tv [untitled] December 23, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PST
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>> these are not home ownership these are apartments. >> oh. >> okay. >> any questions? >> i want to know how many people are involved in this? >> okay. >> yes. thank you. obviously a large effort. i just -- just because i just want to have clarity on the process -- the approval process processes. come back to us on these issues. i know that there's the board of supervisors and other processes and then
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there's -- we'd be authorizing the executive director to make certain decisions that normally would come to to the commission -- is that accurate? >> i think the exact location of the bmr units we have conditions of approval i think attachment 4 to your memo typical for all schematic designs so the development team will work with staff at a staff level to work through those they they are generally considered to be consistent with the schematic designs so we anticipate going to the board of supervisors on february on february 3rd and that and that will be the last regulatory approval in front of the commission or the board the rest is delegated to the executive director and at the staff level. >> previously with another
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>> yes, certainly. we can provide that information in an informational memorandum to the commission there's there's a 60-day clock that the developer has to submit the precise locations. >> are we also going to get a report back on the marketing and selection and all of that later? >> yes, absolutely not just for this project but every project. you do get a report back for the particular residential project and the annual report as well globally how we're doing across all of our projects. . >> do we have a date certain for when that report would be due to us? >> it's in the new year. >> on marketing the mayor's office of housing and community development -- they will help
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provide that report 90 days i believe after each project -- so several years before this one will be done but in general i believe we're working on an over all ocii housing production report that should be available in the early part of the new year so we look forward to bringing that to you. >> great. thank you. >> yes, commissioner bustos. >> sorry. who's here from bridge? so you guys are going to help with the marketing of these units -- one thing i'd ask if if you can -- there are a lot of people who used to live in san francisco that were forced out many many years ago and you know, they were here for decades and we want them back and they got certificated
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of preferences and a lot of folks lived in the western edition and i know they are they are at the top of the list and when i drive down, when i'm downtown and i see this new development beautiful things beautiful buildings coming up it always crossed my mind like wow why can't some of those folks come back and enjoy the city that they grew up in and born and raised in and gave their whole life many of these folks actually worked on a lot of the buildings as construction workers in the early days so if you need some help i'd be more than happy to maybe we could work with the mayor's office to look at the list and to make sure that we do all we can to reach out to those people so that that they
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can come back to their city and really benefit from the new development that's happening now. >> i concur. any other questions? >> seeing none -- >> the only thing i'd like to know is -- we have a report for that right? >> okay so we have two items. we can take them in order. item 5 g do i have a motion on 5 g? >> there's been a motion. >> i second it. >> there's been a motion and seconded. commissioner bustos and singh. >> 4 ayes.
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>> next item is 5 h. >> obviously part of what we just approved. >> i'll move. >> second. >> the motion by commissioner bustos and seconded by commissioner singh. >> please call the roll. >> please announce your vote when i announce your name. >> the vote is 4 ayes. >> thank you the item has passed thank you all for your effort on this project. please call the next item. >> item 6 public comment on non agenda items madam chair? >> do we have any speaker cards for our public comment? >> yes, i have 6 speaker cards. >> 7 cards. >> members of the public, please come to the podium in
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this order. . announcing order. >> good afternoon again. i would like to know -- do you all know that there is a height limit here in san francisco that the voters voted back in -- i think it was 1947. i would like to say that you know dealing with the -- when they built candlestick -- i'm talking about the ballpark -- they removed a lot of the
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ground from bay view hill and bay view hunter's point and that was the burial ground for the olohne tribe and i have a concern when they talk about exploding the area. you know, it seems to me -- what's going to happen with the sacral remains in that area? i know no one has talked about it or discussed it at all but we do have a grave concern and i have another grave concern not on the agenda is that when we talk about jobs, we passed the city -- the board of supervisors passed local hiring and every time i go to a meeting, i said
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to and i even said it to tiffany bohee at one time when she was employed by what's his name -- you worked for before you came here -- the fact that there is no state federal certified compliance officer in not one department i think that's a crime to make sure that the residents of san francisco are actually getting the jobs working on the jobs and getting trained under the local hiring process that was passed a couple of years ago so i don't have any confidence at all in the city when it comes to the residents of san francisco, the people that's been here. i've been here since 1943 so and i've seen a lot of
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things since 1943 and i don't believe there's going to be any changes really for those of us who have been here for many years. and you need to really think about -- i told you -- you all need to start thinking about your vote and not be like a rubber stamp for the lenare corporation because this is all i see all the time rubber stamping. do . you see the same faces thank you so very much and you all have a blessed day. >> thank you. >> next speaker please. mr. washington. >> good evening. my primary purpose today was to come and plead with this commission about the western addition formally
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known as the fillmore -- fill no more. so now i am the fillmore corridor ambassador. yes ladies and gentlemen yours truly. i've talked to all of the five property owners and campaigning for the longest and i accept this position in honor and also to put together a program which was filled by the cac, the promotional office all of those failed efforts implemented by the redevelopment agency or oewd millions and millions of dollars and i was there here i
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am begging in front of you all and tomorrow she's going to be missed very much she will be coming to the addition to answer a few questions on my television show to give us an update what's going on up there and i want to give an honor to miss reynolds she's not here. she was in tears a lot of the time and i didn't mean to and i'll tell you about that tomorrow and she will come tomorrow and explain to us
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what's going on there. right now i know currently that project they haven't came through with the assurance of the loan yet but yet they are able to operate the way they are doing now and the fillmore center got problems the current manager has been taken away boxes been taken away by the fbi and a lot of things i could tell you that's been going on in the fillmore and you need for me to address that so i respectively request that you hold your meeting have it right there at the addition it's big enough. just a special meeting to tell us what's going on. . thank you very much. >> i respectfully request that.
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>> thank you. >> good afternoon. . >> good afternoon commissioners my name is shirley moor. i'm a i'm a 20-year resident of the candlestick committee and i live 400 feet from the park stadium and i'm here to speak about the demolition process for candlestick point i oppose the closure of the stadium.
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an alternative that minimizes impact to human health and result in long-term cost savings. i imploding will cause harm and flying debris in particular will cover residents homes and contaminated the inside of residents homes and environmental health hazard when inhaled. respiratory illnesses and strokes and over the 30 percent and i'm also saying to you that the outreach for this i i i implode -- to
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here. >> i just want to talk about a couple of things. i'm really disappointed i thought we were in a democracy i thought we were and when it was mentioned about the comments on the environmental impact i don't understand that. we're talking about approving money to build and we haven't made a determination of how to destroy . it has everything to to do with it so i want to talk about a couple of things. we talked about the outreach and the young lady spoke about the demolition and when you talk
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about outreach and doing outreach in these communities what we find is that our communities are not being represented and when the outreach is being conducted it doesn't reflect the desires of our community. the people doing outreach don't know anything about our communities. window shopping when you talk about parking and you say where people can park their cars -- i don't window shop i'm not poor but i don't window shop and when you tell me i can park my car and i i don't go to those parking centers because i know how you treat poor people you treat them with distain and disrespect and it demonstrates the disconnect between what's happening with this city and country with the poor. we have people can't afford don't have a car and you talk about public transportation you say this plan has been going on on 10
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years. we have a decade of planning but yet we don't know. to even tell people we're going to give you a half of a parking space doesn't even sound intelligent to me. we don't have parking allocations. 10 years planning and we're failing to plan for public transportation. my father told me he used to walk to work to the bay view because the transportation was so horrible and today having the same conversation yet we say we've been planning for a decade so that means you planned for my people to fail this has been going on for more than a decade and more than a half a century these problems are san francisco these problems represent what san francisco means for being black in
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america these problems represent what it means to be below market rate and not be able to pay your rate but then you can't park your car to get a job in another city and we get shot on public transportation. thank you. >> thank you. >> do you have an over head? >> sorry we couldn't get the video i had downloaded on that technology. commissioners and i'm sorry -- your title? >> executive director. >> executive director. thank you. i also appreciate the commissioners intelligent questions about parking and transportation. i'm professor
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tomkins, retired and i have extreme concerns over the i the implosion of the stadium. the eir was designed to deal with a mechanical destruction of the stadium not an implosion what was reviewed by the public was a mechanical destruction of the stadium on september the 19th at the planning commission an addendum was submitted for the implosion of candlestick park the public we have never had an opportunity to review the documents. what was done later we met with the planning commission, lenare developers as well and golden gate law
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school gave me a call and i used to teach at at uc berkeley environmental chemistry and engineering we never reviewed this document. we asked definitive questions and i'll submit a copy of what we asked for in terms of how the implosion will take place. this is grossly inadequate and not reflecting the conditions in the community. if you look on on the screen over here -- the outer line is defined on that -- thank you. that works perfect. this outer line is called fine dust under their document and the inner line is the heavy dust and magically they are saying that the laws
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of physics do not exist in bay view hunter's point and if you ever turned in a paper to me at to me at uc to me at uc berkeley and you didn't submit the designs you would have an f. this was submitted without any scientific evidence. right now bay view hunter's point -- on particle on particle ates when i did my air studies back in the nineties we found that the asthma rates for the children in bay view was 55 percent at the elementary school i went back 10 years
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later 85 percent of the bay view is asthma tic and nationally recognized showing under the -- under your city ordinance of a preventative which mrs. moor had talked about you should take into account you should side on protecting the public. we didn't understand 911 when it occurred but now we have the science and know people are sick the evidence concurred the highest death rates killing bay view are heart terms and heart a attacks and strokes so right now the health and human
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services did the study and the life expectancy for the african-american male is 56 years in san francisco. it's the worst in the nation please i'm begging you please have them really do a really study. do not accept an implosion without an investigation of the scientific evidence do no harm the children discern a clean breath of area. there was no public comment we never knew about it other scientists need to review this and make an evaluation. the air district wasn't given an opportunity to review. >> i'm sorry. >> i apologize. >> this is public comment. >> i know there's a time limit.
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>> yes, there is a time limit. . >> this is life and death. >> we want to calendar this so we can have more time. >> also i have a letter from the equity council. >> pollution doesn't discriminate, people discriminate. >> thank you [applause]. >> do we have any other speakers? >> eric brooks. >> good afternoon commissioners eric brooks and the sustainability chair for the san francisco green party and i also coordinate the grass roots organization of our committee here in san francisco i sent these comments and a very important study document to you through your secretary claudia
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gara please make sure you get these documents so you can read them and let me touch base on this just by reading it is the easiest way to go over it in the beginning. dear commissioners, studies show that vastly higher amounts of cancer causing dust is created when implosion is used for building rather than mechanical removal and prohibited in urban areas. i'd like to kick it up a notch and say you don't need a study because this kind of demolition absolutely should not be done in a in a city, in an urban area in particular a 2005-case study by environmental health health
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