tv [untitled] December 27, 2014 1:00am-1:31am PST
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people sleep on mats and have no showers they are to leave it's a difficult environment part of what may happen done the road is seeing the smaller 40 pesdz but i wanted to say that scott walter's is here. >> i'm the manager of the did you want services in the human services division mr. duh new mentioned part of what we look for the legislation in the san francisco the standard of care tell people wasn't to expect we have a dedicated group of nonprofit people that are fund to operate those shelter and then we have an arbitration process if someone is denied shelter we've built a number of systems and
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courage people to counseling communicate with the shelter first many problems are solved that way a long-standing sort of urban belief about shelter not being safe we may be address older stories we try to look at those we have a system that attempts to respond to my concerns of the people urging our shelter system when we do our up to this point in time count which we'll be doing again in january of 2015 looking people of their couch suffering in a park or in a shelter or
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incarcerated we've lost shelter beds because the providers of shelters said they no longer want to be sherltsd and it's hard for us to find replacements you have to find knows that meet codes this legislation helps to address the fact beven said that well, the entire community needs to be responding to san francisco it's a city and county of san francisco issue and national issue is but our system does attempt to respond to the concerns of people as they come up we also over homeless storage to people that are looking to find better and more expansive space so people don't have to keep all their belonging to them our resource centers help that
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includes showers and meals and mother brown's united you council is a parking lot in that program. >> i've talked with the fire captain he's been good about situations where individuals are brought if with medical problems and after their home as left them their picking up them either for clove induced problems is there a system in place to find the homes for people that need that. >> i should mention that san francisco has a enter departmental homeless team trying to engage people on the street that may not have made use of the facilities and housing as the solution permanent support of housing is the primary response of san
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francisco through the mayor's office of housing and the department of public health and the agency we're trying to expand the housing that's available we currently have 4 thousand units of supportive housing that are inclusively for a person that is homeless and with certain federal programs assessment program that helps being used for the veterans and piloted for the federally fifrntd programs trying to find the homeless that are more responsive our homeless count the total number has not changed but the veterans homeless it is important to note there's a significant reduction in homeless meaning people that are homeless the longest we don't have fence all around our
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shelters people come to the city who were homeless but we're taking the national approved idea to respond to homelessness trying to get those people we're wrapped around supportive services i'm pleased to say that the people in the housing we have 95 stability rate they stay in the housing or move to other stable housing we know it works. >> finally, i assume you've worked with cities best practices i'm not saying they're doing it better but a perception when i travel in other parts of united states and we attend the national and i liefrns conference to meet other people mr. giving you u duh new and my supervisor joyce went to philadelphia to look at their programs if they had has many
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questions but they had examples of things to try and thinking about seeing some of the things we do i'm pleased to say that san francisco city and county invests local dollars in responding to this effort and community across the country that only make obvious use of the federal dollars we'll try to make that a local and national this legislation basically makes it a citywide responsiveness when i appreciate as an added tool to work with. >> thank you want to point out but a mary go is from the department of public health she leads the direct access to the shelter program people that are severely sick with mental illness and such so the building at richmond and
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renée at fulsome first. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much as a quick comment and the property legislation about supportive of it first of all, the addiction the city is in support of housing is the right one i've been to the opening of the baby hill garden and those people their lives have been changed by having homes it's one thing to have a invites shelter but another thing a home my question about the legislation is that my personal opinion whether people say - my question is calling out homeless
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shelters is a definition in the planning code opens up the opportunity for certain neighborhoods or districts to say they don't want that use in their district or particular area i understand the state legislation says that no matter you describe the shelter as it has to be as of right and at least in one district but we've got 11 districts pick one and the other 10 can say theoretically so my question first to staff is moving backwards in the process were there other solutions to the compliance with the state law that was considered up to and including the permanent uses of hotels i'm not suggesting that's the right way by i just want to
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get at the fact and no one said it here i feel last week i'm obligated to say there are neighborhood we've seen it in transitional housing i want to acknowledge that calling out this particular use opens it up to neighborhood that is a we don't want that use in the neighborhood. >> commissioner first of all, it's not a industrial district it's a zoning district. >> zoning. >> it's no a supervisorial district the important fact we currently because of the lack of a dissension that's not a right because hotels for example, are conditional use the solution to create a definition and make it right so neighborhoods can't say we don't want it i mean assuming
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this legislation passes. >> it is not i mean anybody can dr it, of course, bus that's a different question and okay. >> i don't know did you want to add to that. >> as of right means it we just approve it it's not as of right of approving something that didn't require a hearing or didn't require you know more analyze it is something that is approved. >> i understand the approval that we can go through today, the homeless shelters as of right we understand that my question is for certain neighborhoods that feel strongly about it they could then i'm asking the question could they say we want to change it from as a right or to say we don't want it tall. >> it will require legislation to change the legislation it's
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the board it will require legislation to make that happen. >> that's the crux of my question is that unlikely to happen. >> i can see certain areas they're going to say ground water great go to our supervisor or legislator and ask for legislation that immediately changes the right to a cu eir not permit it. >> if i may rarp through the chair we looked at you different options to amend the group housing definition but it's a minimum of a, homeless shelters there are more than more of a thirty day timeline but down to one night we shout out to
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thought it was cleaner to define it so we knew what we were talking about i get what our saying i hope the planning commission wouldn't vote to carve it out from neighbors in the future. >> i wanted to put that concern out there i guess you can't handle the future supervisors or other legislators or people of authority so i guess it is something to have on the record and hopefully it won't be an issue. >> commissioner richards. >> i'll be brief i think mr. walter man and duh new i'm impressed that or with our passion you guys are the right people for the draw with f this
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legislation every neighborhood needs to get to a b or a grade if you give us a d apologize to give you a ball one of the things if our neighborhood supervisor wiener secured funding for that a dedicated outreach team called castro cares i'll courage the supervisors to do and one of the last questions he have on this subject of dr we spent a lengthy hearing if a neighborhood gets these. >> permits. >> that is great. >> i move to adapt the legislation and second. >> commissioners on that motion
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to adapt a recommendation for approval commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner fong and commissioner president wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. >> (clapping.) congratulations. >> commissioners that place you on items 12 a and b at 11 fulsome street this is a conditional use and planned unit development as well as a large project authorization i'd like to remind the commission it hearing has this item has been heard on november 30th and public comment was closed and continued with some correction to the additional outreach we're going to limit the project sponsors presentation to 5
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minutes and any additional public comments to one minute because this item has already been heard >> good afternoon, commissioners relinquish from the depth staff it the conditional use authorization and planned unit development for the proposed project on fulsome street the proposed project requires the confusion for development on a lot and merge of lots that creates a street frontage in the zoning district under the large project authorization and the planning unit we are seeking the modifications for rear yard, open space and dwelling unit exposure and off-street parking as a reminder the project includes the occasion of the
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existing parking lot and one and 2 story building and mrukd building with one hundred and 12 units and ground floor retail apple fulsome street and 3 car parking spaces and bicycle parking spaces as mentioned previously the department has received numerous responses that express supportive given the existing sites conditions and the transit first priorities the department did not support of off-street parking with the specified amazes the department hosted a department meeting if supervisor jane kim's office and planning department staff and the project sponsor and certain members to talk about the improvements and the november 19th memo with the
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policies for new drementd e sdement development mercedes benz members of the public expressed their concerns on fulsome street the community asked for improvements on that street although the community requests can't be accommodated the project sponsor has secondary those position the project sponsor has agreed to the extension the do you believe extension and installation of a raise or high visibility crosswalk along with the walk the project sponsor will maintain the off street loading zone and pending consultation of the city agencies
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in response, the project sponsor will not use a queuing device and agreed to the red zones along the curb cuts allowed that i sfmta along the driveway to provide more space department continues to support of the location of the driveway as proposed as stated with the executive summary and draft motion in addition at that time, street improvements the planning department has looked at the comments and the facade include even though introduction of a side element that meets the planning code section and the refinement of penetration of the exterior the department is in support of thought option for the project after analyzing all aspects of the project the department staff recommendations approval with conditions complies with the planning code requirements the
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project is consistent with the objectives and policies it produces a mixed use retail and significant upgrades like landscaping and the project will add one hundred plus units that concludes my presentation. the project sponsor has prepared a short presentation i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you project sponsor. >> is the screen open please. hello, i'm chris hate land with the architects in san francisco we're here to continue our discussion about 989 reaping street i'll quickly go through this we're at the corner of ralph and fulsome it is a one story bay lighting steer with a large parking lot is split
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zoning between the eastern neighborhood and western selma and the building fingertip is very simple l-shaped building focused towards fulsome street underground floor and residential and the garage entry ramp the last meeting was verbose we'll talk about the architecture this is an elevation prospective at the corner of ralph and fulsome street we begin to look at the architecture we've thought about ralph street and fulsome we think about them having a different altitude fulsome is a larger scale and larger building components trying to pick views from the portion of embarcadero after retail uses other than the ground floor the brick material is supported with a care medic
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tile element it sits next to the windows and the ceramic tile moved back and forth and the on the corner we have a large metal aluminum grid frame and large windows and as mentions we're proposing an extension of that frame-up to 9 top floor there's a series of private terrace with the set back of 15 feet known as to commissioner moore's questions and suggestions about potentially we're a one facade this is a study we've done the element on the right hand we're still proposing to be brick but we've looked at a larger scale element where we stitched the windows together into a horizon more graphic expedition we think
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it gives it a playful facade is something we feel is contemporary but fits within the neighborhood corner element we are proposing with expected frame here the elevation side by side this elevation was submitted osterman we feel tlooik like we like this and want to move forward with the elevation it is appropriate for the neighborhood we look forward to your questions and comments and discussion about that facade. >> looking down ralph streets on the right hand the entry and the block frame elements we've treated ralph's different and brought the buildings down a smaller grain more proposition
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all here's the elevation along ralph the horizon articulation terraces and bay windows on fulsome street and the building is brick similar to fulsome to tie the project together to be more co-hey and holistic we looking for buildings on ralph street the scalze are typical like san francisco lots and trying to interpret that in a camera manner we've looked at the front stoops and creates a in my landscape offer and it's a great improvement to the ralph this is the rear yard we've spent a lot of time looking at the rear yard we have duplicate a good job of articulating that looking at the tree improvement as mentioned we had a meeting
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with the neighbors and hoped the graphics are better or in your screen backing take the do you believe and extend it to 60 feet to one hundred and 25 feet and that will bring it down to our residential lobby there's a rendering we're proposing some sort of enhancement that would be a enhanced painting or a raised crosswalk which will help to discourage people if cutting through the alleys thank you very much. >> thank you well opening it up for public comment once again we'll be limiting public comment to one minute and (calling names). >> if your name has been called feel free to approach the
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podium. >> hello commissioners good afternoon. i'm brendon smekt a homeowner an on ralph street i'm not in favor anymore continuances on this i'm in favor of the they know going through i want to speak on behalf of many of the residents who's main concern at this point is the traffic coming on ralph street and florida this planning mrafrn can get proposed with the raised sidewalk that's great we're open for some other measures that includes the cobblestones mentioned in the package and even further narrowly of the entrance to ralph. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. next speaker. >> my i'm jessica spell your last name generally in favor of the development and happy about the intersection being made safer we're disappointed it the driveway on fulsome has not been cared considered when the last meeting end it sounds like you were asking for that to be considered i'm still not to hear if it's a safe location the intersection is more dangerous at the street so i guess that's all i have to say thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. and. >> i can say we were
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disappointed on the fourth at that meeting not much about the streetscaping i want to strongly urge to within our powers to set the stamp for a larger abduct but we were disappointed i was planned to read out minutes but 5 hours and 52 and 57 minutes of the november 20th meeting commissioners commissioner johnck's and commissioner antonini and commissioner moore were all basically asked i think there was a meeting including the neighbors to talk about the policies for this particular project for more alternatives thank you. >> thank you.
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>> 2 points on behalf of the many neighbors first we've been given inform reason; right why it is on ralph and not on fulsome second the developers have a do you believe on ralph but it's in everyone's interest to put a small plaza there instead of it consumes several parking spaces for no public benefit but the bulb out didn't change the interface we have parked cars and that's two fast where the bulb out doesn't nothing driver location the department staff made it clear the transit issues with flegable and their reason for putting out one less curb cut you have to look at the speed of traffic and putting it on
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fulsome will reduce both of those risks put the driveway on fulsome. >> thank you. (calling names) >> good afternoon, commissioners ralph with the san francisco action coalition speaking on behalf of the one hundred and 40 pedicabs thank you for the opportunity i've spoken in favor of the project i'll speak about the doorway the driveway was on ralph that's the option we support and fulsome street is a busy traffic corridor and it is increasing becoming pedestrian active corridor and could be a 2 way street it doesn't make sense that cars with going in and out of that street everyday we support and enhance the
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streetscape enhancements and please support it with the driveway on fulsome thank you. >> thank you thank you good afternoon, commissioners thank you for listening to all the neighborhood i'm susan i own the building and was the founder of rainwash i voiced last time my option to a driveway on fulsome street the traffic and pedestrians issues the street across from the entrance to the laundromat pass a bib eligible development with they're parking entrance there's no problems i urge you, your destroying parking spaces with the bulb out to reconsider the developers request for more parking spaces because you
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