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tv   [untitled]    December 25, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PST

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police officer writes a ticket for air force a t nc we have no idea of whether it's a private car it's my hopes on the forward facing cameras i know we're working on it and see it with within the next year and a half i also see t nc stopped in bike lanes in their not legally allowed but the cabs are lout to legally pickup at the curb definitely a lot of challenges but i'm supporting all of those recommendations i think that's a again step in the right direction. >> thank you it's a good report i agree with a lot of what our saying thank you very much. >> thank you jaef briefly thank you for the report i will
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certainly be supporting the recommendations i feel we need to do whatever we can to make the industry for viable and take care of the drivers as much as possible i wanted to make sure that the taxi industry is making it easier on the drivers as well i'd like to get a report on how much the taxi drivers are still having to tip their dispatchers that was a real problem with the industry if i was calling for a cab and the cab driver was right outside of my apartment was not going to get a call because he didn't tip the daefrp that is a problem and it is commissioner
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sako the industry i'm pleased to hear about the fly wheel when i came on this board four years ago i think the taxi industry has been slow to catch up this is part of the pain we're having to suffer here as a result of us getting slow to get ahead of the industry or catch up or keep up with the industry grateful to yellow cab i agree with director heinecke i'd like to be able to market fly wheel or an app to help get you guys nor customers i got a 20-year-old in my care she hates to talk on the phone and certainly hates city of chicago her hand out and making herself observe to anyone that's
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it is way that the world is now finally, i want to speak to what director borden said about the customer service i hope those changes and stopping to tip the daefrp and the embarrass guy to make sure they're more pollutant so the customer service can be more friendly i haven't had an issue with the cabs i don't know what that is like but when i have the pleasure of take a look a cab it's a luxury for a lot of use it is been a again experience the only trouble a lot of times the operators or drivers are disgrumbled and it shows and not make for a pollutant ride my spouse didn't enjoy it the drivers are two grumpy in a bad meadow and not respond to my kind of questions
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and god help you for paying with a credit card those are my recommendations to the industry i've never taken a uber i support (clapping.) i support the industry but you guys have to do your part so thank you very much and i certainly hope this board recommends. >> if it is okay. i'll is one thing i've used fly wheel and enjoyed much and very good customer service in the taxi industry and personally they've to the companies and the drivers that are out there serving the public in san francisco and with positive it's i personally received there fly wheel i'd like to move this item. >> second.
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>> on the proposal in general go back to the task force you've to got to create. >> yes. taxi. >> all kinds of groups in there i hope to move all kinds of opinion not only the background but we've had one of those and it was innovate successful because well, it was criticized a lot by folks perhaps the way it was chosen but i'm trusting the diversity. >> i think there's not been an issue in the taxi industry that didn't have multiple verifies and responses so, yeah it makes for better policy and we listen to everyone. >> the person if the puc or the airport ever show up i think marcie and overview cac have a here. >> i want to ask 1 or 2 one
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question about the t nc has to pay a fee not only the taxi drivers. >> good afternoon thanks for being here i'm overview you can't have the t ncs have to pay fees it's different than the taxi system they b.a. pay a drop off and pick up fee and taxis with a smart card they pay $3.85 for drop off and picks up. >> do they go out. >> taxis are smart cards they swipe the cards and the t n kc's we're implementing for the term of august a geotracking capacity that the t nc go do as the
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taxis. >> do you want to say something from the t nc. >> i was asked to be here to respond to questions i'm marcie the director of the planning commission my main task to drop the proposal and creating the rules for the t nc the commission unanimously adapted the next facing phase for anothers t nc we're looking at what rules we need to modify. >> what additional rules we'll create everything we do though is to promote the safety of the passengers, drivers and the general public so the rules are not going to be about rates or specifically not rates
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specifically what can we had to make our safety rules for effective. >> how do you enforce the rules. >> we have 23 investigators across the state it's not a lot and we can also add more because we charge the t nc similar to the t pc a certain amount at a time a small amount if we need to charging them moore more we have to issue a decision and go to a legislator for more staffing. >> has b that been discussed or possibly in the works to charge more so 26 enforcement officers unless 4525 of them are in san francisco is not enough. >> it's not enough we will go to the legislator to ask for more it's not part of the phase two it is a separate route a
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separate truck and rely with on local enforcement the k h ps to enforce them by law enforcement as well. >> i think the chp is not a presents on our city streets you're in the blind there, huh? (clapping.) i'm not chris's you but looking at ways to help and the public can help you get to to point you feel you have the resources to properly execute this. >> absolutely for us this is an innovative process we need to figure out where the areas are to focus on for now data requests of the t nc to insure that tyler national red lining. >> i'm sorry what's red lining.
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>> their picking up from all areas of the city we've asked for information on sense and recreation per sdoopd and the disability issue to make sure do we need to require the t nc to have their own suits for the disability community. >> this puts a lot of burden on the t n credit so charging the t nc more and more to help you facility that will be tough on the list of things. >> we wade a few months about 6 months i'm not speaking for the 5 commissioners, i think that a lot of people would have wanted them to be part of local jurisdiction so we don't have to deal with that. >> i suspect we can ask you 5
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hundred questions i'll start by saying thank you for coming down here whoever told you it wasn't your fascinate thing to do given the climate thank you and rather than ask the 5 hundred questions i'll ask one question that's jermaine to the proposal can you tell us what the c puc regulatory agency that the vehicles a safe and can you thrills plans to change that activity or lack of activity i ask because we've heard today about the gp u process of inspecting vehicles we know of the procedures that the companies go through with our certifications for insurance but not only that where the car belongs to an affiliate or a
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company we have an independent system where the regulator is inspecting those cars i was wondering if you can tells you what the c p vehicles are safe and if there's any plans to change that system in the future. >> so when we in our decision one of the rules we created that the t nc require an annual car inspectors it's a 19 point car inspections it sound like long but a basically inspection when we looked at this we looked the regular town cars and lemon months in the street no requirements for the inspections in t
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in t in t in the limo sides is the rule we created the is 9 car inspection is it good enough for now, when we issued our decision we are that in the drip active so the question for the next one now do we need to be more define because you have the uber and sidecars requiring them to go a licensed mechanic for an annual checkout but they do their own internal inspection do we need are to have them have a certificate. >> i appreciate the direct answer to the question. >> again, thank you for being
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here we have a we have a motion and a second on the floor all in favor, say i. opposed? in the ids have it thank you very much. >> mr. chairman item 6 introduction of new e.r. unfinished business and i know we've had so much decision around vision zero i hear about it showing so much i'm wondering if director reiskin you feel it would be possible for us to get a quarterly update on progress i know it's helpful to be able to tell the public what it is we've done towards vision zero and what hot spots we've fixed. >> absolutely i'll he give you information but we'll start quarterly update on february 3rd board meeting but highlights that's - it came from our suggestion that the policy and governance committee we
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bring this to the board. >> do i have to repeat myself. >> no response required but i'll be fair i've not forgotten about market street to eliminate private car traffic it's germane about slowing the taxis making it a transit corridor i know there's a lot going on but i'd like to in fairness to you and the spirit of the unfinished business or new business really unfinished business category i hope this board has a concrete proposal to consider by your next board retreat and provides direction on that topic. >> so. >> again, you don't have to respond our welcome to. >> i'd be happy to respond we've started the public process
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for that and should have the legislation for the traffic changes coming to you i think in the spring not sure about february 3rd but give you specific timelines of when it will be coming in the spring at the lastly implementation by the summer. >> board finished business. >> a friend of mine the gps number on the - she said it wasn't working for a long time and i was wondering why do we know why the gps has been disconnected. >> i was unaware that was the case. >> i literally checked that myself. >> today because of the wet weather and all the rain and infrastructure the cars are not
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running when the cable cars are down but when the cable cars with operating it should be working. >> it was not raining when i checked out several times so she spent years - and any new e.r. unfinished business and item 7 director's report. >> director reiskin and good afternoon, members of the board and staff first of all, ask our taxi decorator to come back up we're doing a special recognition and as we started doing at some point last year not only for mta employees by others who provide transportation services in san francisco and today two taxi drivers that kate will wish providing recognize to. >> i'm going to call them up.
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(calling names) i'm not sure if mr. developing can made it today come on up i mean, i'll start with the gentleman he's received an award and recognized and honored i want to bring him before the board he did something spectacular i hear about things in the taxi industry but positive things that happen everyday and he's been a driver since 2010 and currently drives for comfort cab last february he picked up a passenger that smoked pc p they were heading over the bay bridge and situation occurred in the vehicle he tried to jump off the
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break-in lost it and mr. chang saved this man he deslate the situation and subdued this man and his life was saved and want to give you a few moments ago from our prospective. >> it was really difficult (clapping) i think it was really tough because we are were on the break-in but we got it under control i think i mean, that's how you control i controlled is good and this gentleman was on a drug i don't think he was ordinance a drug i heard it two
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months later about pcp and i didn't know about it i'm okay and he's okay we made ta it safe and we couldn't do it worse we made that one way it looked good and everyone giving me a salute i'm proud of what happened and the best thing in my life i'm safe and he's safe thank you very much and thank you for the award. >> thank you (clapping.) on behalf of the board of directors we're proud of you, too. >> i want to read for the gentleman he came to our attention was noticeable and
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make sure those are those trips are happening he, in fact, was providing so much paratransit that everyday taking people to the doctors and doing their daily errands over the last 6 months 6 hundred and 50 paratransit trips he's serving the community and we'll make sure he gets his certificate at our september - december 15th party for the drivers. >> thank you director reiskin. >> next, i want to ask our director of finance and information technology molly to come forward to recognize one of our hearing officer. >> good afternoon directors
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this is a great pleasure where did george go it's a great pleasure i'm going to honor george he's part of the hearing team in the serving since 1993 and started at an administrative officer he himself conducted the highest volume of hearing and hearing for parking citations so you understand the kinds of issues he conducted hearing for the disability related complaints in transit he's a team player and helps the officers he has a good attitude and extremely positive and he's got significant skills in difficult situations and an excellent customer service skills he is a poly glad he
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speaks russian and ill and french and pep help to our visitors that come to the city this morning he handled a complained from a tourist member he's pun i can tell you and thank you, george it's my pleasure to give you this ward (clapping.) so molly failed to mention he speak in english (laughter) i'd like to address you in that language but i want to thank the board and the chairman of the board subpoena for this honor and thank the city for providing me a great team to work with and great manager and all the resources we knew we needed to be able to perform at the high-level and thank you, very much. >> thank you for an extremely
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difficult job. >> i'll consider this task to continue (clapping.) >> next, i want to ask our central program director to give you an update on the many things that are happening with the central subway. >> good afternoon director nolan and director reiskin my name is john the subway program director my presentation will provide you with a brief central subway construction you update and respond to some of the questions from public meetings from raised by members of the public on our tunnel contract both are
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complete the intentionally boring machines are dismantling and removed off-site the lunchbox is xhernd into a structure that will be complete in april of i 2015 and it the on time and on budget and on schedule this is a shot of the chinatown station contract perimeter walls will be completed by the end of this year and the mass excavation for the head house about begin early next year currently 38 of the panels have been completed now this is a unique view of the union square market street station i probably haven't seen from underground you're actually looking at underneath stockton
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street and the roof of the future union square market street tradition now where can union square has been temporary paced for the holiday season and stockton street has on temporarily returned back to the public for the holiday shopping season hopefully some of you have seen it we actually, you turned it over to the public on the day before thanksgiving now this is a shot of the yerba buena moscone center station the walls are complete along fourth street and the panels that will complete the balance of the excavation will be installed at the gas station site and it should begin early next year finally at last surface station
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work has gone south of brilliant street the work has been you primary to accommodate the fourth and brandon station all of the station construction work under what we call contract 13 is on schedule and on budget i understand that a previous question regarding the palms located at 5 fourth street now the authority to remove the issue at the palms was the removal which a white zone in front of the building and the authority to remove the parking in front of the palms was approved in 2007 for the spill environmental review he and we're working with the representative at palms to
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temporarily relocate the palm essential this is the white zone and temporarily relocating on the i do of free long street and this is the future station now also a few months back a whistle blower amble in the way it was reporting the expenses and forecasting its budget of completion as a result of that whistle blower they've reached it out perform an out of subway documents city krovlz rained it's firm of
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consulting out of the sacramento in march of this year to perform the anti and on november 17th the finding were the budget costs were inadequately recorded and projected that the project will not exceed the baseline budget and open the project as planned now for a little bit of fun, i never imagine a subway project convert into a plaza as a result of the holiday moratorium requirements we had an opportunity to work with the union square bit improvement district thank you and opened up stockton street for padded plaza
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in the history of the city this photograph was taken on day one of the opening day before that's why that was amazing just removing the ribbon and people lloyd it was a warm sunny day but people were laying down sun bathing and enjoying the befshz that concludes my presentation. i'm available to answer any questions you might have. >> any board members. >> as the white zone at the palms that's once the project is done that's going to be replaced how temporary is that location. >> i have