tv [untitled] December 14, 2014 5:00am-5:31am PST
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extending the intmoratorium on distribution, repair conversion in the proposed south of market plan area. this resolution extended that montgomery jetstream for a total of two years:at the full board this week, there was a height exemption for hospitals and restricted use district and both of those passed their second read. also at the board was the authorizing the nullification of the current four policy conservation areas and this resolution was adopted and
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finally there was an appeal of an environmental termination for 2853 broderick street. this was an appeal of categorical exemption for a project that would remove a dwelling unit and in addition to alterations and other alterations. this commission heard this case as a dr on -- i'm sorry, september 18th of this year and voted unanimously to not take dr and approve the project as proposed. at the board of supervisors hearing, supervisor farrell said well he saw several issues with the project, the environmental termination was done correctly and with that he made a motion to uphold the department's environmentedal determination and the vote voted unanimousy this that. there was two introductions a off-street parking exemption that amends the planning code to admit certainly exceptions for lots that front on curbside transit lanes or bike paths for lots inrd yu yu and in order to
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bring buildings into greater conformance with the setback and other building requirements. the ordinance also includes parking in excess of what is principally permitted and located above ground in the [sa*-r/] recommendations and finally the commission sponsor ordinance, nor reasonable accommodation and the planning code was also introduced at the board this week. that conclude misreport. >> the historic preservation commission did not meet yesterday. however, the board of directors of pales did meet last night and heard one case that may be of interest to the commission the mandatory discretionary review of a demolition of a single-family home and new construction of a two-unit building at 45617th street and adjacent neighbor expressed concerns about impact to their adjacent light core and light into their units. the commission unanimously approved the project one of
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those neighbors also appealed the building application based on same concerns. however the board of appeals affirmed the commission's decision and voted unanimously to deny the appeal and uphold the issuance of the building permit. >> thank you. >> commissions that places you under general public comment not to exceed a period of 15 minutes. at this time members of public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject-matter jurisdiction of the commission, except agenda itemsment with with respect to agenda items the opportunity will be afforded when the item is reach in the meeting. each member of the public may address the commission up to 3 minutes. i have no speaker cards, but i will take a look. >> is there any general public? seeing none, general public is closed. >> item 9, case no. 2015.0515e.
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this is the potrero hope sf project draft ivory and eis and please note that written comments will be accepted at the planning department until 5:00 p.m. january 5,2015 and i do have several speaker cards. >> okay >> thank you, commission secretary. good afternoon, president wu, members of the commission. rachel, planning department staff. the item before you is a public hearing to receive comments on the draft environmental impact report a joint ceqa neah document prepared by the planning department and mayor's office of housing and community development. again case no. 20150 515 e. i'm joined here today by my colleagues sarah jones environmental review officer, also england flannery from the mayor's office of housing and comment development. members of the project sponsor
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team are also present. the project site is located on the south slope of potrero hill between u.s. highway 101 and 280. the site is generally bonded by connecticut street, 26th street wisconsin street, 23rd, texas street and 23rd street. the project site within the potrero hill neighborhood and southeast quadrant of the city. in go public housing developments the potrero terrace and potrero annex. the proposed project would include demolition of existing 620 public housing units, and development of up to 1700 residential units for a range of income levels which includes replacement public housing units. the project also includes new vehicle and pedestrian connections, new street and block layout, new transit stops, new water, wastewater
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and stormwater infrastructure, and new retail uses, community facilities and open space. construction of the proposed project would occur over approximately 10 years in three non-overlapping phases. it should be noted that the majority of the impacts identified in the draft eir/eis are, in fact, temporary impacts related to this construction period. specifically the draft eir/eis identified significant impacts related to construction period aesthetic, socioeconomic, site circulation, noise and vibration and air quality impacts, as well as impacts related to the accidental discovery of archaeological paleontological resources, as well as human remains. also during the construction period, the handling of hazardous building materials and also effects on minor
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league ratsory birds during construction and site circulation and geological effects due to topography were also identified. mitigation measures were also identified to reduce these potentially significant impacts to a less than significant level. the draft ivory/eis identified significant impacts related to transit capacity, delay at local intersections, exterior noise levels, construction period criteria -- air pollutants and operational air quality i or identified miggation measures for these impacts would not reduce impacts to less than significant level and therefore, these impacts would be remain significant and unavoidable. a hearing to receive the historic preservation commission's comments on the draft eir/eis was held december 23, 2014. at the hearing the hpc indicated that no impact to historical resources would occur as a result of the proposed project, approval --
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excuse me -- they would like to see the project sponsor make an effort to document the history of the site pryor to demolition. at this time i would like to remind all speakers this is not a hearing to consider approval or disaproval of the proposed projected. approval hearings will follow the final eir/eis certification. your comments today should be confined to the adequacy and accuracy of information and analysis within the draft eir/eis. the comments will be transcribed by the court reporter and responded to in the responses to comments document. this document will respond to all verbal and written comments received and make revisions to the draft eir/eis as appropriate. i would like to remind commenters to speak slowly and clearly, so that the court reporter can produce an adequate transcript of today's hearing.
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also commentsers should state their name and address for the record to be sent copies once it is completed. after hearing comments from the general public we'll take comments on the draft eir/eis from the planning commission. would i note that the public review process began on november 7th and will continue until 5:00 p.m. january 7, 2015. comments that are not made verbally today should be submitted in writing to the planning department. this concludes my presentation on this matter and unless commissioners have questions, i would respectfully subject that the public hearing on this item be opened. >> thank you. >> i will call a number of names. the first person can come to the podium. if i call your name, please line up on the screen side of the room. patricia hunting, emily
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winestein, mar ritza, aragon dotty mudson. >> i apologize, we had a request for interpreters for this matter and if those persons seeking the need for spanish and/or chinese interpretation, if you could come forward, we can accommodate that request now. i know that both interpreters are present. are you ready for spanish interpretation? okay. you can use both mics. >> translator: my name is
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maricitia argon. a resident of potrero hills. i'm participating in the activities that are carried out there. i feel better now, but sometimes i feel very stressed because of violent activity in that area. my children are very afraid. we are hoping for better -- what we're hoping for changes in the new homes, housing that will be built.
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we're hoping there will be no more violence and that things will be different. that is all >> thank you. could we ask if there are additional spanish speakers who need interpretation? thank you. and then do we also have a group of people that need chinese, cantonese or mandarin interpretation? >> if our chinese interpreter could approach. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> translator: how are you doing? >> could you please speak into the microphone. thank you. >> translator: the reason why i am here today, i hope to bring about improvement in our community. and also improve the safety. and then improve the living environment. and there are more extracurricular activities and space for recreation for the children. oh, okay and there are more
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retail space and shops that we can be out on the street and spend more time on the street and shop. because where we live, the reputation is not so good. in the neighborhood where we live -- -- and then where we live, people tend not to come and visit, because of the area. and i hope that there will be some change to bring about. that is all.
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>> thank you. you are providing interpretation, if you can speak more loudly into the microphone, that would be helpful. >> certainly. >> thank you. >> good morning. >> translator: i'm happy to be here today at this community meeting. i am sincere and hopeful that the city will rebuild this space, or the neighborhood. i currently reside on this side
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today. thank you. >> thank you. i believe one more person. one more time, could i ask you to speak into the microphone, because the recorder is having a hard time hearing. >> good afternoon. >> translator: i reside in this area. according to the information i got, currently there are 606 living units in our area. and according to the plan, there can be 1600 units to be
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and all these constructions and renewal will improve the area and bring new elements and it will -- and the real estate will appreciate. and i absolutely agree with this proposal, this plan of constructing the units in this area. this is my opinion. thanks. >> thank you. okay, next speaker. >> good afternoon my name is patricia hunting a resident of
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1512 25th street and a neighbor of the sf hope reconstruction site. i'm very much in favor of seeing an improvement to the south end of our neighborhood. i have some concerns with the projected number of units being built. i moved to potrero hill in 2003 and i moved this with the idea that i liked that it was not one of the most dense neighborhoods in the city. i think tripling the number of units that we have existing is exaggerated and i would like to see some kind of compromise reached so that we won't have that many additional people living there. i would like to know if all of the new units were completely full with the maximum number of resident what that number would be, compared to the number of people that we have existing in the units that exist right now? i am concerned about the issues with transit. there are very narrow streets going in and out of our neighborhood, especially on
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