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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2014 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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that they work with and and i represent district 9 which includes the mission and this is a text that came from -- it was dated december 11, 2014 from mission bar and grill and it bothers me that something like this would come from a business that has the name mission on it, but it says from mission bar [inaudible] and it says good morning, please return to work as scheduled or you may be
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replaced, sincerely mbg. legally, the kind of language that's being used straddles the -- sort of walks the fine line of whether or not is it just a statement or actual threat, but of course, you know, getting this from -- on your personal phone from your employer, we know what the intended impact of this is, which is to intimidate and threaten and that's troubling. i was very troubled to hear in public comment about how in some of these establishments it seems like prices are being increased without any of what are the requisite approvals that need to be obtained. i would ask the city attorney if you can please review the leases that are -- i don't
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know how many leases we're talking about. the chair, maybe you can tell us maybe how many we're talking about. >> i can't recall the exact number. it's somewhere in the range of eight to ten that we're looking at, but i'd be happy to look into that question an report back. . >> one question i would have is if a business and establishment raises prices can they do that unilaterally or do they have to go through a process where they require approval of management. i know john martin try to run a tight ship. one chemical question i would be would that be a breech of the lease? we're not there yet so i
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would ask we make a motion to continue this item to the first immediate next meeting of the board of supervisors, which i think is actually a special meeting on january 7. i don't think that we will need to haerz the item again, but i just want to have it as an option so i would make a motion to continue to immediately following the special meeting. >> just to restate supervisor campos has made a motion to continue this item to january 7, 2015. the public hearing portion of this item has been held and closed, buff we can continue the item itself. >> the item itself. >> item 48, sure. that's seconded by supervisor mar. without objection that's been continued, item 48 to january 7, 2015. with that, colleagues, we
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will now reconvene as the board of supervisors and proceed pack to our item 50, which we left off at. again, i want to thank everyone for being here today for item 48. now we'll go back to roll call for introductions. we left off with supervisor breed who had completed her submission. >> i'd like to introduce new business, supervisor campos. >> i'm the potential short term and long-term strategies to help alleviate the affects of flooding along folsom street in the mission district, the area of 17th and folsom, which is actually the lowest point in the city which always floods every time that there is -- not even a significant rain. even a minor rain sometimes, and over the post few weeks
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we have been working with community members to prepare for the storm and i want to thank the public utility commission for the hard work they have done to help folks. this is a complicated problem and so this is basically a hearing that would allow us to have a long-term discussion about a more permanent solution. the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you supervisor campos. supervisor cohen. >> thanks very much. first, i just wanted to make an announcement and raise the level of attention around a very important item. i just want to recognize that earlier this week congress passed a bill that could result in a complete national data collection on police shootings and other deaths that happen in law
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enforcement custody. this is pretty significant because what it is is a reauthorization of legislation that expired in 2006. this is legislation that was introduced by representative bobby scott, a democrat in virginia and base cliz states receiving federal funds would be required to report every quarter on the number of deaths that occurred of persons in the their custody. and think, i believe, speaks to a lot of the wave and movement and protest and outrage you see happening on a daily basis. i have want to offer one final piece before i submit the rest in me more yum i'd like to request we close the board meeting out in memory of my great uncle. he was laid to
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rest earlier in afternoon. he passed away on december 9 at the age of 96. louis was born november 17, 1918 in ocean springs, mississippi and he attended elementary school at xavier preparatory high school. he was married to my aunt on june 28, 1939 at holy ghost catholic church. as newlyweds they started their family, and with the birth of ten children. but 1942 is needs of the family had my uncle louis seeking to obtain higher wages for loading freight for the
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louisville and nashville railroad. like many african americans, migrating from the south to san francisco [inaudible]. uncle louis has settled into the working class neighborhood of bay view hurnters point. together he would raise ten children in the community. he could be seen on sunday mornings at our lady of the lord church with his children and later in life at all hallows catholic church. he loved singing and could be heard singing or whistling a tune as he worked in the yard or remodelled the interior or exterior of his home. besides his family he loved the san francisco giants, the baseball team, attending many of their games until he was no longer able. he's left quite a legacy
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behind. >> on our city's as a city how we want to continue to make improvements in our supportive housing system. one of the reports was recently [inaudible] that i requested earlier in the year that was released earlier today. that examined the cost
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identify and compare procedures for client intake, assessment and outcomes. both of these reports are some of the first comprehensive analyses prioritized here in san francisco. while both reports affirmed that supportive housing as cost effective and necessary, they provide la number of recommendations that the stitz i believe should explore and implement in order to reduce ourover all homeless population and help the formerly homeless become receive sufficient. the city services audit report and their tenants focuses on inclined characteristics, services provided, service gaps, public benefits, helts care youthization, and the length of stay in client exits. four key areas i look forward to exflowering, includesing service provision, administration, and program goals. the bla report i requested
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affirms the effectiveness of support i [inaudible] costs to build new supportive housing ewe nitss here in our city of san francisco, but provides recommendations that both dph and hsa can track the records of their clients and calls for the city to convene a working group to support housing. include tg feasibility of moving to a citywide or needed assessment system, more trajectories, service utilization availability an cost of alternative housing and the projective future costs of maintaining and expand tg city's service housing port folio. as a city more of our homeless here in san francisco. i plan on bringing together the directors and helping
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staff to discuss the reports of my hearing and the steps needed for improvement in service delivery and outcomes for our clients that plan on taking the immediate and long-term fuel chur. there are a number of legislative proposals we'd like to address, including contract compliance, better performance outcomes and how to encourage more support of housing tenants to qualify for public benefits and the transition of willing and able housing tenants housing opportunities. i plan on scheduling this meeting in february and look forward to the discussion and i thank today all the people involved, i want to thank trent from hsa, everyone from dph and everyone participating in these efforts and look forward to continuing this discussion. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor farrell. supervisor kim.
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>> right before thanksgiving this year i a pilot program to restroom fa stillties throughout our district. it is one of the top concerns i continue to hear from our residents, visitors, small business owners and on our city streets. we work at the department of public works over the last two years and needs to come up with a pilot program that will offer a triple combination of portable toilets, singzs, needle collection and dog waste bags and receptacles. for the last sixth months we have implemented this project
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alike is that there's a real need for clean and safe public restrooms to provide people with a dignified place to go to the bathroom. at the same time as this usage has gone down in our neighborhood. this is significant because most of the steam cleaning requests pertain to reports of human feces. hire to the 1001 pit stop public works averages requests on [inaudible] steam clean using #1r5 gallons of water, the city has saved 160 gallons of water a day at 2641
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gallons per month. in the appropriate receptacles and not left behind in our doorways, parks or tree wells. they identified 150,000 to fund the initial pilot through january, and given the significant unfortunately due to the holidays it was difficult to schedule on december, the hearing will take place in early january, but in the meantime we want to introduce a supplemental to ensure we can continue the program through the end of the year and expands to other high needs neighborhoods like the high needs market. as we with a spike in traffic fatalities. and while we are slightly behind in terms of fatalities
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and pedestrian fatalities we also know that there is often a spike during the holidays as there is an increased number of shared users on our odes. roads. we want to reminds the public to drive safely during this time of joy and gatt eshg.
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almost done, i've asked the city attorney to begin drafting an ordinance that all frequent drivers and large take the approved training starting in the new year. the city will be handing out bumper stickers announcing the partner's early and voluntary commitment. we're working with the san francisco bike coalition to continue pushing our don't walk efforts throughout the holidays. i was really glad to see that sfmpa has decided to launch the pilot we began in the month of december and we are supporting the campaign to report locations or drivers blocking the box by hashtaging -- i still call it pound --
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hashtag parking dirty sf. this program was modelled by washington dc public works and you can learn about it more at sf i have a in the founding member of community housing partnerships core chop program. the community housing organizing project works to train and develop community organizing leadsers to categorize social change in san francisco, promote social justice and advocate for issues for social poverty and homelessness. we are all organizizers, chop also runs community scholars program,
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an 8 month internship program to promote [inaudible] through chop she worked almost every day on a campaign including most recently the fair chance act authored by my office and supervisor cohen and the registration project. she came to our meetings supporting policy measures that would make a difference in the tenderloin. she was born in san francisco on july 21, 1969 to edgar [inaudible] and raised by her grandparents. she grew up closely with her two siblings, trino and lucia.
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she worked in the tenderloin. she was an amazing mother, daughter, sister, friends and someone who cared deeply about her neighbors and residents. she passed at the age of 45 to unknown causes. the community housing partnership family in our district are grieving her loss and the gap in leadership. friends remember her as loving, outside going, caring, down to earth, and never without a smile on her face. she is survived by her who daughters. friends my visit her today at driscol mortuary. a mass funeral would be celebrated tomorrow, december 17 at 10:00 am at saint anthony's church at 3125
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cesar chavez street. we want to pay condolences to family, friends, chp community. i know many of you have seen her in our halls and in meetings and speaking at public comment and if you see her photo you'll recognize her and her smile immediately. you can go on facebook. i know community housing partnership who here today have posted many photos of leanna to recognize the impact she has and continues to have on our neighborhood. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor kim. supervisor mar. >> thank you madam clerk. as i mentioned to my first kwez to the mayor kicking off this meeting, i'll be working with the city attorney with input from supervisor avalos and president tang on beginning the process to research what with the budget analyst's office as well, the tax looking at ultra luxury
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housing with absenteeism owners in our city. we'll begin the process to talk with stake holder groups. also an issue of pay equity and parity i'm issuing today. supplemental appropriation up to the amount of $3.4 million during the 2014, '15 fiscal year to funds the cost of doing business allocation for non profit agencies at contract with the city and county of san francisco. many women and people of color staffed the community based organizations that are non profits in our city. there's a wealth gap that's leaving them behind. this is about parity and pay equity for these workers. we did this resolution a few months ago because in fiscal year 2008, 9, 11 and 12, non profits received founding from san francisco despite having to absorb the huge costs of
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healthcare rent. this flat funding amounted to the reduction for non profit really negatively impacting allocation for this purpose was contingent on revenue and savings above the projected estimates for 2013, 2014 to be found in sources such as the city's local tax, property tax and real estate transfer tax. according to our recently cap our comprehensive annual financial report for the city for fiscal year 2013, '14, the city's general funds is now in a much healthier financial position that continues to post significant improvements.
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>> i'm going to adjourn in a memoriam. our city and chinese american community has lost a warm kind and outstanding when laura lie
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passed away on december 10th after suffering from liver cancer for over 5 years. laura was born in china on january 7, 1933. she had only 4 years of formal schooling in hong kong before immigrating to the united states. she went to washington elementary school and because of her age she was quickly promoted to galileo high school and during this time she joined mun shing the democratic youth league not too different from the chinese association. at the time of
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that organization mun shing was subjected to surveillance and harassment by the federal government and fbi and elements of the chinese community itself. with the mun shing laura became active in drama and theatre and there she met her husband who she married after high school. laura lie worked for pg & e before retiring in 1995. throughout their married life, she was his main companions and assistant and partner. her astute management of their finances allowed them to accumulate an amazing library but also made it possible for her husband to retire early so he can become a full time people historian and she joined him in his research
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throughout the world. laura continued to support their favorite community based organization like the chinese cultural center, chinese historical society and the chinese association as well. her powerful spirit, devotion and grace were in comparable. i know she was gleaming when she knew her root to salvation and knowledge is applied to the community. laura's ashes will be scattered. we join the family and relatives. also i'm very saddened by the passing of
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the history of the asian movement and grass roots activist from the 70s and 80s that came together when he was on death row in san quentin. it took a 9-year struggle to successfully win his release and freedom. the defense committee was the first pan coalition for churches but also militant community groups. mr. chul sue leaves in 1981 after the grass roots campaign led by a social movement after being released from prison for being wrongly convicted of a gang murder. he brings asian americans like myself in an unprecedent pan asian coalition and the movement which i call it
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represents the pan asian movement in american history. chiu sui lee came to the u.s. in 64 with limited english ability and he was brought up by his aunt and uncle. chul sue lee was also part of a small korean community and attended many schools in san francisco. he was wrongfully convicted in 1973 of killing a chinese gang leader and he was very young at the time. i wanted to acknowledge activist yamenta. and i