tv [untitled] December 14, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PST
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educator at lir restrict for informational recreational center thank you for allowing me to speak so lyric is one the very few organizations that teaches both stuff about they're past and their history their community we give them the opportunity to love themselves and learn more about themselves and thanks to all of you and all the teachers that have taught economic studies in the city hall's we're changing the teacher people say the youth are the future and san francisco is one of the most diverse cities in the world and ethnic studies advances the leadership within our community and making changes all over the world and bettering everyone's
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lives i remember being in high school and learning history was not the best but as you've heard from many people ethnic studies is not only a class but a lifestyle a balances placing where they can learn and love themselves and be who they are thank you (clapping.) >> hi good evening. i'm kevin i'm here representing the solidarity organizing project for youth and children i want to say i'm excited that we are here this evening to support in resolution to bring ethnic studies so all the districts a lot of the places in the country they're trying to remove it and deny people the rights of their history i want to commend the
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board and i know oourpg to doing the right thing and listen to the voices of the teachers and parents and support in the only additional thing i'll ask you to go beyond supporting this resolution but become champions and make sure this implementation actually takes place. (clapping.) your leadership it vital not only that ethnic studies is here and ethnic studies is a safe lives so please, be our champions and push that message talk to our colleagues because everyone needs ethnic studies (clapping.) >> hi guys. >> hi, i'm josh this is fantastic i went to high school in the i
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sort of think of it is a anti bell ultimatum south you wear a class ring at school you can imagine i learned that history was the creature of a bunch of white men so i get to college and i'm blown away by the entire rest of the world hi so you know not everyone important looked like me it took a shock but i mostly have gotten over it san francisco is a diversifies and making that a core part of the curriculum is fantastic we need to take that as part of the history requirement not the locomotive
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requirement thank you. >> ms. solomon. >> thank you very much susan executive vice president i don't feel like a have to speak on behalf of the sfusd must be members but thank the students and teachers for their presentation when i was teaching kindergarten i have those reading to my students about the martin luther king and the story of the including including clan not one person in that room that the urgent care concluding kathleen what would not have hated everyone was a immigrant or not kirsten i'm not advocating for that model of studies let's all get together
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to find out who the urgent care concluding kathleen hates but it speaks to the great and broad diversity of this curriculum that impasses our diversity so thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> hi we have the card like 8 names on that i'm here only on behalf of the san francisco state university the ethnic studies we are in solidarity with all the students and teachers we i want to say that not only impacts the sfusd but all the people in this room are the next social scientists and lawyers and teachers and all united states young people that have the opportunity to take the curriculum will, directly on the
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front of change our country so we show our solidarity and we'll see you all at the graduation level thank you, thank you very much (clapping.) so public comment is now closed i believe we have a brief staff presentation on this item deputy superintendant. >> to commissioners, i wanted to share a preliminary study with early findings that will be relevant tonight i'm sure you're aware of we have a strong partnership are sfoovrd they looked at a limited study to look at it co-inherits of a couple of students at our high schools given the cat i do not of the limited study want to share. >> excuse me. one second
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excuse me. please deputy superintendent now has the floor thank you very much. >> wanted to share initial key finding for students that have been participating in ethnic studies happy to rorp report those are pro tem early report i'll name a few things this is an urban published study we look forward to continue to look and quantify first degree the impact you've heard steroids first one is we're noting an increased student structural time in terms of students mr. sharp showing reduced unexecuted absence and also remark the students taking ethnic studies in this at risk group restraining order showing increased final group gpa
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outside of ethnic studies and number 3 related to that the gpa increase is occurring for boys math and science so those are encouraging early findings those are under the caveat those initial findings do make recommendations around the expansions of the carefully designed manner with m much thought to a scaled out credential implementation that supports high fidelity and careful expansion will 0 support a broad evaluation to support course improvement. >> your course evaluation. >> does that conclude the staff report thank you very much a comment from commissioners
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commissioner maufas. >> thank you, president fewer so let me first first and foremost. >> i believe she gave a curriculum report at the last meeting so commissioner maufas please continue. >> we sent it forward with a positive recommendation from the curriculum committee so first and foremost again let me acknowledge all of you in the room excuse me. all of you in the room this is your meeting i'm grateful to see you here and supporting the stuff we believe in this is how we make that shift towards our culture and this us how you move a bureaucracy that has been set in pits way of insdring by showing
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up and speaking our own truth and it's indelible and when you here it, the people in power has to take action and fortunately the people are reflective of what with you look like which i'm vertebrae grateful to be part ever that and my last meeting is so fitting this is envied last meeting i get to say that as well so for timing and life circumstances that is a beautiful moment for me, i want to acknowledge you out in the room and the lobby thank you for your patience and desire to get here and support those who are speaking their truth and the educators in the room and it's been a long journey i know, i know and i'm grateful you came forward and again talking about the education you provide our
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students i absolutely building that ethnic studies is a game-changer in helping us to start to love ourselves helping to love themselves because their so much they are became barred about how to hate themselves i'm so not valued in this society i'm obviously less than i'm not in the books people reflecting of me are slaveries and low laborers only doing work to make a better society for son-in-law that's what i grew up learning and gratefully teachers who are
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allies i'll be clear helped me see a different part of me and valued me in. >> different way i'm grateful they came through that they lives journey and let me know that those books don't reflect me in the hoisted contribution we'll wyoming we've made they helped to bring that afford they didn't look like me they helped to acknowledge there is so much power in the family that i live if in i come from a family of strong generation of women who have stood the test of time and come through a whole bunch of issues that are put upon us in all kinds of ways that really make up us want to give up and
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die we have not i here i'm an example of not singularly up and dying i'm grateful that ethnic studies it would be of the venues that our students and you all can participate in and go tell our fellow brothers and sisters of color and not have color how proud you are to exist in this world and the contribution our first names are made to the global world we live in and it is a different way to walk down the street it's a different attitude and it's one of pride and it is i could be a thug but i'm a proud tug because my
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history says i'm proud to hebrew here i represent the legacy of who my people are in participating with who you're people are and i'm open to understanding who our people are because of the ethnic studies who have taught me who any people have been that's mind blowing the more i learn about myself and the history the more open i am to learning about you and your history and how we collectively contribute to the wholeness of who we can be going forward and our children that's what is so power here president fewer i appreciate you carrying this forward some days we have to go a little bit fanatical to move
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the needle thank you, president fewer going a little bit fanatical about ethnic studies to be able to move the needle and not letting go that's what is so awesome you get tired and worn down from the nos i'm so tired of being in a room off nos thank you for fighting that battle of no to get to day and this room i will for certain be saying yes to ethnic studies (clapping.) >> commissioner, i want to say no with me commissioner norton. >> yeah. i have a couple of questions
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one question he wanted it is related to the budget memo deputy superintendent lee about the shared district costs of the teachers of the .2s at every school that will can you clarify is that each - the sites are paying you half hour the costs. >> i know if bill sanderson is here or from the curriculum construction distribution. >> my question is really about how is that cost shared and whether you have had any
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conversations with the small high schools like jordan and other schools that don't have a pilot for the big ones it's not a huge expense they can absorb that but for the small ones any planning how they're to incorporate a new course. >> thank you, commissioners just to point out that's a .2 share in the pilot one of the good things about the pilot we've seen it is done in a small school like i s a has been one of the pilots and large schools like washington and balboa and all of them but there are not specific conversations how they will fund it we won't have those specific conversations until the budget cycle states up in the
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spring but we had a school startup that year without the support of funding they actually started on their own the academy of arts and sciences and it's good obviously the preliminary finding that the superintendent gerrero are exciting and clear from the testimony we got students like the course and are engaged by the course i got it i heard that so i guess 9 only question i have is that i want this to be my sort account how the commissioners are feeling we're going to support this tonight and happily i think this is my sense but i want to be sure it is something extra not new not
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present the board did this so i can't have that like taking something away but adding to the portfolio i'm wondering as the prelims go move forward we can pay attention and even because this is a new it's not a new thing for us but a new expansion and 0 so i really want to be sure we do thought of fully and in a way that people are excited and feel good about that as opposed to taking something away because i think what i got totally tonight from the testimonies this is a very exciting thing we should be happy and excited about a different way of looking our history and so i'm concerned that sometimes when we do things
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centrally the message gets lost i'll be supporting this proposal tonight (clapping.) and i wanted to particularly thank the speakers for how you characters that is important about this course and this year was a lot of discussion about inclusive in-laws particularly the speaker that mentioned this is about ethnic groups and people are disabilities and all sorts of marginalized groups in our society i appreciated that and wanted to say that's the right message and finally, i wanted to ask the superintendent can you because there's been a question i know we've had a lot of support if sf state in
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putting on the pilots can you clarify for us what our rule going forward it going to be aligning this out to the common core. >> thank you commissioner norton we're grateful i think you've heard that this curriculum really is grounded from teachers so teachers have worked collaboratively with san francisco state by the curriculum will be san francisco unified school district's cripple and we're bringing that in house that will align to all the common standards and our sfusd standards and we will adhere to all educational codes with the curriculum we're excited about that.
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>> commissioner wynns. >> thank you superintendent for that clarification it is what it should be i'm pleased to hear about that i want to thank everyone for being here he reiterate what commissioner norton said about the discussion about everybody all of the groups and the characteristics which people are part of and identify with its so important that is what san francisco is about i am thinking this is what america is about and more in the fire chief than the past i'm so i know i am definitely in support of this this is such not only important but could - will have a profound effect on our
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school district but we are proposing something sweeping it should be but our responsibility to make sure we monitor the completion we've had comments about making sure that we actually do the things we say we're going to do we making a commitment to do things are enormously complex and difficult it is not enough to pass this we've done this many times we're to need a level of information sharing and us pay attention but particularly the staff giving us information about the things so we will know how schools are coping with the costs and the ability to train the teachers and get the entertains and do all the things that that policy
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makes clear we are committed to. but we know it is complex and hard to do i think we would be leaving our community with the wrong impression if we do make clear we're going to need everyone to be with us and we're going to pay attention to really be involved in the appropriate way as policymakers we make sure we know the complex challenges and be willing to face them honestly there's depending on when and how we get to the issue of making this a graduation requirement i do want to say i am really re interested in having us begin immediately to work more diligently on making
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in a requirement for the university of california. >> yeah. (clapping.) we know we've heard from principles and other administrator staff we're going to have a challenge if we say to everybody we require you to take a certain elective and that limits our opportunities to take other electives that depends on money and other things bus really until we have a history curriculum that is about the people in the united states of america and our community we won't be there this is a step along the way i want us to started working on that right away and your history should not be an elective but history i'm gladly to support that this is only the beginning we have a lot
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of challenges ahead of us thank you thank you very much. >> (clapping). >> thank you i'd like to first thank the supporters of ethnic studies i'll definitely vote yes (clapping) and i wish i had this curriculum at my school because out of oil the feedback like all the supporters had today, i just want to thank you and i'll vote yes (clapping.) thank you commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell. >> thank you i want to thank president fewer and the teachers who helped to put this together those are the times i'm proud to be in sfusd growing up as a military brat we were separated by in case not
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recognizing and understanding the value and value it i'm one hundred percent filipino any kids are filipino and importantly run and my husband african-american so if i'll not living with cultural i'm a proud graduate of washington high school i'm glad to support in 0 tonight when we were looking for a school for kid we looked at schools that had asian programs that was the close is it thing to get our convicts kids to understand a portion of what who in her and i remember visiting a university and the way teachers embraced our teachers and
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remember walking into a kindergarten class seeing a march where the teachers and families were encouraged to join and we exclude that was the scald for us a school of openness and respect that i think all of us need to have and embrace especially during the difficult times in america if ethnic studies were part of the curriculum from you know the 1960s when we were supposed to be honoring civil rights a lot of what we are faced with today would not be going on the way it is the perpetuate stereotypes the place we can and can't go in 2014 is sad and as a mother of
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two children of color, you know who if you know my children and many of you do you can't pinpoint who they are and they look incredibly mixed no so many ways i'm proud of that i'm really, really proud of that and what they brick to the table that is part of what ethnic studies will change in our communities that that will start to point out the importance of who we are and who rerepresent you know we're going to have difficult discussions in the very near future we're having them now but ethnic studies present us with not only how we got here and the challenges with our many of our people had to endure but i want to be able to
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say one of the students said this this is not about promoting hate but pinning one against the other or this is who did what to me and why i'm anger this is about appreciation this about loving who we are and come from and what history and heritage means to so many of us when i was growing up my 3 sisters were born and raised in the feigns and as soon as hit ground couldn't keep their own tongue not allowed to speak their language they lost it quickly my brother and i never got to learn our language that is when i see any parents any mom i
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