tv [untitled] December 15, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PST
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provide that dph as oversight authority today, yes. we could work that up for thursday. >> okay. >> if you wanted to add in penalties as i mentioned, that would require probably follow-up legislation. >> i wanted to be deferential for the author, because it's something that just came up for me. i would like to propose the amendment to provide dph would be the enforcement mechanism for this legislation and i would like to work on a penalty phase and i would defer to the author to state this in committee or to pass it to the full board. >> we would be more than willing to work with you. we're not in any rush to pass this ordinance at the board and add many in some things that are more amenable to the full board. >> to make the amendment
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today, the non-substantive amendment today and work on the penalty phase. so the motion is an amendment to provide the department of public health will oversee this ordinance. and can we make that amendment without objection? okay. that will be the order [ gavel ] . and can i have a motion to forward item 5 to the full board with positive recommendations? >> so moved. >> without objection, that motion is adopted. [ gavel ] . >> thank you. >> madame clerk, is there any additional business before the committee? >> there is no further business. >> than we are adjourned. [ feha [ gavel ]
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and everyone else in attendance and john stockhouse and jessie larsen that make the meetings available on line and the transcripts. let's take roll call please. >> i will note for the record that director lee will not be present. with that director nuru. >> present. >> director reiskin. >> here. >> director sartipi might be late too. director kim. >> here. >> you have a quorum. >> is there any old business today. seeing none. we can move to the director's report. >> happy holidays. i received some good news. we got a review of the train box grant of what they do annually on how we're doing with the report and it's a good report. i can share it
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with the board if they would like to see it. there are a number of best practices they will recommend and the recent survey we commissioned to have a better survey in the construction market, the mitigation measures in place including accelerating the payment cycle and having the [inaudible] in place and having us do outreach to smaller contractors. in addition we were commended for our job's net and employed over 8,000 people in 19 states across the u.s. and i really love that map so i am glad we put that together. we were thanked for tracking the bi-america alliance and they were -- (low audio) -- and how we track issues and resolve issues. additionally they found that the train box to be in
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compliance with the award management requirements. we have all relevant documents in place, everything that has been request of us has been submitted in a timely fashion and free of all errors, no errors whatsoever and we have met the financial obligations. as always we never had any findings in any audit. it's always been a clean audit and you will hear about that later so it's a very good report. now i would like to have steve rule give the construction update. >> good morning directors. steve rule with turner construction providing construction management oversights ises. it's been a good month. we got rain this month including today so that slowed some things down but not terribly. they're dealing with it well and since we got the slap down in november we're out
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of the mud so that helps a lot when the weather hits so we add a couple of things to the overall schedule. i added this milestone points which we can review the description and milestones on the next sheet and we will keep these updated. for example, the critical ones are the -- the most current or soonest critical ones are the lower concrete slabs and walls and 61% complete right now and on track next quarter to complete all of those. that's the third lift wall and the lore concourse. steel completion is one of the milestones and we will track these and if they change we will keep track of the prior one. it was suggested by a member of the aca group to have a percent complete against each milestone and how it affects the overall path and we
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will work on that as well. this is a contingency slide and the couple minor change orders but the major issues were the opinions approved last month. no major changes besides that in those. the safety report, we were finally able to obtain the federal and state bureau of labor statistics for 2013. you can see that we were below those and total hours going forward and incidents. there were no incidents -- no recordable incidents or loss time incidents at all on the project this last period which is great. we're over a million and a quarter -- 1.2 75 craft towers increase of 34 as you can see there so great productivity. that equates to 150, 160 folks on site consistently everyday. the key
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highlights of the last month in the western zone they're finished that the lower concourse and getting ready for the third lift walls and poring interior walls that are concrete. the center section it's about rail construction and eastern it's prepping for the concourse work and finishing the walls and we will show pictures that describe that. on the bus ramp we had great progress there with the completion of the piles for the bridge and continue to work with on chd piles and they were able to get it done before the storm which is great. originally it was placed today and that was a good success there. just the overall progress that we discuss every month. you can see the lore concourse and success area and 61% complete. that's the important area to have steel
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and that and the third lift walls. some of the pictures for this month down on the western end as i said that shot in the upper left hand corner shows you the train box level without the form work anymore in the lower concourse. that is down at the southwest end where the future rails would come in. up on the lower concourse they're working on the rebar, the waterproofing and the form lift for the walls and as i said working on interior walls being formed rooms and everything that are on the lower concourse. steel erection is happening in the central area. in fact if it wasn't for the weather they would have been taking down the struggle for erection. they completed the first full bay of steel and plumping it up so they can start the final welding and those are some of the shots. you can see that shot on the left someone on the team decided
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to get artistic with the reflection of the building but basically shows the ground level node with the pipe columns up to the bus deck level. the picture on the next slide here actually shows if you look on the upper right hand picture that's allly the park level so that's your beam. those are the pipe columns up from the bus, from the cast node to the park level to the bus level so if you look at the proscwekt that's the finished height plus the park on top and that material but now you have a full bay completed of that steel and in the eastern form it's rebracing, lower concourse work, lift of walls. we placed the lower concourse pour into the eastern zone this month. as far as structural steel fabrication these pictures just give you a sample of what
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is still being fabricated. these columns are are made up here in vallejo. the group had success with the group in vahey low which is a small business and gave them more work so things are going well for the local workers as well as around the country as the executive director pointed out. the kaftd node -- the key is 209 have been delivered for use. there are other statistics about the number that relate to the like columns completion and the structural completion but everything is tracking to the end of the first quarter, second quarter completion of foundry work and the bug stops and the progress is the demolition in preparation for the tiles, the completion of the chid piles and the pylon number 9 that we call it or the piloin for the cable
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state bridge that there and in the up erright is the lowering of the reinforcing of the steel cage into the second pile goes down over i think it's over 200 feet with the sections of reinforcing and on the left is drilling the standard pile. coming up it continues to be the same work on the horizon that we have been seeing, more steel erection, continue to work on the foundation walls, lower concourse in the eastern zone, off site continue the steel fabrication, and now we're interjecting the mep and f -- mechanical electric, plumbing and fire protection and they're on board and those meetings are happening so the installation, roughing can follow appropriately as they prepare the deblgs for concrete after the steel erection. as far as the labor break down the
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percentages are staying fairly close. san francisco still appears to be contributing 18% of the overall labor as well as the surrounding counties. these are the apprentice hours break down in the same geographic way and they're holding steady similar percentages and we're just over 2200 individual workers, craft workers that have hit the project on the transit center side of the project since the beginning. i am happy to answer any questions. >> director harper. >> yes, sir. steve, now it looks like we might have a normal winter. what's the need for coordination between the subs and trade when is you have weather like this? and some trades can't work, some subs can't work. other subs expect to be working and depending on it. do you have a coordination thing where you have to tell us who is coming in when? >> well the cmgc has
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coordination meetings focusing on steel and the train box work. the biggest issue right now is probably the weather hampers most steel erectors and not just the rain but the wind so today's particular storm i believe -- i'm almost certain the steel operation -- i didn't see activity this morning and i don't think they plan on anything today because of the wind primarily. they told off on erection of new steel when it's wet obviously for safety reasons and slippery but they can do a lot of the work once the steel is in place and plumbing up. they had 20 guys there yesterday and the weather was turning. it does take plans for the shipments of steel and supplies from oregon because we don't have storage on site but there are meetings where it's discussed. water control -- basically we have a bathtub so
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what is paramount and they're working on that and pumping the water out and keeping the location safe are the bigger conditions that we have to worry about. >> and i didn't know if you have a google chat thing and the subs come in and this is what we think -- >> just regular meetings almost daily on those issues and extra safety huddles too to keep everyone safe with the weather. >> okay. any other questions. thank you very much. >> thank you. and we will have the financial reports presented now. >> good morning members of the boompltd i am here to present the quarterly financial reports. there are five in the package and i will give a summary of reach report. the first is the budget actual report and compares to actual expenses and ended in september of the fiscal year tjpa was within budget and
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incurring 14% of the expenditures. on the operation said we spent [inaudible] budget expenses. the next is the contract status report and presents amount authorized for jpa contracts and presents sbe and other activity in the program and highlights contractors exceeding their goals in the contracts and through 2014 they have distributed the amount listed over the life of the program and provides a snapshot of [inaudible] activity that will continue into next year. the third report is the investment report and we modified the presentation for this report this quarter to include the the percentage of portfolio for each investment type and the weighted average maturity by investment type. we had a portion that matureed in november and a portion was transferred to the money market fund to pay for
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construction cost and balance reinvested. the next report is the work to date report and capital expenditures and revenues since the beginning of the report. the next program is the program reserve and contingency reserve and this shows draws on various contingencies and program reserves and based on awards and change orders and the information in this report is also in the monthly construction update that you just received and finally i wanted to give an update on the bridge financing you approved last month. the week later the commission approved the necessary resolution and on tuesday the board of supervisors approved the city legislation necessary to move the financing forward. the oversight board will consider the item tomorrow and things are on track for early january close and that concludes my report. i am available for any questions.
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>> seeing no questions. thank you. >> thank you. >> great. and now directors it gives me pleasure to spruce the next item which say presentation of the retail opportunities of the transit center. we presented this to the advisory committee this week and well received and we have fred clark here to present and everyone knows fred and i will introduce the presenters. asa and young and karen mc share and the senior vice president and nick who is the managing director of the san francisco office and have 60 years combined experience in this area. i wanted to give a little context. grand central terminal -- we often say this is that on the west coast and has 135,000 square feet and i think we're all before to new york. the transit center in phase one will
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have 110,000 square feet and in phase two about 60,000 square feet so total when the station is fully built out it will have more square feet than grand street terminal. just a context of that our opportunities affords. now we spent quite a few years looking at this program and working with fred and the experts and the goal is two fold. one, to have a vibrant, active and safe center when it opens with retail and food courts and restaurants that reflect and represent the diversity of the bay area and second to generate revenues for the maintenance and operations of the transit center so those are the things we have had in mind as we put together the program for the retail and a combination of a master leaser's management team we are looking for to have the majority of the retail in place when the
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station opens at the end of 2017 we're looking to issue a rfq pretty soon, this month so we have time to execute the agreement and have them start bridging people in, so without further adieu i would introduce fred who will begin the presentation. >> i am fred clark. i'm the senior design principal at pele clark, the architects for the transit center. this is going to be a fun presentation because the retail is perhaps one of the most exciting components of the whole project. i think fair to say it's hard to remember this is a full fledged mix urban development which happens to contain a significant transit center but the contribution that this building is making to the city of san francisco and
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building an entirely new neighborhood in san francisco is very deep and historic, and retail, particularly as it brings life to this neighborhood is a critical part of that contribution to the city. i'm going to speak stot first bullet point. karen will speak to the next three points and at the end i think you will see we put together quite a wonderful package of retail opportunities and this is going to be one of the most significant i think contributions to the building itself. this is an animation that we have been refining over time, but one of the key issues here as you see the stimulation of growth in this part of san francisco, and much of this is already begun. the buildings that are going in right now are retail, housing, office buildings, and of course at the heart of that is the transit center and its park. now
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you're at the street level. you can see how transparent, safe, secure the building will be. it will compete with grand central station. we will have art, full of light, and then the completely beautifully enclosed by the roger pemrose exterior wall so that is simply to set stage for what you're about to see. i have to say i always -- i can't watch that video too many times. my kids show all of their friends that video and they're much younger than i am so it proves it has resilience. one of the interesting things about doing retail that it needs
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to be fundamentally exciting. people need to be attracted to a place and if you think about one's own shopping habits inevitably you're looking for the place that other people want to go. it's visible. it's perm able, transparent and must be exciting. we did prints of many of the images that you see because i think a small video screen doesn't do justice to the light filled quality the building will bring. the section through the assembling a good way to see the drkz distribution of retail. >> >> as mentioned phase one is 110,000 square feet and comprised of 40,000 square feet at the street level, 60,000 square feet in the park above that and the lower concourse in the phase two configuration will have 60,000 square feet so the
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entire building exceeds some of our competition. i should say the ferry building as an example is 65,000 square feet so our phase one is nearly twice that size as it is today. the street level -- and i apologize for the words that are blanking out, some of the most important aspects of this slide, but the street level design idea is really to bring retail forward. this is a very big building, big structural elements competing for visibility. the point was to make retail very much a part of the visibility of the building. you can see on the right-hand side of the slide there is a bay window which we call a retail pop out. it frames the retail. it brings the front door out to the street level. it's a perfect opportunity for very powerful signage and that particular attitude of the pop out is used throughout the entire street level retail. that is natoma
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street and this is natoma street also. you can see that the corners are column free, glassy, transparent. it's important for retail for the customer to see inside the stores, be drawn into the stores and in this case you see the activity on the second level above. this is the west end of the building in the evening. it's exciting, safe, glowing environment. this is a critical place in the building because this is also a connection back to second street and connecting eventually even to the moscone convention center so this is a really important design urban characteristic both for retail and the building. this is a very important place. this is shaw alley. if you haven't done it already i invite you to walk shaw alley if you can, brave the weather, because you can see the structure, the basket columns start to be
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visible. it's incredibly exciting and you can imagine ending shaw alley with a beautiful retail cluster is the perfect way to we've the streets together and into the fabric of the city. >> >> inside the grand hall -- the grand hall total is about 16,000 square feet. over half of it, 8,000 square feet is available for some very, very intense retail activities. the west end of the grand hall which is this slide we're currently showing it as an opportunity for food and beverage but in truth it could be many things, a creative retailer, a secretive tenant will see this as a. >> >> extraordinary opportunity. it's at street level and surrounded by 35,000 office workers, 7,000 residents. you can imagine in the evenings this could be a hub of activity. in the lower concourse level in
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phase two -- again you're in the 60,000 square feet of retail. there is a central court designed and it brings the structure and the light column down to the lower concourse so you can see up to the sky. you can see the activity at the street level and you feel a close connection to the street level. in the park itself there are literally dozens of opportunities. on the far west end is the amphitheater and can hold as many as a thousand people and you can see it has a stage. it can be movies. it can be concerts. it can be wine festivals and anything you can imagine and events could be held there in the evening for moscone to supplement their opportunities there. the central focus of retail at the park is the restaurant. the restaurant is
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10,000 square feet. >> >> and sit up to 400 people. at the terrance level you're 15 feet above the park which means you're literally 90 feet in the air and we tested this. you can get a glimpse of the bay from that level so it's going to be an extraordinarily exciting place. at the center of the park is a 1200 square foot cafe. it's being conceived as a contemporary gazebo and glass and light filled and attractive. it can serve coffee during the day and drinks in the evening. like the park it's available up to 20 hours a day and supplement the way the park and the central activities operate. it's on access of the bridge with the sales sales force tower. here is the overview at night and as you know one of the key ideas
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behind the design from the beginning is that the park is essentially the facade of the building and in the evening it's not just the fifth facade but the flowing heart, the beating heart of the new transit center. >> and now karen will present the next part. >> good morning and thank you board of directors. i am karen mc shay with aifis and young and i'm going to talk about the manufacturin -- merchandising and the process for the rfq and the rfp we hope to issue in the coming days and thank you fred. as fred can never watch the video enough i can never listen to fred's presentation about the architecture and the retail concept enough. i am very excited to be in
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