tv [untitled] December 24, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PST
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as a whole the company was a west coast company doorknob in los angeles long beach and san francisco up to the late 90s and 2009 we expanded to the northwest and to the gulf to a point we have locations on the east and the golf and the west coast as well as 21 plus port locations in more than 9 states as well in the prince columbia as you can see from the organizational chart the top level i self-mention the metro corporation because it is really the company between noting list as well as the operating companies but we have 4 operating companies in place under metropolitan steve donor company the metro crews and shore and metro risk management metro ports is our unbelievable
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and break bulk handling company within the last couple of years we've handled more 10 tons of bulk cargo and expect that to eclipse possible 13 million we've been doing business since mid 2008 metro crews services is our crews oriented business we provided steve doctoring to the crews links search warrants the port and the a.d. i couldn't know to the metro crews is the shore services that provides shores and ground handling as well as special events coordination for the terminals during the slow season not being buzzed by the port term we've been in business since the 1970s first at the pier 35 and now 35
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and 27 metro risk management is a claims management company basically a third party administrator we were a self-insured company we gathered the experience as a self-insured company and set up a third party we provide security for the state of california with that, let's get into the main jest of the presentation what's the benefits of pier 80 and how to increase business first of all, we see pier 80 within the bet first, i have oakland no longer sg does great bulk there's discussion whether or not they'll be doing it in the future that's a was off richmond is no longer doing it
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and stockton which is 75 miles away is doing bulk grant it's minimal pier 80 is also has a well design lay down area within the terminal for segregation and has more marnth as for the draft for large vessel between c and d birth it is 38 to 40 feet it is better than most port locations we also have minimal deviation to reach it very good rail and strait access and lastly suitable for a number of comes down first steel and products and number of related cargo that handles the spaces
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so from a marketing effort one of the things we want to go ahead and do initially to go ahead and utility some of the relationships we have with current and past customers go ahead and increase business offer at pier 80 one is the effort carries that is very much steel oriented and they've expressed interests in moving business to pier it will occur over time the steel industry is trying to very advantage from the crisis of 2002 we have greek star looking at steel as well as cargo box relate the steel materials again various bulk materials 345i7b8 gipson and led if the smith side of the house and bbc chooert looking at the cargos from machinery and
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equipment and then hold else discover carries it is a bulk carry but we would like to be able to have that business to drive the bulks business we have a pretty good relationship with the bulk folks with that, i'm going to turn it over to john allen our director the west coast business development that will discuss business opportunities we're currently in negotiation with. >> good afternoon thank you for the opportunity i want to quickly go through the business opportunity we're currently working on, on pier 80 i want to emphasized being the only facility that should be considered in the long term as well the first item is product coming out of canada with a contracted with the rail the volume is
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considerable no longer able to move it because of the shortage of rail with the possibility of shipping it down by ocean and discharging pier 80 and using 80 as a distribution center it is a good facility as pointed out close to the freeway the next item is gypping so many it is a product that is currently used for architectural for fertilizer it is are we're president chiu are business but this is a good potential no other facility in the base it can handle it that customer is someone we've been working with for quite some time. >> i'm not could i talk about
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the effort products. >> the f s b is a plywood foreding and roofing comes in 4 different packages easy to handle. >> another bulk material moving in jump both bags we're working with a customer based on bbc they do a lot of domestic business within the union and mass a good relationship with the b u p they set up a business in south america and have railcars and the transfer in bulk into vessels. >> the next item i think jim has put more effort into it it relates to audit imports like mexico there are a couple of carries pardon me a couple of
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carries that discharging charge along the coast in san diego and port u negligent given the design it is suitable for audible autos but mostly for local distribution. >> this item container has bulk materials it is looking at copper as an import coming out of income. it will move specialized containers that is picked up and dump into the rail and goes we've actually been approached to move this product at numerous ports along the west coast we think that pier 80 has the capacity and the rail connection and given the high vail of the material we - and the fact there
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is several mines that are sort of we think there is potential. >> this next item is something that actually came in the last month the u.s. flag carry carrier that brings in back loading cargo we're meeting with them this friday they are interested in a regular service so that is monthly and lastly is one that has the most potential is steel if you look at what's going along the coast especially in southern california vessels are having to wait and there's only two terminals really that handles the material we feel with enough time and effort we'll talk to the carriers and
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consider the centralized discharge port for distribution much the material is going throughout california not only southern california this is an ongoing effort working with steel buyers and steel shippers and the carriers and lastly i think we put 24 up so you understand we're out there we're engaged in the various industries we're trying to get the business from and the steel industry for example, this orientation we've been working with them and what jim talked about those are organizations that are pertinent any questions for those opportunities please let us know. >> i'd like to embed and introduce my colleagues from the long union first of all, mel vin was the president of local 10 is
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here and also mr. daily not related to peter is here as well secretary treasurer and mr. really from the local 10 is here if you want to say a few words. >> thank you, welcome commissioners over the last 20 years i've had an opportunity to work with pier 80 with religious containers and things since 2008 they had to generate two which revenue for the longer shore distribution e division this will be a nice opportunity to give back to san francisco we both loaded and the ships they've made many years this place has been dormant with metro quite a few years knowing how well, we, work together with
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san francisco it will be nice to have them back in business and having the revenue come back to the city of san francisco and having the long-term shoreman back to work get back to business and work get that terminal open we've had an opportunity over the last 6 years for the jobs it is related to the longshoreman division we go to pier 94 and knowing where we were that place needs to be reopened san francisco needs to generate revenue we'll have lost it there it will be nice thank you. >> how are you. >> this is my brother from another mother by the way. >> i want to recognize the hard
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work that monique all could you state your name for the record. >> mr. daily local secretary and treasurer the work that jim and marty and others have done it's a pleasure to work with them our workforce is trained and ready to go and excited about bringing work back to san francisco? where it started from the iou up and down the coast we would like our support on this thank you. >> good afternoon fae less than reilly commissioners, thank you for having us i worked at pier 80 ever since i started in 1991 pier 80 is a place that holds a
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lot of special value for me my father was as see longshoreman i see pier 80 from my house and see him come home from school and seeing what was tapping happening on pier to epavorating to follow in his fingertips touches high heart we've taken pride and a lot of effort along with metro and a lot of the johns we've done some of the pictures you've shown here today, i was a crane operator on the corin unit on some of the boats placed in the water and numerous amounts of steel that's been discharged i look forward to doing that and look forward to working with the excisions and with the metropolitan we
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have a good relationship going on right now and this will help all of us build a good reputation for the city i was born and raised in the city and boo do everything in my power to continue thank you very much for your time. >> with that, we'll answer any questions you might have thank you very much. >> public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed commissioners >> well, i think it is great to hear about this opportunity and the vision what we would like to do i want to understand the business model a little bit and maybe too he'll but have you done forecasts and how the revenue works oneself we have two people parking lot and it's good to know their jobs if we
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know how many jobs if it is active and whether it's one hundred or 50 perspective but the port benefits from the or how did it work job by job i don't think i understand the business model with the activity we're hoping to generate that is very exciting and the last thing i'm interested in understanding is there investment that is required on the part of the port to make this operational i want to know that up front and what we're to do differently than in 2008, to generate- >> answer to the best of my ability and i'll invite metro in terms of the finally, we have a management agreement with metro
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ports not a lease per say an agreement where whereby they agree to operate the facility they bring in their equipment and investment and help us to maintain the facility as well and essentially we have a revenue sharing arrangement whereby until wisconsin we get a certain volume we put in 50/50 and the charge we access the cargo based on the com times they bring across our docks it is a fee we charge for a ship to be docked at the pier we charge a certain amount for the twenty-four hour are period and charge to the crane rental if they need to use our crane we charge for that and anything they need to store products we'll access a storage fee
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and then we also have a labor revenue so if there's a ship down there that wants to come you know for instance, the u.s. triply that docked down there the labor that is they're part we have ships that sometimes come in that need a birth for a period of time we share that revenue and once the volumes starts to go up there's a formula by where a certain prgs of that revenue will go up and metro ports is able to gain revenue for the steve they you conduct for the doc in terms of investment we actually had a in our program to help repair the roofs on the sheds to make them weather tight so we're in a good
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position to attract things like it 0r7b9 strand board and some of the activities insides the shed because the roofs are secure and doing a little bit of working with san francisco bay area railroad to help improve the structure to keep the rail maintained but other than that that's the good facility and we're just on a regularly balances trying to maintain it. >> i'd like to comment as well i think as far as the investments we looked at the ships and the infrastructure equipment will be on metz part and get a pay back the port won't have to step up with any monies on that basis and i think to we are our question what's the plan there's there's a lot of moving parts and the port is one piece of the logical ifrpgz i ice cream there's ocean
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transportation and manufacturing costs and selling what's the price for example, on the portion piece can we price it in such a way it compleets with the trucking we think we can but it does boil down to costs. >> so since we're operate on a two year budget i'm assuming all of this is incremental. >> we haven't forecasted my new revenues yet and and given that metro has been working what's the formula. >> okay i think from a pro forma ma we're at least a quarter of the
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way for the pro forma statement those are opportunities we're looking at right now i'd love to see those occur with the subsection we expect that will occur with a lot of effort i'll expect a pro forma presented in 20 days will change but if you notice we didn't say my wife and i anything about tesla we want to get the revenue from 12 to 18 months tesla is a great opportunity but right around the window of 18 months we're going to try to get the revenue from tesla our goals to go ahead and increase revenue and fund the opportunities. >> since our friends in labor are excited that is wonderful is there a range of jobs with this
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new activity. >> obama we're trying to go ahead and get a good grasp of the volume some maybe spot business that's okay as long as we do that on a consistent basis. >> i'd like to go back and answer the question that commissioner brandon asked as well, maybe the 3 of you and maybe commissioner president katz can help the primary thing that changed be since 2008 the market is come back ems we hit a pretty deep trophy in terms of the market the market in the bay area slipping up trembling but it slung from san francisco so i think there is some definite growth we have been sustained by certain cargos and our bulk cargos have been higher than a decade but i think what is changing we've seen it really
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well in the crews terminal business is for sort of a quaint phase demonstrating we're open for business i mean having the partnership between the board and the metro and the iowu on the road has proved to be invaluable we need to continue it the commissioner has been wonderful in working with us and we would like to see our local 10 partners more frequently as well and that will be incredibly important once the parties come to an agreement with the mou to raise the attention back to the port we are seeing some great opportunities and want to be ready and be pro-active and the presentation today is a start of that partnership.
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>> is pier 80 open. >> open yes (laughter). >> active it depends on on day and with commissioner brandon's question will this require us to sit down and relook at it in different was the contract or with our partners here i mean is it - all right. peter our up. >> good afternoon peter daily with the port a couple of quick things what is different the market is different all west coast ports have seen it is by congestion and their full that's true in la not here the port of oakland has t 5 it has been a itself great recession hit the west coast we're starting to say tangible
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opportunity that's one thursday morning and two the america's cup was a great thing and the oracle team took over the pier and they made improvements fixed the roof and door and when they leave in a couple of months we're going to get it facility back since the america's cup and quite frankly we 3u7d business from the america's cup by it sent a message to the try to a certain extent they have sail boats not construction steel that's the prospective we're going to have to fight and touch open a new campaign we're doing the dbi and the dream graphic pop up see google trying toy vital our marketing effort but lastly our agreement with metro will be reviewed in this coming year it is coming up for renewal
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and i'm sure you're aware of we went to the pier 27 agreement with metro and came up to a successful formula that both party can grow request i think we'll know more as mike said in the next year in a year from now we'll know if 24 is a false start we'll look at that carefully the pier is open and the revenue share there is revenue generated through labor and ship calls the terminal is open everyday of the week it needs to be by metro they pay the securities we're open for business but we there think there is an opportunity going forward i've been working with the pier since 1978 with movie vin a great, great term and in a lot of different was
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the market harassed shifted i'm an op an open mist that will include the terminal with the port. >> thank you. i had a couple of questions more specifics in terms of outreach for a potential opportunity i recently found someone that was rather surprised at our capacities i know we're reaching out to the traditional lines and operator but i think given the tremendous amount of construction that is taking place throughout san francisco and in silicon valley in the south bay we are pose to go out for much of the business and also it is potentially through contractor and the construction as much to the
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traditional ones we mate want to look at other things when they are ordering supply-side factoring that in put the word out to utilize our facility we found people recently were not aware of our capacity and are starting to explore those options so perhaps look at other ways to get the word out that is not as traditional in the past but given all that's going on perhaps look at some of that as well. >> that's a really good point i want to comment we didn't touch on the direct martin with the general contractors we've reached ousted on a regularly basis the building going on in the west bay that gives us an opportunity we've reached tout out to d b r we've built the campus in kurp which i have seen
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to join and we've got will facilities to do storage, maritime rail you nominating name it in fact, we've leased out for the transbay tenor and reached out to other companies so we're trying to get the word out he realizes is a lot of folks in the organizations that may not be aware maybe their colleagues do and they don't talk we're talking to lamar be to talk about the treasure island so, yeah that's i think in our conversation it will be helpful to let people know of our capacity we're trying to reach out such as we can and i don't think we mentioned that our sister port signing with the
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philippines port authority that was relief trucks and vehicles that seemed to help not earthquake but 86 phenomenon and hurricanes the devastation it took place a year ago they were surprised at our capacity that's the kind of thing i know jim you've been working with them a lot of people don't recognize our ability to deliver and move large vehicles and things like that hopefully not an emergency situation but if needed we are willing ready and able. >> i also want to thank iou d when we do our marketing effor
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