tv [untitled] December 15, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm PST
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the public that would like to comment. >> yes bruce wolf speaking for myself. on the elections and open source software. i suggest that the city become a member of cavo and association of elect officials and do work on open source and security is correct and there is consistency across these types of softwares. i think it's important. it gives you a breath of information and substance for that. i believe it was originally contained in the original language of the legislation and then subsequently later was pulled. thank you. >> good afternoon. one more time commissioners, eric brooks local green party, our city. first i would reiterate what bruce wolf said and that should be included in the legislation
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and then for on future agenda items when you do have your next joint meeting with the sf puc this is just kind of a point of information -- especially i think the supervisors might be clued in on this but the public members i want to make sure you know about it. in the scott wiener london breed legislation that cleared authorizes the puc to sell express hetch hetchy power in the city to make money and bring clean energy to the city. >> >> originally when that legislation was drafted in july it did not include making cleanpowersf a priority customer of that power, and thankfully advocates approached supervisor wiener's aid and they
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graciously included an amendment that makes it clear that yes cleanpowersf is in the queue by that power and that is very important. even if cleanpowersf buys that power at full retail rate there are benefits from that because it helps -- we were discussing the wind power, solar power doesn't happen to be working and you have hydro power there as well in the mix and balances the resources out and help lower load curves on peak load and save money on the whole system as a whole so i want to tip you off that is what is in what passed on tuesday and that's important. thanks. >> thank you. any other member ever the public to comment? seeing no member come forward we will close public comment and we can go on to the next item. >> you have a motion on the floor i believe. >> i'm sorry. we have a motion on the floor. can we take that colleagues without
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objection? okay. very good. do you want to restate the motion so we're clear about it? >> just that we follow the board of supervisors' urging to do the study on open and transparent voaght system in san francisco. >> great. and that was seconded by commissioner campos and take that colleagues without objection. and our next item please. >> item number 7 public. >> public is open for any item related to lafco and seeing no one come forward we will close public comment and before we adjourn i want to thank sfgtv staff for the work broadcasting. madam clerk our next item. >> item 9 adjournment. >> colleagues we are adjourned. have a great weekend. take care. bye.
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>> hey san francisco nolan with a list to enjoy this week escape the holiday chaos this is the weekly buzz this wednesday take a 23r50e yoga class it involves stephanie and experience those will increase the flow of blooded and recessing reduce stress come on by at 5:30 and get our eligible on, on thursday ted head 20 uc fog christmas can
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recallors and victorian parties from the charles dick evens england and grab yummy food from the food trucks also on thursday the historic bayview opera house a celebration featuring a germ market and life eye skating for one dollars and real snow model on the gurney holiday market and featuring high school fashts from the bayview so coma by this thursday as 5 and enjoy this winter wonderland that's at weekly buzz visit us the going forward and click on
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>> good morning, today is december second and all ready to welcome to the committee of the transportation committee, my name is john avalos, and the chair of the authority and the personnel committee to my left is commissioner co-hen and we will be joined shortly by mar, the clerk of the committee is steve stamos and today, is committee meeting is broa >> could you call the next item. >>dcast by sfgtv >> avalos. >> present. >> cohen. >> present. >> mar. >> absent. >> we have a quorum. >> okay. and commissioner, mar will be here soon. so we will going to have to excuse him. okay the neck item? >> item two, approve the minutes of the july 10, 2014 meeting an action item.
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>> okay. no comments or next? >> okay. with the minutes, and we will open up the public comment on this item, and seeing no member of the public come forward we will close public comment and roll call vote. >> item two, avalos? >> aye. >> cohen? >> aye. >> mar? >> mar absent, the item passes. >> great, okay rkts so now we are on to the main event, today, item number three, it would be our closed session. call the item please? >> item three, closed session, public employee performance evaluation and approval of the executive director's performance goals for 2015 and this is an action item. >> great. thank you. >> so, we need to prepare the room for closed session. >> so it looks like we are back in open session, and we
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discussed item three, and we want to call item four, and we will do it at the same time as item four. >> okay. >> item four, recommend annual compensation for the executive director for 2015, this is an action item. >> okay, very good. first of all, we had a presentation from our executive director chang, and we also, on our performance goals for the past year. and proposed goals for next year as well. and we rated her on her performance and we all were pretty consistent in giving her over all performance goal of exceptionally good which is where we were at before and six months ago for the 6-month review. and the 6-month review that we had was actually not a mandatory review, but one that we set up earlier and one that
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we brought miss changg on and we are seeing the continuation of that effort and we are actually between exceptionally good and outstanding over all rating. and we actually really appreciated the presentation from our executive director, and hitting a number of high points this past year. and especially in the collaboration in cooperation with the mayor's office, and many of the agencies within the city itself. but also within the region. hitting some significant, you know, achievements, working with, you know, cal train, and with the mtc and abag and then we have a number of projects that we have been able to see that go forward. and that we have really been the high point as well for the transportation authority and we are seeing too much and in the mobility agency come together for the leadership and the continuation of the doyle drive as well as the work around the
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ear for the geary bus, rapid transit, coming for us next year, and the leadership that she has shown within the transportation authority has been quite exceptional and we rated her, you know, according to that and we want to thank you, miss chang for your work and it is really been a pleasure to work with you this past year. i will be not serving as chair, after this year, but i know that there will be other folks coming in. but it has been a real pleasure to work with you and i have been proud in the work in the transportation authority and the collaborative lacing that is going on with the colleagues and the board and all around city hall. are we in open session? >> we are, and so i just want to thank you for your great work in that. and i am not sure if the colleagues with anything else to add to it? >> actually i will just briefly say that i think that our director really increased the visibility of the agency and i
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think that her active involvement with as much as the city transportation, but also the community related events is very noticable. and i think promoting the 25-year organization to as many organizations whether they are city wide or neighborhood based is really an important improvement. i think more work with the press and communications is visible to the chinese press and i want to thank you and appreciate that and i think that you have shown a self-critical approach to how you are running the agency based on a lot of feedback and i noticed that, and as a con stanlt, effort to improve, i think that the morale of the staff that we have put in the feedback is really a great morale and i think that you are continuing to build a great team, especially the office of the deputy directors and also the whole staff. and i really appreciate as our chair avalos has mentioned, the work in regional bodies, and
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the visibility there. and especially joint work, and better relationships with the mta. and lots more of a collective approach to our city wide transportation issues. and i think that those were the main points that i wanted to just give appreciation for, and acknowledgment of all of the great work that is being done. >> great, thank you. >> so, just want to make sure that we are going to call a roll call vote on each of the items 3 and 4 but i want to make sure that the colleagues that we agree not to disclose the content of the closed session. >> okay. >> very good. so when it comes to item number four, recommend annual compensation, and what we had decided was that you know coming in as step five and some of the you know allowances that were provided as well we wanted to see more time leading the agency before going to the next step and so we were going to
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continue at this step, but it is something that we felt that the work certainly warrants you know, getting there with time. and continue on the same trajectory that we are on now and so i would like to bring it up again next year, the step next step increase and to me, that makes sense that we, you know, given the trajectory that you have been on that makes a lot of sense after two years of service within the agency. and i think that will kind of a consensus on the commission as well. so, what i would like to see with the motion to approve item number 3. and i guess, what will the motion be on item four? >> okay. >> and so item four will be to maintain the current step. and item three will be to approve the over all rating of, you know, exceptionally good, and we have in the record as
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well. our just, well, we will expressed was to you, was our real satisfaction with your work as a executive director. >> so, i will make the motion to move. or those two motions. >> i will second. >> and we will take that roll call vote. >> item 3 and 4, commissioner avalos? >> aye. >> cohen? >> aye. >> mar. >> aye. >> the items pass. >> i think that we didn't have a comment on those. >> so, let's rescind the vote. >> the motion is rescinded. >> great, and we will open up these two items up for the public comment. >> so thank you so much, for your thoughtful feedback for your consideration and your support of me and the staff this past year it has been a privilege and an honor to serve
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the city in this way. i have really grown a lot in my first year and i continue to strive to improve personally in my leadership of the agency as well as far as the over all agency's effort but we are on a very strong path. i think that your guidance and your support over the past year have been critical to our agency and to our staff from the leadership on the policy aspects of the transportation plan and the investment proposals from the t2030 plan all the way to the staff proposal and it has just been a pleasure working with you and your staff and we want to thank you very much again for your support. >> thank you. >> okay. so we will take that roll call vote. >> okay. >> on item three and four. >> public comment. >> okay. >> items 3 and 4, commissioner avalos? >> aye. >> cohen? >> aye. >> pa mar? >> aye. >> the items pass. >> thank you. >> and again, thank you for your great work this past year.
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our next item please? >> item 5, introduction of new items this is an information item. >> where we did talk about reviewing the steps for next year and, so i think that we can possibly put forward as a personnel committee item. >> okay. >> and so now this item is opened up for public comment. any member of the public that would like to comment, seeing no member come forward, we will close public comment. >> item 6, public comment. >> the next item is public comment. any member of the public? seeing none, come forward, we will close public comment. >> and go to our next item. >> item 7, adjournment. >> we are adjourned. thank you..
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>> it seems like everyone in san francisco is talking about housing san francisco housing prizes are among the highest it tops anyone million dollars and rent rise unfortunately, this is not the first time housing has been in the news thought california the cost of a home has made headline the medium prices for a house in the the $207,000 in california it is more than twice that amount and the laura u bay area is higher it's more than doubled the states so while more than half of the americans can afford the medium fewer in california and quarter in the bayer and now fewer than a 6th of san franciscans can afford it so why it housing in san francisco so
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go cheven condition tharz the obviously a high demand to live here the city is known for cultural diversities that attacks new residents and the credible opportunity our city diverse and will daytime committee grows jobs as a result we estimate the number of jobs is at ann an all-time 0 hive of 6 hundred thousand in the 80 the population was 6 hundred and 75 thousand now, it's grown steadily and quickly the recent estimate is 8 hundred and 40 thousand the highest in the city's history and it's not only san francisco it is greek the bay area has $2 million for residents and jobs then in the 80 and the growth is expected to
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continue by the year 20403.9 million people unfortunately, our housing supply does not keep up with the demand i might not realize the majority of construction is housing that's been suspended for years due to the 2008 recession while population is increasing the housing is only increasing that i 9 percent if we don't pursues housing the cost of housing about only increase how do we plan the regional allocation identifies the total number of housing unit by affordable level to support the new residents san francisco incorporates it into the housing elements that guides the housing policies the arena data places it in the investment
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plans for the growth throughout san francisco those plans developed by years of community planning laid the ground work for the construction so the city he e sets the goals in broad terms the private sectors builds market rate housing and non-built affordability housing that majority of housing in san francisco as well as throughout the country market rate houses built by private developers within guidelines of the city some below market rate you howls paid pie public and private dollars and prized to be variable to certain population housing is considered affordable if it costs less than 1/3rd the medium income for a 2 percent householder is $70,000 this householder will have to pay no
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more than $7,150 to be affordable san francisco has see long applied federal, state and local money often built and nonprofit tint for individual families the news cities in california what the inclusive program requires that 10 or ottawa more units to certain blow income levels or contribute to the fund that supports the blow market rate unit almost 25 thousand have been supported by city funds and more than 6 nous thousand of the unit were built between 2000 and 2012 what you can't afford a million will home you're not alone in response san francisco mayor ed lee has set a
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goal of creating thirty thousand now e-mails homes by the year 2020 most will be in outreach of the san franciscan with federal and state funds drying up the san francisco ethics commission is, taking an iv i of actually roll is providing housing across all levels we're working diligently for everyone to live here and mr. chair protect the housing semiand strengthen goals against evictions we're commented for housing needs for all san franciscans to learn more visit highway >> ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it looks at good and tastes good and it is good in my mouth pretty amazing. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i am the executive chef i've been here as a chef at la concina since 2005 reason we do the festival and the reason we started to celebrate the spirit and talent and trivia and the hard work of the women in the la concina program if you walk up to my one on the block an owner operated routine
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i recipient it's a they're going to be doing the cooking from scratch where in the world can you find that >> i'm one of the owners we do rolls that are like suburbia that is crisp on the outside and this is rolled you up we don't this it has chinese sister-in-law and a little bit of entertain sprouts and we love it here. >> there are 6 grilled cheese grilled to the crisp on the outside outstanding salsa and a lot of things to dip it knocks you out and it's spicecy and delicious
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i was the first person that came here and we were not prepared for this every year we're prepared everybody thinks what they're doing and we can cookout of our home and so the festivals were part of the group we shove what we do and we w we tried to capture the spirit of xrifs. >> and there from there to sales and the hard part of the sales is 250 assess our market and creating a market opportunity giving limited risks and sales experience to our guys and
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