one dealt with the organization, the image of the website, making things easier for people to find. we're working on phase two as we have been rolled out, but phase two is a full overhaul of the content and organization of the site.
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in addition, the civil grand jury report provided detail about our database of affordable housing listing information and applications. that's what we call dal ya and it's a sales force web based application database that will focus on first or inclusionary units and will reduce barriers to entry, most significantly a simplified application process, forms, and include language access and more unified presentation across our portfolio. that is in its testing phase and will roll out in early 2015 so we're close. related to intreesing transparency and increasing our data we're working hard to improve data and how it's reported. we hope to incorporate much of that reporting on our web side and on a housing portal housed
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at the mayor's website. we are finalizing the draft of an annual report which will be released this month so just in a couple weeks so we'll make sure to circulate that to you with all our specific production data and our community development data. as you also know, many of the recommendations of the civil grand jury report echo the work of the mayor's housing working grum and we'll continue to report to the board on implementation on the other recommendations and programs as they roll out. we are very focused on the mayor's goals and i just want to touch briefly on the specifics of that. we are lel underway toward our 30,000 target with at least 1/3 affordable so this slide here shows that as of october of this year we've completed just about 4,000 units, 24% are affordable and
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inclusionary units included by market rate developers. >> could you answer a question for me, out of those 4,000 units, do you know the number that have been rehabilitated? >> i do. if i could just -- i have [inaudible] so maybe i'll go there mocd's and then get back to that specific rehab. >> thank you. >> with regard to my your's office of housing community development specific completions this slide illustrates that we have a plan funded pipeline of affordable projects that achieve 10,000 units by 2020. we of course want to do more than that. we'd like to stabilize our neighborhoods for existing renters, we want to commit to rebuilding public housing and achieve our middle income goal. the working group has developed a number of recommendations that should not only ensure we meet our
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goals, but look beyond them. i'll turn it over to rebecca foster from the mayor's office at this point and i'll work on your rehabilitation question. i want to make sure i'm giving you the right numbers, but i'm working on that. >> thank you. >> good morning. >> over the past eight months we had a broad group of stakeholders that met as part of the working group and those groups included over 100 [inaudible] housing advocates, realtors and property owners, working hands in hand with
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city departments and mayor's office staff and the board staff. and the goal of this working group was turning the housing principles and the 2020 housing goals that the mayor announcing in january into a set of actionable recommendations and strategies. i'll walk through the recommendations and strategies that the housing working group pulled together and these are also posted on the city's website as of this morning and presents a road map for the next phase of our work. this is the beginning and there's a lot more to do. this is the road map for this next step. our first recommendation is preserving a ing affordability in our neighborhood and will include refining and implementing over the next several months in affordable
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housing preservation. also enyouring new development to preserve buildings with tenants who are at risk with displacement and while we weren't successful at the state level with greater we now have implemented a local ls preference. we need to also maintain our commitments to rebuild public housing through hope sf and rad for the thousands of residents that are in poor housing conditions. the second recommendation is that we direct more funding for the construction of affordable housing so we can't our existing commit nlts through the affordable housing and trust funds and also a recognition that while nose commitments are significant, they aren't enough and we need to increase the public
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revenue sources that are dedicated to public houseing and continue to look over the next several months at the right sources and timing for those increases and also that we tap into more private resources for new construction of affordable housing and so a recommendation that we launch and affordable housing fund with public and private dollars, that will help us with the acquisition and rehab of sites and buildings for maintaining affordable housing and constructing new affordable housing. the third recommendation is that we enable a wider band of households to benefit from affordable housing so one of the clear things that came out of if housing working group is that you really don't have any resources and incentives for maintaining and building new
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housing for those residents who are in our middle income work force category and that that is of increasing importance given the dynamics in the city. several recommendations along those lines, one that we allow developers to dial up their inclusionary requirements so we can actually provide more incentives for developers to develop housing in that 60 to 100% of ami category. also, that we pilot a series of mixed income projects so we can help get more of our market rate developers to actually develop work force housing as part of their larger developments and we expand the reach of our down team and assistance program so both increase the amount of dollars in that program for everybody and increase the ami level of eligibility up to 120%. >> miss foster, do you know
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how well the program is doing now in terms of whether or not all of the funding is being used, is it being depleted? d in terms of the a mount of money we put in there annually. >> i can come back to you with those specific numbers. we have them, but i don't know them off the top of my head. >> more specifically, the one that has the public safety priority. it'd be interesting to know are those things actually effectively working for the folks we're trying to get to move back to the city and that sort of thing so thank you. >> yes, definitely. and i think that's part of the rational for increasing the ami level up to a higher am, but we are looking at a utilization of the program also. >> when you say increasing, you mean for example, and i think the mixed income project would include various layers
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of affordability and not just one as they usually do. >> exactly, yeah. step four, recommendation is that in all of our new development that we create greater affordability and we support a locally density bonus program that may expand upon or implement the state density program in a way that really supports affordability, more afford bltd in san francisco. f that we use publicly owned sites for affordable and pilot mixed income type projects, as the major also announced this morning with the public lands for housing program that we encourage developers with inclusionary and on site and off site for more ways to
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provide sites for affordable housing and that we set high target for affordability for any rezoning to achieve at least 33% affordability. >> i want to bring up a point about publicly owned sites for affordable and mixed income housing. as i'm sure you know there are a number of sites that currently are available, specifically in my district, that are ready for development and ready for rehabilitation and we're not able to get to those properties quick enough. and so i noticed that one of the suggestions using publicly owned sites for affordable and mixed income housing, the question is what are the incentives that we are providing to partner and get those sites developed sooner
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rather than later? i mean, the point that i'm making is as many cranes as i see building high-rises downtown, i want to see that same number of cranes building housing in our districts. specifically there are just five sites offhand i can think of that are pretty ready to go and we're just not close to even looking at those as a possibility pause of the timeline, the funding and a number of other things so -- >> right. >> -- i just wanted to know if there are any other creative plans to try and move some of these projects up sooner rather than later. >> so on the specific sites in your district, i think we have a little bit more detail on those that we can -- we should dig into those specifically. i think part of the idea for the public site for affordable housing next stages of the
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program includes that it is a program and so that there is a -- that we do the inventory, which is largely done and then that there's actually a much more programmatic approach about these are what the priorities are so we have a more programmatic approach to getting it done, that may include -- and you raise good points and we can look into more, how we can get them done faster and what we need to do with that approach so we can speed some of these through approvals and construction. and i think another piece with the mixed income side which would be a relatively new model would be what are the other sources of financeing that would be relatively available to make them actually pencil out. all of these pieces already to work together.
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>> thank you. >> the fifth recommendation is around process improvements and basically making -- doing everything we can for all projects, affordable and market rate work force. any project that's coming through the system, making sure that they are moving through as quickly as possible and that includes specific recommendations about process improvements and so that we reduce redundancies and that we have more realtime approval information for developers and for neighbors and that we're making use of any down time while projects are waiting for approvals in different categories.
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i think it's clear, both from you questions and from all the work that we've done, like i said, this is the road map and the beginning and there's definitely a lot more work to do so the next steps include really continuing the collaboration of the last year so we can actually implement these recommendations and also refine and develop more specific housing solutions around the public sites, around the mixed income projects, around the broader roll out and all these different areas and those will include the legislation pieces, more details on funding and continuing to work with our state and federal government on this problem. >> thank you. i just had within more comment that i'd like to be included. one is the long-term maintenance plan for the affordable development. as you are i'm sure familiar
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with, specifically in district five under redevelopment, many of the affordable housing developments were created without a clear long term plan of rehab and we've run into a number of problems in terms of being able to properly develop systems by which we could afford to rehab those units or risk some difficulties that hud -- for example, hud requires that our co-ops maintain at a certain level and when those maintenance needs are not met then hud find them in default, we run into some difficulties and the city gets involved to try to resolve those particular issues, but
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eventually it costs the city money. i know that's part of the mayor's portfolio, but as well build null it is important that we make sure that there is some clear maintenance component that's a part of maintaining these properties so we build them and because we know we're going to -- just like a house or places where we are building other properties they're maintained. there's usually an hoa and money invested in maintenance so we're not experiencing some of the situations that we are experiencing now with some of our dilapidated units and some of our public housing developments. i think it's important as we build new and as we look at ways to be creative that we think about long term maintenance because that will
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save us more money in the long run. secondly, it is important to think outside the box, which it looks like we're doing. i know that our options could be limited in terms of the ability to funds these developments and the subsidies and the tax credits and the creative things we can come up with in order to make a project financially feasible and move it forward in a timely manner, but i think that there's a possibility of partnerships, public, private, in other ways, things we've been doing in order to get, you know, for example, the rad program which the jury is still out on whether or not that's going to be really effective, but there are other ways in which we can partner to rebuild or rehab developments. i want us to take those things into consideration and reach out and try to develop those partnerships.
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a perfect example would be west side courts and the housing dechlts has been adopted by the city as a priority, which i'm happy about, but there were plans to do work on west side court, similar to what was done at the north beach public housing development. they have built retail space underneath, there's a trader joes, there's a number of businesses. and then on top of that there's public housing and it's really been an amazing partnership. the property is well maintained and i think something similar can be done for west side courts. we're looking at rehab, which will force us to wait another 15 years when the property really needs to be torn down
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and rehabbed now. it's one of the oldest, along with holly court, public housing developments in our city and those are two that should be completely redone. i have a list of the challenges. i know this is a new responsibility of the mayor's office of housing and you all have stepped up to the plate including looking at ways to increase your capacity in looking at the portfolio to move this schedule forward, but i want to think about creative ways, public private partnerships and things we can do in order to develop new revenue streams that could successfully support not only the rehabbing or the rebuild of these developments, but the long term stability of maintaining these developments into the future. so thank you. >> yeah, absolutely. thank you.
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thank you both. >> we are going to open this item up to public comment. are there any members of the public who'd like to make public comment at this time, please step forward and you can also line up to my left. >> good morning. i'm happy to be here to witness and document the wonderful work that my supervisors are doing here. what i question, just like the supervisors, the mayor's tactics, the mayor's people that are involved with the so called working group. now, this working group, as you know, supervisors has been put together a couple years ago. working grum. group. working together for the people of san francisco, all people. but particularly when dealing with the housing authority it deals with, as you know, supervisor, the
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