tv [untitled] December 15, 2014 6:30am-7:01am PST
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support a family the wal-martism they call it we need the kind of programs to quiet e create union basis kind of jobs that's what you get when you build a new energy system in the city so the things that drive advocates through clean power sf is getting worse we can't afford another year of delay because things are much worse and no reason for the delay all the questions we've raised as qualifications or uncertainties or whatever will the proposal have been addressed there were never barriers in the first place but now addressed by the last could report so we'll e really he expect the commission
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as a whole to represent the citizens in our region not the mayor or pg&e they're not the ones that you know the constituency your supported to represent we don't see any reason not to move forward. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> is jess arching man. >> good afternoon commissioner president caen and commissioners up thank you for the opportunity we're pleased with the annex report and at least to consider what the options are it's great to know we don't have to go with the shelf program we can see this program will create jobs and actually help the long term sf puc financially and we would a lot of loving to have the cac
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director kim come back and talk about the new rates and set them to go forward i want to give you a status report around the bay area napa has joint joined the clean energy and the city testify el cerrito and alameda county that as 1.5 million residents and the san mateo county of board of supervisors is voting to move forward into their community choice program and the city and county of santa clara r seriously looking at this san francisco was the first ever in california to have an ordinance 0 moving forward with community choice we'd like the city to be a leader in climate action and move forward before the rest of the bay area catches up with us and takes us over we
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want to w work with. >> he see kim come back in a year thank you. >> thank you, jason freed. >> hi jason freed executive officer for california last could i want to comment about the report one thing you'll find in the report we took all the comments especially with the puc staff present you'll find a lot of good changes only about the local jobs and what we did they did in the final version when was released yesterday they identified one they used the local and determined if it's local or not you'll see a breakdown of local ordinances and all the jobs blues the jobs
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that are local hires and you'll come up with the final jobs you'll get that one thing i'll caution that might be difficult i know she said she was going to pull the comments in a red line version it is based on board stuff if you look at the red line and see how they changed from the draft to the final version that may be hard to pick out to understand where the changes were but i think i almost want to say may be one comment was not taken but pretty much every comment that the puc staff was incorporated it made it clear to understand we're dealing with technical staff that the puc staff understands but to help drill down it more i
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courage you to look at it a it and quickly to cooperate coordinate the schedules it be did the but the sooner you can get under the circumstances us dates the consultant have experts we want to mayor that every possible field has the expert who worked on it and you can have the expert in the room to answer for your commission and my commission get us two or three dates it would be ideal to help us to coordinate our calendar and make sure we get all the experts into the room and may i ask a question give us a local shakeout of the jobs awnings if memory serves me i haven't memorized but it's online the local hire ordinance jobs i believe was 4 seven
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hundred and the actual number of jobs was a little bit higher they were looking at numbers and fixing up stuff so the numbers get up to 9 thousand if you incorporate all the jobs stating it is more around 46 or 48 hundred we're only talking about the major projects that is not incorporating the jobs that behind the meter work like energy efficiency we wanted them to do that but they came back without having a program moving forward it's not possible to get all the jobs that is big energy solar or wind promotions or geothermal it is not behind the meter this is one other thing i want to mention many hail mentioned they use the system
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similar to remedy and remedy you have to have a license and the consultants didn't have that license when i talked with ted, etc. on he give me the impression they were similar to remedy but the big picture wise you're in the same ball park i offered to the city and county if they want those new numbers i'll incorporate those into the system but we'll go with the consultants with their base numbers. >> can i point out one thing barbara didn't mention the report starts with an option the greener than pg&e and don't have the phased out in the project one of the comments we talk about jobs as the as we 0 roll
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out the second phase where people start investing in the build out when you get the initial prices you're basing it on a price less than pg&e point gets rid of the opt out. >> so if we could get a clear understanding. >> this was just to give you comments. >> yeah. yeah. >> i wasn't planning on going into detail we need to talk with the consultant we have other questions and taken a number and running with it we have a lot you know at the end we have to implement it so that's why we provided that information and i'm thankful that the consultants took it under consideration and we'll be able to tease that out at the meeting with the timeline and the real
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numbers are and all that would be great. >> thank you yes. >> let me get back to my request on the information that is provided to us a red line can be an awkward way to figure out what the issues with and the pros and cons it doesn't do that let me ask that the material that is presented to the commissions both commissions represent appropriate staff work that the issues are crystallized and stated clearly and pros and cons on different sides are presented without requiring accident public to go down go o into the weeds of what is the red line. >> we'll work with lab could staff and clearly states the questions and also clearly state
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the response and provide that for the joint meeting is that okay. >> we have one last speaker. >> (calling names). >> i'm sorry can you address what the mr. kelly said quickly because my concern is what you're asking for is the comments give to us were not like here's a general big question but here's an issue that's written in the report they change what's written in the report there were one or two big picture issues it is we changed what was written in the report because of the comments written in the roster i'll work with staff to best do that. >> thank you. >> hi there commissioners i'm
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tiffany representing the sierra club as well as a citizen and san francisco i wanted to add that i think it's really important that we monitor and look at it neighboring counties win the bay area like merry run county and napa county that are already implemented cca programs such as american royal run county that is in their third year and has invest 50 percent of their revenue to local generations projects and now another counties like alameda are launching the feasibility study into the community choice program that is important as we mar the skews that san
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francisco, california look at the other counties to see this is a reasonable way and clean sf should move forward and the implementation of clean point of interest sf means creating a voice for san franciscans as myself and along without residents in this room not only creating the choice but i believe the most important thing climate change is very real and this is the efficient way to cut back our reliance on fossil fuel and climate distributors i strongly urge you to support clean power sf as an environment and san franciscan thank you. >> thank you any other speakers. >> seeing none, next item,
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please. >> item 8 is annual financial audit report. >> hi good afternoon deputy k f o we bring our final statements for fiscal year 2013-2014 for the 6 year in a row each the 3 enterprises has received an unmodified opinion of the financial statement signifying they're fairly and appropriating present and contain no mixed statements or inadequacy and fiscal year 2013-2014 was also issued earlier in comparison to
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the earlier years as compared to those tables sf puc was the first of the enterprise department in the city and county to issue it's financial statements and we expect to continue to receive the award from financial offices from excellence in financial reporting at this time, i'd like toenter introduce nancy to present the audit information and afterwards we'll answer any questions. >> thank you. >> good afternoon as francis said i'm the audit partner from k n e g i'm here to present the audit results but first, i wanted to spend about an hour since we did the
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presentation to todd and i wanted to throw out to say when the report i'm about to present to you would not be possible without the leadership from todd as well as the leadership and dedication to quality financial reporting that the management present has you know they show a clear leadership and clear sorry dedication to the quality and financial reporting. the court: objection sustained. the report i'm about to present would not be possible without them so our responsibility is to issue opinions on the final statement of the enterprises based on government auditing standards and accepted standards while we may consider internal controls awhile planning our
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audit we don't provide insurance over internal controls, however, under recent defibrillators we would present those to the commission there were no one we have the responsibility to implement our reasonable shawn's to the absolute surveillance there are no miss statements to the financials we did perform tasks over the compliance of rules and regulations and certain provisions of laws and we looked at those more for whether the non-compliance could woody allen have an impact on the financial statements and the work we perform and francie mentioned the report were clean audit opinions so an
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unmodified auditors opinion as well as we do a report on internal controls related to compliance rendered on government standards and no recorded deficiencies or standards of in honor inclines in note to each of the financial statements significant accounting policies that describe the accounting policies by the entrepreneurs and those are consisted with generally accepted industry practices you'll not if our reviewing that there was a rather significant government standards that was adapted there third year was gas 65 it is disclosed to you that in the dollar amounts the impacts it might help if i give you a slide the impacts for each
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of the enterprises is listed hero water had an impact of $32 million plus a wastewater $2 million plus and hetch hetchy 2 hundred and 82 thousands i'll direct to you 0 financials in more detail what that means the audit changes for last year to this year given the regulatory focus and the not only from the federal government but from other government accounting standards the audit material for our audits was changed last year this year, the change was an 82 percent for water 75 for water and 88 for hetch hetchy and 72 for hetch hetchy power what that means is that any adjustments identified with a measure against a smaller
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threshold we had to scope in accounts not audited in the previous years. >> then any differences that we would have had when doing any kind of local procedures we'll have to do a deeper task work if the difference is not within the thresholds again i'll reiterate we had no deficiencies with the lower materiality not identifying anything that causes us concern so financial highlights for water the net position did decrease by $44 million plus this was primarily as you're aware there was capital projects that have cash projects as well as operating revenue went down in 2013, the bosco revenue and 3
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hundred and 56 millions and, of course, no reciprocal in 2015 addresses wastewater that position increased by $33 million and again, the change in cash and investments was a result of capital projects and then the revenue bonds i keep looking at my slides there is going for hetch hetchy water and power then you had a $4.6 million decrease in that position that was primary as a result of the rim fire extraordinary loss so some of the areas we've spent considerable amount of time vociferously a lot of assumptions that management puts together assumptions that could change because of the future events those relate to damage and claims liability and revenue
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recognize balancing little and post employment other than pensions and workers' compensation and those could change in the future so for auditing adjustments no uncorrected and the only corrected misrepresentation was identified as part of the audit and management corrected it in the financial the one that related to a reclassification with regard to accounts receivable p those are the ones that go quickly no disagreements or difficulty with management when conducting the audit not aware of other opinion shopping there were no major discussions with management prior to retention that said if we agreed
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to do things this way they'll hire us none of that and material written communications the only one are the reports i've referenced as well as we have an engagement letter when we are hired as well as at the conclusion of the audit get a representation letter that says they've provided us all the reported and told us all the things to conduct the audit with that, that's my report and if there's questions. >> commissions and you didn't give us many hooks for questions. (laughter) this is yet another year of really very positive audit reports there's no accidents as you've pointed out it's a nice way for todd to go out and he developed with the staff and it
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is an important event thank you all very much >> thank you thank you very much. >> would you like to call for public comment? thank you public comment seeing none, next item >> oh, sorry. >> yeah. eric brooks representing san francisco green party the grassroots organization we're a a i city with the clean alliance my comments obey will be period of time annuity but you neglected to ask for comment on 6 i wanted to talk about todd pr and i think the report i saw is a reflection of what a tight
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ship todd with an ran really well idle machine there have been many times on the clean power sf issue when advocates had the item i read although we're not financial experts to disagree with regard to clean energy but it's important to note we wouldn't be able to talk about clean power sf if it had not been for ed and another gentleman to start getting serious about the board of supervisors to start getting the city agencies and other primary customers of hetch hetchy power to start paying for more power and that was something that no one thought would be done before todd and ed came along to deal with that and all it took was
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them showing the numbers and todd doing his job to show you and we as advocates did join in and make sure and came in support so together the environmental community and the department were saying to the board of supervisors look you've got to give more bond rating for the agency so we can do things like cleanly power sf because todd spearheaded that we're able to get clean sf out of the ground that shows you how the public and community and this department works together i'd like to say the controller's office is getting a very good death penalty daily out of this i wanted to reiterate what a good job todd has done and fundamentally keeping the
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department during the mountain and tunnel crisis having more financial problems than that would have to make sure we're paving the way for a good bond evacuate for a good bond situation without todd i don't know if we would have been there >> eric thank you very much for bringing that to my attendance we have todd i want to thank you for your remarks it's very true indeed. >> let's see i'm now calling for p.m. on number 8 next item, please. >> item 89 everywhere 9 is a sir, system improvement project update. >> good afternoon, commissioners karen director of the source for improvement program can you bring the slides up
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today is the last quarterly update of 2014 see you good in 2015 the addendum b will include an update on our stakeholder engagement. >> so each of each of those have been scoped based on the levels we've established what is pretty amazing that that we have initiated 640 projects as phase won those include 5 of in planning and design 4 in construction and one in award and one that has been plenty of the $2.07 billion that represents phase one we've expended $116 million at the bottom right the status of phase
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one is 4.2 percent it sound like it is low but this is picking up rapidly and in summary of 2015 we'll move a lot of the construction i want to update we're working hard to look at the rates and stormwater fees and to see how it compliments the program we're looking at specifically at the property that are adjacent and contiguous to southeast plant because it is a lot of construction workers that are coming in we use a lot of property for lay down storage and staging we want to make this as smooth as possible for the neighborhood in order to keep things moving as quickly as possible we're looking at delivery hard and have an in house training for
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the institute of america they kingdom at a full day of staff and helped us with the delivery method of what best a routine thing looking at our escalation rates we've established the first 4 years at 4 percent and the next 10 at 5 percent we'll holding that to be the case and keeping it 4 percentage and 5 percent from 20032 we'll reatheist of visitor that as we track our economic preconstruction updates on our first 3 largest projects our facility we've been working hard to bring in the equipment and the processes with an eye on completing the alternative analysis report that's the step that preseeds sequa getting the
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project into environmental review on new years eve we'll have the alternatives analysis delivered to us and next year we'll beginning sequa and our conceptual engineering report i know that the crews alone here 27th of january on the outcome of aa r are we on track and schedule for the project southeast where all the flows are converging we have our grit challenges and draft alternatives and draft report at a previous meeting crow low will be our designer and we'll be wrapping when they come on board we have the improvement project that provides the invent and our back up we'reoo
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