tv [untitled] December 14, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PST
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1512 25th street and a neighbor of the sf hope reconstruction site. i'm very much in favor of seeing an improvement to the south end of our neighborhood. i have some concerns with the projected number of units being built. i moved to potrero hill in 2003 and i moved this with the idea that i liked that it was not one of the most dense neighborhoods in the city. i think tripling the number of units that we have existing is exaggerated and i would like to see some kind of compromise reached so that we won't have that many additional people living there. i would like to know if all of the new units were completely full with the maximum number of resident what that number would be, compared to the number of people that we have existing in the units that exist right now? i am concerned about the issues with transit. there are very narrow streets going in and out of our neighborhood, especially on the south side where 25th street is
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and also going out from 26th to cesar chavez to get to the highways, both 280 and 101. i have already seen increased traffic in our neighborhood before this project has evenburn and would even begun and? i think ten years is a long time to ask neighbors to be patient with a reconstruction project. i would appreciate very much if there could be some kind of compromise struck with that proposal as well. i would like to see less time in construction. on 25th street where i live, the wind blows from west to east generally, it brings all of the trash and garbage over the hill and on to our street. i would appreciate that that would be taken into consideration and perhaps you can put some kind of plan in place to keep our part of the neighborhood clean during the construction process. i think the things that hope sf is -- the things that they are planning are very
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well-designed. i have seen great improvement with the people who live in the projects right now and i would really like to see that those people have a better place to live in the future and i would like to see like the rest have stated more safety in our neighborhood. those are all of my comments. thank you very much. >> thank you, next speaker. >> my name is don goodmanson and for the spelling will you have to see the card. i live in 27 blair terrace in san francisco, literally a a few yards away from the site we're talking about. for brevity, i will aomit appreciation for many well-done parts of the eir and move on to the grievances. it appears to me that the authors of the report in regards to one fundamentally important aspect lot sight of the forest from the trees. what i am referring to here this fundamental defining
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aspect is that we're increasing the density of that area, massively, to integrate low-income housing with a greater community. that is if i am not mistaken is one of the core reasons for this controversial density increase. so there is no -- the report doesn't really define and hence not review where exactly -- and i say the word "exactly" the 606 low-income housing will be located within this area? so this might be an important omission because we're not sharing that information any more but the previous disclosed plans that have i seen in public meetings that show the southwest block a yard from where i live incidentally will only be composed of low-income housing units this. is essentially a high-density project, micro project within the larger area. of course, if there are two
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other clusters as well. and i think this goes against the fundamental premise of increasing the overall population density in order to allow the low-income housing units to be integrated with the larger community. and the appendix shows to the report -- to the report shows numerous letters received and reports it's a known controversy, but still it's not addressed adequately, but it can cannot be avoided. a time eir can only be complete with exact locations of the low-income housing units in the diagram and the impact analysis of the proposed locations. if this reveals that it's indeed the idea to create little micro high density clusters, then the analysis -- it might even go into the community that i live in park view heights, which is 200 units, and we certainly det a
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high-density cluster of low-income housing on our doorsteps. this needs to be considered. this has been sent in a letter that will be received and the back of letter, there are also questions that i have frequently been encountered, such as what are these plans? why is the developer doing this? what is the ideal solution to the problem? is the ideal solution possible? this is all addressed here. and i would say that the ideal solution is possible. because the report says low-income housing will be -- >> thank you, sir your time is up. >> thank you. we'll take written comments until january 7th. as the next speaker comes up, i will call more names. [ reading speakers' names ] >> i don't know if you can hear me here. i'm emily weinstein with bridge housing the master developer on the project and i'm going keep my comments very brief. but we're excited that this project is moving forward. we're excited about this step in the public process.
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and that the public process of the project before you represents a two-year public process of the master plan. and we take the public process very seriously. and so i just wanted to also make sure that on the record, due to the storm, we had over 25 -- close to 30 public housing residents that were signed to come today and due to the storm and closures of the school, many were not able to be in attendance and to put on the record, this is not a great reflection of the public process and encouraging people to submit written comments. we have an ongoing public process and meetings every month to make sure that people are included in the development process. thank you. >> [tkpwao-frpblgt/] thank you for allowing me this opportunity to speak. i'm with bridge housing. and the rebuild potrero program director. i wanted to share a little bit
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of my predict on the residents who weren't able to attend today. in my capacity, we do a lot of community-building with residents and what i have heard from them is that people are very excited and really looking forward to having new homes and they are also very excited about the opportunity of additional open space and parks and places where they can take their children and families. right now there really is a scarcity of those types of locations and safe locations in order to do that. in addition, the additional community center/retail space is another great amenity that people are looking forward to on that side of the hill. obviousesly there are not a lot of places for people to go to and on top of that, many residents have expressed to me the -- with the new retail and other opportunities, they also feel that they may have a
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chance to start their own business or somehow participate in that and really see it as an upward movement for themselves and everybody in the community. so we encourage you to support the project, so that everyone's quality of life can be improved in the area. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker >> good afternoon, any name is kim christensen and i'm also a resident of potrero hills and i'm enthusiastically in favor of this project and hope we can started building right away, because it has amazing potential for all of the residents of potrero hills. i have had the opportunity to work with bridge housing and sf hope. the mayor'ssoff on the community advisory group these last two years and we were working on the people plan, which is the kind of companion piece to the free buildin component, focusing in on the community needs assessment and
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looking at opportunities to raise the quality of life and embrace the residents of the neighborhood so this going to have solid improvements and investments in the community from a social aspect as well. that is really city council. i had that is really critical. i had a chance to know folks from the community process and folks living in the terrace and annex and i have really seen my neighbors blossoming with these opportunities. it has just changed lives and has such great potential for our neighborhood. thank you so much. >> thank you.
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>> good afternoon. my name is joe boss and with the potrero annex and terrace, and we're at the point it has good development community and the outreach has been absolutely the best i have seen. and i mean that. 20, 25 years ago i worked with people that were tenants of the annex and terrace and did a
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market rate housing that really goes along way to making it a mixed community. i can't say enough about emily and her work. i have seen a lot of projects falter when it comes to community involvement and this one certainly hasn't. the eir/eis i think has been exhaustively gone over, the comments originally certainly did slow the process down and answered were made to the questions raised. i heartily support this eir/eis and i hope you will concur. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker i will call some more names also. [ reading speakers' names ]
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>> good afternoon, commissioners, my name is janet carpen eli and i'm also a 30 plus-year resident of potrero. i live in dog patch and i'm a member of the potrero boosters and from where i am we look up the hill to the project of the potrero annex and terrace. we have been looking forward to seeing the remodel for years and years and years, and i would also like to concur with the last two speakers in that the group that is doing this project now, bridge housing rebuild has done a fantastic job of keeping the community involved and bringing very different people together. there have been many, many many postcards, ads, at or abouts in the potrero view and they have been to the potrero festival for years and they do everything that they can to be out in the public and bring people together. i have been up to many get
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togethers and working -- workshops, et cetera, et cetera, and i'm really think that this project should go through and that it has been studied and it has gotten a lot of comments from people in the neighborhood. i think the idea that there is going to be a new and extended street grid system, so there will be more transportation in and out, more ways to get in and out and more ways to bring people around the hill is a plus. in gener, i would like to say, this is really for the city rather than the project is that we must have more and better public mass transit all over the city and particularly potrero hill central waterfront. as far as the project goes, i'm very much in favor of it and i'm looking forward to seing it move ahead. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, my name is
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thomas shaw and i think it's commendable that you are attempting to modernize potrero hill. i wasn't served when the services came out when they carried out the scoping and i actually own potrero hill -- so i support alternative 3. i don't want any changes to take place in potrero hill. the problem was in the zoning -- they zoned it for public housing and it's really private property. so i wanted to make a note today before i carry out any more proceedings that a mistake has been made. i don't want construction in the neighborhood, and i think that any changes that have to be made is my responsibility. so again, i want to support
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alterive 3, no changes to be made. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi. i'm leable and live wisconsin street and i think my street one is of the most impacted with the rebuild. i would like to say that i'm for rebuild and i'm in no way against the rebuild. however, i do have some serious concerns. on my street right now i can only have one person at a time visit me, because if they park across the street, they have about a 50/50 chance of their car being broken into. so this is going to be great that we'll have some eyes on the streets over there, but my concerns are several. i will try to be brief. i'm concerned about the high density and specifically about how that is going to affect wisconsin street. right now we have the majority of the bus traffic and that is supposed to continue and yet the buses -- there will be more of them.
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then they turn on 25th street, and they go down the hill. so we are the block that has the most bus traffic of anywhere. we're a very narrow street. i understand they are going to enlarge the street and make perpendicular parking, but i'm still frightened if two buss are going up and one is coming down, this is happens all the time, there is gridlock on the street and we have to wait. i'm very concerned that they are going to cut down all the trees over there. there is going to be a lot of smog going on, and we don't have any mature trees. my primary concerns also have to do with the environmental impact report, the topics -- the three topics, the significant impacts that could not be fully mitigated this. is in the eir. noise, air quality and transportation. so i'm living across the street for ten years, where we can't mitigate noise, air quality and transportation? i work at my home. should i be moving? i am not sure how to address that.
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i would like the project to continue, but significant impacts that cannot be fully mitigate ready frightening and i'm concerned about the serpentine rock, which is a known abestos in it and i there there was a percentage of how many asbestos, but i couldn't find it. but i would really like to know what that percentage is and it's critically important that be up front with the ten years' of as asbestos in the air and i'm concerned about the open space. on the map i have seen star king open space on the other side of star king school and showing it's right across the street from the new rebuild. won't that be great? yes, it will be great. it's a wonderful open space, but it can't be the majority open space of the project. there is only 2.5 acres of open space in the project. and star king is larger than that. they need funding to fix the sidewalks and they need the help for the space that people will go into.
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perhaps they can take that into consideration and help out with star king open space. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello, my name is richard lee and i live at 1099 mississippi street, very close to rebuild area. i would like to voice my support of the project. i think it will be an excellent use of the currently low density buildings to increase the dentity of that area. i think bringing additional people into the area will be a good thing. however, i do have some concerns about the extra traffic that this might entail. i would like to see increase in the amount of retail space that is being planned for the project, because i think if there are more services in the area, it will make it less likely that people feel the need to leave and that will help to reduce the amount of traffic in and out of rebuilt area. also, i would like to see more
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-- a new busline added into that area, because i think that with-- you know, with perhaps tripling the number of people there, i think we're going to need another busline to help service all of these people. that is all. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is dennismontalitio and my wife is bonny burgeon and we have been residents of 25th street for 30 years and we have seen a lot of changes coming to to the area. we are in support of the rebuild potrero idea. we just do have some concerns about the -- one the project density? going from the 600 to 1700; seems the infrastructure i'm a little concerned about that. the corridors to 280 on-ramp, cesar chavez, i would just like to see how that could be worked
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into this plan, where right now the corridor down to 280 is 25th street. and it's a very narrow street. we put a busline, the 48 comes down there now and with two buses trying to pass on there, it can't happen. so i'm just wondering with this kind of density, how it will address the infrastructure of the surrounding area to make it flow? secondly, the mitigation, a 10-year project we're in the wind path of anything that goes on up there. the wind almost everyday blows from west to east. so i would like to see that addressed so that the people who live there, there is quite a few people who live south and east of this project, and i'm just a little
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concerned about that, ten years seems like a long time for a project to take place. thank you very much. >> thank you. is there additional public comment on this item? >> i'm bonnie burgeon and i live at 1504 25th street and i have live there had -- live there had for 27 years. i have seen a lot of changes on the hill and i'm in total support of the project. i floored in it in the first couple of years and it's been wonderful to see the community building and feel the vibrancy of the area and watch people take ownership and watch crossover between potrero hill and so it's been really great to see all of that opening up. at the same time, my concerns are similar to a few other
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people who spoke who live directly in the area. the congestion and the traffic and i'm trying to wrap my head around it. when i come home down, i'm half a block way during high-traffic areas i will sit in my car for ten minutes. there is no light there. it's just stop signs. and my concern is and what i would like to encourage there is so much building going on in dog patch and potrero hill, that i wonder how the communication is happening around the overview of traffic flow? because we're bringing in people in terms of density, we're increasing it [shr-eurbl/]. and substantially and i think that needs to be looked at and addressed and i hope that communication happens soon. i do support the project. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners.
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my name is jr epiler the president of the potrero business neighborhood association. i want to start off by saying that of course the condition of public housing on the south slope of potrero hill is catastrophically bad and needs to be redown and i'm here to comment on the eir and i have a couple of concerns with the eir as its currently drafted. first, i feel like there should be an expansion of the effects analysis. i understand this is of course a moving target and a lot of projects take this sequentially, but when they are occurring at the same time, the effect is massive. right now we have actual data and pipeline formality eastern neighborhood plan and it's information that should be integrated into the analysis of the effects of this project. we also have additional plans nearby that are currently in process, or draft plan, some that like pier 70, coming online. same as the warrior's arena and
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how these play out will have a catastrophic effect on transit. also dealing with the transit issues there needs to be, i think, an [kwrao-gs/]aling use of the transit effectivivness plan and not a cursy look using the transit analysis and going forward after the eir, with just simple design feature areas and back and forth among the neighbors. some of those from exiting park space probably can be dealt with in design. may not be eir-related, but should be pushed as part of the process going forward. we have one chance to get the eir right. we have one chance to get the planning process for this right. because of the size of this project, it is invitationly important, because of all the other things going on, it's vitally important to take, even if it's a little bit of additional time to get this part right, because this is what is going to make this
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project work for all of its residents. thank you. >> thank you. is there additional public comment on this item? seeing none, commissioners? commissioner moore? >> no withstanding this is an outstanding project, i want to just jump into commenting on the eir. i think the eir is very good. it's well-structured. however, i have a couple of questions, which i believe need to be elevated and it's in the area of construction impacts. with funding for a project which has large public comments i think only focusing on construction impacts over a finite timeframe of ten years is potentially danger, because as you extend it over ten years
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it becomes almost a generational issue that people basically live in a continued construction site. this is exacerbated by extremely difficult grading conditions, which on their own require a large amount of cut and fill, and i'll not even talking about air quality and noise, two areas where i think the city has a lot of experience with. but the constant need for a large area, the parameter of the site is huge and people feeling that it's never finished. can we get certainty about the public funding aspects as they affect construction impacts? is there certainty about how the project can reasonably phase? and what commitments can we bring to the front table in an eir to say this will happen in x, y, z? most construction projects of this seize take significantly longer than ten years. we all know that.
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there is bayview-hunters point. there is treasure island and on and on and on and all of them have public components and all of them have difficulties comparable to what is in front of us here. it's for that very reason, myself working on these things for the last nine years that i ask you to be very conservative in how you -- how you set finite timeframes for construction and comment on them. it might be a larger issue to examine. and even if there is deferral to other things, i think the eir/eis needs to be very clear and precise for this type of an important project. >> thank you. commissioner antonini. >> thank you. i think the draft environmental impact report has a lot of things that are very well-done in my opinion. there was one place that i spotted. it's only a projection and it was probably done quite a while
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ago on page 4. 4-4 and it talks about the population of san francisco and it basically deals with census track 614 and it's not that critical to the report itself, but to project the population of san francisco on this for 2015 is 816,400. and as we'll see in our commerce and industry report, the projected population of san francisco in 2014 or 2013 is already 636,000. so i mean, i know it doesn't mean we have to redo any of the report, but the projection for what it's worth is probably not accurate as far as reality is concerned right now. i can't comment on the accuracy of the census track in particular, just looking at the overall picture. the other thing that i think
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will need to be answered as comments and responses is there were a lot of comments about the density, which is very appropriate in my mind it's denser. but i think comparisons of the density in the areas surrounding the project area with the projected project density. so that we have an idea of the differences in density. it's not -- potrero hill does have a variety of density and many parts of it already have much denser parts. so that would be good to answer. i think it's -- the report is good. i think we have to talk a little bit about the phasing of the plan. and a little bit more detail about how it's going to reach its goal as commissioner moore was talking about in the
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