tv [untitled] December 29, 2014 12:30am-1:01am PST
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there will be 7, that are for the hearing-impaired so total there there will be 22 accessible for visual and hearing-impaired and on on the accessible the balance of the units not accessible will be adaptable. >> here's a ground floor layout of block 1 and it shows the parking spaces so for the 122 units there there will be 61 parking spaces available. and then if you noted, off of arelious walker you turn into donner avenue and you make a right into the parking garage so parking garage access is off of donner avenue. here's the
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the rendering looking at block one from the corner of arelious drive and donner avenue similar to the first 2 phases in in that it's the 5 story building there's a combination of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom units. there's there's a garage at the ground level with a landscape podium and at the top of that that at the second level and towards the back of the building off of g street you will have town homes. all of the larger units, the the 3 and 4 bedroom units will be accessible either from the ground level or directly from the podium and this is also the same for phases one and two. i just wanted to kind of pause a little bit on this slide and show you the importance of this corner. again, i don't think it it can be over emphasized that this is the first view people will have when they
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approach the new development so it was very important for us we worked a lot with ocii ocii staff to really get this corner right so the main entrance into block one is on this corner -- i'll show you a little bit more when we actually get to the ground floor slide again and i'll talk about this a little bit more we do have a special material for this particular building with the introduction of bricks to kind of highlight that a little bit more. >> this rendering shows the building as if you are standing at the corner of arelious walker drive and donner avenue so on the on the left-hand side of the slide where you see kind of the buildings going away from you, objection , opposite of that that will be phase one, the block 2 building . >> and then this is a rendering
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of the town homes that go along g street to the back, so g street is parallel to arelious walker drive so we have a combination of the larger units here and then some proposed color schemes. this is an elevation of block one to show you what i just described so the very top elevation standing looking toward carol avenue and as you can see the garage at the ground level above it the landscape court yard and units to the left of the slide are the up the town homes at the front, g street, and to the right you see the the 1 and 2 bedroom flats and just as a
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reminder as for phase 1 and 2-block 1, phase 3 also has washers and dry ers and in the in the 3 and 4 bedroom units and the the 1 and 2 bedroom flats will have access to laundry rooms on every level. >> so we do have a materials board and annabelle is going to pass that around. and just to describe this a little bit more the materials are com parable we'll have stucco and cement boards. those are different and
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the thin brick veneer is also new that we're introducing into phase 3 and i'm going to go ahead and let you pass that around and we're available for more materials questions if you have any at the end of of the presentation. >> it's kind of heavy. be careful. [laughter] so while you are looking at that, just a note on the color scheme. the colors are different. all of the colors for phases 1, 2 and 3 are warm but the proposed colors tend to be a little bit more on the gray and the blue and a little bit of lake a warm orange just so that you are aware of how those are different. obviously, with colors we can continue to work
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on the color scheme and i believe that's one of the conditions in the resolution for approval. so this slide is the ground floor level plan and i just wanted to draw your attention primarily to the upper right-hand corner which is where the office space and the entry is that i kind of briefly discussed in previous rendering slides. this corner is where carol and arelious walker meet and there's a little door kind of like an upside down u or v and that's where people enter into the building. they will have they will be walking into a lobby and there will be some office space available at that ground level as well. the entry way and office space will be
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flanked by accessible units and i'll talk a little bit more about this condition during the variance portion of the presentation. so this floor plan is a plan of the second level on top of the podium building. and some some of the main items that i wanted to point out on this plan are the community room and the lapped the landscaped podium so we worked initially we had a smaller community room at the top of the podium and we worked with ocii to enlarge the community room and also kind of have it become more of a part of the landscaped court yard and so there will be some glass windows and when when i show you the rendering in a couple of slides you will see the visual connection being made between the community room and
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the court yard so it feels kind of more comprehensive and more of a common space rather than separated between spaces. on the on the left-hand side of the landscaped court yard you will see what looks like a little, you know, circle, that actually is where we're proposing to put some play equipment and just some community uses for the residents and additionally, right below the community space is where you will see some tables and chairs for eating so there's going to be a variety of diffuses on this landscaped court yard. this court yard space will be secured only for the residents of this building and their guests. the broader open community space will be provided in phase one, one, block 2 and that's the space
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all residents will have access to including the block one residents. this is a look of the upper level floors which have the 1 the the 1 and 2 bedroom flats, the last floor plan we have in this presentation. the next slide shows the -- what the landscape court yard could look like. again, there's a white one level building and that's the community space and right in front you have a a tot lot area and play area for the residents and a proposed terrace right in front of the community space so connect the eating spaces with the community space. and here are some proposed uses on the on the landscaped court yard. there's some concrete planters dual use for plants and also
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seeding and potentially raised planters and the trellis that networking area and there's some play equipment and fixed seating and this slide shows a proposed plan and most of these plants are native plants and drought drought resistant and they will be easier in terms of allergies and asthma and we have a big commitment to this and our community is really committed to this and getting the plants that are not only visual but an important health aspect to the project. >> this slide shows the existing versus the proposed square footages. it showcases
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the units that are existing right now and what is proposed in terms of the the one bedrooms the 2's and 3's and 4 bedrooms and rather than reading off of this i'd like to globally say in general all of the proposed square footage in the new units are larger than the existing square footages so for example if you take a look at the one bedroom flat the existing is -- and our proposed is 375 you will get a proposed unit size larger than the existing. unit features so some of the unique aspects of the new units are that they will be larger and the bedrooms will also be larger and more closet space in
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the bedrooms. we have efficient floor plans for example the kitchen and living room while it's separate spaces they are also connected to form a great room and i'm going to show you an example slide in the next image and 10 percent of the units are accessible and 90 percent of the units are adaptable and 4 percent of the units are for visual and hearing impairment. here's an existing typical floor plan for a 2 bedroom town i singled out the 2 bedroom towns as an example. if you have more questions on the other unit times they are at the back of the presentation so for this purpose right now i'm going to at a high level review the 2 bedroom existing and proposed unit plans and so for example, here this is a town house, an existing town house, so it's
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not necessarily accessible. the living room and the dining, kitchen area are all separate. there's a small bedroom here on the on the right-hand side of the slide and some small closet space. all of our 2 bedrooms will be flats so all of them will be -- 10 percent will be accessible and the remaining 90 will be adaptable and here you can see on the image to the left at that lower right-hand corner you will see the kitchen and how that flows into the dining room and proceeds up into the living room so this is the great room that i was talking about. i wanted to kind of highlight that that adaptable condition in the units where you see a little dotted circle in the bathroom and the kitchen, that shows you that anyone in a wheelchair can
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make a full rotation in their chair so when we talk about adaptable a visitor can go into the kitchen and bathroom and be able to use them and accessible unit for example on the right of this slide somebody with a physical disability can use every single room or at least the bedroom including their own bedroom in in an accessible unit. >> so there is a variance request for this project. it relates to the d for d grade separation requirements and the d for d requirement ground floor unit have unit elevated above the street so when we're talking about that corner that i had is shown you, , what happens is that you get a
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condition where folks can enter at the ground level but if they actually have a unit right next to that, it has to be 2 to 4 feet above so what this creates is a dynamic of a lot of ups and downs. there is no direct -- if you if you are entering into the building and you want to access your unit from the inside of the building there's up and down there it creates an expansive dynamic and the passive travel -- excuse me -- is not direct. there's some ups and downs and it also creates what we would have to do is put in an elevator with an extra stop just to get to that half level so in order to level that out we're asking for the variance so the people in the people in the accessible units which happen to be the ones next to the entry way we're asking for this variance
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to kind of level it out so that all people, including the people in the people in the accessible units can have a direct path of travel and we don't have a funny dynamic of ups and downs and extra elevator half stop so this slide shows the condition with the variance and here you can see that everything has kind of been leveled off. and that concludes my portion of the presentation. >> thanks. the staff has reviewed the variance request and we found it's appropriate for the site and the candlestick d for d and recommend that that the commission grant this schematic
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design approval. there are a few remaining design issues that will be resolved in subsequent design phases and we include them as conditions of approval. the first 3 conditions of approval focussed on design elements and the last condition pertains to the need for coordination between the alice griffith developer and lenare and a private lane also called midblock break on the 4th site and the verbal is the developer for the design however certain interim improvements are necessary. and so therefore we are seeking to ensure the developers
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coordinate and any plans are subject to oci review. >> in addition to beautiful designs you also and as you can see we have over 90 percent and look at the development to date including blocks 2, 4 and 1 we're looking at over 70 percent of all contracting opportunities. on the workforce site the project also needs to comply with local and federal requirements. and will be executed shortly. for
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block 1 projects between 200 and 250 construction jobs totally approximately 5 thousand labor hours. later this week, on the 18th, the san francisco housing authority will review the location plan talking about eligibility requirements and benefits for public housing residents. and the first residents will be moving into their new units in december 2016. this concludes my presentation and we're available for questions. >> thank you. >> it's a very thorough presentation. thank you. >> i have two speaker cards. >> please call them. ace washington and yolanda lewis. >> good evening commissioners
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and audience. i'm coming from a historical value again and looking at this whole scenario looking at all the players and actually looking at the actual situation we have here. 20 some years ago i got into this game. my two biggest add ad versaries the san francisco housing authority. i know i'm here for a reason. the housing authority has been into reenvisioning and now we call it your current redevelopment agency was demolished by the govern er it's emotional and now we have here coming from the hope program and i was there videotaped all of that. transferred over now, now we
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got the ocii and you are all inter twining and changing these properties. you got the master plan. i know what the master plan is i experienced that in that in the western addition. we got mccormick and i was there request when the tabe rna cle group and the urban strategy. we got all these different programs and all these different entities but what about the residents? what about the tenants? okay you go on and talk about the dda and all these different situations and also talk about every year, every time deadlines that you guys have to appear and the developers have to appear but what about the
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deadlines for us, the residents, the tenants? now, i've been in contact with hud d. it's hud and they ain't budged and the regions down here don't understand. city hall don't understand. there's a few. so you have all these lawyers and new developers and everything is changing but what about the residents and the tenants? ladies and gentlemen, back in the days they didn't have no -- what they call it? a relocation. sued and don't
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get up there and talk about something -- it burns me up i got to sit through all this bs and there's no safeguards, no safeguards until you talk about litigation. >> thank you. >> hi my in hi my name is yolanda lewis and i'm with the black leadership council of san francisco and i'm here to talk about the human rights issue related to the demolition and it says alternatively lenare may use conventional demolition techniques i'd like to know who approved this as an alternative because it's supposed to be what was approved and we know that it says it did not take place and we'd like to look at under what authority are these things taking place? we're talking about all these big
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plans and no one is taking into consideration what's happening to the community and i was born here in san francisco. i speak to my parents often about the differences between racism blatant in california versus louisiana and they would see colored signs and see white signs. in san francisco we watched gent rification take place and we'd like to know where the permits are by the san francisco building departments and we'd like to see the analysis by the air quality board and we know that the community has for more than
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a half a century, been subject to wastewater treatment plants, subject to being the tail of everything that happens in this city. the city of san francisco is notorious -- the war on poverty is being waged against the people rather than in support of the people and not to blindly approve this because we don't believe that the proper authorization has been -- we don't believe this has been approved and we know the environmental impact report has not been done and the community has not been given a voice and this has to stop i'm watching history take place before my very eyes as i see the fiftieth year of the civil
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rights act. 1 generation when i get to go to public places where i don't see a a black sign or colored sign. we know that -- we saw what happened to pg and e and 911 please don't blindly violate or human rights again. thank you. >> we have one more speaker. >> my heart is heavy. i listened to the report. i would like to say when this came before the redevelopment commission and i spoke, i testified at that hearing, when they said that they needed to purchase carol and .
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>> i stated this to you and i gave you a map a week or two ago so the changes that are going on to maps. you know, you can try to rewrite history, but i do history. i've been in bay view hunter's point since 1948 and i know the area and what i see here today is that the act needs to be enforced. . no one, not 1 person. there was a lawsuit that the community did back in in 2011 and the judge ruled against the dd a. now what any of you can do is call me, and i will give you the judge's name and the number -- i didn't bring it
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with me today -- but it was ruled that everything that had occurred, the approval by the city planning department and as well as the board of supervisors was invalid. how about that? first time it was the judge that ruled in my favor knowing that that area is not clean. none of that shipyard is clean. none of the area. we are in -- and i asked you all before. go onto the internet and look up toxic city san francisco and see about all of the toxins in the southeast sector. you shouldn't approve anything here today until you get right information because, you know, i'm going to contact the fbi department to come and check on a lot of these things that's going on i'm going to
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to do that myself thank you very much. >> thank you dr. jackson. do we have any members of the public that would like to address the commission on any of these items? 5 e or 5 f? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner singh? >> i have a couple of questions. this -- 2 million loans what are they talking about about? >> i'll have jeff white respond he knows about the financing. >> the term of the oci loan is 65 years. >> what is the interest rate? >> the interest rate is going to be less than 3 percent. >> less than 2 percent? >> 3 percent. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. i have one more question. about the
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