tv [untitled] December 26, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm PST
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association with our neighborhood association is work on activating our neighborhood with the addition ground floor retail so mission bay is viewing and coming on line one of the things that is important watching what happens with the arena and sdraths with the neighborhood also as a designation place for people that live there and for people coming there and we're pleased with how this project has advanced in this new way and excited about the retail about the marketplace they're going to set up it's important for us as neighbors and the merchant associations to see other replacement in the neighborhood and having it next to the park is also important so this new
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design we look forward to the continuing evolution and excited about getting started thank a lot. >> thank you. >> members of the commission dravm i'm laura the social person with you ucsf i want to make a few remarks for the university i want to reiterate we welcome our neighbors to mission bay and join the rest of the city in joining the warriors franchise to the city and bringing a professional supports enterprise to san francisco the warriors mixed use investment about bring dining option to mission bay where it prestigiously didn't exist i'm sure you're aware of we've addressed issues in the city with traffic and research campus
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to maintain a presence at mission bay when we break ground on our first building and mission bay has blooumd bloomed with its great accomodation with cutting-edge research mission bay as a population of 4 thousand patients and other visitors on february one i'm sure you're aware of mission bay will be the home of san francisco's new hospital the ucsf medical in thirty years at mission bay that complex will consist of 3 status quo we think that 3 thousand employees and physicians will work in our new hospitals so the new children's hospital will serve all the pedestrian africa folks and
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we'll have transportation of patients and have an energy department we anticipate that will be thirty patient visits per day and visits by plans force the firefighter we anticipate the birth to be 26 to 2 seven hundred so it's critical that our patient and staff hass have access to our pediatric access we look forward to continuing our dialog with the warriors and city around parking and access he issues the federal government i'm sure you're aware of through the state and university have made a significant investment at mission bay and we are interested in making it secure we've been working with the city and warriors on security issues and understand there are minimum overlap between the giants and
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warriors but we're worried about the traffic and the large concerts held at the arena we want to thank the commission for providing the podium thank you very much. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners john with the traffic nice to see you all san francisco travel remains whorling in support because of the jobs it will generate and itself activity for san francisco many of you have heard me say before tourism a major driver in san francisco over 16.9 million folks viftsd san francisco and spent $9.2 million every day here in san francisco this support many jobs and contributed $560 million to the
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general fund we know that we are leaving money on the table due to a number of factors one of which the commission support we are addressing and take the opportunity with the moscone project we entered into with a public-private participating now we hear from our major clients there is a tremendous need for space in san francisco one that can host political conferences and one day efforts associated with hotels this addresses it and makes it assessable for our venue users in terms of transportation accessibility that provides bikers and pedestrians with ease pathway to the building and it's proximity to a- it makes it easy for
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public transit we see a number of venues that don't work thankfully month are in other cities but effective assess wants is important for a safe experience the design being offered provides the access points we need this and for those reasons we continue to support the facility and we know that will help to attract the visitors by help make our public-private partnering in moscone more valuable. >> as the next speaker comes up i'll call one more name. >> thank you, commissioners i'm dennis with the diamond consulting and education it's my educational work i've been enjoying for 45 years i'm also for the last 13 years teaching in the public high schools i
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gave a multi media pamphlet one the programs since i have 3 minutes i'll introduce to summarize the information i e-mailed you sent 29 letter a couple of months ago and over the last 57 years i've been providing the warriors and all city officials my proposals i want to remind you the classroom is the heart and soul of my proposal based on this arena professional sports i'm sure you're aware of is a powerful influence for our kids after working in the classrooms for years it is observe the power that sports plays in our kids lives this classroom could be an incredible incentive inspiration
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not only for the warriors and basketball games but multi media and journalism and advertising business even the architecture teams that do those incredible structures and plus as a long time promoter of education in city hall for 35 years it's critical to introduce our kids to the public-private sector relationships this body board of supervisors the mayor's office, all those agencies are revolved in this process to me that is all what i refer to as an educational methodology those sports teams in and of itself are untapped in in my opinion further down the road the bigger picture of my proposal to be a magnet and model for other cities around the countries to
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visit this and their government and business leader and schools and teachers and kids and beyond that cross cultural bringing bridges throughout the america's i've mentioned before in different meetings we have sister relationship in many cities around the world not one in america this is a long term evolutionary process to do all of that but it's critical ancient traditions they've made decision with the future in mind and ask you for the support of this proposal thank you very much thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon commissioner i'm matt the chief executive officer for life nation in california i want to start by thanking the commission for approving the project we've been open for 3 months and have a
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great rapport were our neighbors on knob hill and we'rees static the clients so thank you we'rees static about an arena in warriors in san francisco we look forward to them being in san francisco we emotional task about the world-class venue we've worked closely with the warriors on the design how to make that an incredible venue and special event venue they've got a incredible team in place and taking the right steps we're excited about the venue being in the city thank you very much for your time and is there any additional public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i want to thank the team for
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the presentation today i - it was great to see all the prospectives i agree the public realm this incredible opportunity to provide for space and more sort of wonderful space for us to be in i assume there will be a lot of design refinement going forward and thank you to all the staff and really great to see see a decision being made where it helps both to the importance of that transit connection. >> commissioner moore. >> thank you for your thoughtful presentation i was arena when more people were speaking against it than this room could possibly hold i don't want to dwell on the past i'm impressed from the prospective
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that the setting which occurs has questions but you've well answered i'm happy to say the accumulation of buildings we're dealing with the citing in the way i do and am glad we're finding a way to redefine micro e mission bay the hospital basically of the main mission bay being an institutional viable off accomodation we're having something that can potentially create a new center and focus within a similar looking building the arena about evolve and find it's proper facade and other lemons i thing i'm interested a new office building where the larger hope they've distinguish wvm the architecture of the other
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buildings there's an element of sameness he hope you'll reach that making it - i'm happy about the continuation of the waterfront i'm sure the port will be supportive the mandate of the bay trail and the city's idea of connecting the buildings and have fisherman's wharf all the quasi you're starting to do here speaks to that idea and at the end you'll have to stand to get the same applaud the sales force and the letterhead i look forward to seeing this project. >> commissioner antonini. >> i too am very impressed by the plan it is truly an urban
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facility like many in the past you have a arena surround by a sea of parking and the arena maybe the park in the middle the gathering spates even more than the arena that will be used often but the park and the plans for the food hall and the office buildings and, of course, all the remain use that is in the area will make it a vibrant area all year long and this is very giving to me unfortunately in 1966 san francisco began to lose not only professional basketball but another concerts and thing in the past including we have two political conferences in 66 and other championships only because it was the only possible
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facility in the bay area it wasn't because of the stent of it once the arena of the colosseum was established in the oovldz we are eclipsed by another sites the whole bay area losses if we don't have the most concentration of jobs during the day's and people want to come for other reasons since is they're here that's why facilities are successful as witnessed by at&t park because people want to be in the city they work in the city and it's great to have sporting events and concerts and having all the parking underground is a great step and having the retail sites that will help support the projects but financially to make
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that even better than you know it could have been otherwise that's very good idea and we have a lot of transit that's been pointed out one thing we have to look at it and consider with the environmental piece to have a plan of what we will do for people that drive from the east bay we'll courage people to take transit but which way to have the traffic flow i have less concerns about the south because it is easily address is from the south so for the city at large so i just have a couple of questions we can answer at another 7, 8, 9 about the hours of operation the terrace will be open and i will be interested in hearing assuming the approval process goes as stated what kind
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of a construction period we've looking at and hope to have it concluded and i think it is a wonderful facility in many ways. >> a few questions or comments i think this is a great potential of being a jury trial on the waterfront of san francisco i happy to be i enjoyed the first location thirty 32 it was a great spot great impact on the city's waterfront but it is funny how those things go obviously this changed mission bay there are those really architecturally interesting square box but peer missing the main attraction for mission bay and the city moving further south that is perfect timing i love the idea you have something circular and it will serve mission bay well and the
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cat elective too active the street life i know this is missing and the commissioner lives down there so the activity will bring it i have a couple of questions with the things 0 the left bridge i realize we're in an informational area i see this as a physical pitch point but on a warriors game day how can we manage the plan by both lanes on arrival time and escalators or sidewalks in both distributors i'm curious about the bridge at this point. >> thank you commissioner president wu and director ram peter albert i know we'll have another opportunity to talk about transportation but first of all, when i came to you before about the waterfront assessment the green blue way we
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were looking at that it was actually an easy challenge at mta to look at the site in terms of the connection we've been doing that for a year and a half we're looking at the continuity of the embarcadero project it was underway at mta and separate bicycle investment sort out part of the infrastructure itself working with the street group and part of the combined events and the warriors i don't know if i want to try to talk about the details until we have the if you recall plan conversation but maybe at a later date. >> i think as we go forward the other thing curious if there's a
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thought to the parking space underground on non-event days do 43 they really over and turn into office spaces and serve as double duty with the idea of maximizing our real estate resources. >> thanks for the question jessie with the warriors project as the gentleman said we're proposing to build 9 hundred restraining order parking spaces on site those are two levels below grade a sliver of upgrade parking is concealed so unlike mission bay you'll not see the parking it will serve a doll purpose or multiple purposes frankly the operation mission bay your obligated to park one thousand per square feet so plus
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or minus the parking spaces they're dedicated but especially for those phases i'll august in the evening they're not utilized so they'll be available for public use then we have a dedicated portion of the parking for the arena and, of course, the retail a combination but the resource will be well utilized there is again synergy between the evening users coming to other retail on site it it will be a highly utilized asset and obviously generate a lot of parking taxed for the city to support traffic. >> thank you one of the previous designs you saw of the ferry landing i
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realize it's shallow but i'm sure that's been a consideration. >> rick again high on the priority list a worries about not a reality the concept has been alive for access to the ferry something ucsf and the warriors are absolutely incredibly supportive together this will be a wonderful campus the right place and the sponsors obey talking about the extension he at the end of the 16th street which we think this is logical location for that but we've continue to have discussions it is definitely on our wish list and will be added to the neighborhood and the project union thanks while you are up talk about the idea of maybe the
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multi used for the arena and treating it down for a sizeable event. >> we hope to program the arena on 2 hundred nights or days a year only 50 or so of the events a year will be the warriors the vast majority of other events will be for audience much, much smaller like 18 thousand one thing we've challenged the architects to do (laughter) is create a theatre within the arena that's much better and different in a facility of this type that feels like a separate facility but lighting a large point and the seating configuration that involves walls and ceiling and also involves a different entrance we cut david short in his
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presentation but the entrance will be the theatre center lines that's meant to be our entrance for the theatre he events that will have a different personality in terms of the mralgz for sporting events and we envision about 4 thousand seating capacity the configuration and that will represent a great percentage of the events taking place. >> okay. thank you. >> one more thought sorry i think the images you've seen the helicopter voouz views from the bays are phenomenal and the softness of the arena is great as most people will see this from third street i know the next phase an office building by you'll see a sliver so just give
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a little bit of thought to make sure they are just as beautiful and matching in contrast how you feel about you're riding our bike or walking down third street. >> thank you commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much yeah, i'm very excited about mission bay i like the design thirty 32 but i think this will add to the fabric of the neighborhood much more than thirty 32 with the great design and the southeast is definitely the location definitely exist a lot of my questions are really for the draft eir but i'll ask a couple today a lot of times the eir is did not on whatever the project sponsor says and look at it at the environmental review
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but first a couple of accommodates i know that the architect mentioned he want to community meeting i don't know all the cacs in the city they're the hardest working i try to do what i can i don't see members here by the ocii staff katherine i know you guys work hard as well i go down fourth street a lot i like the orientation of the sites as you go down third or fourth it is rectangle in it's presentation some of the streets are different whatever direction not only left or right. i like the fact there's an orientation on the site
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that's great my questions about the project ii know there's going to be a transportation management plan but i admire peter and all the work i want to ask you a question i notice in the report that we were given for today, the underground parking building didn't max out and allow for the urban building so something that occurred to me a couple years ago we were thinking about even the piers 30-32 site why can't he look at satellite parking facilities like the giant and being able to develop lot a there's not a build parking lot just to have them and so we can look at other areas where there
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are satellite parking lot with the community arena so it this something you guys are caring. >> absolutely, in fact, you'll see in the presentation i want to hear the interesting idea working with the worries for instance, the idea of urging satellite parking using it strategically we interpret the drivers before they get to the heart of the arena by north bay to the north and south bay their intercepted and it helps to balance the traffic you're right there's a tremendous amount of parking resources. >> thank you very much that's definitely i'd love to see in the either in the t mp or the
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eir other thing about obviously again schematics want to make sure that is a project like the giants stadium that will attract large-scale corporate events their letting people in on private tour buses that's fabric fantastic but i want to see where the tour buses have supposed to go and how that impacts circulation and pedestrian but also bicycle and car clarifications that's a question i'll be looking for that in the eir and i expect to see something there and i will just one more thing oh, yeah. this is i guess more for looking at the design for the arena i know that architect and produced team do an excellent job of looking at the arena and the
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open space and it's orientation to more information on the site but you guys kind of answered a little bit of my questions i understand it is definitely considered part of the design and orientation but i'd like to see the voishldz and description especially the boulevard side of the arena month symmetric's say the streets the blue greenway i'd like to see that because that will give people a better opportunity to comment whether or not they think the orientation of that side of the arena works for the greenway and where people are going to jump on and off not sure that rises to the level of something that ed
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