tv [untitled] December 28, 2014 11:30pm-12:01am PST
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me to come in my time and wish you luck it's certainly been a pleasure to serve with you on the board and obviously you've been a wonderful supporter of facility projects we've done so best of luck and best wishes. >> thank you mr. goldie have a question on page two or three on the liz on the end under expenditure by improvements bond 24 i've sort of wondering is it is the amounts are random so we have some for $5 and some for a million dollars and like so how do you - i don't understand the $5 like why would we take $5 out of the fund. >> i can explain that fairly
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easier there were projects on the list in some cases have life spans that go over a year for instance a brand new building or doing some accessibility work or improvements because of a new special needs program in the school as those projects begin and end there are things buyout projects that sometimes drag over from one year to another their mag maybe trailer expenditures for up a 5 directing bill and it's 0 my colleagues job to report them all it looks like we're having a 5 directing project that is the life in construction those things spread out over the years. >> it's. >> $5 if struck me and then a
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million dollars and also the total amount in all sources was $10 it seems like so minor but i guess i should look at the accounting yes thank you very much. >> any other comments or questions from the board i see none i think we're ready for a vote. >> mr. haney ms. maufass pr ms. mendoza-mcdonnell dr. murase. >> ms. norton. >> ms. wynns and president fewer. >> 7 i's. >> thank you very much so we've already done the next two items which one is withdrawn and item n and consent calendar there's none tonight we're ready to item organization to vote on the consent calendar. >> thank you mr. haney ms. maufas percent ms.
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mendoza-mcdonnell. >> yes except on item 1 and 9 i need more information. >> k one and k-9. >> yes. >> thank you dr. murase ms. norton ms. wynns president fewer thank you very much. >> this is item t consent calendar resolutions severed for board any action we don't have any q first reading i see none that is the boards member proposal may i have is a motion and second please for the appropriate use of movies and television in the classroom motion and second please. second. >> the matrix. >> anyone want to second. >> thank you very much 24 will be referred to the curriculum and program committee this is interesting. >> all right. this is board
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members report may i have it report of the committee on december 2nd commissioner murase. >> so on december 2nd the committee as a whole met on one informational item presentation and update occupy african-american achievement and leadership in the sfuftd and executive director of the office of assess and adequately and program manager vasquez present a very competitive report and they've clearly put a lot of time and effort into developing the african-american achievement and leadership initiative we're on the verge of hire a special person to focus on african-american achievement
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it is a work in progress we look forward to hearing updates as the work continues. >> and now may we have a report under the budget and services committee from commissioner norton. >> i previously gave any report on to the report we passed unanimously this evening we heard a really rich presentation i really time to thank you deputy superintendent gerrero for all the information you and the doctor provided on the multi you tiered system of report we're calling someone else we sometimes change the nominations of things we awe briefly but it was a very rich presentation and discussion about how they took us through the components of the discussion budgeted resources are derived and allocated to
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schools we saw the null allocation guide that is really tdr and how the deploy of resources and the liaison and social workers i wanted to request a posting of that on the website a because i think that i'd like to link through it through the textbook people that will be really interested if it we also had a conversation about meeting conflicts we'll not have a meeting meeting in january but on february 4th 2015, and at this point we'll discuss the governor's budget proposal we expect to come up in mid-january that gives the staff time to discuss. >> thank you very much
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we now have a report from the a hock committee commissioner norton. >> the ad hoc committee met last night and we have a rich discussion 6 of us were in attendance and we have a rich discussion about the c tip preference and the simulations of changing the order of preferences and the impact of that we had a discussion about are there other would we add on income qualityer to that the concerns that some of us have is that being used by families that are more advantaged don't need an additional vantage what data what families are choosing it is really there are 9 schools that
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are impacted by the used of the c tip preference overall it might not give any editorial opinion which is we're having quite a modest task so we're all of us came out this is only one small streaming if our overall goal of making sure that we have pools a exists student body as many schools as we can there was some decision about program placement and how we can use that to support the boards school we're going to meet in february and get some responses and further analysis that we requested last night and at the april meeting we're discussing having a panel of experts come
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and talk about how their movrptd our program what are our option to think as broadly as we can about the changes we should make. >> commissioner maufas did you want to talk about. >> curriculum i've made it announcement the last 7 presentations that commissioner haney will take over at the curriculum committee chair and we'll be discussing who will take over maybe commissioner haney instead of the first monday in january an additional day for the curriculum committee meeting maybe you want to talk about that. >> and alternate date just this next january you manner not changing it ongoing gateway because the first is you know -
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and so i will look at it we'll have to look at which folks are available and consult with our new member maybe someone else will be the commissioner elect. >> thank you, president fewer and commissioner haney i appreciate our service. >> and let the staff know. >> thank you very much so i'd like to invite everyone to the swearing in of the school board members that will take place on january 1st, 2015 at tenderloin school at 6 clock we invite all it's a tuesday, january 6th and board members any announcements or other yet reports. >> yes. >> i want to congratulate the
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bio cultural program rosa parks they're going to have performing arts night that will building perform at the gateway auditorium at 6:00 p.m. and the j p d at 7:00 p.m. thank you commissioner maufas. >> and just so one member of the public i wanted to say if anyone wants to come out to viking ills on thursday december 18th from 6 to 89 i'm celebrating all my times on the boards on 21 you must be 21 years old or older sorry students. >> bad time to celebrate and have a good time viking ills is
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on mission and chaerlz seeing no other announcements on behalf of the board of education we want to wish everyone a health insurance and blessed season and report of closed session action that is the read out of december 2nd in the matter of l l r versus san francisco unified school district o h h case numbers the board of education by a vote of 6 ids one absent splenz gives the authority to pay audio tape the spliptd amount and commissioner mendoza-mcdonnell as automobiles approved the "x" pulls of two
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high school students and two other agendas railroad for the most of october 2014 this meeting is adjourned thank you (clapping.) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i think we have more companies anywhere in the united states it's at the amazing statement we're not trying to be flashy or shocking just trying to create something new and original were >> one of the things about the
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conduct our you enter and turn your your back and just so the orchestra. the most contrary composer of this time if you accountability his music you would think he's a camera come important he become ill and it was crazy he at the end of his life and pushed the boundary to think we're not acceptable at this point for sure it had a great influence he was a great influence on the harmonic language on the contemporary up to now. i thought it would be interesting because they have e he was contemporary we use him on this and his life was you
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kill our wife you get poisons all those things are great stories for on opera. i was leaving behind a little bit which those collaborative dancers i was really trying to focus on opera. a friend of mine said well, what would you really want to do i said opera what is it not opera parallel. why isn't it are that i have the support now we can do that. i realized that was something that wasn't being done in san francisco no other organization was doing this as opposed to contemporary we are very blessed
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in san francisco to have organizations well, i thought that was going to be our speciality >> you create a conceptual idea for setting the opera and you spear ahead and work with the other sdierndz to create an overview vision that's the final product felt opera. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i was very inspired to work with him because the way he looked at the key is the way i looked at sports looking at the daily. >> so much our mandate is to try to enter disis particular work there's great dancers and theatre actresses and choirs
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we've worked with and great video artists is a great place to collect and collaborate. i had a model they have a professionally music yes, ma'am assemble and as a student i benefited from being around this professional on and on soccer ball and as a conductor i'd be able to work with them and it's helped my growth i had a dream of having a professional residential on and on soccer ball to be an imperial >> it operates as a laboratory we germ a national the ideas technically and work with activity artists and designers and video all over the on any given project to further the way we tell stories to improve our
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ability to tell stories on stage. that's part of the opera lab >> i was to investigate that aspect of renaissance and new work so that's why this piece it is important it was a renaissance composer. >> there were young people that are not interested in seeing traditional opera and like the quality and it's different it has a story telling quality every little detail is integrated and helps to capture the imagination and that's part of the opera how we can use those colors into the language of today. >> so one of the great things of
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the stories of opera and story combined with opera music it allows people to let go and be entertained and enjoy the music instead of putting on headphones. >> that's what is great about art sometimes everyone loves it because you have to, you know really great you have to have both some people don't like it and some people do we're concerned about that. >> it's about thirty something out there that's risky. you know disliked by someone torn apart and that's the whole point of what we're drying to do >> you never take this for granted you make sure it is the
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best if you can. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hi, i'm lawrence corn field. welcome to building san francisco. we have a special series, stay safe. we're looking at earthquake issues. and today we're going to be talking with a residential building owner about what residential building owners and tenants can and should do before earthquakes and after earthquakes. ♪ ♪
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>> we're here at this wonderful spur exhibit on mission street in san francisco and i have with me today my good friend george. thanks for joining me, george. and george has for a long time owned residential property here in san francisco. and we want to talk about apartment buildings and what the owner's responsibilities might be and what they expect their tenants to do. and let's start by talking a little bit about what owners can do before an earthquake and then maybe after an earthquake. >> well, the first thing, lawrence, would be to get together with your tenants and see if they have earthquake insurance or any renters insurance in place because that's going to be key to protecting them in the event of a quake. >> and renters insurance, there are two kinds of insurance. renters insurance coffers damage to goods and content and
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so forth. earthquake insurance is a separate policy you get after you get renters insurance through the california earthquake authority, very inexpensive. and it helps owners and it helps tenants because it gives relocation costs and it pays their rent. this is a huge impact on building owners. >> it's huge, it really is. you know, a lot of owners don't realize that, you know, when there is an earthquake, their money flow is going to stop. how are they going to pay their mortgages, how are they going to pay their other bills, how are they going to live? >> what else can property owners do in residential rental housing before an earthquake? >> well, the first thing you want to do is get your property assessed. find out what the geology is at your site. get an expert in to look at structural and nonstructural losses. the structural losses, a lot of times, aren't going to be that bad if you prepare. an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. get in there and get your property assessed and figure it out. >> so, what is a nonstructural
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issue that might cause losses? >> well, you know, pipes, for instance. pipes will whip around during an earthquake. and if they're anchored in more numerous locations, that whipping won't cause a breakage that will cause a flood. >> i've heard water damage is a major, major problem after earthquakes actually. >> it is. that's one of the big things. a lot of things falling over, ceilings collapsing. but all of this can be prevented by an expert coming in and assessing where those problem areas and often the fixes are really, really cheap. >> who do you call when you want to have that kind of assessment or evaluation done? >> the structural engineering community is great. we have the structural engineers association of northern california right here in san francisco. they're a wealth of information and resources. >> what kinds of things might you encourage tenants to do besides simply get tenants
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renters insurance and earthquake insurance, what else do you think tenants should do? >> i think it's really important to know if they happen to be in the building where is the safest place for them to go when the shaking starts. if they're out of the building, whats' their continuity plan for connecting with family? they should give their emergency contact information to their resident manager so that the resident manager knows how to get in touch. and have emergency supplies on hand. the tenants should be responsible to have their extra water and flashlights and bandages and know how to use a toilet when there's no sewage and water flows down. and the owners of the building should be proactive in that regard as well. >> so, george, thank you so much for joining us. that was really great. and thanks to spur for hosting us here in this wonderful exhibit. and thank you for joining us
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>> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features.
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>> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here. we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real responsibility to insure that the public's money is used appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really really rewarding to see children and
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families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before. we have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp >> and we are sending a strong message that san francisco families are welcome and we want you to stay. >> this park is open. ♪
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>> sorry for the late start but parking prevented us from having a quorum on time. yes we need more parking commissioner bustos says. this is the regular meeting on community investment and infrastructure the success or agency commission to the san francisco redevelopment agency for tuesday december december 16 2014. madam secretary please call the first item. >> the first is item one roll call. please call your name. all members of the commission are present. the next order of business is item 2 announcements. the next commission meeting will be held on tuesday, january 6th , 2015, and announcement of sound
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