tv [untitled] December 27, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PST
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>> yes. sxhadz unable to attend due to a meeting and commissioner murphy is out ill approval of minutes informs for the in front of 18, 2014 meeting. >> second. >> all in favor, say i. i opposed abstinence the minutes are approved preservations and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all please be advised the ring of and the use of pagers and similar sund electronic devices are prohibited the chair may
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order of the removal for the use of acele cell phone pager or other sound producing device a member of the public has up to 3 minutes on agenda items unless the port commission adapts a shorter period on any item. >> public comment on items not listed on the agenda anyone wishing to make public comment? seeing none, public comment is clos closed. >> item 6 a executive director reports. >> good afternoon, commissioners and members of the public and port staff thank you for joining us today as the continue important day for all of us in many ways i have a couple of quick items the first is that i'm sure you're aware of back in 2008, the port was the
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varix and e and princess crews made a service for the ships that are two large to traffic versus the panama canal we're happy to report to right now the star princess in dry dock for regularly skelthsd maintenance doc she'll be there for approximately 10 days on december 9th and emerge on december 18th this work is approximately 50 thousand employees hours from trade unions to some very good opportunity for the port and local families the equivalent of 040 full-time jobs it makes crews calls to 0 we've been privileged to have that attendance h attention from the cruise lines and the jane kim r
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herman terminal whops it is complete it will shift to another peer and pick up one thousand crews where a she'll embark on a 16 day hawaiian crews if you want hop on board back on january 3rd and if you miss that opportunity she'll depart on january 3rd a great opportunity and kudos to the varix e and the personnel are here and, of course, the port staff it altogether have a worked collaboratively for years for a position we've privileged to have all the great work unfortunately today commissioner, i have two memoriams to mental illness the first is former port commissioner james which is not
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listed on the agenda commissioner arguing to say was a commissioner until 4992 and served during the mayor agnos administration born in san francisco in 4948 but grew up on the peninsula commissioner goss to say spent his work at the grocery with his and became a co-owner running the market with his brother together they founded companies including restaurants and international trade and eventually he found his ways to way to the port commissioner boostering was here during the time of the 14989 during the earthquake and on whether or not to repair or remove the embarcadero free it was removed so t he's been part
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a legacy we're enjoying and hope to enjoy commissioner boosters was the first ever during the san francisco human rights award for the 0 minority owned businesses and award the maritime award for the commander of distinguished award but it man and woman mad it into his obituaryy we wish him well and thank him for the tremendous service a little bit closer in time to today at the james r crews terminals a memorial service to celebrate the life of jennifer i'm sure you're aware of you know well, she served as the
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director of economic development and workforce and worked for the mayor's office under mayor ed lee and approximately two years ago she took over something called waterfront development and decided to spend full-time working with the board on free mooshth projects the pier 70 and the okay, can development with the giants and the prior warriors pavilion project at pier 32 she was structural in working on the america's cup the 34th america's cup the negotiations ensued for seems like forever she was a big part of that and big part of making sure the event came off without a hitch it was a great success jennifer got her start in san francisco by working on evan
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duffey's board and became an aide which is where i first met her and she served on mayor newsom's office in the office of economic workforce development jennifer is fairly young and two youngest toerjz she had and survived her 13 and beloved friend to all of us public service was her life her father lives in south beach and experiencing along accident embarcadero she took her responsibilities with the port very, very seriously and was a lot of fun she spent time guilty of negligence over the typical fact we have chevy i can't those of you have straight hair you don't think but today is a
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terrible day so we'll we'd be looking at out for our hair and jennifer had a really good senseless of humor her hair in the newspapers were larger and she was agnostic about 3 so today as i mentioned the first name filed a quaker memorial service at pier 27 crewsship terminal they were anticipating many people 4 hundred and 50 attend all age groups family and friends as well her children and others it was a really important memorial so i think it is really significant that the work that jennifer has done at the waterfront bh will live on for her family and a children and generations in her family and i hope we all as we take our walks
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along the waterfront stop and remember jennifer that concludes my remarks. >> thank you. >> also wanted to comment about jennifer as well attended the services this morning i think we ouch do memoriams but we've truly lost a member of the port family as missouri neck said to leave behind a tremendous legacy the crews terminal to help bring america's cup i met jennifer 10 years ago now where she helped to privilege the re(inaudible) power project to the san francisco ethics commission that's how we first became friends there is so many more things around the city that jennifer had her hand in although having heard madeline speak today, i know that
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certainly her real legacy is in two amazing schrn she leaves behind you know the port family will embrace her children as part of our family and please keep them in mind but jennifer was a friend to so many of us who was really more than a colleague she had the incredible ability to go to an issue to see right to who somebody really was and connect with them and as we heard person after person including her children's friend we had that kind of relationship with jennifer that was significant well beyond her work relationship human resources she had the g s c ability to get things done and really lived that and spared us she's a loss for all of us she's one of the
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special ones that gaechld in public service we're so moved so much better off as well as having our friend and she really as done asked us to be better by her words and example so as we continue our work as public servant to keep jen in our hearts and mind as we strive to do that much better again, i want to hope her children realize how significant an impact jen has had on so many of us as well as our waterfront and just a moment have a moment of silence in keeping with the quaker service that jen had earlier today and want to continue that moment to the port meeting today thank you. >> (moment of silence).
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people standing amazing to have that many people to a memorial service and professionals and my acquaintance with jennifer was professional when they took offer as president of the commission we tried to get together and have lunch salesladies with monique i often said something out of respect giving on the opportunity she was also optimistic she said when i talked about a problem i remember the most when she had a tremendous amount of optimistic and didn't let herself get bogged down with the issues and politics that we happen to deal with in the projects she was facing that's the memory that i have of her and it was a very moving service to see so many
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people out there and the city family showed up the supervisors and everybody it was nice to see that and some of the sentiments expressed were genuine in the poems and i guess her sister said we're going to have hope until there's no hope left this is when jennifer passed it was moving i think we'll remember her as it was when she was appointed to be honest the director for the projects we were not sure how the relationship was going to go it was a little bit rocky in the beginning over 7, 8, 9 with her determination and monique working with her and that relationship blossomed and became a full productive relationship it could have begun the other way it itself to her
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credit i think we weren't sure how to read into that relationship it worked very will and sorry she couldn't continue the staff and on that in her shoes everybody is bringing value to the table thank you. >> i agree with everything it's a been said we're going to really miss working with jennifer. >> yeah. >> comment on the executive order report? >> good afternoon, commissioners brad benson i dating back to the america's cup had an opportunity to work with jennifer almost on a dial basis she worked with so many of us throughout the port and i think you've been eloquent about what she meant for the rafting
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waterfront and the city we've heard in the service today she's so smart and such a problem solver and so passionate about working for the city and she did it with grass and witness and caring caring about people and we're all going to miss her so thank you. >> thank you other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item >> item 6 b port commissioners report. >> i don't have anything to report colleagues? any public comment on commissioners report? next item, please. >> items on content 7 a request the authorization to terminate the public trust pursuant to sb 15 and adaptation
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for the environmental quality act relate to the proposed transfer. >> 7 b request authorization to advertiser for the krauks construction bid peer 49 wafer j one sewer that is my understanding replacement and item 7 c request for the authorization to award the construction port security fence project phase 4 to golden gate iron works inc. in the amount of 4 hundred 6 thousand plus and authorization for a contract contestantcy fund of 10 percent of the contract amount or 40 thousand plus for unanticipated consistency needing 4 hundred
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and 46 thousand plus dollars. >> so moved. >> second all in favor, say i. >> i. >> oh, sorry public comment on the content items seeing none, public comment is closed. all in favor, say i. >> i. >> abstinence consent calendar cards. >> item 8 cargo update in conjunction with metro port and the international long shore and warehouse union. >> good afternoon commissioner president katz and commissioners members of the public and my port colleagues i'm jim with the ports maritime division i'm here today to give you an update on the cargo business at peer 80 and the initiative we're talking
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to generate more business at the facility i want to especially thank commissioner adams that is not here for asking us to give this presentation i'll talk about the business briefing at the facility and i'm going to turn it over to our terminal will operator and marketing metro ports we also have members of the long shore i w who will get up with a presentation as well the port of san francisco i'm sure you're aware of handled all the cargo at peers 80 through 96 the bulk business it has been doing particularly well, we're on track to have a record year with our bulk business projected to move up 1.47 million tons that is aggregate sand that goes
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into construction for the bureaucrat for concrete doing local construction market we're working on initiative to build on that bulk business including potentially building a facility at peer 96 and other export products the bulk cargo market on the other hand, is not doing quite as well, it was effective by the downturn 5 years ago it is city-state still yet to recover it is down, however, we're seeing signs and working on initiative that help us in 2013 we'll see some of the volumes return and i think we'll see we not only looking to bring back the cargo in the past but taking innovative strategies to
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revisible peer to find new cargos and create jobs in the facility just to give you a little sense of break cargo i think you're aware it is basically non-generalized cargo that can be loaded into the vessels it was big and bulky break bulk cargo it is the type of cargo we handle at peer 80 peer 80 is to the right of the graft you see in front of you, you at the end of caesar chavez street we're a short distance from both intrastate 80 and u.s. highway 101 we've got egress and ingress it is 55 the illinois street bridge it is about a 69 facility
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agency lots of open lay down space for cargos well sited 4 hundred thousand square feet of coverage space there is 4 dock sites cranes that can augment the ship cranes for loading and unloading cargo and again, we have direct rail access hoping to take advantage we have taken advantage of the trades one and 3 and trying to leverage the foreign trade zone to help us to reverberate the pier as well i want to go through the break cargo and show you the pictures we have at peer the break cargo is steel products like steel talking about you see here pipes rebar structural steel like h
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beams and we have a lot of steel coils for manufacturers things like auto parts or parts for residential homes that sort of thing this picture here shows a graphic of steel pipe and steel coil coming off the ship and the lark working side byed last june or july rather we had two different ships with the parts for the central subway tunneling machine it looked funny when you look at the parts together they bore the tunnel for the central subway in may we have a ship that brought auto equipment from japan we were also loading traditional ate assembly equipment this is part of an
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assembly press that is used in the new x model cross over utility vehicle for next year we brought in the boats this vessel it charging directly into the water from the ship this vessel a chartering vessel that brought in production rather a power plant machinery up north of sacramento and other products we bring in are in mill carts and tormentors and brewery thing we're bringing anchor brewery equipment we have direct rail assess our port san francisco railroad switches and bring in cargo directly from rail
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generated to peer 80 and vice versa i'm sure you're aware of we had a train for america's cup that come into peer tolare and then union pacific railroad is the connection to the freight rail we're working with pacific rail to widened the scope where we serve and deliver cargo and from we're also working jointly with metro ports and have our own advertising campaign to get word out to trade publications and presto let people know about the fall out this is the last add we've been putting in trade publications and placing adds in e e e newsletters and other
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electronic sources and then on a regular regularly attending trade shows that is our booth at the recent break bulk conference in houston we'll be attending the break asia shanghai in march the last two years snadz i'm sure you're aware of joined us in helping us to meet and promote the board we had iou officials go to the conferences as well we partnered with labor and we also annually have a joint customer reception we invite ship persons and companies to meet together we co-host the metro ports again to promote our facilities
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with that, i'd like to go ahead and introduce my colleagues and marketing partners if the metro port that organ peer 80 they'll give you insight first of all, mike is here the chief executive officer of international holding companies the parent company of metro ports and metro crews and then working closely with john allen the director of business development for metro ports i'd like to invite them 80 much to let you know what's on tap here. >> good afternoon commissioner president katz and staff i'm mike the chief executive officer with the holding corporation we're going to discuss 4 aspects
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during the presentation so you'll know how long we've been around and follow with the attributes of peer 80 that are beneficial and go with marketing efforts we're going to be utilizing with the past customers of peer 80 and the business opportunities for potential new customers in peer 80 first exactly who is metro we've been around since 195 it started with the batiste company founded by two danish sea champions in 1973 metro corporation was incorporated and then in 2004 we decided to put a holding corporation in place basically little top holding place we're basically a closely held mostly family held
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organization we're headquarter in wilton california between loech we'll be moving to the city of long beach for the new headquarters around 2015 or 2016 as a whole the company was a west coast company doorknob in los angeles long beach and san francisco up to the late 90s and 2009 we expanded to the northwest and to the gulf to a point we have locations on the east and the golf and the west coast as well as 21 plus port locations in more than 9 states as well in the prince columbia as you can see from the organizational chart the top level i self-mention thero
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