tv [untitled] December 19, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PST
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phase two a little bit over 2 minutes on powell subway and the slower times are the surface ones that are roughly about twice as long if you do a one way loop in 8 minutes under the faster analysis and the advantage of the loop is the fact one the key issues in building an extension is turning the trains around and you still have to do lay over while they're in civil rights it is a cross over at the end of the line like we do on the other types of design the take away the subway is probably about twits as fast as a subway surface combo and the travel times if you look at the purple box it's the existing thirty route from at&t park or caltrain station up to fisherman's wharf areas that's roughly thirty to
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40 minutes the green line which will be phase two t third and potential phase 3 the running times are 14 to 17 minutes a little bit longer than for the loop twice as fast next one i'm going to turn it over to bob at this point. >> thank you. >> we'll turn on the milking for you. >> okay. the transportation authority lead the writing with the large improvements on the travel times it attracts a lot of rear view mirrors over 40 thousand additional trips on the t line that's is a 50 percent increase new riders to the muni system so folks taking cars or not making the trips the remaining trips are from the tooift to the slower transit
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that existing e exists today it is a balance out of the overcrowded like the cable car and the bus one concern we had are ridership this slide shows the peak hourly load that explicit increase with the daily ridership that's due to the all day ridership that is attracted to the extension you see that the 3 minute head ways the upper red line on the graph is sufficient to support the capacity and the midline is running every five minutes by 20 thirty as part of the partner we looked at the stationary so ems those are mature neighborhoods there are few soft sites within a
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quarter of a mile of the station nothing sizeable within the north beach station urging the planning department analysis the k340u789 be elevated it for property increases to fund the project they found that self tools to be able to use the bonds none are going to pay for it in full it will be 5 to 20 percent of a project depending on the configuration they also found with the limited number of development sites changing zoning limits or height limits will only have a modest effect on the revenue but that is the more important factor this is the capital cost our consulting agents did the c ability analysis prepared a magnitude cost estimate from a
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national database and those are justified to 70s market there's in 20 to $14 not adjust for inflation still a useful tool for the concept you will notice the biggest drivers are the length of the limited and the number of underground versus the construction costs from hunters $.40 million up to billion dollars you'll notice the underground concepts are twice the cost of they're similar surface pairs and they're also about twice as fast there's a particularly situation going on there the two-way extension along columbus avenue is $500 million for a parking lot surface configuration but $900 million
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for an underground option we took the option to e see how it compleets with other options it ranges in the cost effectiveness as defined by the sfmta that's using the fatah funding the first pathway the new starts program is a natural fit that does well, the land use will attribute some of the money and we'll expect to be using local like a prop c successor or some other will transportation revenue and there's room for other outdoors idea like a violent development where that
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he partner with other agents to help to pay for the projects. >> with that, let me rupture it to paul to talk about the issues we have in our full report. >> one of the key issues is the north beach station and the palace sites and so there were people that said bore ahead and don't go take the machines out and what we found early on the vial that was done for the phase one and 2 wouldn't i couldn't be stretched to make it september to build a station like north beach it needs a new environment there are tradeoffs for construction through the information a method that is less disruptive to the method and costs more another method
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slightly less but more disruptive the yellow t open the side that has another spur those are areas under the most disruptive design method you'll have to open up the street called cut and cover construction to put a station and tunnel and continual north the less disruptive will produce that by half the more disruptive is $400,000 and the less is still not cheap at $350 million that is - i have issues this station is build by itself you'll need the turn around facility and at the end of columbus avenue you'll have a turn around facility the cost estimates is a turn around and
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plus you have to fully utility i utilize the tunnel they have no track to mta still holds an active lease on the property to remove. the t and the owner is prepared to go forward with construction on 19 unit at some point after the lease is over or it is removed early at this point our director ed reiskin said he didn't see a readily easy way to acquire the site based on the fact it mta acquires property it can't acquire a piece of property and sit on it for several years and the funding is not available the planner as far as we've looked at this. >> next slide the summary
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elevation quickly of the 14 alignments including the two not feasible and on the left column it is small we came up with 7 different elevation kind of standards or elements realizing if there were done at the higher level it could change significantly but when it was done we looked at at a simple level zero means average and the subway alignment of columbus and pals us by the one we looptd going all the way around to different streets and going lower with the surface alignments a couple of ways it was elevated we looking long term versus paying a little bit less up front but you have a
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issues of traffic and impact to the neighborhoods that's how we did that and lower lettering level the two lines are the cost in the report that come out creating came out 83 and at the bottom the higher the number the more or easier it is to constrict it is feasible but if it scored a 5 it looked like an easier job so this is our concept alignments to so you can see what we've been talking about xhumz u columbus on the left and powell on the right and over in the one way loop so what are the next steps on the project okay. we're the blue arrow that slits off we're going to put out a final in january of next year
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and it is feeding into the transportation plan led by the transportation authority and feeding into a project that mta is working on with the strategy that is due out in the spring of next year the mta is looking at transit rail projects including the expansion and rehabilitation and upgrading the existing issues on the existing system they're all going to be evaluated so it selects which ones i guess the farther one side for future study that project is feeding into the core capacity study of san francisco not only looking at the core issues but the train issues and and high speed rail issues they face to improve rails in san francisco that concludes my presentation. we're available for questions. >> thank you
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let's opening it up for public comment for public comment first and commissioners will ask questions. >> so if i call our name please line up on the screen side of the room (calling names). >> good afternoon, commissioners try with the fisherman's wharf community dignity on behalf of the cb d that supports the extension we all know that fisherman's wharf is an economic tourism attraction we attract thirty to 40 thousand people a day this subway could be helpful i want to talk about other issue you may not be aware of our problems the retailer and merchant are having attracting businesses the businesses have lost 2 hundred and 51 employees he due to transportation issues
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23 of the businesses shared their staffing levels and out of their 6 hundred plus position they have a lot of positions they can't fill because of the f line they find it difficult some people have quit and some people have been let go because they can't be on time when they having had experiences with businesses that are currently having a hard time filling their staffing levels with the increasing rec driving people out into the suburbia people from the northeast part of the city this could be a god sent for fisherman's wharf our 6 hundred thousand hotels to
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moscone center but for the people coming in work with dialog right now with the matt with the short term swugsz we see the tooift as the best solution thank you for your time. >> at the. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon commissioner president wu and commissioners my name is bruce aim a member of the central extension sf next a rep for the south beach beacon hill association i want to thank the team from the mta and the planning department for the excellent job on the study and supportive of their fthsd in addition to the ridership cost and benefits data highlighted in the presentation the central subway station with fisherman's wharf provides a connection on the eastern itself
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from visitacion valley to fisherman's wharf assess of progress periodic job applicant to jobs and resident to medical facilities to fisherman's wharf hotel rooms to the moscone center and provides capacity to meet latent traffic and reduce the congestion and improving the bike safety i - as the study indicates o a high cost effectiveness for the fta finding that would be advantageous for the planning department having to identify opportunity tomato housing on under developed parcels this could repeal e hench the funding
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sources for the project it's difficult to increase the immensity in the areas specifically due to lack of transit capacity with the addition of the central by the way, there could be opportunity to contribute to the housing and jobs as island outlined in the planned bay area in addition as piloted the importance called out in the report for a possible future station entrance site and for construction assess in north beach i courage a targeted study to be initiated to identify other sites and recommend other appropriate opportunity that exist day thank you. >> thank you. >> good afternoon pat valentine with the vice president of the south beach mission bay association and also on behalf of the next stop it's interesting that this
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presentation came right after the one on the warriors because expending the central subway up to fisherman's wharf with the north beach station certainly would help a lot with getting folks down to the venue someone that works and lives in the south beach mission bay this northeast south connection is critical for bringing folks down and getting to north beach you can't even get to the alone fisherman's wharf so with that value being important and the land use contemplations i want to double down on what bruce said in supporting and asking the planning department to study a planning study focused on the station both at north beach and fisherman's wharf that will be critical figuring out where those station are and how important they are to the neighborhood and the whole
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eastern side of the city is an important actual realty thank you very much. >> thank you. >> commissioners julie north beach resident i'm part of the super task force on the t line and one of the founder of the next stop we draw your attention to this matter today because we think the subway is important to the city and especially to the northeast neighborhood informs first subway kind of exciting this report is important before this report the expectation feel tooift was not an line item now we have our san mateo's we can apply to college specifically, we draw your attention because the report i think is a in this case opportunity paul said in a conversation it was a once in a career opportunity to really do transit planning right one of the things we like about the
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study it include the planning department in transit planning we think with this body and the planning department and the city that's a wonderful thing i got involved in the project initially to try to mitigate the negative impacts of the t line i believe the extension of the t line is a way to preserve the northeast neighborhoods i believe the reduction and congestion the benefits to pedestrians and the surface transit users are numerous and a lot of good can come from this we've seen the negative impacts of the bus stop in the middle of the cafe door or the bulb outs put without regards to the design of the beveled we've looked at the bart entrances along moiths and we've seen open parkland as open space to be
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used for station entrances from the transit side there are t line stops in chinatown and union square that are blocks off the oil because of surface conditions we have an opportunity in advance to plan for to necessary extension that benefits the effectiveed neighborhood and showing you shows you what a san francisco, california do when it plans right we would like to help with the body and the planning department in continuing the collaboration certainly the questions about the time missing the disruption to north beach and maximizing the opportunity that this building will bring is important part same to the impacts on fisherman's wharf so we appreciate our interest and your time and ask for your help in looking at this from a planning prospective as it move forward thank you. >> thank you
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as next speaker comes up i'll call one name and howard. >> there are smaller priorities than the subway moreno the whole transit system quickly and for less costs is better than draining the costs for a subway for instance, better projects transit perchal streets prop c of 2003 highest priority free shuttle bus loop systems the e e line and the downtown important need we are also concerned about the subways quack an land values high cost of raems the driving up of rent, costs of property
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chinatown is already seen that at the subway station north yet to be built washington street merchant are logging 50 to 70 percent of revenue the upper blocks uphill from the chinatown station are logging population radically and seeing psychosis e sro's in chinatown being pressured for the justification central subways phase one has already cut service drawing not only in north beach the line was also o lost and the 41 and the t and 12 are no longer extended to the wafer we started to lose the connection at fisherman's wharf when it was built now the merchant are wanting more i don't think so and the fta
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report to offset the operating costs per year and also the central subway phase 2 is only a two car maximum because the station mrafrmd were cut it will never carry full capacity of the market street corridors the phase two eliminates all the bart and metro station that carries hundreds of thousands of riders r will nonetheless have the assessing access connecting market street so the warriors arena is lows trains than it does now because telegraph hill goes to embarcadero all the metro stations gos through that
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t line connection what is needed a study of hottest trend in the united states free shuttle bus loops looking at the every other city in this country. >> thank you >> next speaker. >> thank you commissioner president wu and my name is joe butler an architect and thirty year resident he formerly vice president of formerly of the russian hill neighbors i'd like to make a few points the ramp to surface to subway to surface trains is distinct advantage to fill the fillmore geary intersection and the two report is the shortest distance but it he said at kicking land yard it moves the ramp and like sidney
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australia they're built above a business terminal you can do exude kirkland at the time sfmta request b pittsburgh up until it in the 50 feet of the subway station an undermine business yard below surface and 5 stories of affordable and middle-income housing the computation of that generated didn't makes sense and the sidney are a great example to combine the two the triangle loop is redundant and it's studied to go to fort mason and it will be a block from the kirkland yard station one other thing i understand that stations are expensive but rather than do
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a triangle last year loop if there's another station to let people out at bay street it will interface better with the existing bus system i think if the subway is going to go through i'm the middle child between julie and paul this would be the adaptation of the survey and the duplex e adaptation of that survey and the respect for the historic resources that exist in the area will go a long way towards revolving some of the issues that all of the lower buildings that came in after the earthquake will go away the neighborhood will be up to 65 feet or more and the quality we love about that part of the city that draw people from all over the world will be lost we can do
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both. >> we can do both the less we spend open digging the subway the more we'll have for the other muni lines thank you very much. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment okay seeing none, public comment is closed i want to thank all the staff for their presentation i also agree that the project sponsor between 3 organizations is important it remind me of commissioner johnson request for a joint hearing that's something i also wanting to be more involved in transit issues when we consider the transit opportunity we have to think about the land use that is exactly what we did i want to align myself with the job comments it is important, important people to have access to come to fisherman's wharf and
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go to their jobs but also people living in the northeast to access other jobs and to bart it is interesting eave heard this on the warriors the northwest connection with chinatown and fisherman's wharf this could be a tourist line for the city so i want to hear what the other commissions have to say. >> commissioner antonini. >> thank you for a excellent presentation 1942 unfortunate that type of study explicit occur along the ago the logical length of this subway should have gone to north beach and reasonable to fisherman's wharf for the reasons people have stated already which i run into people downtown tourist the first one they want to go to say north beach and the
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second the wafer most hotels are located close to the central subway where it is going to be located so allow people to assess those areas quickly and is an important thing yes. the up line is a great thing i want to fully it support it's extension but a currently last year type of lines people have to go to the circle and get to fisherman's wharf and the mason this is not competing with the f line that will allow people coming from the ferry building or the financial district but people in the middle of the city will be more likely to use the subway so i don't think it is competition he think the best way to do that is to you know be underground all the way again
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your competing with everywhere else if you can leave the streets open for pedestrians and bicyclists and cars for all their uses and less buses in the middle of the street you're better off obviously you'll have to voluntary both but the more you go below grade the better. >> what was brought up in the report and nobody discussed it today waltz the phase 4 this is way in the future what are we're going to do to reach the western part of the city there are phase 4 some sort of subway coming out north beach and going underneath beacon hill and educating the machinery and union street this is important as we make
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