tv [untitled] December 15, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PST
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so with all of the affording housing that is going up in the community right now, including this block and other projects that are not even our projects, we have an average of 63% of all the housing going up in the community right now is affording housing. i think that too deserves a round of applause. [applause] it isn't just about the statistics, it's about what's behind them. so you heard about these partnerships and how important they are, but as someone who lives in the community and works for the community, it's really critical. as i look out, all of you are very committed to the creation, the construction of, the financing for. thank all of you as well. now, i have the privilege of introducing the director of
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ocii, as she says, the artist formerly known as -- ms. bohi managed hunters point shipyard development project, aimed at producing economic growth, affordable housing in san francisco so she's been a great partner for us. her track record of negotiating and implementing complex projects includes mission bay and planning and development affording housing throughout hunters point, western edition, south of market and the recon point south beach area of the city. in 2012 ms. bohi receive add certificate of honor from mayor lee for outstanding service to the community.
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we thank her and i welcome tiffany bohi. [applause] >> thank you so much. appreciate the introduction. it goes without saying we owe thanks to our mayor, mayor ed lee, for his innovation and leadership that carries through to the stewards overseeing this development, our commissioners, our president, we wouldn't be here without their innovation, their leadership and their constant drive to make sure we hit our numbers which matter and deliver for the people of san francisco. we're certainly here today celebrating the ground breaking of pacific point, which is truly an innovative public private partnership in that it will deliver much needed housing for san francisco citizens. ocii is thrilled to partner with am cal. we're glad to be your first project here in san francisco and of course ycd, thank you
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so much shaman, percy and rob for your hard work in delivering these 60 units of affordable housing. just to put a fine point on that, because it does matter, these homes will house families making up to 50% of area median income. for a family of four that means earning about $48,000. they'll be able to access these homes. these new homes are being built on public land so they will be permanently affordable. much, much needed. the residents at pacific point are a part of a larger development here in candlestick. lenar has provided all the funding and that vision stems
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from the mayor. our partner lenar has broken ground on five residential projects, delivering over 280 homes here at the shipyard. , a third of which, right now will be permanently affordable. these residential projects are just the start. once complete there will be over 12,000 housing units and a third of all those will be permanently affordable as below market rate. and as you've heard, these homes are being built for the community, by the community. i want to commend the efforts of lenar, ycd, city built and am cal for showing how it's done. i do want to thank the cac for their lead irship and hard work on this. you've heard before that they never get thanked, the staff on the ground, pam simms, the
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entire shipyard team. [applause] i want to give a shout out to olson lee. he's been involved with the shipyard for decades now. it's important to acknowledge his contributions and we're pleased to be bringing this to you today. now i'm getting to the construction [inaudible]. it's our privilege and we've partnered a great deal on a number of affordable projekts and that's where charmane comes in. of course as you know, community development banking is dedicated to lending and investing in low and moderate income communities. that's all they do. they focus on increasing the
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supply of affordable housing for renters and homeowners, small businesses and providing economic development in stressed and underserved communities. she brings 34 years to real estate with the last 20 years focused on affordable housing and economic development. please join me in welcoming charmane atherton. [applause] >> thank you so much. good morning everyone. this is a great day. a really great day. we have heard about collaboration and partnerships and that is exactly what this requires when you're doing something that's meaningful, that's creating affordable housing for communities.
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now, public private partnerships are important, that's the three ps, but the fourth p, persistence is what really makes the day and there's been a long time coming to get where we are here today. relationships are key and you've heard a lot about that. i'm very proud to say that i think -- i don't know if i did your first deal percy, but i've been doing transactions with am cal since '94, '95 when they began in the affordable housing arena. they're good at what they do. they deliver on the promise and that's the other consistent theme that you hear here today, delivering as promised. [applause]
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without them $20.4 million of construction lending, i think 15, $16 million of tax credit equity in there for the long haul and we're a permanent lender on this one as well so we're on every side of it and we couldn't be more proud and just happy, happy, happy to be here today. and now i'm going to introduce a very important person, the connection to the community and i'll tell you, these things don't happen without that. so i'm going to tell you a little bit about doctor veronica honeycut and the
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hunters point shipyard citizen advisory committee which was established back in 1993 and that was in an effort to increase community participation in advising the agency and city on matters related to this hunters point shipyard redevelopment. the hunters point shipyard citizen advisory committee is a group of san francisco residents and business owners who are selected by the mayor to oversee the redevelopment process. the cac holds monthly community meetings and workshops. they promote principles of environment, economic development and job training. please welcome to the podium, doctor veronica honeycut. [applause]
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>> thank you very much for those kinds remarks and i'm bringing warm real guards to all of you from the members of the citizen's advisory committee. some of the members of this committee have been on the committee for almost 20 years and it is always so good for us to be a part of projects like this, the block 49 project. this is a culmination of all those years of hard work, lobbying people, listening to the community, making sure that the interests of the community were folding into mayor lee and his staff so that everybody could be happy about forward movement with these projects. i am very delighted and i want to make sure this
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gentleman is recognized today. kevin i'd like you and your staff to stand, all those wonderful people who led -- [applause] -- thank you, all of them, who led the block 49 [inaudible]. people from the community came in and talked about this project. they talked about their anxieties, they gave feedback about project and i want to thank you too shaman because you were an instrumental part of that, but what's wonderful about all this, and these people who are standing, and you can sit down now -- these wonderful people listened and folded in the ideas to this project. it wasn't this -- you know, whatever. it was, that's a good idea. let's see how we can incorporate that. i think once this is all
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built out and you see the cull rture ral narrative and artifacts piece to this project, i think you eel be pleased. there's a connection to the community with block 49. i wanted them to be acknowledged and we thank you for that. i'm also here to applaud our always on point, mayor, mayor ed lee. [applause] and the things that mayor lee talked about, the meeting the local hiring goals, that's near and deer to the cac. we like to make sure folks from our community are employed in various capacity on projects in the shipyard. the unemployment rate, the employment rate, that's marvelous. more jobs, we're glad to see that our friends in the community are being hired for these jobs and we are always happy when we see ycd add to their powerful arsenal of skills that they bring to
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this community. most of us rely on ycd in one way or another to make sure our folks are being taken care of. i also want to applaud our wonderful people at ocii and our commissioners. i've always said there's no one quite like the executive director of lenar urban. she's at the forefront of some wonderful activities. and of course our banking partner, we're always happy when they have some money. we're very grateful to you as well. we move forward building out this project, moving the entire shipyard to fruition and i want to thank the community, and you know who you are. nose of you who call me or other members of the cac and
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say look, veronica, this is not going right, thank you. because then we are able to share that information who are responsible for making things better for all of us. i have the distinct pleasure of introducing a marvelous young woman who put together this event, by the way. bridgette is a small business owner and a commissioner who sits on the southeast community [inaudible] here in san francisco. at this time she will acknowledge invited guests. thank you. [applause] >> thank you doctor honeycut. all of the [inaudible] have done a very good job at acknowledging all the people to make this possible, but i would also like to give a special shout out to the ocii exhibitioner. er commissioner. we appreciate all your hard work on this project. also the ocii staff that's
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present. the representatives that may be in the audience, young community developers staff and board members -- can you please stand? [applause] i am personally so very proud of the organization. also am cal representatives and a special shout out to robert baca who this could not have been possible. the mayor's office of housing, bank of america representatives, thank you very much for all the hard work you do. all the lenar representatives. also mike goreman, mr. sanchez and the k hill representative that are here today. the bay view stakeholders at bay view hunters point. without you this could not happen. and last but not least, it is very important that we hire small businesses throughout
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the community. last but not least, what we're going to do now is actually going to ask all the persons to follow bj. bj, come on up. you're going to take your hard hats, you'll proceed to the golden shovel and we'll take our picture. thank you all for coming in. as soon as that's over there is food for you to partake. thank you very much. [music] easier. >> do you know know your greg giving hurts from your wifi you may think that computers are
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kufz but when you know what you need it gets easier. a computer is made up of many different parts and each part as a specific job the k public works u is the brains of the compute. it's where all the work is done. current computers have multiple coarse it means it has multiple k public works ushthss working together as one. it hold all the information in the ram or hard or hard drive. it's the short time working memory for the computer interest it stores information while the computer is on >> the k f u is banning information backyard between the ram and the faster your programs are going to be run.
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if the hard drive can be cared the long-term america and you, store documents and movies >> the internal hard drives allow you to expand the hard drives. once you get on line with your expenditure it rewards or requires wifi and it allows you to connect without wiser the internet you have to have wiersz. the touch pad is how you send messages to the computer. the part of the computer is the o s is the operating systems. there are multiple operating systems available bus the most importantly is making astonish and windows.
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the major dividends can be boiled down to purchase. and making astonish is the programs you'll notice when you go do into the story e store they're more expensive they have you video editing and puc's towards office use and gaming things like that >> all those exponent are what you said into 3 general models the desktop the laptop and the tablet. the desktop is the home computer that you are desktops are good because their lower costs the downside once set up they can't go anywhere >> it's not something you're going to move around the other consideration is the screen side are you can have a larger
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laptop. a laptop is a potential computer and all the exponents are combined in a smaller passage. the laptop you can take to school and it's mobile. >> the laptop can travel with you but you should carefully consider how much travel you're going to do. >> the laptop are heavy they can have higher revolution if you want something small and a light hallway the table is new thank you it's lighter and has longer battery life. >> tablets are powerful but their abilities are more limited than the laptop and their nor
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for the internet or watching videos and laptops over word progressing and typing documents and using spreadsheets things like that. >> to figure out what expenditure is a good fit for you, you need to plan on what you want to do. >> there's a lot of things like e-mail and skype and being on facebook in fact, by you see seniors who are creating websites and doing graft design and having photograph. >> what programs will you be using or are you a casual suffer would you like to take it with you around town. >> it's great typing short e-mails by nothing extensive on a be tabltd.
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>> i need to be able to buy a good all around desk for $400 but if you very specific he needs the cost can go up. you want 2 gig hurts and at least 4 gigs of ram. those store your videos and documents. if you're looking for a laptop try them out in the store as they have any touch pads >> there are different types of of mouse's and there's voice activation. >> once you have an idea of what you need be sure to shop aaron and compare on line and look at the mustards website for
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refurnished computers that come with a warrant. and they offer computers for much, much less. purchasing a computer should not be securey you can slejtd/select a system that can get you i'm the president of friends of mclaren park. it is one of the oldest neighborhood community park groups in san francisco. i give a lot of tours through the park. during those tours, a lot of the folks in the group will think of the park as very scary. it has a lot of hills, there's a lot of dense groves. once you get towards the center of the park you really lose your orientation. you are very much in a remote area. there are a lot of trees that
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shield your view from the urban setting. you would simply see different groves that gives you a sense of freedom, of being outdoors, not being burdened by the worries of city life. john mclaren had said that golden gate park was too far away. he proposed that we have a park in the south end of the city. the campaign slogan was, people need this open space. one of the things that had to open is there were a lot of people who did a homestead here, about 25 different families. their property had to be bought up. so it took from 1928 to 1957 to buy up all the parcels of land that ended up in this 317 acres. the park, as a general rule, is heavily used in the mornings and the evenings. one of the favorite places is up by the upper reservoir because dogs get to go swim.
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it's extremely popular. many fights in the city, as you know, about dogs in parks. we have 317 acres and god knows there's plenty of room for both of us. man and his best friend. early in the morning people before they go to work will walk their dogs or go on a jog themselves with their dogs. joggers love the park, there's 7 miles of hiking trails and there's off trail paths that hikers can take. all the recreational areas are heavily used on weekends. we have the group picnic area which should accommodate 200 people, tennis courts are full. it also has 3 playground areas. the ampitheater was built in 1972. it was the home of the first blues festival.
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given the fact that jerry garcia used to play in this park, he was from this neighborhood, everybody knows his reputation. we thought what a great thing it would be to have an ampitheater named after jerry garcia. that is a name that has panache. it brings people from all over the bay area to the ampitheater. the calls that come in, we'd like to do a concert at the jerry garcia ampitheater and we do everything we can to accommodate them and help them because it gets people into the park. people like a lot of color and that's what they call a park. other people don't. you have to try to reconcile all those different points of view. what should a park look like and what should it have? should it be manicured, should it be nice little cobblestones around all of the paths and like that. the biggest objective of course is getting people into the park to appreciate open space.
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whatever that's going to take to make them happy, to get them there, that's the main goal. if it takes a planter with flowers and stuff like that, fine. you know, so what? people need to get away from that urban rush and noise and this is a perfect place to do it. feedback is always amazement. they don't believe that it's in san francisco. we have visitors who will say, i never knew this was here and i'm a native san franciscoan. they wonder how long it's been here. when i tell them next year we'll get to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the park >> good evening everyone with we readies to light a tree. >> yeah. >> that wasn't loud enough. >> are we ready to light a tree. >> good work everyone and
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welcome to holistic golden gate park i'm filling beginning beggar the manager of our park department and thank you to the performance tonight and others so tonight is our 85th annual holiday tree latin-american truly one of our signature events in the city's history alongside in the back is our esteemed president mark u he will give me a round of applause (clapping.) tonight behind me is a group of park lovers i'm going to introduce so first i want to introduce the rest of our
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commission flowering and megan and maggie and eric mcdonald and others (clapping.) and you're going 0 hear from him he's going to help us light the tree are our parks chief mayor ed lee (clapping) also behind me who's been here several years in a row our spribl e incredible district attorney george moscone our assessor carman chu is here supervisor mark farrell and it's entire family are up here
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(clapping.) we have john from our moscone and from the mayor's office of disabilities is here you're going to hear from them but we have our incredible sponsor keeping up and iga gay from kaiser and other person is from the other company here let's talk about the tree this tree behind us 85 years ago you don't think mclaren who was our one of our key fourpd in golden gate park our park superintendent started a tradition of lighting this tree and mile-long of trees that end here in
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