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tv   [untitled]    December 22, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm PST

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provide definition and direction so workman's comp i think i'd like to steve if you could come up and go through the work that your class did and provide a summary with that, i tablet the presentations and there was some actual good questions that came up for us to think about. >> good evening, commissioners and on behalf of the university of the san francisco school management and resource center thank you for giving me and my peers to work 0 the adaptation the implementation of supervisor wiener's legislation the ordinance lazy the foundation for expanded support for businesses that have existed in san francisco for more than thirty years we know their
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family owned and part of the population for the gay resource center was created for in fall of 2014 we provided the reduction and vested community engagement for the legislation our i'm sure you're aware of students collaboratively worked the association first one i was involved with was for the members we had an analysis of the displacement of the cultural report and piece together the most important information from the documents and enforced them that can be used for the business owners for the landlords that be affiliated with the legacy program there's a lot of information and we
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figure it's best to consolidate some of the most i'll have information in a way that the business owners and lymph gland can use that's already and . >> and that's in our packet. >> we've actually included idiotable version of the document there maybe for information added and taken out but one thing my team suggested was that for the community impact of the legacy business f this is still vaguely defined we're not sure based on the documents what exactly what constitutes impacts and how that's determined by the community and network by neighboring businesses perhaps so maybe ones that information is a little bit more clearly defined that can be at and include into the graphic because
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this what it is important this issue came up next group was the legacy business mask to capture the years of experience and ownership rental and commercial space and gross receipts, etc. as part of the legacy so initially the group was given a list of addresses and with that, they weren't should you what kinds of businesses so they took that and they identified over one hundred fields that need to be part the legacy field registry and edited in time they evaluated 3 lists and they recommended that salesforce as a product with the greatest
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capacity to support the registry in organizing all the day for all the businesses we're going to be working with for this group deciding going forward to finalize the list to narrow it down to one hundred i different fields but this is obviously need to be reviewed by experts like ourselves and figure out if this is what is needed and to incorporate the data field and adding or taking out other fields and developing an action plan to obtain the missing information from the legacy businesses as mentioned we only had did addresses initially to go off of there is not information missing the third group what two different groups this was the legacy history collection group the purpose were you to
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compasses two main businesses that typify the legacy businesses those embody what we're trying to pursue and get a business we're trying to adrenalin the culture of collect personal serious from older generation businesses and community residents and document community impact two legacy businesses we contact were cellists hardware and more than times book store so nets not on this one industry in general what those groups ended up doing they development data to determine the community impact and try to understand how it is that cliff hardware n and modern times fit into the neighborhoods they're related to in how much of an impact they've made
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outside of customer good reasons how they've impacted the community and in sight personal stories some things can't be quantify if i had by finances so it's good to take a look at other ways their impact determine whether a legacy ordinance is not in a position to acquire they're building and identified other areas with technology assistance it required like technical support and legal support for falts landlord and city regulations making it more difficult to flip building and housing legacy businesses important informing 20/20 groups going forward we have a practicum that will work out if we get enough students to
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register to encourage the spring students to - we've got a little bit of a understanding of where those businesses come from and how they've impacted from themselves on behalf of people that work in the businesses and it's good to talk to people that are located near those businesses but also the next step ford forward to investigate the retail community impact for the modifications of san francisco it's hard to define how a business can i know impact a community it a what about financial but other ways and how to gage this community impact is really important this is the for the collections group the next 2 the legacy best
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practices and upon the idea for this trying to rely what is going on in san francisco and trying to understand how it is globally how other best practices are done this is you know a origin that the globally it seems to have taken a full effect on as citywide scale we wanted to look at other countries how they've dealt with this as well expand been san francisco heritage by identifying the national heritage and identifying the building acquisitions and support through the 504 and other commercial programs to determine the efforts. >> so for this one we've taken two examples one of which from london and the other from
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barcelona to research the first right of purchase agreements in london and the programs in barcelona in london they have identified programs where they have walking tours to promote tourism in specific areas where legacy businesses businesses that have been around a long time in the region so that's the way is promotes tourism and people can appreciate it it promotes small businesses bogging because we're xurm sales and those types of companies so for the 504 we've identified both programs maybe useful for businesses who wish to purchase the building only if certain conditions are met the most important we've identified the
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occupancy of a minimal of 50 percent of the facility for business persons this is difficult especially in san francisco we have a lot of businesses that are occupancy spaces above them but if a company is based on the bottom of the building and they have three or four stories above them this makes it so it self-apply to the 504 program this is a big issue it contradicts all the work first place residential places the hub above they can be thrown out wife identified many businesses are not aware of the acquisition in general you know this as mentioned maintained you know it is
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something that is obviously a national program but is going to coincide with the directly business he even though it's a federal program we've identified many of the open space programs may not serve as a land base program and the next step going forward as decided was for the best practice is to consider working with spur i believe this gentleman left but as well as the heritage to create urban aeshlths and other folks to brainstorm the effective model and with the 504 program we recommend that potential commercial condominium legislation which may be necessary to adjunct the businesses to allow them to have
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loan offering so if we can convert those residential areas on top to some of the businesses they have residential areas on off and on top if we convert those to condominiums that will help them to apply for real estate that is effecting the business if in their not individually purchased by people they can be contributing to businesses downstairs whether related or unrelated the final group their project to go expand been the legislation analysis with historical and counter represents and data for designating corridors what was originally gichlg i given us was
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the lower 24th to lower 24th as well as sectors of the castro and so what this team is doing they're not completely done with the information they're expanding the analysis of the commercial rents increases to third street and 16th and 24th to william and emission street and caesar chavez and clemente and another factors for 2008, 2010 and 2014 pr this is still in review and the data we don't have all the data but hopefully be done by the end of next week so this vrs the work we did with monica on early in the semester
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it's been a great opportunity to get our hands dirty in working with legislation nationals not gone through and completely enforced and be on the cutting-edge. >> thank you a very good presentation any commissioners comments no, that that was awesome to very, very good i see you guys are talking to two of any farther stores modern times and the other one i spend a lot of money there. >> all right. then dr. isabel if you want to come up. >> thank you very much. >> good evening, commissioners i'll try to be brief i realize the clock a ticking
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i'm isabel i've been working closely with regina as the constitutes trying to help with this legislation and clarify ray begin asked me last week to give you a quick presentation of my expertise about some the comments i'm making and try to take you through 3 main points i think commissioners need to think about in terms of the priorities and open up to questions both in france and paris and london for weeks i've been teaching business hefty for 20 years latest at the ucsf in the school of management but in the us i've been an advisor to businesses and families and philanthropic
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foundations and using their legacy for a variety of the initiatives but external branding as well as the positions i've had for this legislation i think it is a landmark legislation first point i want to make is the legacy programs for us what we've got i've worked with clients in north america and in the middle east they focus on the preservation of buildings and i think this business legacy policy is distinct from the approximately it looks at businesses their, their a living organism so the business history prospective is defining those
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businesses that we're trying to support move to the james weldon johnson next generation view and adapt this is an important point to think about when we frame legislation because for example, in some locations in terms of the type of products they off you want to support them as they reinvent themselves to continue to the next generations that point is important because most of the capability all my students that came up in the heritage report which is the excellent report it is for the facade or the whole this not to support the businesses as we talk about the businesses there are other types of scott taylor's schools used not put into a vital business for instance, has technology has to adapt to a changing market and
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so on and so forth so they've struggled in things that are not traditionally relayed but for example technology had to move their business into the modern age second point i want to - so main we can come back to that in questions the 3 points i want to throw out for thinking in those particularly businesses framing the mission of the program so the constructive change and the second part is the policies that are required specifically for businesses and some of them are available through the city or other local organizations and
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need to be brought into the program and the third point what are the types of programs for the long term this goes back to what was presented on acquiring the businesses so this brings me to the second point the legacy business organization is not a traditionally legacy policy it is why the city policy in spite of i think the commissioner you think of that 0 how to frame the policy and where to take it where you think about the areas but maybe relevant to the commission as i frame it for example, one of the areas that think about is the branding area how does san franciscans and businesses audit of the city consider san francisco and what
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is important for new comers to san francisco and how does the city want to brandism i know there are a number of branding initiative but that could be the legislation piece to start thinking about the areas we want to promote in san francisco for example, and multiple cultural city the options are wide but if this different strands comes support for the business legacy initiative it will be powerful and have the potential to serve as a model to other cities for a similar type of branding branding in what is one of the policies and which other businesses we want to rain r retain and attract and to look
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at the policies and to which social economic and ethnic groups for the policies and how this legacy needs to be used to support them more. >> i want to conclude any presentation by taking you through a discussion that i had with ray begin on friday how to define the criteria for the programs what could be the benefits to businesses and what recommendations can i make to the commissions as you think through what are the next steps first of all, i think that the constraints is both constraints of yourself access we've heard in other presentations that policies are confusing e or they don't know about the opportunities trying to make it easy for access is an important criteria but it needed to be
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sustainable it is potentially have a cost to the city or to the businesses so i would recommend thinking about different options in which this initiative can be put into effect duo so you have difference levels of involvement simple one nor businesses and some that have basic advantages and for example, having a plaque in the business or having probably a back code of some sort digital tactics people come to the store to the hard unaware war to buy something and get more knowledge which doesn't require much money and involvement and other things that require more involvement on businesses but also nor finance from the city so for example as a basic level
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having a membership plaque but basically information about what support is available so for the businesses in terms of white papers or linked e linked partners i recommend with the sf heritage that does this initiative and does that well but look at other things that have done similar work and things like that for example, earthly has a heritage plaque i believe that is very good and effective and london and paris as well the second level would be a more active level for businesses that really want to use the legacy initiative to marketism a basic plus paying for services like
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branding or services that have to do with the network and learn in other businesses like legal businesses and branding initiatives training opportunities but also what i find oust is the networks usually groups that get together to discuss their issues of record and support one another with specific problems for example, legacy businesses have an issue of more and more businesses but other issues especially to do with transition so the how you build a business to the second and third generation and it is very effective and cost effective as well.
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>> the last quick comment i want to make on that level is that it would be i think really exciting if san francisco could brand itself as in visitacion valley i've seen in other cities unusually something that a plaque in front building or a poster or a website there's an opportunity to use technology skills of the city and some of the city businesses to make it more forward-looking in terms of the visibletion and mapping the city there are a number of initiative that are happening in preservation in the u.s. now to try to map important events and entities and using that for the legacy businesses could bring more foot traffic and endorse that image as part of the that
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effect arrest the third piece that is really what the initiative was built for is the ready to proceed what the legislation aimed to do to have businesses that were threatened with closer or because their rents are being tripled or they're having trouble to sell the business n and support them to continue this is the part that costs money that is why i recommend this having an upper level but businesses that are requiring nor help and need nor support from one to 3 support we've discussed that with modern times with my students presenting there are a number of things financial and legal subsidized
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and support that require a investment in time and money i'll recommended dedicating programs what are going to be the criteria for selecting those businesses one criteria would be for businesses to engage in f this program and be willing to change based on the recommendation of the dentist services but i think we 0 need to make the case that their especially important to the community and i think in thinking this throw there are a number of hard numbers such what is the economic impact of the business. but cultural and symbolic
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leave people could into the stores not only for buying books but knowledge of where to look for a particular issue and finally he think that would be a missed opportunity if we didn't engage some of the most successful businesses in san francisco that are legacy for example, levi that's been in the city for a couple of hundred years like from the gooushd but businesses that are typically much bigger and looking at the philanthropic foundations and be responsibility programs there are an opportunity to harness that knowledge and the psyche they've built over several generations to mentor and help some of the businesses that are struggling so i'll recommend
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trying to discuss with the businesses how they can be partners in some of the initiatives and whether they can provide money but i know that some of the businesses that have been in the city for more than one hundred years but allow them to have time for that projects that are of interest and the resources for the businesses to help the other businesses in the pool of legacy businesses could be helpful. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you any commissioners comments at this point. >> no, thank you very good presentation. >> do we have oh, you have a question - and go ahead and i just wanted to thank you for your work this is really important what you're doing and we certainly appreciate and i know myself i see a lot of areas that we need to think about so i
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just wanted to thank you for what you're done. >> any public comment on item 6 any members of the public seeing none, public comment is closed again, thank you and i got to reiterate what commissioner dooley said there, there is a lot of things we need to discuss in going forward we'll be leaning on you and your projects here when we come to conclusions on this piece of legislation and i i know i've evolved in the san francisco heritage i took part in a symposium last year san francisco is a world-class city we have a lot of legacy businesses here it is important we maintain them you said one thing or thing that is key change how to help the people change with