tv [untitled] December 14, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PST
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accountability for delivering those projects and making them happen that is where that accountability is going to sit next two had to do with in the way the designs were made not having a high priority of modes and not having the ability to break through the building conversations to make the bold choices we need to redesign the streets and i think the value of vision zero at this point pedestrian safety is the most important role whether it's large or small-scale is while mobile hierarchies are being developed it is important within the city with the needs to slow down traffic and pedestrian safety is the number one priority within the mta
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next point had to do with the agency cooperation issues so one of the first ones we've done is to convene principle level workshops with the department of public works and with the city engineer groups and i and our staff are going through and looking for barriers the things with are sloan the schedules where outreach or funding or contracting and knocking those barriers over one-on-one we've benefited from having a coalition that pulls together the policy and direction of vision zero they're focused and very, very focused leadership at the agency level to commit to getting those projects down u done there was a reference in the report among the cultural
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question he another really good breakdown through public works is achieving the projects one of the champs that was raised in san francisco this is true in any city when you want to build a lot of small projects that is what vision zero is an effort we win intersection by intersection across the city it can be hard to get to work that through the city's conceptually systems all an approach that the contractors like to bid on big project a we're going to bundle up the intersection treatments into a few large contracts so dph can have a few that are constantly goes around the city rather than
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four or five most for the boyd process number 7 was the lack of funding for that the cooperation and the preimplementation this is a place where the ta staff has really open to responding to our need for flexibility in the saw way to execute lots of projects all at once we're bundling the projects within the prop a funding we're taken on the challenge of a little bit of project training for all the staff in delivering the projects there was a good objection some staff enacts with the public
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they can do better and sfmta i'm sure you're aware of has launched an agency wide really upping our game in public talking with the public in a respectful way and finally the also the spectrum of sequa which can be while it's important law it can be a tool for individual occupants of important projects even for the board consensus so slow down the projects one of the things at metro the sequa form process that shifts you us away from the vehicle model towards a travel model that is the right way to do environmental review and a in a city in an urban environment
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this is all the things we're pushing hard to overcome the project delivery and in this urban community last year this is what is beginning to change in the project overall. >> thank you. i really appreciate the slide i know the last two subcommittees they were asking a lot of questions of the challenges and this is incredible important to have this discussion it is good to hear the values amongst the department when we have multiple agencies working on the same project it will sometimes include planning they have to go through the department if there is a conflict you you know understanding we're prioritizing the pedestrian safety and it is the highest mode we looked at
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whether there is a chflt or disagreement that's i what's the progress we're going to work that through. >> well, for - >> is there someone with a final say each department has a different head. >> transportation department mta has the final say but the way we get to a point of consensus to get to a yes rather than force the issue is the principle level workshops having the senior staff at dph and mta getting together and hashing things out with the new line the vision zero is again, i think that is the point it happens it is our hope not to act as a power but act as a consensus
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builder. >> thank you supervisor mar. >> yeah. going to acknowledge the transportation authority and mta have done a good job giving us the grupts u updates and since the june be presentation the small project delivery i appreciate having it in front of us we're ten times smaller new york city that maybe why you're pleased that the managerable i appreciate our altitude i know that while we have someone to take think the leadership of the bicycle coalition we want to be as efficient as possible in saving lives thank you. >> regardless the scale of the city san francisco is similar to new york in its compleekt and the cultural city a lot of the lessons from new york on working
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through consensus and vision they do apply here it doesn't matter on size. >> supervisor wiener. >> thank you, madam chair and thank you for the presentation i have a few questions one following up on the question about coordination or sometimes lack thereof it is sometimes, we focus on a lot the legislation we passed unanimously a year year unlawful ago to create a design committee there was folks in the same situations one department would object and create unresolveable situations accident project would die it seems like from what i can tell this is more coordination but we still hear about
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situations where one department or another will voice is concern and it just becomes stuck so have has that improved obviously from what you can tell do you think we're moving at a good direction and are we avoiding some of the situations in the past and recently for example, with the fire department came in at the 11th hour and shipyard project and decided that the streets needed to be 1ib9 or significantly widower that was a lot of drama to get it resolved if we have a lot of public drama it wouldn't have gotten resolved can you comment. >> it's hard to comment on the
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before or after but i walked into a situation where the project was the primary challenge and you know what i've seen change over the last two months since i've been here maybe isn't representative of the time you're talking about but i'm impressed but you can compare every new york city we have issues there is a willingness to again for both staff and principles to engage in the mayor called us together another his working group some of the i've heard the issue you're describing hashed out i am hopefully it is moving in the right direction but i don't want to say. >> i appreciate what you said early on ultimately the mta has
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the final say i understand i'm in complete agreement you have to work hard to try to achieve consensus but don't want to achieve consensus at the cost of a project you can find agreement through watering something down but it is important to take a strong run at agreement we saw a situations where the school pulled out last year, i was proud of mta the fire department was obtaining and they went ahead and acknowledged the agreement i don't know if that would have happened before i've had a lot of discussions with the fire department for some reason the fire department has its own interpretation of the fire code and makes a decision g
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about what the city can and can't do under the state law even if the city attorney has a different view so for example, something called the appendix fee to the fire code this idea instead of 24 clear a 26 clear he o 13 foot lanes appendix fee does not apply in san francisco the city attorney says it didn't apply but the fire department keeps trying to apply it i passed ann an agreement amendment to a fire code with a bulb out and the fire department took the position to violated state law they don't have to follow it has the mta
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encountered those types of situations with the interpretation of the state law. >> i'm not familiar with maybe yet with the debate over appendix b i'll have to familiarize might have with it the issues with the fire department their concerns are real we need to acknowledge they're also cross examining on coming from a point of view the way i approach any sign progress to say the first one to keep everyone safe and to save lives i think that the way in which that is going to play out is going to be different for every project i don't have a specific examples to sort of counter what you're
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saying by one of the things i'm committed to doing is working closely with the fire department of going out into the field with the apparatus not the regulatory and the appendix can the state law says by the way, how the fire department realties to keeping everyone save if the abdomen strange versus realty is different. >> fire safety is important your fire department is one of the best departments in the country they don't a spectacular job in putting out fires we've made progress with the fire department there's been a collaborative process both they're continuing challenges and i won other question this
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came up on if you went i think that was the finance committee a couple of months ago a vision zero update i made a point it's not in this presentation a breakdown of the investment of the supervisorial district and i'll previous face this by saying i'm not a believer of taking the policy for example, to create surely we should be receiving a disproportionate amount of funds because they are having problems but at the time the breakdown was extreme i think we received something like one or two percent of the funds and district 4 was lower and other districts in terms of the viewers on the level of south of
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market or the tenderloin or chinatown they're serious challenges in those areas so i don't think we've gotten updates since then but i'm concerned about the extreme nature of that. >> this is something we can certainly come back maybe two points are we tabbed looking at the whole range of risks not only concern risks there are some very unsafe streets we've lost vehicles in crashes i think we can expect to see the focus of vision zero truly shift going forward with the priorities and the other thing if many cases the solution for street lights on alderman may not be of things
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about are expensive but rather clever work with signal timing and we'll certainly come back with the information to keep it separate. >> i agree the numbers that extreme so it caught my eye of my office can get an update for the new year about that particular issue. >> thank you. >> i'll go to my last slide this is the delivery message ta paper went on to talk about 5 buckets of issues that might be challenges those r were meant to look at the areas we're looking
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forward in the areas of funding we've talked about the strategies that mta or ta is exploring and improving the funding between mta and ta staff and, of course, the coming online of the prop a money next year will be a terrific solution to some of the funding issues and the coordination we've talked about the formal and inform o formal ways the agencies are taking steps to work together with mta as well we're making sure that as we make progress on our other initiative moving forward we're making sure we're luke all scoping projects as i said we're trying to raise our game how we deal with the public this might possess a
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change back the board of supervisors it is fantastic you made a strong early commitment to vision zero we're looking forward to working with you to make sure that you know that we're putting forward projects that you can support and we have to make difficult choices in community and finally the environmental review that is an important issue in san francisco but i think sequa remove will go help to streamline that and take the pain out of the process that's my overview of the progress delivery it is a work in progress i want to i'm going to turn it over to tim to the visionary level. >> we have one question from supervisor mar. >> just this one might be to this gentleman we follow new york and other cities he lead
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walk sf kickoff finding saying 3 people are hit in san francisco a day but what does the data show how did he do at the end of this year and is a lot of our efforts working from that short amount of time we've been it from 2013-2014 and i thank people for kifk this mta as come aboard it is a contingent driven process. >> we don't have official statistics up to date mayor ed lee is not here yesterday we were at 17 district fatalities
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and this year that put us to have a safer 2013 than 2018 but last year, we had a spike at the end of the year and hopefully, we'll have fire fatalities than last year. >> as soon as we received the day there's on challenges with the data receiving and we met with the state department and their awe cul-de-sack aware of the challenges and the stating program is the california highway patrol can take up to 18 months to get the data a so in 2007 and 8 and 9 they had to cut back the staff and now there's a continued effort to restaff up
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the data collection team so we don't have to have the 18 month backlog and get the realtime data if this project effect the change and how it is fiscal there is work for us to do to improve the timeline between the situation that happened in the data collected with the analysis back but that's one of our goals to work on. >> okay. okay next item. >> so commissioners i'm going to talk about the two year action strategy and moving forward we had a fairly robust city structure we are amiss we didn't get a chance to talk about the new york thing but one of the things that was really brought back to us how impressed
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new york city is with the claufks of vision zero it is much more of a grassroots effort and interagency coordination this city structure we have has been focus active and there's a lot of moving parts we're sometimes juggling this structure but what is has done it has give us focus one of the key areas in pare symcertain staff to be the policy lead and the engineering and education and evaluation lead to do a deep dive on the practices but how to get the board moving supervisor mar does it go through though u how do we get to vision zero we have working groups that are
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supporting us one is the communications group and the funding groups that are working to tried try to fund the rested of the promotions we have a focus on the 2018 but the vision zero programs the policy programs is much broader we're looking at the capital programs which ones are product safety and don't have an objective safety how can we add that to combine those efforts on the messaging and the communication piece as well we have the public information that is listed with the departments working for a unified message and john white has been working on that pledge grant that's been the impetus we've had to broaden the coalition one thing we're proud
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of with that task force we have groups coming out how do they participate this highlight will give everyone a chance to participate and work together to achieve that goal we believe that goal is ambitious but achievable so the two year access strategy is a set of actions that each the sub groups barriers about come back and show that our quarterly updates progress they cover the e and p and have significant objectives that tied here's an example we've listed that identified the lead agencies so there's a clear owner the action and the supporting agency and the we're
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going to hold ourself accountable on the engineering side to the examples in the two action strategies we want to cover 26 miles of the corridors the reason you divide the one hundred and 25 miles over a 10 year period it is roughly - we're going to look at specific pilots and to counter measures that have not proven san francisco we're going to apply those as pilots and test them to see how effective they are we want to make sure we work and implement universally the beneficial treatments citywide the examples are daylight remove a parking spot or reduce the parking distance from the
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intersection so the pedestrians are more visible and improving our intersections more visible so those are accomplish we're looking at as a combined city effort on the enforcement side i apologize commander lee is not here i want to call out and thank the police department who helped us with the strategies of enforcement the chief eave commander has been diligent in working through the programs we can accomplish looking at block by block and the ways of the citations and data is collected analysis the data i think we're going to see a lot more progress and strong commitment to work
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with the police department to get the data we'll see some very good progress made on the education accident john mentioned the citywide education strategy we started with the sf pledge and have the larger vehicle i want to the thank paul from the ecology team that focused on helping us there's much more work to do but we can break ground quickly by disseminate nationally it to groups and trying to figure out how to institutionalize vision zero and the funding it is difficult to fund those programs there is a mechanism but the applicable accomplishment we've seen working with the traffic
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and safety a strong commitment to figure out a strategy we'll be exploring that in the next year an evaluation monitoring that is to answer the questions how effective are the policies we've been fortunate that we've moved some done bureaucratic things how to fund a position with the mta and public health we've worked with public health department on the work order to help with the team do the data analyzed when we have collisions we're going to be working with the police department to get revolved that the analysis when they have the collisions that data some should be more readily available and working with the state departments to bring the information to our hands more readilyly and available
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we're going to be institutional listing the analysis that shows the liquor it that will support the injury protection in vision zero program lastly on policy this is an area we're going to need a lot of help and support from our policymakers that board is instructional this is and vance technology and pieces of enforcement that currently are not available in california for many reasons but we found bar anything we do on vision zero the world's best practices open safety enforcement we need our support to help us move that on the stating level for the officials we need to get the governor to sign it
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